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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3293609 No.3293609 [Reply] [Original]

The earth spins at approximately 1,675 km/h (at the equator), right? Right.

So, lets say all at once the earth instantly stopped spinning. And I mean instantly, like, take a fucking car moving at 1,675 km/h and smash it into a fucking indestructible wall. Yeah, that instant. Would everyone on the earth be absolutely fucking destroyed due to the fact that they will still be moving when it stops? Would people at the poles of the earth be okay? Or would the spin so fast that their bodies just blew apart? What about a plane flying at the exact same speed but in opposite directions? Would it continue flying, or drop out of the sky? The fuck?

>> No.3293616
File: 102 KB, 400x576, Indeed I would.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3293617

It would be okay

As long as you're British

Other countries would be fucked though

>> No.3293661


>> No.3293678

What would happen in a impossible scenario?

>> No.3293680

Impossible things

>> No.3293691

If the earth would stop spinning it would suggest that the gravitational pull of the sun would no longer be active/present. We'd all be dead by then most likely.

Here's another scenario: Earth stops spinning, but all is well cause we're XXXX years in the future and we're no longer on Earth, so we're lolling in a different galaxy.

As for a more serious answer, everything should remain the same in theory. When you suddenly stop in your car, other forces act upon the car, such as air-resistance and whatnot.
I shouldn't need to point this out, but there is no air outside of the atmosphere. The air that we have would still be under the atmosphere,
therefore we should all be fine; in theory at least.

Now, imagine a world in which the OP was not a faggot. Would that not just be the greatest? Oh I'm being naive... a guy can dream though, right?

>> No.3293763

this was also posted to /b/.
there where actually more useful posts.
/sci/ is the basement of /b/-

>> No.3294202


Because we expect better posts on here and won't waste our time contemplating an obvious consequence from an impossible situation. Of course /b/ would clamor all over that shit.