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File: 595 KB, 810x1410, 9366fcb34645358e6154ce01caa6e3f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3289825 No.3289825 [Reply] [Original]

>STOCKHOLM – At the "Egalia" preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.

>From the color and placement of toys to the choice of books, every detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into gender stereotypes.STOCKHOLM – At the "Egalia" preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.

>From the color and placement of toys to the choice of books, every detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into gender stereotypes.


So, where do you think this social experiment will end? Will it, in the end, be beneficial to the children?

>> No.3289833

>So, where do you think this social experiment will end?

It will result in Sweden having the most engineering graduates per capita by 2030

>> No.3289842



>> No.3289853


>> No.3289851

Well, as a trap I'm hardly qualified to give an impartial judgement on the subject, am I not?

But I think it's good. Gender stereotypes are something we should try to get rid of.

>> No.3289861

And what makes you idiots think this is the case? Outside your mutual idiocy, that is.

I don't think it will do anything other than confuse the children. There was a case where a boy was born and had his penis fucked up by a circumcision. The parents decided to cut off the penis and raise him as a girl, but instead of taking on the role of a girl, he played with boys toys, showed sexual attraction to women and ended up killing himself at 39.

This is a sick and disturbed experiment that encapsulates everything wrong with the feminist mantra. I hope Apothis comes sooner, cause this world can't die soon enough.

>> No.3289864
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Probably this.

>> No.3289866


>> No.3289889

There is nothing feminist about this.

Look, feminism has won already. Women can do whatever they please, women dressing up in masculine clothes are considered assertive, strong, etcetera. Men dressing up in femenine clothes are given all sort of crap, instead. It's hardly something I can just sit down and accept.

>> No.3289897

I agree, though I don't really give a shit, I hate children. The notion that society expects children to behave according to their gender is a very naive one. Most girls will prefer a doll over a car if presented with both, it's intrinsic. Of course there are girls and boys which deviate but they aren't the majority and they aren't "defective" either. The genders aren't equal and never will be. Ignoring the fact won't change shit, just make you look like a retard.

>> No.3289901

That's an extremely simplistic view, as it only looks at the superficial aspects of feminism's "victory".

Go ahead and keep believing in your fairytale world. It's the only way you drag loving faggots can make it through the day without killing yourselves.

>> No.3289910

I agree entirely with this.

>> No.3289919

Absolute fucking hogwash. I can just imagine the nerdy, demented individual behind this comic, too.

>> No.3289930

>I don't think it will do anything other than confuse the children


>> No.3289943
File: 25 KB, 347x512, Júlia-Pinheiro-BlackWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you're actually saying that conditioning a male to act as a female and giving a male the option to act as he wants are the same thing?

>> No.3289938
File: 28 KB, 600x450, 1264092970341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it will end up with the children playing sexually (think Huxley's Brave New World) with the boys being dominating and the girls submissive. Rendering the staff's efforts futile

>> No.3289937

/sci/ is probably the most homophobic board on 4chan, what did you expect?

>> No.3289951

>implying that's not because of our utter contempt of engineers in general

>> No.3289956

I live in a country where the language has no gender pronouns. Yet we have gender stereotypes and everybody seems to take for granted that men and women are treated differently, have different obligations and are taught different things. I doubt getting rid of just gendered language or colors solves anyhting. The problem isn't in children realizing there are different sexes, it's is in attitudes and preconceptions about genders of the society at large. How are they going to eliminate all the various stereotypes that are prevalent everywhere, and that have a subconscious influence on the kids?

>> No.3289957

>implying Brave New World wasn't just a social criticism of society's tendencies to value sex over every other aspect of life

>> No.3289963


You know nothing about feminism. Feminism WANTS men to be able to wear dresses if they feel like it. Of course there's a lot of hypocritical feminists, (feminists are human, after all) but in the end, gender equality means gender equality. And the fact that only women can wear dresses kind of hurts women too. If women can act like men but men can't act like women, it sort of gives the impression that "acting like a woman" is somehow the lesser option, which doesn't exactly put actual women in a good position.


