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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3279552 No.3279552 [Reply] [Original]

On your perception, rate the following from 0 to 100 where:
0 = Absolutely false.
100 = Perfectly true. No question.

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
2. "Earth is round"
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
7. "We contacted aliens in the past"
8. "Psychology is a science"
9. "It's possible to go back in time"
10. "Race is a social construct"

>> No.3279558

Copy paste this to make it easier.


>> No.3279570

1. 89
2. 99
3. 92
4. 87
5. 53
6. 02
7. 13
8. 98
9. 85
10. 07

>> No.3279580

1. 51
2. 51
3. 51
4. 51 or 49 depending on the definition of smarter
5. 49
6. 49
7. 49
8. 51
9. 49
10. 51

>> No.3279584

1. 90
2. 99.9 (technically the earth is oblong)
3. 89
4. 70
5. 3

>> No.3279590

1. 90 (haven't seen the data myself, but it makes sense)
2. 99 (round... it's eliptical, yes?)
3. 99
4. 80 (eventually, yes. soon? maybe)
5. 50 (who knows?)
6. 10 ( it's possible, but I have no reason to believe it)
7. 10 (nonsense, but possible)
8. 75 (data interpretation is subjective, but it still counts)
9. 50 (maybe)
10. 80 (it's as much a social construct as most Linnaean classifications. The more you break it down, the more the distinctions blur, but there are distinctions to be made)

>> No.3279594


>> No.3279595

5.50 (don't know)
6.50 (impossible to say either way)
7.50(impossible to say either way)
9.50 (don't know)

>> No.3279608

But some of these questions are not really true or false.

1. That depends on what you mean by begin. We can see how the current universe FORMED from a big bang. For all we know its part of a larger cycle. Or Not!

2. By round do you mean approximately? Because it is round in shape but it is not a perfect sphere.

3. I dont know. Ask my mother's poodle.

4. define smarter. They are already faster then us. Most of us anyways.

5. 0, based upon my current perception.

6. How the hell could anybody know that?

7. How the hell would we have done that?

8. 100, but that does not nesecarily mean that we are particularly adept in this field yet.

9. 100, or 0, depending on your definition of what "travelling back in time" means

10. And there's the hook that explains your ignorant questions. Fuck off.

Not a bad troll, but a bit too transparent.

>> No.3279613
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>impossible to know either way

>> No.3279620

On my perception, /sci/ is full of uncertain faggots who, beyond the reasonable natural skepticism of the scientist, thinks that everything is 50/50 somehow and is too afraid to take a stand.

>> No.3279627
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Ah, the good ol' "you're a troll, so I'm definitely not a troll" maneuver.

>> No.3279633

oh so edgy.

>> No.3279640


oh so edgy.

>> No.3279643

1. 95
2. 100
3. 0 -- statement is vague, but it's impossible for natural selection to "drive"; it can only limit the success of the varieties that have already been "driven".
4. 2
5. 70 -- but only over very short times and distances on the quantum scale.
6. 95
7. 15
8. 60
9. 15 -- psychologically maybe, definitely not causally.
10. 30

>> No.3279651

1. 95
2. 1 (Earth is somewhat closer to round than it is to the cube or to a plane, but it's certainly not round)
3. 99
4. 89 (I don't see why it wouldn't be possible)
5. 12
6. 1 (everything that we ever learned pointed towards the other way)
7. 9
8. 100 (It's a soft science. The reason that I'm absolutely certain of this is because we created the definition of science and the definition of psychology, so it's like saying "ghuoik is a jutkre" and conclude that... "ghuoik is a jutkre")
9. 98 (I say that back and forth are blurred definitions here, I think time is much more fluid and versatile)
10. 99 (It is, TOO)

>> No.3279672

Copy paste this to make it easier.

