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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 364x371, homeopathy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3286688 No.3286688 [Reply] [Original]

Homeopathic general. Also, I am currently studying to be a homeopathic doctor so you can ask me questions about remedies.

>> No.3286696

Can you make meth?

>> No.3286702

Can I ask you a question about why you're becoming a scam artist?

/troll baited

>> No.3286703

How does it feel knowing your entire field is based around fooling the average person and setting back real science.

>> No.3286708

Have fun with your granola rock cereal breakfast patients, OP.

>> No.3286707


>> No.3286713

If you can't make meth, we don't want to hear it. Can you make meth?

>> No.3286710

Why doesn't my tapwater cure ever disease known to man and make me a supergod?

>> No.3286709

Homeopathic medicine is meant to cure people not hurt them. Meth is a byproduct of mainstream allopathic medicine which has a tendency to do more harm than good.

>> No.3286712

I hope you are trolling, but if not.

Why do you feel it is ok to hurt people for money?

>> No.3286720
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>> No.3286721

Typical mainstream consumer capitalist attitudes. You sound like religious nuts who wont accept science because it will destroy their bullshit views.

>> No.3286722

homeopathic. doctor. pick one.

you're not a doctor if you prescribe homeopathic remedies. they are just really expensive water. seriously.

>> No.3286727

Dillusions aren't water they're infused with the essence of the cure. Also, many homeopathic doctors now dilute less so quit trolling.

>> No.3286734

The word you're looking for is "dilutions".

>> No.3286735

most medicines are synthesized from naturally occuring plants, and most original medicine before the 1920s was what we refer to today as "alternative medicine". And a lot of it is hit and miss.

While some or the herbal remedies and 'alternative' medicine does have a deep background of science and study behind it; a lot of this new shit sucks and isn't based in science at all.

I hope a lot of the people on this site KNOW what I'm talking about.

>> No.3286731

'In the context of homeopathy, the term remedy is used to refer to a substance prepared with a particular procedure and intended for treating patients; it is not to be confused with the generally accepted use of the word, which means "a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieves pain".'

>> No.3286730


>> No.3286736


>implying what you do is actually science

Check, please.

>> No.3286740

why can't homeopathy be documented to work?

>> No.3286741

have you even studied your own damn branch? You dilute the thing that causes the problem in water. Then you dilute that water down to a point where there is statistically less than one molecule per batch. What you make is "really expensive water with just water molecules." There's no difference between a homeopathic remedy and distilled water. None what-so-ever.

>> No.3286742

I wish my university offered degrees in being an uneducated non-scientific peon.

>> No.3286746

I think you mean "delusions"

>> No.3286748

most new homeopathic treatments are taking the knowledge that has been unknown to the western world for centuries but have been treating people in the east for centuries so you're incorrect in calling the new treatments bullshit because they are rooted in centuries of practice and refinement.

>> No.3286752

what is a good pain remedy for cuts and scrapes

>> No.3286751


>> No.3286763

Not that long ago in the scheme of things, we'd use complicated religious procedures that were developed over thousands of years to control the weather. Should I go to Africa and do a rain dance?

>> No.3286764

try a salve made of aloe, st. johns wort and comfrey

>> No.3286766
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>> No.3286770

Yes I know.
I also know "real scientists" come up with shitty/deadly drugs every year then their company's lobbyists get their crap ramrodded through the FDA who doesn't issue a recall and pull it from the shelves until there are ten class action lawsuits going on.

>> No.3286771

>most new homeopathic treatments are taking the knowledge that has been unknown to the western world for centuries
>and is still unknown, and not contained in the scientific literature

Fixed that for you, now get the fuck out.

>> No.3286776


>> No.3286778



I have it very bad and I've tried everything. Everything except this. And I only want to know so I can try and really be able to say nothing worked

>> No.3286780
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Oh boy. Here we go.

>> No.3286793

>complicated religious procedures

Yeah like stop fucking everything that crosses your path and wash yourself in running water, have a dedicated area for your sewage.
Damn cavemen and their backwards antics.

