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3299273 No.3299273 [Reply] [Original]

1890 - 1923 = Christian orthodox holocaust - Killing 50 million Christians.
Leave the past behind us and to look for the future without using history as leverage or guilt.

1933 - 1945 = Jewish holocaust - Killing 6 million in Total.
Milk an Entire chapter of a 12 year Rampage of 1 Nutcase the world was against.

Is it me or is US taking this whole Jew thing a bit far, i mean, you have nearly adopted all of the jewish traditions as everyday american culture using the leniency of the jewish holocaust to actually offend jews as you would blacks.

Its shitting all over the numbers of another religion (US majority: Christianity) that doesnt boast about its death toll. 50% of jews in the world live in the US, the other 50 in israel.

I know i might be a little slow in the conspiracy section but if its obvious to me, someone who doesnt even live in the US, then surely its more proof of US waging wars to secure israel as a jewish nation.

Point is, are jews really this sneaky? I mean, They were kicked out of 50 countries (221 civilisations) throughout 4000 years.
I personally have nothing against them, but when you start to do a little research, its a slap in the face.

>> No.3299287

I just know one thing. Titus, widely considered the most merciful and enlightened of Roman emperors and named "love and delight of the human race", razed the Temple in Jerusalem.

What does that tell you?

>> No.3299292

They're devious and cunning but NOT SCIENCE.

>> No.3299299

I never understood this picture, can someone explain it to me? I know it is about WW1 but I don't understand clanker and darwinist.

>> No.3299308
File: 45 KB, 300x316, 1306794160299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch is the guilt trip of the entire holocaust operation. i mean using a little girl for marketing dis shit man...i guess theres no limits in judaism

>> No.3299314


Darwinist = Allied faction
Clanker = Central Powers faction

The art style makes the Central Powers into mechanical beings fighting the rest, with neutrals looking on.

>> No.3299325

Oh I get it now.

>> No.3299336

Why are Algerians cuttlefish?

>> No.3299390


That even the most enlightened people from that era would be considered vicious, unreasonable assholes by modern standards?

>> No.3299398

No. What it tells us, however, is that you are a Jew.

>> No.3299411

IIRC, Britain, America and the USSR didn't broadcast what Hitler was doing to Jewish people because the level of anti-semitism in Britain, America and the USSR was nearly as high as Nazi Germany.

>> No.3299422

Jews do seem to have a paranoid streak, probably from inbreeding. But ascribing all sorts of Grand Conspiracies to them is equally paranoid.

>> No.3299451

It's actually from a fiction novel about an alternative history with Steampunk.

>> No.3299468


>> No.3299482


>1890 - 1923
>Christian orthodox holocaust
>50 million Christians


>> No.3299496

>widely considered the most merciful and enlightened of Roman emperors

Oh shit nigga, you just went full retard.

>> No.3299514

Jews were always a people that valored education and knowledge.
THat's how they work. It's a cultural, traditional thing.

You'll find plenty of jews where educated people are in general.
Often, with education comes some sort of power...
You notice a higher proportion of jews in places of power or intelligencia for that reason.See how much jewish nobel prized people?
Amongst human beings, some are more evil than others, some are more power driven than others.
Same thing for the jewish (since they are human beings, see?) since power corrupts people, you'll notice many corrupted and vicious human beings, amongst them, a good proportion of people from jewish ascendant......many jews are paranoid (if not all) because "jews are this, jews do that etc" , I don't even need to explain really.

Envy, ressentment, inferiority complex ensues in the local populace (that is less education oriented, hence, less succesful proportionnaly)
Many of these jews see Israel as the only remotely safe place for a jew

No need for a conspiracy, everything is quite ordinary.

>> No.3299817


>> No.3299818

>Jews are more intelligent than whites

Not racist.

>Whites are more intelligent than niggers


>> No.3299828 [DELETED] 

what the fuck does this have to do with science, first it was discussing things bordering science like economics and now this blatant /new/faggotry

I don't care whether you are right or wrong, post it in the relevent forum.

>> No.3299831

what the fuck does this have to do with science, first it was discussing things bordering science like economics and now this blatant /new/faggotry

I don't care whether you are right or wrong, post it in the relevant forum.

>> No.3299834


Well, it's more like;

>jews are more intelligent than whites, whites are more intelligent than blacks; but who gives a fuck?
not racist

>jews are more intelligent than whites, whites are more intelligent than blacks; therefore jews and blacks should fuck off

>> No.3299841

He didn't say anything about Jews being smarter than whites. Just that more Jews are educated and found among the intelligentsia and powerful.

This situation is not super-human or out of the ordinary. Minorities in many places and times, regardless of descent or religion have been in positions of power and influence out-of-proportion to the majority.

Seeing as Jews have never had a homeland to speak of, and they've been more literate, educated and motivated to do something about their situation than the majorities, their historical place is understandable.

>> No.3299846

Actually, he says that jews culturally generally value education a lot.
Not racist.

Whites culturally generally value education more than blacks.
Not racist.

Whites are genetically more intelligent than blacks.

>> No.3299862

Still, you can't make fucking hasty generalizations for an entire minority.

Pride tends to result in logical fallacies.

>> No.3299889

jewish culture values high status. thus, a lot of jews control society in the west. and so holocaust guilt trip is born.

>> No.3299911
File: 57 KB, 1425x625, Jewry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50% of jews in the world live in the US, the other 50 in israel


>> No.3299939

Asians are more intelligent than all 3, and I am ready to embrace the empire of the dragon.

>> No.3299940
File: 60 KB, 1425x625, real jewcount.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your facts straight

>> No.3299945

>2 big green circles in Israel and USA
Oh wow, I was 99% correct and not 100% correct, you sure showed me.

>> No.3299947
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>> No.3299954
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>> No.3299956

>99% correct

that's called be wrong kyle...get used to it. Based on your shitty thread I'd say you're a moron.

>> No.3299958
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>> No.3299961
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>> No.3299968
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>> No.3299986
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>> No.3299991
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>> No.3300021

Go read Prof. Kevin Macdonald's works.
I've seen jews saying he is essentially right in many (not all) of his assertions and theories about the role and power of jews and the dinamics of antisemitism.

There will be always gifted and more powerful minorities. Just learn from their values and/or join them if you want/can... otherwise, fuck off and get used to be under their powerful and constant influence.

>> No.3300027
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>> No.3300033
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>> No.3300041
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>> No.3300094

OP really should study history a bit. Get some of those things ...... books.