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File: 138 KB, 327x525, testes1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3281056 No.3281056 [Reply] [Original]

Hey all.

I have been suffering with chronic epididymitis for a year and I've had enough. I've been to doctor after doctor and none of them know what's going on. I've decided to surgically remove the affected testicle and let an ER trauma team patch me up.

Yes, I am aware that this is highly risky. Stupid, even. But I am in pain all day, every day, and quite frankly it's torture. I am not willing to live my life like this, and desperate times call for desperate measures.

I have already acquired some surgical equipment, namely a scalpel and shears. I plan on disinfecting them with rubbing alcohol prior to the procedure. I know this isn't ideal, but my choices are limited here.

In researching the unilateral orchiectomy (removal of one testicle), I have found that in a real surgery an incision is made into the lower abdominal wall and the testicle is pushed through. Obviously, I have neither the knowledge nor the means to do this. I had planned on simply cutting into the scrotum, taking care not to cut through the membrane that separates the testicles, and then remove the testicle from there.

Medically speaking, is this going to cause any irreversible damage to my scrotum or body? After the ambulance takes me to the hospital I'm sure they will stop the bleeding and patch me up properly, but I need to be able to live my life without the risk of my scrotum bursting open from weak scar tissue or something similar.

I am 100% absolutely serious about this. I am in the final stages of preparation now. Does anyone have anything to say about this?

>> No.3281072

cool story bro

>> No.3281069
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>> No.3281075

>Medically speaking, is this going to cause any irreversible damage to my scrotum or body?
Yes, in addition to it being the most painful thing you could reasonably do to yourself, it is going to fuck with your hormones and depending on the nerve damage you manage to do, you might not even stop the pain, and may make it worse.

Chances are if you bring this up to them, they may do the surgery for you, professionally, and without the horrible pain, risk of infection, and possible permanent nerve damage.

>> No.3281079


Thank you for an honest answer. i hadn't considered nerve damage...fuck.

I'm seeing a urologist next
month. Takes forever to get an appointment. I fully intend to tell him about my plan and see what he has to say.

>> No.3281085

i don't understand
you haven't brought up removing it with your doctor?

>> No.3281093

Getting it done by a professional is far and away your best option. I'm 75% sure there is some option for getting a testicle removed voluntarily, depending on your country of course.

Glad to hear you're not going to shear your balls off.

>> No.3281097

>I plan on disinfecting them with rubbing alcohol prior to the procedure

that will hardly reduce the risk of infection, which is the main cause of concern for these DIY surgeries

>> No.3281105
File: 34 KB, 172x166, 1305991341924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the FUCK to the nearest/most accessible country with single-payer healthcare and stumble in there with your painful nuts. What the fuck are you doing nigger?

>> No.3281110


I've seen two general doctors about this. My main doctor, who honestly is quite good, and his little assistant guy, who seems really earnest but kinda has no clue what's going on.

They did an ultrasound, checked for hernias, etc. I lift weights a lot so they went to check for physical trauma. Found nothing.

This all started when I had a yeast infection on my penis a year ago. I treated it with cream and it went away. It must have gone inside though because that's when the epididymitis started.

They treated me with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication, neither of which did anything. I was also given one diflucam for the yeast infection. I later learned that you're supposed to take a diflucam and then another one 10 days later, and I was only ever given one.

Right now my theory is that I either have a fungal infection (which doctors don't usually think of in cases like this), or permanent nerve damage.

I'm going to get my doctor to give me anti fungals and see what happens. If that doesn't work there are nerve blocking shots they can give you in the case of nerve damage.

Beyond that, it's surgery. And I can't fucking afford surgery.

The thing is, this condition is near crippling for me. I can go to work and home and that's about it. i have literally no reprieve or relieve from this.

I don't mind losing the testicle, I can function just fine with one. I just want to be out of pain.

If I can convince my doctor that I can't live without surgery, will they still do it even though I'd have to file medical bankruptcy?

>> No.3281112


Single payer health care?

>> No.3281116

Dude, do not do this to yourself.

A. having anybody work on you is better than working on yourself. The pain is going to be unfathomable. Which is absolutely the worst condition for you to be doing precision work under. Plus you can't see the area all that well.

B. What others have said, infection, emergencies, nerve damage, etc. Plus say you get half way through and you decide you can't do it anymore or something else happens, are you really going to drive to the hospital.

My stomach is doing flip flops just thinking about this. Seriously man, go to the hospitals and let the pros take care of it.

>> No.3281121

Yeah OP, the only thing is I hope you're insured.

