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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 51 KB, 515x337, No_Child_Left_Behind_Act[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3290512 No.3290512 [Reply] [Original]

Would've posted this on /new/, but since they're dead, I guess /sci/ is the next best appropriate place.

You remember how /new/ (and most of 4chan, to be honest) claims that blacks and latinos are the scum of the earth and are complete illiterate retards that have contributed nothing to society? Well, doesn't (in the US, at least), the No Child Left Behind act contribute to that significantly? It tends to reward and punish schools (through tax dollar allocation) based on standardized test scores alone. Inner-city schools that probably had inadequate resources before the law passed have no chance of improving. Since they don't receive as much tax money, they can't buy books. They must focus on teaching for the test, and even that fails because they don't have the resources to teach for the test. So the students are screwed in that they aren't able to learn the proper curriculum for their grade level, AND they can't pass the test. Also, most of the kids don't have good parents or any positive role models. Drug addict mom, drug dealer or non-existent dad, etc. They must choose to either work a menial job and/or commit crimes instead of go to school in order to support themselves and their younger siblings. Since they can't learn shit, the cycle continues.

Am I right or wrong?

>> No.3290572

Bump, because this is a legitimate topic concerning the ability to learn shit.

>> No.3290589

>Would've posted this on /new/, but since they're dead, I guess /sci/ is the next best appropriate place.
You don't really know how to start a good thread.

>> No.3290590

Black hip-hop culture deserves blame for this. They're perpetuating an anti-intellectual, violent, illiterate, boorish, and sexist image to youngsters. The first step would be to ban the hip-hop rap shit.

>> No.3290617

>implying majority of music is not an anti-intellectual

>> No.3290619

I wouldn't say ban it. Just give it less media attention. There's plenty of hip-hop with positive messages and promotes intellectualism. It's just that the media promotes niggerish activity amongst minorities.

Also, freedom of speech.

>> No.3290637

Well here's your problem right here:

>> No.3290640

Vast majority? How are you measuring that, son?

>> No.3290696

wow, that's pretty sad and kind of what you'd expect. Interesting read, people should be aware of the situation.

I'm glad I'm at a top 20 university, so not too many blacks and since I'm a math major, no blacks at all in the department.

>> No.3290697
File: 35 KB, 911x623, racism-sat scores race and income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact poorer people who are more likely to be minority get worse education does probably contribute to their lower success, but it is unlikely to be the root cause as the discrepencies exist after correcting for such factors

>> No.3290755


blacks with the same SAT scores as whites earn x times more. blacks with the same income as whites had worse SAT scores. what is the point of that graph?

>> No.3290763

I've never really heard /new/ hate on blacks or latinos TOO much, they spend most of their time bickering over how Jews are the scum of the earth and how they control absolutely everything and that's the reason none of them have jobs or an education.

>> No.3290773
File: 98 KB, 360x360, sagan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even carl sagan could make those niggers give a fuck about science. fuck em.

>> No.3290778

Topics like this are destroying /sci/. This anti-science racist bullshit DOESN'T BELONG HERE.

>> No.3290793

They hated all non-whites.

How is it racist to discuss how the education system is failing underprivileged kids?

>> No.3290802


Most of this topic explains why. The people here cannot discuss this without yelling "nigger" or coming into the argument already thinking they are better.

>> No.3290804

>coming into the argument thinking they are better
Not like you or anything :/

>> No.3290805

Jews ARE white though, which is why I'm surprised they hate them so much more than blacks.

>> No.3290810

Watch out guys, this thread isn't politically correct enough for the mods.

They banned me for making a thread, not even implying races have different intelligences, but asking why scientists or anyone else can't do studies on intelligence differences without being dismissed as racist.

Enjoy your incoming ban guys.

>> No.3290811

>It tends to reward and punish schools (through tax dollar allocation) based on standardized test scores alone.

The purpose of NCLB is to sabotage the job secuirty of the teacher's union. It forces everyone involved to fire the bad ones for their own protection. You're right that it's very unpleasant.

>Since they don't receive as much tax money, they can't buy books.

>> No.3290812

It seems wherever the jews go in the world, they get chased out shortly after. But that must be a problem with the rest of the world, right? Fuck Palestine, those dirty subhuman arabs deserve it, yes? Well that's most zionist opinions on the matter.

>> No.3290813

>How do I b& evade with all of these dicks in my mouth?

>> No.3290817

the graph showed that if you correct for household income that blacks still score worse on the SAT than other races.

note that the income is the household income of the student, mostly representing the income of the students parents, the way you phrased your question makes me uncertainty of whether you realized this.

