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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 52 KB, 1022x550, wtf_lichess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3289125 No.3289125 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this? how the hell do cheats work on Lichess??

>> No.3289141

Any other sites like Lichess, but for games like go! instead?

>> No.3289143

the fuck is 'go!'?

>> No.3289145

A game.

>> No.3289152

yeh i guessed that.
found it anyway

>> No.3289155

you continue to live up to my expectation

>> No.3289156

Let her be, not everyone in the world knows about every game.

>> No.3289159

(its a very popular game)

>> No.3289160

>but for games like go! instead?
>games like go!

>> No.3289163


>> No.3289165

>completely legal move
>detected for cheating

>> No.3289167

(I know it is)

'Scuse me?

>> No.3289174
File: 2.00 MB, 250x456, 1308566037969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi EK, you back ?

>> No.3289182

well >141 mentioned it was a game. so you were just sating the obvious and repeating what he said.

he must have been using some software to tamper with it at the same time perhaps...

yeh hi.

>> No.3289186

I'm not 100% on this but I think there is some kind of cheat to force resignations. I have no idea how it works or anything but a friend who plays there quite a bit told me.

>> No.3289187


>> No.3289188

somehow gif images are just sexier. why is this, sci?

>> No.3289191

Oh. Well, you could've missed it.

>> No.3289195
File: 3 KB, 137x143, 1285139416255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you retarded EK?

>> No.3289206

I can't quite wrap my head around Go. Chess is more the way I think.

>> No.3289213

player was anonymous, ergo he has no username and no points to try to accumulate. there is no benefit in cheating to end the game, it would just end the game, resigning would have the same effect.
(a cheat that teleports pawns across the board to capture their queen would be pretty fucking hilarious. i'd love to see their reaction to it.)

>> No.3289214

me 2. another game?

>> No.3289238

Lol at this Teacup retard whiteknighting whenever EK displays her ignorance in a thread. Really Teacup if you weren't under the impression that she was female would you still stand up for her? Retard.

>> No.3289244

I dont need anyone to stand up for me and i didnt even say anything retarded.
new game anyone?

>> No.3289263

>Side with tripfags
>Instantly accused of being a whiteknight

Yeah, no, you non-tripfags are simply arseholes.

>> No.3289269

>think EK is anything but a troll

>> No.3289280

10 minute game:

>> No.3289283

>Think she is.

>> No.3289284
File: 62 KB, 1078x512, chess1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i realised i totally fucked up that 2nd to last move, i lost my rook protection, but lookily that faggot didnt spot it.

>> No.3289289
File: 23 KB, 508x406, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3289300
File: 79 KB, 879x540, sshot-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this butthurt fag.

>> No.3289319


>> No.3289336
File: 80 KB, 932x558, sshot-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, at least EK's a good sport.

>> No.3289340

FUCK YOU. i thought you removed your trip!

>> No.3289343

It was peaceful for a couple of days!

>> No.3289347

sauce ?

>> No.3289362

Reported. This belongs on /tg/

>> No.3289384

yeh i did, some guy impersonated me even with it gone, and then a couple of people called for me to re-use it, and then some faggot posted a photoshopped image where it looked like i was being arrogant and got pwnt by the dunning kreuger effect.

>> No.3289392
File: 157 KB, 461x350, 1307570029911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chalk another one up for me!
i've only lost one game today. Philosopher is pro.

>> No.3289394


>> No.3289401


whoops! Sorry.

>> No.3289413


>accused of whiteknighting
>denies it
>keeps doing it

>> No.3289431

I'm playing black
I'm not a pro -- I was beat twice yesterday.

>> No.3289455

Man I am horrible at chess.

It's funny, because I'm actually fairly good at real-time strategy, and completely dominant on turn based strategy.

Maybe it's too small-scale.

Or maybe I just don't play enough.

>> No.3289458

Black is a fucking noob.

>> No.3289457

i didnt literally mean pro, i just meant a good player.
its a compliment :)

>> No.3289460

Or maybe you just suck at something, mr. perfect

>do you even listen to what you type or how it sounds or do you have too much bravado?

>> No.3289476


>> No.3289481


>> No.3289485

chess is turn based strategy. what other TBS games to you play?

>> No.3289482


That is also likely.

PS: Are you that guys who is always arguing for anarcho-capitalism, or is that another guy?

>> No.3289505


Civilization (IV mostly, V stinks), 4x games, table-top tactical games (Infinity, 40k, fantasy) ,used to play a few TCGs. Board games. I'm fairly good at finding patterns and most optimal outcomes, so I tend to power through friends who aren't as good at seeing the big picture.

My luck however, to put it frankly, sucks. I will roll 4 1s on a d6 when I needed a single 2 to pass something.

>> No.3289513

i'm just a tripfag for today.

>> No.3289523


Ok, I don't hate you then. You're probably cool, as I have no evidence to suggest otherwise.

>> No.3289530


>> No.3289537

>My luck however, to put it frankly, sucks
you do realise that isn't possible? luck is the same for everyone.

>> No.3289553


Oh I'm aware, but probability calculations never seem to even out for me. It's probably just observational bias, but I've learned not to rely on it.