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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3289442 No.3289442 [Reply] [Original]

How come so many of you /sci/entists hate on philosophy? Yes, I know it can be a big bundle of circle-jerking hippies but it does not have to be. Science is based on maths, maths is based on logic. With philosophy you can question logic. You can see the building blocks that helped make the building blocks of mathematics. The building blocks of building blocks. That shit is interesting.

>> No.3289462


phi major detected

>> No.3289463

It's because this is /sci/. missingno should create a /phi/ board.

But yes, all knowledge is one, there is a single universe, etc.

>> No.3289472

Science is natural philosophy, that branch which investigates the natural world.

Now, science also works, and is consistent.

>> No.3289473

Actually, I'm not a philosophy major.

So philosophy is not and can not be a science? Please, explain.

>> No.3289475

Science is branch of Philosophy. We don't hate philosophy. We hate "philosophers".

>> No.3289479

Oh god this

>> No.3289488

I personally love philosophy. I get some strange satisfaction when I ponder questions with no real answers.

>> No.3289498
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Don't hate the player, hate the game.

>> No.3289518

So the science is a nice thing, but if you practice it "fuck you"? That doesn't make sense.

>> No.3289549

philosophy literally means '' love for knowledge'', they love the knowledge science produce, that's all they can do

>> No.3289551

did you miss the quotation marks or something?

>> No.3289569

There are a lot of pretentious hipster faggots around trying to quote famous philosophers, same goes for science "huur everything works science has awnsers and not only questions masater race here"

>> No.3289597

Just using quotation marks to back up your ambiguous argument, if one may call it so, doesn't strengthen it in any way. Then stating, "I used quotation marks so I was implying something" doesn't prove a thing.

Yes, as you know I stated in my original post that philosophy can be bad, by including those things, but instead I chose to look at the bright and fascinating side of it, and invited you all to join me.

>> No.3289615
File: 32 KB, 740x308, purity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3289625

What point is this making in relation to philosophy? If you are agreeing with me then philosophy would be more to the right. Not necessarily because it's more pure but because mathematics is applied logic, and logic is applied philosophy.

If you are disagreeing you'll have to explain.

>> No.3289635

The problem is there's too much stoner philsopohy out there. If you stay away from that then yes, there are many interesting questions to ponder and reflect upon.

Similar to mathematics, the most important part is not necessarily the result, but most of the time it is the logical construction of the argument (proof) that enlightens the most. Not many are capable of doing that.

>> No.3289640

Sociology ---------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology

>> No.3289657

Sociology ---------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology ----------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology ----------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology ----------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology ----------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology ----------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology ----------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology ----------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology ----------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology ----------> Psychology ---------> Biology ----------> Chemistry ----------> Physics ----------> Mathematics ----------> Philosophy ---------> Semiotics ---------> Anthropology ----------> Sociology

>> No.3289659

---------> = "is applied"

It's circular, see?

Cyclical. Everything is cyclical.

>> No.3289667
File: 37 KB, 1110x308, excd-economist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3289694


>The problem is there's too much stoner philsopohy out there.

Translation: My knowledge of 'philosophy' consists entirely of talking to faggots on the internet and in highschool.

>> No.3289713

if purity is on the positive x-axis,
on the negative x-axis we find applicability?

So economics is the most useful?

>> No.3289726

If you want to render your irrationality that way, so be it.

>> No.3289732


I find it ridiculously hilarious that the mathematician is female while the psycholohist is male.

>> No.3289738

Or his knowledge of philosophy comes from the fucktards in college that are majoring in philosophy.

Philosophy major != Philosopher

Philosophy itself is interesting. It is those pesky college kids that smoke and drink coffee in between their classes that piss us off.

>> No.3289739

I find it hilarious how you identify genders

>> No.3289747

I don't understand the "psychology is applied biology" part. Says who? xkcd?

Medicine is applied biology. Biotechnology is applied biology.

Biology is a science with real applications. Psychology is shit, old world, "mind" study.

>> No.3289751

>doesn't understand orders of logic

>> No.3289768

I like philosophy, not so much some of the people who major in philosophy though.

>> No.3289791


If you're going to make personifications of sciences, you might as well make them representative.

>> No.3289792

Psychology is the study of human behavior. Human behavior derivative from our environment and DNA etc, which is biology.

>> No.3289798

>Psychology is just applied Biology

>> No.3289826

Name a philosopher that isn't spouting random bullshit hoping one of them is true.
No Descartes allowed.

>> No.3289881

What about the one in my picture?