1. 80
2. 99
3. 99
4. 90
5. 60 (do you count the possibility of teleportation using the spin of 2 electrons?) otherwise 0
6. 1
7. 30
8. its true when it is used scientifically 100 otherwise 0
9. 5
10. 3

>> No.3279691

>technically the earth is oblong
>round... it's eliptical, yes?
It's an oblate ellipsoid........... which is round.

>> No.3279698

Most of them I had to interpret because the statements were not very concise.

1. 65 (Can't say for sure but that's the best theory.)
2. 75 (Not perfectly but pretty round.)
3. 80 (Strangely put.)
4. 99 (Define "soon" and "smarter.")
5. 0
6. 0 (I'm not lead to believe that by any evidence presented to me.)
7. 50 (I want to believe but I'm not kidding myself.)
8. 65 (Sure.)
9. 50 (Maybe.)
10. 0 (Nope.)

>> No.3279705
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"Oh look simple questions! What a perfect opportunity to be a pretentious douche!"

1. "Well when you say "The universe" are you talking about our universe? And by "Big Bang" do you mean the cosmological theory? I'm not sure anyone can really say for certain so I'm not gonna answer this."
2. "Well the Earth actually has a very complex topological surface with many peaks and vally so it can really be fit into any geometrical preconceived notion that humans have!"
3. "Are you using the word "Natural" here metaphorically? And when you say drive is that an analogy to nascar racing? Well I think I can say 50/100"
4. "Well computers are really just any mechanism that computes, and the human brain already does that, and we make human brains, so I would give this 100"
5. "Faster than light? Well, duh because Einstein is obviously wrong and I am ten times smarter than him!"
6. "Why even ask this? 100"
7. "Now that I think about it, using numbers to define a scale of true or false is ridiculous I suggest we use ancient aramic instead."
8. "Of course it's a science I have a two PhDs in it"
9. "Well as Voltaire said 'That which is truest cannot be false' see I quote people because I'm intelligent."
10. "God! I hate bigots. They are all retarded, fat and ugly. I like randomly speaking in french, parlez vous?"

That's how you faggots sound...

>> No.3279707

1. 80
2. 95 (im not sure how much hte earth bulges around he equator)
3. 80 (it's a bit of a wishy washy statement)
4. 90 (still a bit woolly )
5. 4
6. 30
7. 3
8. 10
9. 3
10. 10

>> No.3279721

1. 50 (i don't know)
2. 90 (it's not a perfect sphere)
3. 70
4. 65 (depends on your definition of soon)
5. 50 (i dunno lol)
6. 50 (if it exists it might be understandable)
7. 10 (very unlikely)
8. 45 (while at times it applies the scientific method it's quite shaky at times)
9. 30 (pretty improbable)
10. 60

>> No.3279725
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Your impression of pretentious faggots makes you sound like a pretentious faggot.

>> No.3279743

1. 26 There have been recent developments in entropy that show it mightn't have been the start.
4.define soon, but as a whole 60
10.99.8 In humans at least.

>> No.3279749
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That must have taken you a long time to type. I bet you're pretty satisfied with yourself.

That's good, because I'm proud of you. You did a fine thing and I'll forgo the nightly anal molestation and penis inspection for just this once.

Keep it up.

>> No.3279752

1. 80
2. 99
3. 95
4. 100
5. 75
6. 10
7. 20
8. 100
9. 0
10. 50

>> No.3279772

1. 85
2. 100 (round by my standards)
3. 100
4. 75
5. 1 (skipping space is not ftl, warp drives are possible but not ftl)
6. 2
7. 4 (I have trouble imagining it)
8. 100 (it is!)
9. 60 (to send a single atom a fraction of a second back in time)
10. 30

>> No.3279774

1. 50 "The universe began with the Big Bang"
2. 80 "Earth is round"
3. 100 "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
4. 95 "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
5. 50 "It's possible to travel faster than light"
6. 10 "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
7. 10 "We contacted aliens in the past"
8. 95 "Psychology is a science"
9. 10 "It's possible to go back in time"
10. 40 "Race is a social construct"

50 when i didnt know enough to make a stand

>> No.3279849

I'm flabbergasted at all the high numbers for #4. Computer scientist here.

