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3292746 No.3292746 [Reply] [Original]

>As of October 7, 2009, the odds of an April 13, 2036 impact are considered to be 1 in 250,000.[3][8]

>yfw when it hits

>> No.3292750

When it passes us for the first time we'll be able to see whether it threads the keyhole or not.

If it does, we know we're fucked in 2036.

>> No.3292756

When does it pass us?

>> No.3292757

>please happen

>> No.3292762


It'll pass us in 2029. It cannot collide with us then, but if it passes through a region of space near us about 600km across (they keyhole) then it's sure to hit us when it swings back around.

If it misses that keyhole, it'll miss again and head back off into deep space.

>> No.3292764


Correction: We know the asteroid's course accurately enough now to say that the keyhole is in fact only about 1km wide.

>> No.3292770
File: 102 KB, 400x388, feelsgoodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'll actually be glad to be alive to witness the times leading up to such a huge event in the course of humanity

>> No.3292771
File: 248 KB, 992x527, 2037_Apophis_Path_of_Risk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw it drops in the Pacific and drowns California, Japan, and Singapore world's leading advanced electronic manufacturers

>> No.3292774
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>mfw you died in 2017 in a car accident

>> No.3292775

>Which then gets totally ignored because it got some nuclear power plants wet

>> No.3292779
File: 51 KB, 576x482, 1287483385101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it hits.

Fuck it, now I want to see the world burn.

>> No.3292791

When did you become Mr. Misanthrope?

>> No.3292801

I'm sure if we knew it was going to hit and had some advanced warning we'd be able to execute a course of action that would prevent it from striking us.

>> No.3292802
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>> No.3292810
File: 39 KB, 465x308, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realise fate
>Humanity finally unites against the asshole space rock
>Humanity shits nukes and lasers into it
>mfw space rock is destroyed but Americans missed and blew the moon up in the process

>> No.3292814

Now there's a miscommunication.

>> No.3292816


America would be the least likely to miss. We're the most advanced country on the planet. I know america hate is fashionable but thats just annoying. We'd also probably be the country to solve the problem, i hope if we do we make all the lesser countries pay us tithes.

>> No.3292827
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I've always been relatively misanthropic, only optimistic about the best and brightest pulling the rest of the world along.

Then I realized how tenuous the line between 'society helping me' and 'society killing me' was. I think I'm gonna bunk with Mad Scientist in some relatively deep underwater complex until the tide waters and devastation recede.

Pic partially related: If we can't fix some of the simple ones on there with already-known techniques on treating the problem, perhaps this species doesn't deserve to live into the next century.

>> No.3292845

>tl;dr: wahh i'm a selfish teenage faggot who doesn't know what he is talking about

>> No.3292849
File: 21 KB, 256x256, 1264770288812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waahhh some teenager doesn't like the world and how its run gonna insult him by greentexting a wildly skewed version of what he said

I'm off to play TF2. Enjoy the spamming of 'omfg fuckin teenager lol mods b& him'

>> No.3292854

No wonder you are a newfag who constantly spouts a bunch of memes on his youtube/twitter.

you are a huge fucking faggot and TF2 is dead and only played by retarded epiclulzrandom newfags.

>> No.3292855

faggot faggot

>> No.3292859

Spoiler: It was a joke relating to America's track record of friendly fire

>> No.3292873


What the fuck is friendly about the moon?
Up there, watchin me, judging.