Apples and oranges. There's a massive difference between raising a boy as a girl and simply avoiding gender specific terms altogether.

And after all, there's a ton of people who were born with a perfectly normal penis and were raised as men and who still ended up killing themselves feeling they were in the wrong body. A person's inner sense of gender identity is a tricky thing.

The problem with the sex reassignment at birth thing is that they're trying to impose a gender identity on someone. Using gender neutral terms to refer to kids is the exact opposite of this. Of course, since most people have a gender identity which matches up with their biological sex, when you try to impose a different identity on them, you're far more likely going to screw with the kid. But that is not what is happening here.

And anyway, we're just talking about some namby pamby pre-school. I highly doubt this will have any effect at all, good or bad. Kids live within a larger society. They know damned well what their sexes are, and they don't need their preschool teachers to reinforce that idea.

>> No.3289964

I don't know what the fucking you're yelling about, but there's documented experience with trying to "program" children the way you support.

If you leave a boy and a girl in a room with toys, 99% of the time the boy will choose the monstrous, actiony and "cool" toys and the girl will choose the barbies, combs, and easy bake ovens. It's a fucking fact you idiotic egalitarians cannot even begin to fathom no matter how dedicated to science and progress you believe you are.

Feminists are fucked up mentally, emotionally and more than likely hormonally and developmentally. No one benefits from a feminist society other than ugly women (of which no one cares for and needs), masculine women and the very top 1% of businessmen who can exploit the employed womens earnings.

>> No.3289976

This isn't some weird April Fool's joke?

This reminds me of this video:


Keep in mind, I'm gay and I think that is fine to tell kids that as a matter of fact. They usually don't care, it rolls off of them and they go back to playing, studying, etc.

But "Gay and Lesbian Pride Day" at an elementary school is. . . weird.

>website is biased, but it's the only one hosting. fuck it.

>> No.3289987

Incidentally, I have always had a sexual fantasy of doing something like that depicted in the picture OP posted to a guy. And I'm male.

>> No.3289991

>implying you can find little boys and girls somewhere that have been brought up in a complete gender vacuum.

>> No.3290001


Nice to see someone on /sci/ who actually understands feminism.

>> No.3289999

>Gender stereotypes are something we should try to get rid of.

No, because that's just a lie. If you don't like being a gender stereotype, don't fucking be one. Lets not do this Orwellian new-speak shit where we eradicate all of the undesirable words and thoughts.

>> No.3289998

The men that killed themselves feeling they were in the wrong body needed psychiatric help and evaluation. Humans are simply animals given self-awareness. If a doctor looked at a man with gender confusion they would likely find some sort of chemical imbalance in the brain, or if a psychiatrist evaluated their history they would find serious developmental impression from their childhood that negatively impacted their psyche.

The argument at the core here is that men are born as men and women as women, and all the stereotypes and perceptions of the genders comes from this, rather than the other way around. This cultural idea is a cancer of society and the sooner its dissolved the better humanity will be for it.

>> No.3290010

> there's documented experience with trying to "program" children

>Really guys there is here look at my sources

oh wait you provided none

>> No.3290025

It's impossible to discuss this kind of subject on /sci/. You will always wind up with retards who claim it's "deviant" and a "mental illness".

Don't waste your time.

>> No.3290026


>> No.3290032

It's impossible to discuss this kind of subject on /sci/. You will always wind up with retards who claim it's "good" and a "eventuality".

Don't waste your time.

>> No.3290035

Why the fuck call it feminism and not just equality then? In my experience, feminism is about equality where it benefits women and maintaining the status quo where they currently have an advantage.

>> No.3290046

oh well wikipedia!

>> No.3290048




>> No.3290062

hey fuck off. being okay with your gender identity is just as important as your sexual orientation. The case about the little boy with the botched circumcision who was forced to be a girl (but felt like a boy his whole life) is a real case. It was the same kind of social engineering crap that ended up with extreme tragedy for everyone involved.