>> No.3279864

Same... people either misusing "smarter" or really underestimating the human brain.

>> No.3279880


or overestimate 'soon'...

Maybe 30 years is soon to some people.

>> No.3279883

>Inb4 shitstorm

>> No.3279898

1. 1
2. 100
3. 10
4. 5
5. 1
6. 1
7. 0
8. 80
9. 0
10. 5

>> No.3279923

1. 90
2. 80
3. 70
4. 50
5. 5
6. 5
7. 12
8. 70
9. 5
10. 15

>> No.3279938

1. 50 - The Big Bang is just the further back we can examine; doesn't necessarily mean it's the absolute beginning.
2. 0 - Earth is an oblate spheroid.
3. 50 - It drives all forms of Life (capital L, that is life as we know it); not all life forms.
4. NaN - Computers cannot be assessed for intelligence, by definition.
5. 0 - No object can be accelerated from a relative rest to the speed of light in vacuum. I assumed by 'travel' you meant physically, and by 'light' you meant light in a vacuum.
6. 50 - Not verifiable either way.
7. 50 - Not verifiable either way.
8. 100
9. 100 - Memory.
10. 100 - All observed references to race are made by social beings.

>> No.3279949

1. 50 (Our universe maybe)
2. 100
3. 99 (except in the case of artificial selection like domestication)
4. 0-100 (depending on what you mean by soon)
5. 0 (not in the traditional sense of the word faster, but possible if something wonky like wormholes can be manipulated)
6. 1
7. 1
8. 100
9. 0 (again, maybe wormholes)
10. 99

>> No.3279952

1. 96
2. 99
3. 97
4. 60
5. 1
6. 1 (I recognize that there could be the slightest chance of that actually being true lol)
7. 50 (don't know nor care)
8. 60 (it's science, just not really as advanced as the others)
9. 1
10. 50 (if as in "white" or "black", then 0. if as in any other kind of biological definition, like a dog's, then 100)

>> No.3279963

1. 50
2. 99 (If by "round" you mean "not flat", not "perfectly spherical" of course)
3. 90-95
4. 70
5. 5
6. 1
7. 1
8. I can't answer, I haven't read about psychology that much.
9. 5
10. I really don't know.

>> No.3279972


Keep the current advances in transistor technology in mind. Graphene (multi-layer) transistors would, hopefully, replace silicon with speeds MUCH higher running MUCH cooler requiring MUCH less electricity.

Soon could be 50 years or soon could be 15. Smarter is another issue... more work would be required to pin that one down.

>> No.3279978

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang" 50
2. "Earth is round" 99
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations" 99
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us" 20
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light" 1
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding" 1
7. "We contacted aliens in the past" 1
8. "Psychology is a science" 90
9. "It's possible to go back in time" 1
10. "Race is a social construct" 10

>> No.3279982

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
2. "Earth is round"
inb4 some autistic pedant calls me out
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
7. "We contacted aliens in the past"
8. "Psychology is a science"
9. "It's possible to go back in time"
10. "Race is a social construct"

>> No.3280003

1. 90
2. 99. Unless by round you mean "spherical"
3. 99.
4. Define "Soon"
5. 25
6. 1
7. 1
8. 80
9. 1
10. 75

>> No.3280037

1. 93
2. 99
3. 1, due to farming and genetic engineering
4. 20, depending on what soon means
5. 6
6. 7
7. 10, I doubt there are any within a few hundred light years
8. 80, the university says it is one
9. 5
10. 75, no Irish need apply

>> No.3280075

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
2. "Earth is round"
>99 (I'm interpreting round to mean spherical; it's more of a flattened sphere)
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
>50 (define "soon")
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
7. "We contacted aliens in the past">
8. "Psychology is a science"
9. "It's possible to go back in time"
10. "Race is a social construct"

