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3296027 No.3296027 [Reply] [Original]

that feel like I should be creating something with my programming or math ability.. but I just keep reloading 4chan and not doing anything :/

>> No.3296033

Learn Perl.

>> No.3296041
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I know perl but I'm not talking about learning stuff, I feel like I should create something.. the problem is I have nobody to give it to - so it's impossible to get any motivation.

>> No.3296042

That feel, man...

I know it.

>> No.3296045

I'm here for you OP. You don't know me, but I know you. What would you like me to say to you to motivate you. Would you like to talk about math or programming?

What math interests you?
What types of programming interests you?

Let's motivate you, OP. Positing (hahaha, typo? hmmm....think about that one) on 4chan is fun and a quickly-gratifying experience, but don't you want to make tons of money? Don't you want to solve and determine the results of math questions you have? Don't you want to program something BIG?! Are you afraid of your own criticisms? Something like, "well I can't create that, [everyone/them/they/she/he] will think it's lame/stupid/useless]"? That's just a waste of time, that's just a by-product of my own thought-processes?

C'mon. MOAR you son-of-a-bitch! This is a good thread.

[Sincerely, NOT OP]

>> No.3296050


Create a program using Perl.

>> No.3296058

Show me an example of something you've created in Perl.

Perl is god tier, I will agree, but people boast Pearl like STD-ridden breeders boast penis size.


>> No.3296062
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Do something artistic or creative. Bitches love artistic and creative math and programming.

>> No.3296069

Do not be afraid of who you are. You are very intelligent, and you can instantly think of at least two people that would be baffled by any miracle you could surmise from math/programming.

>> No.3296087
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> What math interests you?

I just had a period of getting really into basic number theory and diophantine equations.. sort of slowed down on that in the last couple of weeks though.

> What types of programming interests you?

Not much anymore, I used to be really into it but I haven't programmed in months.

> don't you want to make tons of money?

not really interested in money, I'll get a job doing something simple when I can't afford what I want.

> Don't you want to solve and determine the results of math questions you have?

I don't really have any big questions that I want to answer, mostly I just want to build up my understanding of certain mathematical objects - this is a life long game so I don't need to rush it.

> Don't you want to program something BIG?!

Not particularly, I could do this to try to impress someone but I don't know who, and I don't think it would help me.

> Are you afraid of your own criticisms? Something like, "well I can't create that, [everyone/them/they/she/he] will think it's lame/stupid/useless]"? That's just a waste of time, that's just a by-product of my own thought-processes?

I don't really care if people are negative about what I do but I don't think anyone would be particularly positive either. It's like I am in a vacuum, there's no use creating anything because there's nobody to see it.


Thanks for the questions, it's sort of helpful to think about these things.

>> No.3296099


>Show me an example of something you've created in Perl.

I made a quality piece of financial monitoring software for a local business.

On a serious note, you could volunteer for a local project? Help out at a school maybe?

>> No.3296111
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>> No.3296127

3296045 here again.

Well, I appreciate you taking the time to answer. You sound like you are young. Perhaps you need to take time away from math/programming. Have you no friends? Have you no social curriculum?

>> No.3296159


Im not trying to imply anything with this post OP.

I read a book written by two M.D.'s involved in neurobiology. It is an interesting read and it might help you find your passion.

The Book is :

You Are Not Your Brain: The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life

By Jeffry M. Schwartz, M.D.


Rebecca Gladding, M.D.

It is just an all around good book for leading a productive life and learning how to ignore negative self talk like : "I feel like I should create something.. the problem is I have nobody to give it to - so it's impossible to get any motivation."

I think you would enjoy it.

inb4: shit storm about the book it is the only self help book I have found that was grounded in science.

>> No.3296176 [DELETED] 
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mfw i have all these ideas and no coding skill.

fuck you all.

>> No.3296182

> Have you no friends?
no.. I used to but I had an episode of depression and isolated myself. Finished uni now but didn't make any new ones in that time.

> Have you no social curriculum?
I don't even know what that is, so no

>> No.3296203


OP you should really read that book I mentioned it helped me through depression.

>> No.3296668
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thank you

>> No.3296709


Yeah, you're just about as worthless as someone who doesn't have any ideas.

>> No.3296722
File: 113 KB, 389x251, LaughingGirls_laptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> anonymously calling people you don't know worthless on the internet

>> No.3296729


Wow, are you from /v/ or something? Fuck off.

>> No.3296737


You must be new here.

>> No.3296753

Software Engineering

The field for you

>> No.3296754
File: 43 KB, 680x360, samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3297356


What about a link man.