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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 400x400, HORGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3283428 No.3283428 [Reply] [Original]

Such delusions of grandeur - such empty hubris.

Who do you fools think you are, to hope that Humanity has some shining future, full of scientific progress, humanitarianism, and exploration?

You walk each day through life with your eyes closed to the cold, hard truth of your coming demise, and the insurmountable, crushing pointlessness of your soon-to-be-ended existence.

Consciousness is a fluke of chance - ephemeral and pointless, and as living beings, we all occupy a void of life and power hungry to devour us at the earliest opportunity - an emptiness that cannot be denied.

So have your fun, naive children - I'll be sneering at you, when your world ends in flames.

>> No.3283443
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Y u mad bro?

>> No.3283461
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Because hatred is the only feeling worth feeling.

>> No.3283509
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To see where it's all going......


>> No.3283697
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You may elect to act as though you don't take these things seriously - but we both know you're a liar. Just the fact that you strive so hard at nothing proves the state of denial and fear you live in.

It's like you think all the vigor of your hard work will keep you vital - let you cling to life. And perhaps, to a degree, this is true... you may delay your coming end an hour, a day, maybe even years... but in the end, your body will tire, and the deep, hungry cold of death will steal you away, and consign you to oblivion, as will it consume all those who may briefly recall your name.

You will be forgotten.

>> No.3283721
File: 202 KB, 864x648, glass-palace-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever finish in a cervical quintux?>>3283428

You'll instantly change your perspective.

>> No.3283881
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Have you ever watched an old man die? It's a truly fascinating thing. The senile genius, plaque caked brain too weak to recall its own name or the vagaries of basic speech... The strong man, muscles gone soft as water, skin sagging in folds, flesh stinking of the waste it can no longer expel. The veteran warrior, blank eyes staring up at you, hollow and wasted, recalling nothing of glory, or valor, or even pain.... bereft, as you and I will soon be.

Have you ever really watched people die like that? Its amazing to behold how alone a person can be, when the tired machine of their body begins to still. They hardly hear or see the relations crowding around them - as if the family, and not they themselves, were living ghosts.

Revel in your fucking, in empty words, in meaningless achievements, but never forget that when history turns the page, your name wont be written on the next, and everything you have ever striven for will have been for naught.

>> No.3283887

OP is also gay.

>> No.3283929

>Implying that he is not human too and will die just like the rest of us which means he won't be sneering or watching anyone die in flames because his ass will be right under those flames too.

{insert maniacal laughter}

>> No.3283947
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Feelings are faggotry

>> No.3283949
File: 82 KB, 680x452, pic-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP's merely a repressed teenager feeling an extreme need to rebellion, until you realize this is not a philosophy board/get an urge to grow up - please stay the fuck out of /sci/. Not science, reported.

>> No.3284266
File: 76 KB, 371x400, Keep of Kalessin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is your world because you have a vested emotional interest in this doomed rock.

It is not my world - the world I was meant for is long dead, since Abrahamic religion taught man to venerate the weak and disdain might, pride, and thought - since gunpowder gave rule to the peasant and the coward, and stopped natural selection dead.

This is your festering hell-hole - mine is already dead.

>> No.3284294

so what's stopping you from killing yourself OP?

>> No.3284354
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Because the strong will choose what rises from the ashes of the Oil age, when your house of paper money comes crumbling down.

>> No.3284382

Until then, the strong will drive rusted out 20 year old minivans and show up 4 minutes late for their shift at the fry grill.

>> No.3284544


>> No.3284602
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>> No.3284641


>implying you lived in the middle ages

Sorry bro, you are where you are, DEAL WITH IT. Denial gets you nowhere.
Just because your "spirit" resonates with another age doesn't mean you "reincarnated" or something, faggot.

>> No.3284669
File: 88 KB, 800x600, MonsterLS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. The strong will live on the edge of society, channeling and feeding off of its vices. The strong often live lives of relative comfort or finery - they are not content to work only for another man's betterment.