>> No.3280097

1. 56
2. 99
3. 87
4. 03
5. 00
6. 01
7. 78
8. 100
9. 09
10. 100

>> No.3280118

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
2. "Earth is round"
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
7. "We contacted aliens in the past"
8. "Psychology is a science"
9. "It's possible to go back in time"
10. "Race is a social construct"

>> No.3280188

1. 80
2. 99
3. 95
4. 60
5. 10
6. 50
7. 10
8. 90(it can be a science)
9. 01
10. 20

>> No.3280197

> 1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
10 - I'm suprised by the number of people who have so much faith in this theory... Just because it's one of the better ones proposed explaining the origins of the universe doesn't mean it's correct or anywhere near complete. There are a lot of questions that are not answered by the Big Bang.

> 2. "Earth is round"
99 - The only doubt is if I'm in some giant "Truman Show" style prank...

> 3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
70 - Humans can manipulate their environment such that those not "fit" are able to pass on their genes... Depends what you define as "natural"...

> 4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
50 - Define "soon" and "smarter". Computers are already capable of perform specific tasks much more efficiently than humans...

> 5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
20 - Not possible according to General Relativity and related theories (excluding Zitterbewegung motion). However GR has yet to be fully validated, models change and science always evolves... Just because a model doesn't allow for it on paper doesn't mean it won't work in real life. GR is in fact an example of this (bending light using gravity is not possible in classical mechanics).

>> No.3280200

> 6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
1 - This is an even worse explanation than the big bang... There's simply no evidence for this "superior entity".

> 7. "We contacted aliens in the past"
50 - It wouldn't surprise me either way... Especially if we define aliens as any non-earth based lifeform (e.g. bacteria from Mars).

> 8. "Psychology is a science"
1 - Neuroscience is a science. Any psychology that remotely resembles science generally can be categorised as neuroscience. The rest is artsy BS.

> 9. "It's possible to go back in time"
20 - As far as I'm aware, there's nothing saying we can't go back in time, but I sure someone would (or will) have abused that ability if it were possible...

> 10. "Race is a social construct"
90 - You can definitely see straight off the bat if people are Negro, Caucasian or Oriental. It's an observable fact...

>> No.3280224

There's a suprising amount of evidence for the big bang:

>> No.3280240


>> No.3280270
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and there are an equal number of issues and problems in the same article...
Other than astronomers, who believes in dark matter... (pic related)

>> No.3280274

1. 80
2. 00 (Not round, spherical but not perfectly so.)
3. 80 (There are other processes)
4. 100
5. 90 (Not feasibly, but theoretically yes)
6. 50
7. 20
8. 80
9. 00
10. 50

Someone, graph out the results.

>> No.3280279

1. 60
2. 100
3. 95
4. 80
5. 40 (I want to believe!)
6. 30
7. 0
8. 60
9. 50
10. 0 (Many racial stereotypes are social constructs, but there obviously are actual differences between races, we just aren't very good at telling which ones are cultural and which ones are legitimately biological)

>> No.3280289

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
2. "Earth is round"
>85, it's actually pear-like
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
>90, so does artificial
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
7. "We contacted aliens in the past"
8. "Psychology is a science"
9. "It's possible to go back in time"
10. "Race is a social construct"

>> No.3280304

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang" If by big bang, you mean the mathematical theory of 0=1+-1=0, Matter and Anti-matter.
2. "Earth is round" My balls are round, so 100
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations" 50
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us" Do you mean smarter than the entire humanity as a whole or by the individual? If so, it's already true. 100.
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light" No. 1
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding" 0
7. "We contacted aliens in the past" 0
8. "Psychology is a science" 100, if you don't consider psychology alone.
9. "It's possible to go back in time" 1
10. "Race is a social construct" 0

>> No.3280329

A football is not perfectly spherical, but is still "round"...

