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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 705x300, flat_earth edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3288975 No.3288975 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me this flat earth society are a load of trolls.




>> No.3288983

are they hindu?

>> No.3288984

of which are retards

>> No.3288981

Nope, 4k members is a strong showing.

>> No.3288985

Ever heard of Poe's law?

>> No.3288988

It is?

So that parody "Boycott Portal 2" group I joined with 3000 members was a strong showing?

>> No.3288989


>> No.3288996


>> No.3289002

"Once again, picture in your mind a round world. Now imagine that there are two people on this world, one at each pole. For the person at the top of the world, (the North Pole), gravity is pulling him down, towards the South Pole. But for the person at the South Pole, shouldn't gravity pull him down as well? What keeps our person at the South Pole from falling completely off the face of the "globe"?"
they obviously don't know how gravity works

>> No.3289003

If it were so, it would just be science.

>> No.3289019

well 45% of americans believe the earth is only 10 000 years old

>> No.3289021

How do they explain the fact that the sun is at different heights at mid-day at different latitudes?

I'm actually interested in what they have to say because I'm curious about the psychology behind it.

>> No.3289023


Of course they are.

The trick's to play them at their own game.

>> No.3289027

they have IQ's of 45 and have never had a science lesson

>> No.3289030

/sci/ is the only board that would fail to recognize these people as trolls.

Never change /sci/. You're like an adorable retarded little brother.

>> No.3289031


The sun's only a few thousand miles above the disc, or something silly like that.

I seem to recall something about bendy light as one point as well. Their model's so convoluted, I'm amazed they can still play it with a straight face.

>> No.3289039

well he is posting this on other boards too
its on b as well

>> No.3289040

I think there are some honest ones in there. Something like a 3:1 troll:honest retard ratio.

>> No.3289043

Tripfags are the only posters that would fail to recognize trolls trolling trolls.

Never change tripfaggot. You're like an adorable retarded little brother.

>> No.3289051

Regardless of how true it actually is, it's much funner to pretend they're serious. We get some cheap laughs and derive enjoyment out of a little bit of pretend.
So don't worry about if they're serious or not, what's important is that it's there, waiting to be examined, disected and laughed at.

>> No.3289067
File: 2.29 MB, 3132x2148, 1308617531965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3289068

Okay, go for it. When your done, maybe you should join the organization and play the other side.

>> No.3289076


Ah, the conservpedia constant.

>> No.3290240



>> No.3290244

this flat earth society are a load of trolls.

>> No.3290282

I figure they do us all a service by keeping this shit around so the religious can't pretend the church never promoted this kind of stuff.

It's something else from one generation to the next. Flat earth vs. globularism, geocentrism vs. heliocentrism, demonic possession vs. germ theory, creationism vs evolution, and soon it'll be all about abiogenesis, or souls vs neurobiology, etc.

And none of the religious people in any of those generations recognized that pattern. The ones who accepted a round earth thought they were fully modern and accepting of science, but that evolution going too far. And the ones today who accept evolution are proud of it and think it makes their beliefs fully consonant with science, but deny the implications of neuroscience.

Same shit, different century.

>> No.3290369


No. We are very serious about this. Study the facts on the Website.