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File: 8 KB, 251x251, considerthefollowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3298110 No.3298110 [Reply] [Original]

When we call someone "white", they take no offence
When we call someone a "jew" they take offence
Well because deep inside they are ashamed.

Racism is just a mask people put on to cover up the truth.

and the truth is that some races are better then others.
just take a look at africa and compare it to europe, not even europe, what about china or russia

>> No.3298118

Because white people actually think being called white is a compliment.

>> No.3298126


>>Because white people actually realize being called white is a compliment.


>> No.3298127

OP, you're the reason I browse /sci/ once a month now instead of daily.

checking in. yep, you're still here. leaving.

>> No.3298128

It is indeed.But they are not responsible for that. So you shouldnt insult them.
If i was a black person , i would be ashamed.But it wouldnt affect my life unless a retard insults me. Everybody has flaws.Racism is just like flaws that certain people have in common like skin,religion etc.

>> No.3298131

come on cracka, don't be a fag

>> No.3298146
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>> No.3298150
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>> No.3298158

even though they are assholes, jews are the smartest people on earth, followed by east asians, then scandinavians.

>> No.3298167

when someone call me a whitey, I feel fucking proud.

>> No.3298178

Im not saying anything. Just pointing out a fact.

>> No.3298189


why are you so offended? is it because your black?

>> No.3298191

you're doing a poor job backing it up

>> No.3298196

With any example of name calling, it's in the intention of the person saying it that creates guilt or any sort of reaction.
When my friends call me asian, I laugh because we both have a mutual understanding that race superiority is bullshit.
When someone I don't know calls me a "fucking asian" on the bus, I'll take offense not because I feel that my race is inferior, but because the other person feels so. It's the ignorance that offends me.

>> No.3298199

how so, my point is proven by the way people react to the topic "racism" just like they do in this thread.

racism is bad the majority of people would say
although in animals its totally acceptable.

>> No.3298200

[citiation needed]
dont post wikipedia iq bullshit

>> No.3298211

not op but you're doing a poor job disproving it

>> No.3298216

iseal, east asian, and scandanavian countries are doing better and consistently do better than the rest of the world by all measures. no citation needed

>> No.3298222
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>> No.3298231

u mad?

>> No.3298234

trips so he is automatically right

>> No.3298235


If someone called you white in an all black bar, I bet you might be a little more on the defensive side.

You are a retard OP.

>> No.3298242

explain why majority of blacks live in poverty

>> No.3298244

>implying the race that runs and controls your society (the jews) is inferior to the cattle-like race of white people (I would call them sheep, but they are too stupid and fat to qualify)

>> No.3298249


because you are free to randomly make up statistics to try and prove your point

>> No.3298253


>because whites nslaved them and stole their resources

>> No.3298251

also, you'd think an entire continent that resented by ruled by whites would be doing fine after "freeing" themselves but uh they sorta arent. just sayin

>> No.3298267


"Interracial marriage in the United States has been fully legal in all U.S. states since the 1967"

Yeah....Not even 50 years of equality and your acting all superior?

Trust my OP, every fucking African that I've met are really freaking intelligent. It's just ghetto/socio-economic statuses that are screwing people up. Give it another century or two. After all, we already have our first black president and it's been less than 50 years of "equality".

>> No.3298268
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>> No.3298276
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>> No.3298282

>implying labor isn't a resource

>> No.3298287
File: 104 KB, 558x535, blackmenniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems you have never been to africa, or a ghetto part of town... or even a bad neighbourhood.

you're probably talking about college and working black men. They in no way shape or form represent african niggers as a whole.

they are the very few exceptions amond literally hundreds of millions of degenerates

>> No.3298290

wtf does that have to do with anything. young blacks still more commit crimes per percentage of there race then any other race. what's there excuse? its been forty fucking years for their parents to get their shit together. or should i say grand parents because you know, 40 years is like 3 generations for blacks

>> No.3298292


hi, op here, this man won me over with his well reasoned arguement

>> No.3298295

cool rebuttal bro. i especially loved the part where you had nothing to say affirming my point

>> No.3298325



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>> No.3298327

I know right? thats why russia is in just as bad of shape after the collapse of the soviet union...oh wait, they arent.