But I'd rather you be in debt then fucking yourself up. You may be "prepped" but you wouldn't be able to do it and the pain will be far to unbearable for you to remove it soundly, even if you had knowledge of how to (Which you don't at all).

I would look into another urologist as soon as possible.

>> No.3281124
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Y'know, what every single other industrialized country has?

I believe it is called 'socialized medicine' in the United States. I'm assuming that's where you're from, that or Cambodia.

>> No.3281129


Obviously this is a last resort, but...yeah I don't want to risk nerve damage.


Not insured. If I were insured I wouldn't be trying to cut my own ball off.

>> No.3281133


Yeah, I'm American.

>> No.3281141
File: 34 KB, 192x279, 1298132478544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada. Right now. Do whatever you fucking can, get over the border to Toronto or Vancouver or SOMETHING, just please don't fucking try to operate on yourself.

If Canada isn't an option you might be able to try and get treatment in Cuba, Micheal Moore SiCKO style.

>> No.3281143

>is this going to cause any irreversible damage to my scrotum or body

Pretty sure ripping out a nut constitutes permanent damage.

>> No.3281147

Oh American healthcare. I hope Tea Partiers are happy that we literally have people considering shearing their balls off.

>> No.3281153
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It makes me want to cry.

>> No.3281160


And yet, most peole who vote are old, dumbass white people who aren't even rich.

Our wonderful country..

>> No.3281167

>Beyond that, it's surgery. And I can't fucking afford surgery.

Have you considered applying for Charity Care?

>> No.3281170

OP, man the fuck up and paddle your way to cuba in an inflatable raft. Or go to Canada if that's closer.

In all seriousness though, I fucking feel for you. Trying to cut your own testicle out is just too risky though, Aside from the already mentioned nerve damage, you would run a high risk of infection no matter how well you think you've sterilized everything, and you will end up paying for the ER costs in any case, but if you fuck yourself up then you'll also end up needing further treatment and meds.

>> No.3281175


Nothing like that exists here, at least not that I'm aware of. We have medicare and medicaid which I haven't looked into yet, but they're government programs and as such aren't spectacular.

>> No.3281179


I can't just walk across the border to Canada and get surgery. You have to be a citizen, you have to jump through years of hoops before you can get on the socialized health care gravy train

>> No.3281181

I'm in basically the same boat (though in my case it's obviously less urgent)

I agree with what everyone else said about not doing it yourself. I know how tempting it is but it's not worth the risk of bleeding out or getting some nasty damage down there

When my younger brother ended up twisting one of his nuts (seriously testicular torsion) we went to the ER and they almost had to remove it just on the basis of pain. Maybe try going there first rather than after cutting yourself open?

>> No.3281188


An ER won't remove my nut unless I actually have torsion, and even then only if it's REALLY bad, and there's no way for me to induce torsion in myself (not that i would want to, Jesus H Christ)

>> No.3281193
File: 16 KB, 288x304, 1287373813435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get help, put yourself in debt but holy fuck shit DO NOT operate on yourself. You've shown you're not completely sure of what you're doing and don't take that the wrong way, but that really is not something you should risk.


>> No.3281206
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then pics or it didnt happen

>> No.3281208


Alright, alright, I'm not gonna do it. It's just like...say your toe hurt. A lot. Like, mind-numblingly bad. Don't say you wouldn't think about just clipping the fucker off.

I will... beg or plead or fucking sleep with a doctor if I have to to get treatment...kinda wish it wasn't so risky to just do it myself though.

>> No.3281245
File: 26 KB, 344x345, 1308747650325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't operate yourself.
But you can have a buddy of yours stun you with a knock on the head and then he can remove your ball while you're "asleep".

>> No.3281269

8/10. Bravo, OP.

>> No.3281276

I wonder what the ER people would say if you "accidentally" dropped, oh, I don't know, a hammer on your nut. You know, because you were hanging a picture in your tighty whities. What's that? Amputate it to avoid necrosis? Oh no, not my nut!

A few hours of pain should be worth the relief. It's hammer time, you fucking pussy!

(no, really, this is just as bad an idea as your original idea... don't fucking do this... but if you do, post some pics before you black out)

>> No.3281293

This isn't /b/, don't listen to anyone but a doctor or nurse. If it truly hurts so much that you can't function, go to an emergency room.

>> No.3281295


I fucking wish this was a troll. I fucking wish.

>> No.3281309
File: 85 KB, 254x284, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live with the pain, OP. Embrace it.
It will make you stronger.