>> No.3280330

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
2. "Earth is round"
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
7. "We contacted aliens in the past"
8. "Psychology is a science"
9. "It's possible to go back in time"
10. "Race is a social construct"
>0% race is genetic

>> No.3280366 [DELETED] 

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang" 30, prob. something else tbh
2. "Earth is round" 99.99999
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations" 100
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us" 100
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light" 0
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding" 0
7. "We contacted aliens in the past" 0
8. "Psychology is a science" 2
9. "It's possible to go back in time" 40
10. "Race is a social construct" 60, some social some biological

>> No.3280394

1. 50
2. 100
3. 70, true but misleading, there are other factors
4. 100
5. 50
6. 50
7. 50
8. 100, you cannot dismiss things subjects like cogsci, they drive AI
9. 50
10. 100

>> No.3280458

1. 98.99
2. 99.99
3. 97.99
4. 12
5. 3
6. 50
7. 0
8. 0.5
9. 0
10. 64

>> No.3280467

1. 70
2. 99
3. 90
4. Definition of "soon?" If you mean within the next 150-250 years: 70
5. 10
6. 10
7. 01
8. 99
9. 20
10. 20

>> No.3280469

1. 99.99
2. 99.9--egg shaped a bit as others say
3. 99.99
5. 15--I want to believe
7. .9
8. 85
9. .8 I want to believe
10. 95

>> No.3282356

I'm seeing far fewer 100's and 0s then I was expecting. Well done. You understand probabilities I am impressed. Only fools have no uncertainty.

>> No.3282369

1. 85
2. 90 (its close enough)
3. 100
4. 80
5. 0
6. 0
7. 0
8. 0
9. 25
10. 0

>> No.3282378

1. 95
2. 100
3. 100
4. 80
5. 60
6. 10
7. 2
8. 5
9. 2
10. 10

>> No.3282394

>1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
25% partially true, from what I understand the observable universe probably began with the big bang, however given that the big bang would have made any information of existence from before that time impossible to recover we can't really be sure.

>2. "Earth is round"
10%, the earth is rounded, it's actually ovular in shape

>3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
This is an ambiguous statement, natural selection does not drive a life form, that would be its genes.

>4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
Define 'soon', and while you're at it define 'smarter', I have a calculator which can differentiate enormous equations many thousands of times faster than me, is it smarter than me?

>5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
Again ambiguous, what is traveling? Me? Any arbitrary matter? Information? As far as accelerating a human or space craft to FTL than it is defiantly impossible with at this point in time.

>6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"

>7. "We contacted aliens in the past"

>8. "Psychology is a science"

>9. "It's possible to go back in time"
1% (again "what's going back in time")

>10. "Race is a social construct"

>> No.3282397

1. 87
2. 85
3. 90
4. 91
5. 70
6. 05
7. 12
8. 04

>> No.3282419

I don't think it will be possible to travel faster then the speed of light. But it may be possible to move the universe around yourself so that a faster then light type effect could be achieved. But then you're not really moving, you're just squeezing the universe ahead of yourself and spreading it out behind you.

>> No.3282424

1. 95
2. 99.9999
3. 90
4. 75
5. 0
6. 0
7. 0
8. 40
9. 0
10. 51

>> No.3282444

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
2. "Earth is round"
99, it is round, but not perfectly spherical
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
50, natural selection is only one of two processes. Sexual selection plays a large part as well.
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
50, I'm not sure we'll actually be able to. I wouldn't consider anything to be smarter than us without a sense of self, and I have serious doubts about whether or not we'll be able to achieve that in computers.
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
While no object in space can travel faster than the speed of light, space, theoretically, can do whatever it wants. So if we were to create an expanding bubble of spacetime behind an object and contract the spacetime in front of the object at a rate faster than light, we could theoretically have the space take the object with it at that speed.
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
10, I believe a superior entity or entities may exist, but I do not believe that it/they created the universe.
7. "We contacted aliens in the past"
20, it is unlikely, but I'm not ruling it our entirely.
8. "Psychology is a science"
30, it is a "social science", and as such far from exact.
9. "It's possible to go back in time"
01, I don't think so.
10. "Race is a social construct"
50, the cultural aspects of race are social constructs, the physical aspects of race are biological constructs. If neanderthals had survived and developed culturally then humans would have true seperate races, but as such the current races are not differentiated enough genetically to really be such.