>> No.3298335
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>he thinks Africa does not possess a metric fuckton of resources
>he doesn't know about China's huge interest in Africa for it's raw materials

>> No.3298337

actually they are, only two cities, Moscow and St.Petersburg are more or less fine, everywhere else is just poverty, drug abuse, crime and nazis

>> No.3298341

Post war Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea

>> No.3298345


not to mention all the eastern block countries that left russia when the soviet union collapsed and whose primary economic earnings now come from internet scams and child porn

>> No.3298350

>he doesn't think africa has had plenty of time since the eurofags left to get there shit together
>he doesn't think that if other races were in the same predicament those abundant resources wouldn't be put to better use

>> No.3298352

its bad, but nowhere bad as africa. murder rate is 20 per 100,000, 2.5 times less than south africa. and south africa is the "good" country in africa.

>> No.3298353

Fucking reading comprehension. How does it work?

>> No.3298357


>implying eurofags left africa
>he actually thinks there is their

>> No.3298361

>implying eurofags aren't in every country

>> No.3298360

tldr thread, except for the following post:

you're citing wikipedia as a source to talk about crime in russia?!

you almost can't escape from crime in russia. ALL OF THE POLICE ARE CORRUPT. ...well, almost all of them.

for fucks sake.

>> No.3298364
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> eurofags left

>> No.3298365


In Russia, Crime protect you from Police.

>> No.3298367

>When we call someone "white", they take no offense, why?
Because we're the majority, and trying to oppress or be prejudice to the majority is like trying to crush gravel with styrofoam. Plus I don't know any black people that take offense to the word "black," in fact if you call the ones I know "African-Americans" they just look at you like you have an odd sense of grammar.

>When we call someone a "jew" they take offence, why?
Because "Jew" is the political correct demonym.

>> No.3298363

>implying the nature of their departure is relevant
>implying the difference between their and there is relevant

>> No.3298370


>> No.3298371

as I said, crime in Russia is bad. Still, South Africa is worse, and Africa is even worse than South Africa.

And FYI, wikipedia's information is some of the most accurate information on the internet.

>> No.3298372


Whether or not they left is fairly relevant to the claim that they left, but you don't seem like to type to let facts get in the way of your argument.

>> No.3298379

there faggot

>> No.3298386
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>South Africa
>Worse than Africa
>South Africa
The fuck?

Around 50 years is not enough time to build a fucking country, especially with the bullshit they were left with.

>> No.3298389

South Africa (your example) is corrupt as hell,
fighting corruption is almost impossible, you don't just "get shit together", you get killed if you try.

and EVEN if they succeeded in some kind of revolution, they'd be crushed by other parties concerned (e.g. china, europe, US) in days.

having head start is more important than you think, Africa will never catch up with rest of the word.

and african crime rate is high and population is stupid not because of race, but because their countries are corrupt, with poverty and no normal education.

You'd be a nigger too, if you lived there.

>> No.3298391


Eurofags still in the process of leaving on July 09, 2011
>plenty of time to get their shit together

>> No.3298395

>I have a need to feel superior because i suck at life. i'll blame it on black people

>> No.3298398

>50 years isn't enough time to build a country
>see Israel

Also, do you not know that south africa is a country in africa?

>> No.3298400

germany, japan, south korea, the philipines all seems to be able too

also every single fucking african 'nation' has been in turmoil since the eurofags left/got kicked/however the fuck it happened. like i said, you'd think they'd do a better job ruling themselves, but nope, coup after coup, civil war after civil war, invasion after invasion. blacks commits violent crimes in large percentages per population compared to other races in every other country they live in. its only blacks that have that problem

>> No.3298403

>I have a need to believe all races are equal because of my yearly school propaganda seminars...