>> No.3286805

What I'm referring to is the wide field of study and research and herbal medical science that was abandoned in western medicine with the emergence of the study of synthetic medicines. A drug is a drug, if it comes from Pfizer or if it comes from a bush in your backyard. I'm not saying that we should embrace everything that is 'alternative' or 'herbal' medicine, but seriously regard the science that is behind it as a serious study. That's all. Drug companies don't have a monopoly on science, even it seems so with all these parrots repeating the same spiel over and over again because it's proper scientific manners.

>> No.3286806

Alright skeptics, I know it's your job to deny things until you have enough "evidence", so perhaps you can watch this video and reconsider your views? It's a scientific explanation of the principles of homeopathy.


>> No.3286803

Eat Indian neem once a day and you'll see it getting better in no time.

>> No.3286811

You beat me to it you fucker.

>> No.3286815

Ok fair enough. Is there somewhere to find such vegetation?

>> No.3286823
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, MUWHAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homeopathic doctor

>> No.3286836

It's available at all health food stores.

>> No.3286846

I was wondering when somebody would post that.

Where did she get her doctorate anyway?

>> No.3286850


I've seen this before, and it's still bullshit even now. Still can't find any science.

>> No.3286855

Mail-order catalog.

>> No.3286857

>>3286805 Here

After looking at this guy's video >>3286806
I'd like to say that the type of shit the OP endorses is fucking bullshit. The fucking woman in the video can't even get Stephen Hawking's name right.

God damn, she's one of these fucking con people who run shit like pyramid schemes dazzling people with scientific terms. Even though I have some faith in magic and the paranormal, this woman doesn't even know what she's talking about.

Science is a serious undertaking that requires laborious study. If you can't put that type of grit into your work, even if you are studying magic, you should never expect to be taken seriously. You can't just spend two hours skimming the basics of what Einstein and Hawking are all about.

>> No.3286867
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While I'm busting my ass in a university and writing papers? I'm sure Doctor should be a legally protected term.

>> No.3286871

thanks to the general privatizing of American colleges; nope.

>> No.3286875

XD "if mass equals zero then energy=speed of light"
so according to her 0*C=C

>> No.3286890

Dear OP:

Can you find a homeopathic cure/treatment for genetic diseases such as muscular dystrophy, sickle cell anemia, and cancer?

If not, please get the fuck out. Gene therapy will rule this century (or the next century, at least).

>> No.3286893

>You can't just spend two hours skimming the basics of what Einstein and Hawking are all about

Well, you can. The trouble is that she didn't even do that.

>> No.3286908

So we can all be genetically modified slaves for rich people? No thanks.

>> No.3286919
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>> No.3286923

>herpderp I watched GATTACA and Repo!, dem darn genetics is evil!

Do you seriously want to endure a lifetime of having to give charity money to Geri's Kids? Gene therapy is the highest form of preventative medicine, you peon.

>> No.3286945

this thread is so meta

>> No.3286963
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Pic related

>> No.3287018

>Hurr durr genetic manipulation automatically means dystopia and slavery.

>> No.3287029

Best fucking video on youtube.

>> No.3287083


Wow, Scoobie Doo symbolizing the "Candle in the Dark" of Science. That's a brilliant analogy.

>> No.3287135

>I also know "real scientists" come up with shitty/deadly drugs every year then their company's lobbyists get their crap ramrodded through the FDA who doesn't issue a recall and pull it from the shelves until there are ten class action lawsuits going on.
Yes, it's so much better to make a product that does nothing other than enrich yourself with money from sick people who can't afford to get treated with real medicine and your water at the same time. After all, if you do nothing, you aren't actively killing people - just passively killing them by con artistry. I don't care if you believe in it - you're a con man, and should feel bad.

>> No.3287155

I have terminal cancer.

What now, waterfag.

>> No.3287203
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Whilst where at it, I'm getting a Ph.D in Alchemy.

>> No.3287211

Science will heal you my son, oh wait no it won't.
In fact it probably caused your cancer.