Denying the fact that there is such a thing as gender identity and gender roles IS fucking confusing to children and just as destructive and pointless as denying gays exist.

>> No.3290065

you are wrong if you think Patriarchy hasn't been defeated, also, women still can't do plenty of jobs (lol sub duty, lol ground combat duty), for arbitrary reasons! You are literally retarded.

>> No.3290070


Language rarely makes much sense. A bunch of people came together to fight for the rights of women, and "feminism" seemed like a reasonable name for it at the time. That movement very quickly came to be concerned with gender equality in general, but they didn't want to have to change the name.

>> No.3290067

>If a doctor looked at a man with gender confusion they would likely find some sort of chemical imbalance in the brain, or if a psychiatrist evaluated their history they would find serious developmental impression from their childhood that negatively impacted their psyche.

No. Psychiatrists and psychologists tried for decades and decades to find something that would explain transgenderism away, and to find a simple way to treat it with either drugs or therapy. Turns out there isn't a simple way to treat it, nor is there any simple explanation for it. At this point the leading contender for an explanation is that the development of the gender-specific structures of the brain has gotten mixed up. The white matter of a FtM transsexual is like that of a normal man, even though they have two X chromosomes and appear female otherwise. MtF:s have found to carry a combination of alleles in their sex hormone receptors that are thought to cause the feminization of their brain. There even is a part of the hypothalamus that is of different size in men and women. In transsexuals it corresponds to the sex they identify with.

Like it or not, gender identity seems to have a very strong physical basis in the structure of the brain. It has even been suggested that in the future we might be able to use brain scans to recognize children with gender development abnormalities before they hit puberty and offer treatment that would avoid a great deal of mental suffering and even suicides.

>> No.3290079

You fail to mention that usually transgenderism is a result of imbalances in sex hormones, and is easily treated.

>> No.3290080

Being extremely shit at both is an arbitrary reason?

>> No.3290081

As the person I replied to correctly said, there are hypocritical feminists out there. In my experience, most women know about as little about feminism as most men and will simply try to use it to further their own goals. The ones who are serious about it are mostly a lot better though.

Why is it called feminism? Well, I suppose because the movement was born at a time when women obviously were being discriminated against strongly, and few actually even thought about the areas where men were at a disadvantage. I would say it makes more sense to just be a humanist, but I simply see feminism as the movement in humanism that specifically deals with women's rights issues. It's more effective that way, if one group of people deals mostly with one problem.

>> No.3290091

>Implying that a lifetime of hormone therapy and several surgeries is in any way easy

>> No.3290093

Most ridiculous bullshit I read on /sci/ today. Now that's what I call an achievement. Congrats.

>> No.3290094


What? If by "imbalances in sex hormones" you mean giving them a sex change, then sure. But otherwise, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.3290095

humanism is something .. well humanism is pretty much the philosophy of people, to Humanism which is saying "The basis of morality is MAN not GOD. There is a reason terms are used. God I go away and I see summer has started early.

>> No.3290100

You do realize in Iraq and more so Afghanistan there is no "Combat Zone" per say, which makes the issue of ground combat .. well women are in ground combat every day, hell, all women teams are in Afghanistan, doing human resource roles. In submarines.. well you don't need much to be in a submarine, and even the longest submarine tours are much shorter than fleet times at sea.

Do you know why women shouldn't be on submarines, or are you a random civilian shooting his mouth off about things he doesn't know?

>> No.3290102

Keeping women away from ground combat duty isn't arbitrary. You can call poorly justified, or you can call the reasons incorrect, but don't lie to yourself and say that people who don't want women blown to bits, or who don't think women are the physical peers of male soldiers, just want to deprive women of these wonderful jobs.

I don't hear anybody bitching about how we don't have women represented in equal numbers in the NFL.

>> No.3290113

>Starting in 2012, a small number of female officers will be allowed to serve on submarines.

And that's that.

>> No.3290118

Imbalances in sex hormones as in having too high/low estrogen, androgen, testosterone for one's gender. It is fixed by supplementing with the hormones to get a correct ratio.

