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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 400x263, iq-bell-curve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3281174 No.3281174 [Reply] [Original]

>135 IQ.
>99th percentile
>Going to study chaos theory when im older
>the jelly is strong in you

>> No.3281185

>implying 135iq is anything special

nigger, the average IQ is 100 and there is a lot of retards with 70IQ

Know what that means? That for every 70iq retard, theres someone like you bumping it up to 100
And theres a lot of retards in the world

>> No.3281184

>Going to study chaos
Why would anyone be jealous of that? What you study doesn't matter, happiness does. It sounds like you're studying that just so you can appear smarter.
Pick a field you like and then expand from there.

>> No.3281194

>35 IQ.
>201th percentile
>Going to study that movie Val Kilmer was in about fusion when Im older.
>I like ...thinking about the idea of Math.

>> No.3281205

Why study? because my brain works in a special way and it would be a sin to not use the God given gift.

>> No.3281216

>implying IQ is a valid measure of intelligence.

>> No.3281229


>> No.3281236

implying you wouldnt care if you had a 70 iq.

>> No.3281240

>implying I'd have the IQ to care

>> No.3281256

>implying you have a low iq

>> No.3281262

>implying that's a .jpeg file and not just text

>> No.3281273

I still think the entire iq scale is off, they make 100 the average of all the people that take it. But the only people that take it are smart people. Therefore the real average probably is somewhere around 70. Go to a wallmart and just look around, thats the average person, straight retard.

>> No.3281286

>implying i need to link the pic even though its in official greentext form

>> No.3281291

>implying greentext is official

>> No.3281294

right, because everyone time someone takes it they factor in the new result and shift the average to accommodate... it's not like it's based on randomized control samples or anything

>> No.3281301

oh god it's your faggot ass from synchtube

>> No.3281307

>can judge intelligence just by seeing some one

you have a real talent!!

>> No.3281313

>implying implying that greentext isnt official will get you anywhere in life.

>> No.3281323

It was 140 in 1985 the last time I was tested.

>> No.3281323,1 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.3281350

>implying that spending time on 4chan will get you anywhere in life
I can do this all night...
that's probably why I haven't got anywhere in life.

>> No.3281353

>implying you can imply imply and still make senses

>> No.3281364

>implying that succesful scientists dont come on here during coffee breaks

>> No.3281370

>implying scientists aren't crushing and insulating adderall during their breaks.

>> No.3281382

What's with you people and IQ? Every time I come here there's some argument about IQ. Look, I'm 4 years into a PhD in psych, I'll summarize everything you ever need to know:

1) The test is not perfect. When it was developed, they didn't even have a clear definition of what Intelligence even is.
2) That doesn't particularly matter, though, because it predicts a fair chunk of variation in life outcomes. Enough to take notice.
3) Unless you are borderline retarded, it really does not matter that much because you can be as gifted as Turing but if Turing spent all his time jacking off to hentai and playing counter strike he would not have been successful.

There, the end. It might indicate you are gifted, it might not, but in the end you have to actually work hard to achieve anything.

>> No.3281383

>implying that its impossible to multitask

>> No.3281384

Hey OP I'm taking a class in the Spring on Chaos Theory by the guy that came up with Chaos Theory. TY Li. How Jelly are you right now?

>> No.3281396


you aren't even considered a genius, even by the lowest of standards. also
>IQ tests
>valid measure of intelligence

>> No.3281404
File: 7 KB, 141x130, 1277316407992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know what tests you use, but the stanford-binet and the wechsler both consider scores above 132 to be genius level....

>> No.3281408


I am TY Li

>> No.3281416

Alright judging from the title
the picture
einsteins IQ was never tested
and the fact that you said jelly

I'm gunna call this one a troll, wrap it up ladies

>> No.3281411

>implying multitasking is real

>> No.3281410

every time you post on 4chan your IQ goes down 1 point

>> No.3281415
File: 91 KB, 436x459, 1276857825029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am TY Li's father!

>> No.3281417
File: 10 KB, 230x311, JH_Poincare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imbecile on the Binet IQ test
>1st percentile
>Guess I'll never amount to anything

>> No.3281421

>implying i cant see you getting all red faced through your webcam because you know you just got intellectually checkmated

>> No.3281425
File: 4 KB, 192x217, 1308037722461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying it wasn't fucking obvious
>imlying obvious troll threads don't routinely rack up hundreds of replies on /sci/
>implying there is anything anyone can do about it

In fact, I'm not even mad, I'm just so buttfurious that I've reached a certain calm and acceptance of the constant flow of shit...

>> No.3281426

>implying I own a webcam

>> No.3281440

Like when a rat is drowning and it suddenly gives up and accepts it's fate.

>> No.3281446


Do rats experience learned helplessness in that situation? I didn't know that

>> No.3281447
File: 629 KB, 300x232, 1293289113602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3281450

>implying when i said webcam i didnt really mean window

>> No.3281457

>implying I can afford a house with windows

>> No.3281461

>implying i didnt really mean air vents when i said windows

>> No.3281466

>implying a place with air conditioning is cheaper than a house with windows

>> No.3281471

>implying air vents inst slang for im in your closet

>> No.3281476

>implying I don't like in an abandoned one room miner's cabin

>> No.3281479

I'm not quite sure how I missed "v" and hit "k" instead

>> No.3281482

>implying "im in your closet" isnt really just a philosophical statement for im your inner gay man

>> No.3281483


stronger somatomotor pathways.

>> No.3281488

Oh god, I knew I should have taken my haldol today
I give up. You (we?) win (lose?)!

>> No.3281496


>> No.3281501

>implying that was me

>> No.3281502

Yeah-yeah. So what was your girlfriend's name again?

>> No.3281515
File: 21 KB, 164x250, 1280713631958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3281750

>implying my IQ isn't higher than yours
>implying I'm not gonna study dynamic systems too
>implying I'm not gonna be moar successful than you

>> No.3281754

123 IQ, I am going to allow a possible differential of 8.

>> No.3281761

127-131 on three tests.

I don't feel the intelligence, bru.

>> No.3281770

fuck off op. mines 146 but i dont wank about it daily on 4chan like you seem to do. its not even a very conclusive test. i got a few seriously lucky guesses.

>> No.3281778

My IQ has been tested six times. The high score was 181. The mean is 156. I didn't start having success in business until I stopped believing my IQ score makes me special and working my ass off in the same manner as a person with an of 90 would do.

Intelligence is good. Pride will nullify any and all intelligence. Fuck pride.

>> No.3281921

>implying that iq matters at all when the person next to you with an iq of 100 will become more successful than you will ever be.

>implying that hard work doesnt outmatch a high iq any time, all time.

and for the record, my iq is average, it might take me a longer time to finish a task than a super genius, but it doesnt mean that he'll have the ambition to finish it.