>> No.3290819

Zionists /=/ Jews

Also, most religious groups have been discriminated against throughout history, the Jews haven't been discriminated against MORE persay, they just had the pleasure of being the target group in the most recent mass genocide (one that was highly publicized anyway). Christians were hated by the ancient Romans, Muslims have been hated on by practically everyone throughout history (even themselves), the list goes on.

Weird the stormfronters seem to forget that...

>> No.3290820

>Would've posted this on /new/
>post on /sci/ anyway


>> No.3290825

Yeah.... cults. cults everywhere. It's 2011 and most people still believe in an invisible superhero who lives int he sky and pay dues to corrupt hierarchical cult organizations. At least communism got that part right.

>> No.3290837

Grow up. We owe it to the species to scientifically solve the education problem. There are no sacred cows here, anon.

>> No.3290842

Can we actually talk about the education issue guys?

>> No.3290846

Are you right? No shit you're right. No Child Left Behind is very very widely regarded as a tremendous flop. It is a huge plow to education in America and caused schools to cheat and lie to appear better on test scores. Anyone who doesn't think No Child Left Behind wasn't a huge fuck-up is retarded or uninformed. That being said, if you were a /new/ regular, then get the fuck off /sci/, no one wants you here.

>> No.3290850

>let me make a vast generalization about an entire genre of music and subculture that I've experienced little to none of.

>> No.3290851

Sure. I submit the teacher's unions as the major problem with education. Does /sci/ truly understand the problem with the unions? inb4 kneejerk teachers are great, unions must be good also. There is a lot to consider.

For a detailed documentary on the subject, I recommend "Waiting for Superman"

>> No.3290852

Control freak says what?

>> No.3290853
File: 202 KB, 400x356, 1306020829561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2+1 isnt 3


>> No.3290861


oh. ah yes, my mistake. is there a more up-to-date version? also, would you know what would be considered a "mexican american" as mexico is predominantly mestizo and has a large white population.

>> No.3290866

The problem with discussing this type of thing on 4chan is that we have actual storm front members here. They followed us home after we had fun with Hal and their goal is to normalize racism. Unlike our jokes, these retards are actually serious.

They are not very clever. Their entire line of reasoning simply strips blacks of accountability by explaining away their poor choices and shitty culture by declaring them to be inferior.

And of course their pointless antisemitism only helps the actual zionists that DO exist (and not as world-controlling boogeymen, how could they control the world when we installed them as a proxy that was one of many? lol)

>> No.3290868

I'm only going to be in my second year of university next year, but I'm going to teach secondary level math and I've heard a lot of mixed things about unions.I've heard a lot of good and bad about that documentary, but I'll check it out.

You don't happen to teach yourself?

>> No.3290878

That article is scary. I'm so glad I live in England.

I know realise why tge US education system is so bad.

However, why is this still a no-go topic when clearly, people like that teacher who have real hands on experience in these matters get ignored and dismissed as racist?

Races are NOT the same. That article just made it even clearer to me. Not unequal. Just not the same. Why are we so scared to admit it???

>> No.3290880

No, I'm pursuing my degree in microbio. I have fantasies about teaching, but it's mostly the typical white guilt of wanting to go and 'solve' all the inner city problems. Completely unrealistic and juvenile imho. Watch the movie if you get the time, I found it quite eye-opening.

>> No.3290882

I was a /new/ regular, but I avoided the racist shit wherever possible, and posted strictly in political threads. Not all of us were /stormfront/, you know.

>> No.3290883


>> No.3290886

I also now realise you will pick up on my gramatical error and dismiss me as racist.

Clearly I meant 'now'

>> No.3290893

>Implying racism has a place in an integrated society where races share common goals, desires and needs

Maybe a century or more ago racism was a strong survival mechanism but that is quickly loosing validity.

>> No.3290898

for one, you're a naive oldfag only helping to mislead other people
>Unlike our jokes, these retards are actually serious.
for two, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.3290925 [DELETED] 
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implying you're not in a minority

>> No.3290965

Are you retarded?
England and Ireland have the exact equivalent of niggers. This parallel is something people don't seem to understand. Chris Rock explained it as the difference between black people and niggers - it is not a race issue, it never was. It basically boils down to the difference between hard working, productive people and lazy, self entitled people. In England you have the white equivalent: scumbags and chavs, just as we have in Ireland (with the addition of knackers). They're lazy, violent, disruptive, uninteresed in education and betterment and are a general leech on society.

>> No.3290975
File: 2 KB, 210x187, 1274850416340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NCLB. . .forces everyone. . .to fire the bad [teachers]

MY GOD! How sinister!

>> No.3290982

I thought /sci/ was sexist.