>> No.3290122

they are eliminating gender roles and identity and saying it's "eliminating gender stereotypes". They are way biased.

Kids need gender identity and gender roles. It helps them root a sense of self identity, i.e. "I am a boy. I like trucks and shorts. I have short hair. I like to play rough."

What they should be doing is allowing boys and girls to be boys and girls respectively and letting that 1 in 20ish boy or girl who doesn't fit the definition EXACTLY to be themselves too. Like don't correct the boy who would rather play house and don't correct the girl who wants to build and play rough with the boys.

We have gender roles because they feel natural and are a natural expression of human behavior. We shouldn't force those who are different from that the same way we shouldn't frame everything around a small minority.

>> No.3290128

spoilers: women ARE blown to bits , an IED doesn't care who you are, Al Mohammed doesn't care, and if women can't pass the standards for combat PT (Navy minimums for ground combat are what, Good Medium, and that's probationary for Seals.), and women already can do EOD which is pretty much signing up for being blown up to bits. At this point, the excuses are patriarchal and inertial, and as an African American they remind me of "Oh negroes can never serve in the Armed Forces" talk that was in the 40s. All I say is that they should have the chance to. I know plenty of women who can pass the PT standards, no matter what your NERD WOMEN ARE INFERIOR mind thinks.

>> No.3290126

Dude, relax, I get that. But generally, feminism is a value most humanists hold. It doesn't make sense to be a humanist without being for the equality of all humans to me, thus all humanists should in my opinion strive to achieve this. Thus, feminism is a subset of it.

I get that there's feminists outside of humanism too, but I simply said that everyone should be a humanist, and feminism should be a subset of that.

I get that my mentioning of humanism might have been misleading or even inaccurate, should have probably left that out.

>> No.3290133

I always love how feminists point out that they aren't allowed to some of the worst fucking jobs in the world which I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole and DEMAND to be allowed to do them. Seriously, it's just a matter of not having something so you want it even more but as soon as you have it you don't give a shit about it.

>> No.3290145

You don't get it do you. Literally the point is they should have an OPPORTUNITY to take the job. just because you are a fatty nerd doesn't mean that some people wouldn't jump on the chance to change their lives, to reach the next level, etc.

>> No.3290146


Yes, there's obviously a very good reason why professional sports is gender segregated. Men are capable of being much stronger than women. But the military is a very different place and there are many factors that should be pointed out.

1. Being a soldier requires physical strength, but it doesn't require the same sort of brute physical strength as playing professional sports. As such, men have less of an advantage.

2. The strongest men are stronger than the strongest women, but it's entirely possible for a particular woman to be stronger than a particular man. Professional sports is able to be selective and only pick the very strongest. The NFL consists of a handful of teams with a few tens of players on it. The military on the other hand requires a massive number of people in order to execute its operations.

3. Professional sports is just a stupid game. As such, even if there were a few women who managed to be good enough to play with men, it doesn't really matter all that much if they are not allowed to play. To contrast, the military has very real actions. As such, if there are a few women who manage to be exceptional, the military should be able to use them.

>> No.3290147

You're absolutely wrong. I can care less about who gets blown up doing what bomb work, and their gender. They can be gay or lesbian or genderless for all I care. But you're still dead wrong to say that the opposing side doesn't think about reasons, and that these reasons need to be deconstructed (not the members of the opposing side themselves) in order to produce convincing arguments.

I'm fucking glad there are women out there who want to do the work, and if they can, great. That's not what I'm talking about here.

>> No.3290150

Yeah, I know.

I wish someone would force me to stay home and cook instead of having to go to work.

>> No.3290151

>"I am a boy. I like trucks and shorts. I have short hair. I like to play rough."

Short hair for boys but not girls is (at least today) an arbitrary social convention, just like making skirts a piece of clothing only available for girls and women. It's completely needless. Boys and girls are naturally different without us imposing made up differences between the sexes.