Suck that you naive college fucks.
Our technological "advancements" are what's destroying us and most of the other advanced lifeforms on this planet.
Hopefully our great savior... science, will save us from our great destroyer ....science.

>> No.3287226


Nice way to pretend to be someone who believes in homeopathy, that's exactly what they'd say.

>> No.3287230

>homeopathic doctor

They have PhDs for homepathy?

>> No.3287249

Listen doc I got a terrible problem. My neighbors fucking cat is always fucking like a cheap pussy every damn night. I've shot this bastard. I've ran over it with my car. I've kicked it. Hell I even fed it chocolate mixed with dead rat meat. Nothing will kill this bastard cat. But I know that it's down to only a few lives vs the whole 9 ya know.

So my question is what can I mix up that will ensure that fucking slut cat dies?

Sincerely Sleepless in Seattle

>> No.3287297


That's -all- they have, and you don't need any education to get the degree.

>> No.3287303

> As a homeopathist, I never tried to improve the world, just consume its resources and feed off human misery. You have cancer? Give me all your money while listening to me bash those who try to help you with evidence-based methods.
Go kill yourself.

>> No.3287428

Lowest of the low. Scam artists are scum, people who prey on the weak/ill are scum, people who abuse things that look like science, but aren't, are scum... But you are all three. Please go prepare a fire, and die in it.

>> No.3287448

Let me see if I understand homeopathy correctly.

If you are retarded, you just need to take in a diluted solution of retardedness, so you can cure your retardedness, am I correct?

>> No.3287449

worse that young-earth creationists

>> No.3287593

>>I'm a homeopathy person
>>picture of a mortar and pestle

... what?
no, you are not, if you really did believe in that shit and were not a troll, you would consider such things as a mortar and pestle allopathic, since it's used for grinding up shit you swallow, not extracting a atom and dropping it into a pool of water the size of the solar system.

>> No.3287625

Seriously? You are the biggest troll.

>> No.3287654

Poorly disguised troll is poorly disguised

>> No.3287661

i like how people always say "fail troll is fail" after around 70-200 posts, but say "successful troll is successful" after 0-5 posts.

>> No.3287662

Homeopathy may have once, emphasis on once to make it clear it's completely pseudo-scientific nowadays, had a basis in a possible cure for allergies whereby the sufferer was given tiny doses of the substance they are allergic to, too little to give them a serious reaction, which is then increased very slightly every day for a year.

>> No.3287710
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>Homeopathic doctor

You mean homeo-pathetic

>> No.3287714

the only effectiveness in homeopathy is the placebo effect, at best.

>> No.3287766

It helps with imagined and psychological diseases.
Well you see if you just imagine being sick then an imagined remedy will cure you.

I know a girl who takes homoeopathic medicine to help her with her sweaty palms.

>> No.3289077


homosex medicine is wrong

>> No.3289081

>Homeopathic doctor

>> No.3289083

Astrology major ftw

>> No.3289087

Fully qualified homeopath here, do you prefer NLP or Hypnotism as a useful treatment for excess equity on the body?

>> No.3289414

I prefer Jesus and not your voodoo.

>> No.3289438

So you prefer someone else's voodoo. Good to know.

>> No.3289447

What the fuck is she saying? She's just going from topic to topic and not saying anything.

>> No.3289480

futurama puts it perfectly
>Civil Defense Van: Calling all scientists! Calling all scientists! Be advised that there will be a worldwide conference on global warming in Kyoto, Japan.
Homeopathic Doctor: I have a degree in homeopathic medicine.
Civil Defense Van: You've got a degree in baloney!

>> No.3289489

LOL'd. Thanks!

I remove excess equity with tetrahydrocannibinol inhalants. Works great.

>> No.3289494

>Alternative medicine.
>So-called because it doesn't work.
Otherwise it'd be widely-accepted western medicine.


>> No.3289504

OP may be a troll, but check out this video of James Randi explaining homeopathy. He's a great speaker, and very funny.


>> No.3289507
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I remove excess everything... with leeches.

>> No.3290178

Awesome. I prefer low DHMO on carbohydrate buckyballs, but it's more of a legal thing than anything else.