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File: 144 KB, 1181x601, religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3289470 No.3289470 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3289487
File: 11 KB, 100x100, copper2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you upset, troll?

Of course Atheism has done nothing good. It is, in fact, the correct choice. However, bad must be done to do the correct thing.

>> No.3289496


>> No.3289508

This all is true.

Atheism is like your 5 year old brother who finds your pr0n stash and some how rationalizes it's His and that you're evil for having it.

>> No.3289514

Go try your shitty troll thread somewhere else, even though /sci/ eats this shit up

>> No.3289516

That blue bar is awful small. Maybe you forgot to take into account the wars, slavery, genocides and conquests based on religion, especially the Catholic Church.

>> No.3289519 [DELETED] 

Nazi-ism? All i've got to say is: "Got mit uns."
Communism is an economic idea and has nothing to do with atheism, nor is the idea of communism responsible for the atrocities commited in communist countries.
Nothing wrong with nihilism.
And people have been racist before Darwin ever proposed his theory of evolution by natural selection. In fact, they used god to justify their racism.

But still, the good or badness of christianity or atheism has nothing to do with the issue: Do you believe in a god or gods, is there enough evidence to believe in a god or gods, and do a god or gods exist?

>> No.3289547

Maybe you think what was recorded in history is more important than the rest of history.

>hint, no one records helping the impoverished or loving thy neighbor in history books.

>> No.3289567

Anyone remember when /sci/ actually had mods?

No, I don't either.

>> No.3289568

you're making the assumptions that people don't have moral qualities without religion, which is a bullshit assumption organized religions have pushed on the rest of the world for as long as they have existed.

religion did not invent the concept "do unto your neighbor as you would have them do to you", but it did take all the credit for it

>> No.3289586

Stop. Just stop. If you want to argue about this, do it somewhere else.

>> No.3289593


>> No.3289600

You're making assumptions that evil is some how outweighed by the 6 billion people currently sitting on this rock.

If religion were really as evil as you claim, we wouldn't be here to debate the matter.

>> No.3289607

No text in OP = auto sage
Also, religion = sage

>> No.3289610

You should know better, tripfag.

>> No.3289666

>Especially the Catholic Church

Yeah, defending Europe from muslim expansion, so evil.

>Catholic Church instant official document condemning slave-trading


Yeah because the muslims so peacefully took "the Holy Land", Northern Africa, Constantinopole and so on and then theyw ere all peaceful after they peacefully took it

Sure is early 20th century gentlemen.

>> No.3289675
File: 10 KB, 350x270, Poeversion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy OP's examination and illumination on the matter. He used alot of words to explain his troll, which deserves so notoriety.

>> No.3289719


Doctrine of two Churches here, just being responsible for literally every major war in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Thank god for that Schism or we wouldn't know that we needed to kill all of the Catholics And/or Protestants for believing in slightly different versions of Jesus!

And as I am a history student, I can in fact cite precedent for this shit. Especially in England. Place was a crapsack excluding those years it managed to stay out of the 30 Years War in the early 1620's and 30's, course that was right before it's own Civil War and Cromwell.

>> No.3289871
File: 19 KB, 449x336, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw atheism is responsible for nazism

are you out of your tiny little mind, or just didn't read your history? how about them catholic priests blessing hitler? how about hitler himself expressing his belief in God in Mein Kampf?

>> No.3289882

For fuck's sake, stop replying to troll threads without saging.

>> No.3289884

Call me a 'tard if you want but what the fuck is meant by "parody"?