Just consider "I'm a boy, so I can't like pink" or "I'm a boy so I'm better at maths" or "I'm a boy so I can't like sewing and must like woodworking". These aren't biological absolutes, they are just something our culture came up with and keeps enforcing. Why limit any gender artificially, instead of letting them be what they feel like being? They're not going to lose their gender-specific traits just because they are free from cultural limitations.

>> No.3290160

I'd love to stay home with the kids and let my wife bring in the cash. Problem is, no fucking woman would ever do that.

>> No.3290162

Is it wrong that the comic turned me on?

>> No.3290169

So when a male has a female gender, you block testosterone and give them estrogen, and for a female with a male gender you give them more testosterone? Sure, that helps to a degree, but it doesn't remove the larger problem, which is that the person will still be seen and treated as a male, and will often have major, possibly even crippling, aversion for their secondary sex characteristics.

>> No.3290168

Those kids are not really growing up in a gender-neutral vacuum. Parents and fellow kids do a really good job of teaching them gender roles and biases outside of that class. Anyone who sees it otherwise is a troll.

>> No.3290176

The opposing side's reasons are looking thinner and thinner every day however, I mean I have pointed out that women are serving in ground combat now, no matter what restrictions Washington attempts, the nature of 21st century war is to ignore lines, and to fight in all places.
So please Anon-kun, explain what the fuck you mean, I'm feeling a little dense today.
Indeed, in my own culture, I see women with short hair as common, and as something normal, social conventions are.. very dangerous and rarely universal (look in America, which has how many smaller subcultures besides WASP stereotypes, which this thread .. reeks of.)

Thank you for pointing all these things about, Friend Anonymous!

>> No.3290179

I think he is actually advocating the opposite. A man is feeling femenine? Fill him up with testosterone!

>> No.3290186

Oh. So he wants them all to commit suicide. I guess that's a solution too... though cyanide pills would be cheaper.

>> No.3290188

>Not forcing children into gender roles is the same as chopping off their dicks and raising them as girls! They'll inevitably kill themselves!
If Gender Roles are natural, the children will fall into them without outside intervention. Furthermore, the case you cited (If it's even true) occurred in a society bent on forcing people into gender roles. The guy would be going through what every FtM transgendered person goes through in society today, and if he wasn't forced into a gender role he didn't belong in, he would have grown up to be a much more mentally healthy person.

>> No.3290195

I have to say, I actually disagree with this, at least partially. "It's just a stupid game" is just the same reasoning as "It's just the jobs no one wants to do". Fuck that. It's still not right.

In my country, Germany, people complain that the women soccer team doesn't get any attention, even when they win the world cup. The problem is that right now, the women league is like a second, amateur league. So black people are better at Basketball. Does that mean there should be a white league, so the poor whiteys get to play too? I can tell you, not a single person in the world would respect Dirk Nowitzky if he played in a white league.

The only reason why I find gender segregation in sports okay is because in sports like soccer, there is a very serious risk of getting injured of you're not as heavily built as the other players. But in most other sports, I don't think there should be gender segregation, if women in sports ever want to be respected.

>> No.3290204

>Feminism WANTS men to be able to wear dresses if they feel like it. Of course there's a lot of hypocritical feminists, (feminists are human, after all) but in the end, gender equality means gender equality.

I am sorry but this is not true.

Feminism was a movement to gain women rights, and while it argued in favor of equal rights, first and foremost it was about women's rights.

Today, Feminism is a twisted beast of what it once was. Feminists are "pro-woman, anti-man" the entire movement has been corrupted by a vocal, fundamentalist minority while those with saner opinions just sit back and do nothing. Feminism is no longer about equal rights for women, it is about MORE rights for women and double standards everywhere.

If you truly care about equal rights, you'd be a fool to call yourself a feminist. We already have a word for the support of equal rights: Egalitarianism, which happens to cover not only men's rights, but women's rights, and the rights of all races too.

There is no reason to support Feminism anymore, not when the movement has become as corrupted as it has, not when you can still support equal rights for all under a different banner without lending support by proxy to the fundamentalists.