>> No.3284711 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 640x424, frostbite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no reincarnation. Death is final. I am simply a creature imbued with the physicality, heritage, and disposition for a time and place when men were not the working slaves of jews, bankers, and politicians.

It is the cancerous mentality of the willing slave that is the true progeny of Christianity - its secret legacy. It once enslaved you with fear for your 'immortal soul', and now, in its absence, you are left with only a hollow, confused fear of your own irrelevance that you thinly gloss over with false half-purposes, leading yourself with one carrot on a stick after the other to your meaningless grave.

Your desire to rebuke me and condemn me--instead of addressing the validity of my words--is yet more evidence of their truth and your guilt.

You are a feeble think - a bundle of lies, fears, and pretense. You know it as well as I do, don't you?

Deep down you do.

>> No.3284735


>and disposition for a time and place when men were not the working slaves of jews, bankers, and politicians.

Let's see...
History says that's at least over 6000 years ago. How do you have records of such places? I'd like to see them. I'd really like to have more detail about ancient Uruk or Sumer.

>Deep down you do.

Do not assume that refutation is identical to "denial".

>> No.3284740
File: 120 KB, 640x424, frostbite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no reincarnation. Death is final. I am simply a creature imbued with the physicality, heritage, and disposition for a time and place when men were not the working slaves of jews, bankers, and politicians.

It is the cancerous mentality of the willing slave that is the true progeny of Christianity - its secret legacy. It once enslaved you with fear for your 'immortal soul', and now, in its absence, you are left with only a hollow, confused fear of your own irrelevance that you thinly gloss over with false half-purposes, leading yourself with one carrot on a stick after the other to your meaningless grave.

Your desire to rebuke me and condemn me--instead of addressing the validity of my words--is yet more evidence of their truth and your guilt.

You are a feeble thing - a bundle of lies, fears, and pretense. You know it as well as I do, don't you?

Deep down you do.

>> No.3284756


>Your desire to rebuke me and condemn me--instead of addressing the validity of my words--is yet more evidence of their truth and your guilt.

Circular logic: "I cannot be denied because you try to deny me".

>> No.3284796

What the hell is a cervical quintux? Google just shows me this thread.

>> No.3284802
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Black metal culture is the most hilarious shit of all time ever.

>> No.3284807
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just because something can be simplified into an obvious cycle of cause and effect does not make it a fallacious observation. The thing that determines whether a statement is fallacy or not is where the denial lies - in the mind of the speaker, or in the mind of the listener.

I speak only very simple truths, so that question was answered before it was asked.

>> No.3284822
File: 171 KB, 500x375, 130552637717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. That's a bit of a dark view. I'm not sensing much nuance, there. Surely you must realize that extreme points of view tend to run afoul of Occam's Razor.

In truth, the universe was smaller than a Planck length after the big bang, so every particle is entangled with every other. And Bell's Inequality demonstrates how superluminal influence (non-casual) is a fundamental property of the universe. Finally - there's sensitive dependence on initial conditions, which is the norm for interacting bodies with more than two elements.

Considered together, this all means:
- everything you think, say or do affects the whole universe
- choosing one path or another affects the evolution and fate of the universe
- nothing you think, say or do can ever be forgotten from the universe

You are right that people will forget, but again as you say, that's not important. I take solace in the fact that the most fleeting thought I have becomes encoded in the universe at a fundamental level.

You should get out more.

>> No.3284829

>- nothing you think, say or do can ever be forgotten from the universe
Bullshit. If everything is recorded then time travel should be feasible.

>> No.3284859
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In this universe, information is conserved. Even black holes do not obliterate information, as you know.

Accessing that information is another matter. However, it is there. And it is interesting that you are made of information, so arguably, you will subjectively never cease to exist.

Enjoy your future lives, I hope they are pleasant.

>> No.3284861

I never would have thought such high levels of faggotry could manifest itself into one single person

>> No.3285088
File: 75 KB, 350x479, naglhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The drivel of a fool, desperate to deny his fate, trying to draw over-arching meta-philosophical meaning from linguistic assessments of the interactions basic particles.

You're going to derive meaning and philosophy from a very butchered understanding of scientific theory?