>> No.3298404

did you even look at the article?

>> No.3298405

You may be right about most people OP, but it isn't an issue that will ever be resolved.

>> No.3298408

>blacks commits violent crimes in large percentages per population compared to other races
also there is 83% chance that Godzilla is real

>> No.3298410

8 million people
>South Africa
50 million
1 billion

Hurr durr if Israel can do it anyone can.

>> No.3298414


You know you are a redneck when....

>> No.3298416

>see Israel
see >>3298389

>> No.3298422

>implying racial slurs directed towards whites have any weight at all

>> No.3298423
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Btw, what do you have against Jamaicans?

>> No.3298424

>hurr durr, isreal is the only example of a successful country created since world war 2
>see south korea, hungary, austria, theres more, and even more if you count countries that went into poverty similar to that of africa after world war 2.

>> No.3298425
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>created since world war 2
>hungary, austria

>> No.3298432

are you serious? austria and hungary aren't even doing bad

>> No.3298436

i've been there. they are rude. they also have high crime rates (big surprise)

>> No.3298456

If you're open minded enough, you'll find there is little, if anything worth taking offense to. I think "African American" sounds like the irl wordfiltered version of the n word.

>> No.3298473

It's not the word, it's the attitude and the meaning a person using the word puts into it.
We all know that many blacks call each other niggers with no offence at all, it's basically their "dude" word.

>> No.3298507

In my opinion the main problem with Africans isn't their race but rather their mentality.
If you give [inser non-African race] a bit of money, they'll immediately buy what they need to survive and make sure it is something they can use multiple times (e.g. fruit with seeds) and make sure to use it to it's fullest. After a while they become self sufficient because they have their own food and even further down the road, the government/economy can provide what is needed.

If you give a but of money to an African race, they immediately buy whatever the fuck they want. This will probably begin with their biological needs but when those are saturated, they'll, instead of making sure they can at least partially provide in their own needs, just wait untill they feel hungry again. In the end they have nothing to help themselves with and no money.
It's probable that they have on average learnt to take or gather from others through this process but whatever.
Also we keep pumping shittons of money in Africa but I wonder how much of it doesn't go straight to an elite few or weapons. We should stop providing them with what they need and start educating them on how they can provide what they need.

I know there are a lot of factors that I didn't adress.

>> No.3298682


>When we call someone "white", they take no offence
>When we call someone a "jew" they take offence
>Well because deep inside they are ashamed.

You know, this sort of "logic" is awfully familiar. OP, do you believe in God?

>> No.3298687


I mean, atheist racists will generally say that "Jews>Oriental Asians>Europeans" etc, but you seem to be more of a Neo-Nazi are a good old fashioned industrial age racist.

>> No.3298773

>hungary, austria
>Austro-Hungarian Empire
>hungary is drowning in shit now

>> No.3298787

>whole V4 is drowning in shit now

>> No.3298940

>We should stop providing them with what they need
>actually thinks he provides someone with something and is responsible for development of his country
if you were living in Africa, you wouldn't be able to do anything about shit around you. Elite few rule the country and decide how much sheep (others) will get. It just happens that your superiors decided to let you live in good conditions, be happy you don't get to live in Africa, India, Russia or whatever.

>> No.3298946

>When we call someone a "jew" they take offence

Nope. Just when you say it like it's an insult.

>> No.3298955
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It's only a select race of jews that are smart. Most of them are ugly and fucking retarded.

>> No.3298959
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> oh noes the elite
> we are powerless
(because our mind is too primitive to arrange an orderly uprising)

>> No.3298964

Jewish is the proper wording. It is like calling a christian a chri

>> No.3299250
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>hurr ima save the world
because you've arranged dozens of uprisings in your life and not just sit on your ass and do your work

>> No.3299357

>Be proud or ashamed of something you've had no control over whatsoever, really /sci/?