>> No.3290210

>"I'm a boy, so I can't like pink" or "I'm a boy so I'm better at maths" or "I'm a boy so I can't like sewing and must like woodworking"

Did I say anything like that? I said affirmative things, not supremacist or negative things. You let boys and girls have their own gender identity. It's good for a boy to like woodworking. It's an employable skill. If he also wants to learn embroidery don't stop him there either. What the fuck is your pointless shit going on about again?

Stopping the use of gender specific terms in language isn't setting children free. It's god damned confusing to them and does them a disservice.

>> No.3290212

Look, all I'm saying is that calling the logic behind something "arbitrary" not only insults the people who hold that particular belief, but actually obstructs the destruction of that belief.

This rebuttal to me is a thought out evaluation of reasons, and is convincing. It didn't say that women are "arbitrarily" left out of the NFL. There's a difference between these things, that's all I'm trying to say. The reason women are kept out of certain jobs in the armed forces just isn't arbitrary; there are real concerns that come from real people. Trivializing that won't create change.

>> No.3290227


Yes, there is a vocal minority which is just plain female supremacist. But the rest of feminism ISN'T just silent. If you get your head out of your ass it's not hard to look up such people. And frankly, abandoning the word feminism just seems to exacerbate things. We need to take the word feminism back, if anything.

And frankly, people (especially on 4chan) have a very distorted view of feminism. A feminist might be reasonable and benign 99% of the time, but if they say one thing that vaguely rubs up against people the wrong way, that's what people will pay attention to.

>> No.3290253

What does /sci/ think abt drugging kids on caffeine at n early age
Any studies on this? I mean it is a psychoactive stimulant

>> No.3290255

Sauce on this comic?

>> No.3290270

Use tineye.com, faggot.

>> No.3290276

On mobile, can't upload pictures bro.

>> No.3290280

>people (especially on 4chan) have a very distorted view of feminism.

That is because the vocal minority isn't told to shut up by the rest of you.

Not surprising because even the people who claim that they're against the ideas of the vocal minority, still support bullshit like forcing a man to pay child support for kids that aren't even his, or forcing child support in situations of statutory rape against a boy.

Feminists and all who support them are fucking liars. You aren't out for fucking equality.

Fuck you.

>> No.3290291

Could you make a better case for 4chan having a distorted view of feminism?

>> No.3290299

Sounds like your problem, not ours.

>> No.3290304

bisexual children everywhere

no honestly, it won't change shit.

>> No.3290318

as far as i see the way in which men are treated in divorce cases and custody cases is where the most gender discrimination occurs, and not at a cultural or social level but at a legal one. a true femnist as described earlier would be outraged by this

>> No.3290357

we all bleed and die the same way I see no difference

>> No.3290359
File: 32 KB, 350x282, billmaherinhiselement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw boys from this school do better than girls and it turns out boys usually do worse than girls due to institutional discrimination that encourages bullying against boys and belittles boys who are academically succesful

>> No.3290360

wow so deep bro

>> No.3290372

We are blind to the fact that our perceptions of gender is really a battle to see which is the better gender when we are all just in the same fish tank swimming and swimming......

>> No.3290375

>boys normally do worse than girls
[citation needed], I thought it was the other way round.

>> No.3290380


No we don't, women can bleed for a week w/o dying.

>> No.3290405

Death by murder and death by natural causes is the same death? Seems terrible.

>> No.3290467

So it's basically a trap farm? I'm OK with this.

>> No.3290481

I'm for reasonable experiments that get us more insight into human universals and social development.

Either way, the environment here is so weakly different from the norm that it probably won't even fuck up any of the kids.

>> No.3290593

OPs' pic always gives me a boner. I know it shouldn't and I should feel bad about it, but I can't help it! ;_;

>> No.3290599

Not usually a whole week. Also, women make extra blood just so they can bleed it out if there isn't a fertilized egg present.

>> No.3290602
File: 258 KB, 300x100, banner-riyo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3291628

In finnish language there's no he or she theres only one word for both genders... we got there before you lulz.

>> No.3291642


This is the best first post I've seen in a while.