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File: 166 KB, 600x450, divine peacock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3296323 No.3296323 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fellow humans, I come here asking for your opinion as to wether no or you think that evolution may have had some kind of external force driving it besides the simple case of natural selection and I will explain why I say you should consider this to be so. Animals live for a long time and as such they will have plenty of opportunities to mate and reproduce given they dont have the obvious hinderances like retardation which would of course eliminate them from the herd what I am saying is that any trait that would make an animal more fit would not be a big deal whatsoever because we see animals in the wild today whos colors and behavior make them stand out to predators and also we see bastard human children who are born blind/deaf and obviously without a soul therefore the whole theory of adapting to the environment goes out the window and as such you must now present a different idea as to why animals change over time. The very possible reason for this is no other than some kind of divine cosmic rays from an all powerful entity who watches from afar and changes the dna structure of animals to his own will. Once you have accepted this to be so you may then be on the way to be so beyond that which is not obilgtaed and where you must not lie with so on to say because of the reasons outlined above.

tldr: present an alternative theory of evolution besides natural selection.

>> No.3296342

We only need alter a theory when the evidence doesn't back it up.

>> No.3296351

>>Doesn't know how periods work.
>>Doesn't know how evolution works.
>>Thinks is qualified to propose an alternative theory.

>> No.3296378

anyone is qualified to propose and alternative theory, thats what science is.

the evidence I presented suggests traits which make a species more adapted to the environment mean nothing, in some cases they make the animal less attractive to the opposite sex

>> No.3296396

>anyone is qualified to propose and alternative theory, thats what science is.
No, you can propose a hypothesis. You cannot propose a "theory" without testing.

>> No.3296398
File: 1.02 MB, 826x738, ,,,_____.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You didn't present any support for your evidence. You said, some mutations result in shitty offspring THEREFORE some divine cosmic entity doneit.

Science does not work this way.

Shitty logic makes for shitty science.

Go away.

>> No.3296403

You really didn't present any evidence. Unless it's hidden somewhere. The only comprehensible point I can see is the "colors and behaviour". And this is generally due to the lack of predators. Peafowl, for instance, have very few natural predators owing to their relative strength, size and ability to fly.

>> No.3296410

lrn2 mutations
and species that stound out to predators (BTW give an example plz) have survived because of other merits or means of defence.. And you do know that a peacock can just fold those massive feathers in... Plz just get a basic grasp on evolution

>> No.3296432

no, I never said that shitty offspring automatically = divnity, what I improposed is that the retarded and disfigured children of the wrld are a result of God punishing the parents because of their sins and lack of faith but thats ok because these children do not have souls and therefore cannot feel pain or ridiculebut thats not what this thread is about this is about the fact that evolution collapses under its own claims.

there is empirical evidence all around you you just will not accept it because the alternative is a situation way out of your control (DIVINE COSMIC RAYS) and hence forth with such situations is brought on with impudence een though you do not like

>> No.3296433

No, you can propose a conjecture.
What you're proposing isn't even a hypothesis if there's no test for it.

>> No.3296455


<--- this

>> No.3296468

> ability to fly

thousands of insects
bioluminescent fish

>> No.3296497

I may have overstated their ability, but they can fly into treetops and such to avoid predators and roost.
Also I should have guessed your were trolling earlier

>> No.3296513

Solved 152 years ago. Try to stay up to date.


>> No.3296526

Why design the RAS and RAF pathways then the way they are?

>> No.3296529
File: 30 KB, 355x342, A stunning anomaly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bioluminescent fish

>> No.3296549

Im fully aware of sxual selection and its essentially the opposite of natural s0election and also proposed by the same guy (lol) you cant say in one chapter that females are attracted to males who are the most fit for their environment and in the next chapter say that females are attracted to males who are most likely to get killed do you not see the hipocrisy here? the Earth is a playground for an entity who has to continually amuse himself and all evidence points to such situation for that which is of course look or what like and any such attempt to dimiss such idea is refutiated with sever punishment of retardation and disfigruement!!

hipsters are the human analogy of animals who dont fit the environment yet manage to reproduce, you sir are the troller.

>> No.3296560
File: 143 KB, 450x477, MargulisCheadR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two words one name
>lynn margulis

>> No.3296570

All posters above me were stupid enough to read that wall of text.


>> No.3296580

>>3296549 say in one chapter that females are attracted to males who are the most fit for their environment

It doesn't say that anywhere.

>> No.3296586

and your ignorant enough to post without knowing the subject matter

10 words: this is what happens when women leave the kitchen

what does cell communication have to do with evolution? thats right your an idiot.

>> No.3296609


Stopped reading there.

>> No.3296624

and, ...commas... for

>> No.3296632

An alternative theory of evolution besides natural selection? Uh, what?

I think you meant to ask for the drivers of evolution. Here's another one: Sexual selection. You're welcome, OP.

>> No.3296646

>10 words: this is what happens when women leave the kitchen
i fell for your troll, read more then come back when you have something useful to say

>> No.3296693

idiot, women have been created for a very specific role and that role is to assist the man if you dont see this you are blind beyond help and are likely one the aformentioned soulless retardations hence darwin is the most successful troll of all time

I know all about sexual selection it is the opposite of evolution see post >>3296549

>sees the truth

what the frick are you reading idiot? I kno that as the proposition follows behind the commas the conjugment hinders the ability to properly construct the thought therefore I simpply use what the elite writers refer to as "flow theory"