>> No.3282466

>8. 70


>> No.3282470

1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
> 70, I think this is quite likely based on what I am told
2. "Earth is round"
>50, Earth isn't perfectly round
3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
>75, I think humans are twisted the rules of natural selection and we are sort of 'semi-artificially' selected now
4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
>50, define intelligence - is machine intelligence the same as [creative?] human intelligence?
5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
>35, not from what I know, but I know far from everything
6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
>45, I really don't know but I have a slight leaning towards rejecting this idea. *slight*
7. "We contacted aliens in the past"
>10, I don't think so Tim
8. "Psychology is a science"
>30, lol
9. "It's possible to go back in time"
>15, yeah, nah.
10. "Race is a social construct"
>50, both yes and no. It's not a social construct because USE YOUR EYES, THEY'RE BLACK, and it is a social construct because we act like it matters.

>> No.3282475

correction: " I think humans *HAVE* twisted the rules"

>> No.3282480

1. 98
2. 99 (round meaning ovoid, right?)
3. 98
4. 70 (what is 'smart' ? computers can do route actions many many times faster than we can, but AI is still woefully lacking)
5. 100 (tachyons, other such particles)
6. 0 (yes 0. i challenge this creator to destroy me)
7. 2 (don't buy it)
8. 10 it follows some sort of scientific method, and things like neuroscience are more 'sciency' than 'therapists'
9. 0
10. 100

>> No.3282486

1. 88
2. 100, dependant on your definition of round.
3. 99
4. Define 'soon', however, 75
5. 25
6. 1
7. 1
8. 75
9. 65
10. 65

Anyone who included any 0's or 100's is a moron.

>> No.3282492

>Anyone who included any 0's or 100's is a moron.
>Rules out absolute statements as moronic
>uses an absolute statement

>> No.3282497

1. 2?
2. 5
3. 100
4. "Smart" is a weird term when talking about computers. I'd still say 100.
5. 0
6. 100
7. 0
8. 100
9. 100
10. 0

>> No.3282500
File: 10 KB, 144x125, trying not to laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. 100
>anyone who included any 100s is a moron

>> No.3282507



The whole thing is basically a troll anyways.

>> No.3282514
File: 32 KB, 484x640, mace-windu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

>> No.3282518

1. 100
2. 0
3. 10
4. 100
5. 90
7. 100
8. 0
9. 100
10. 60

>> No.3282527

> 1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
> 2. "Earth is round"
> 3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
44 ("all")
> 4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
> 5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
> 6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
> 7. "We contacted aliens in the past"
> 8. "Psychology is a science"
> 9. "It's possible to go back in time"
> 10. "Race is a social construct"

>> No.3282532

According to this:


the Earth is a better approximation of a sphere than a billiard ball.

>> No.3282535

1. 80
2. 30
3. 20
4. 50
5. 5
6. 20
7. 15
8. 40
9. 10

>> No.3282536

Why do people believe that the universe started with the big bang?

Am I missing the definition of the word universe here? Are you thinking of the beginning of time as the beginning of the universe? The creation of the first dimension?

>> No.3282553


It is, mainly because of the size. Mount Everest is less of a bump than the minute imperfections in a billiard ball, and if you were big enough to hold the whole planet in your hand it would feel smooth.

>> No.3282561

Earth is not round you retards, it's flat at the poles

>> No.3282563

>1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"

>2. "Earth is round"

>3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"

>4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
50 (Define "smarter")

>5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"

>6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"

>7. "We contacted aliens in the past"

>8. "Psychology is a science"

>9. "It's possible to go back in time"

>10. "Race is a social construct"

>> No.3282565 [DELETED] 

OP, you should put this into Excel and make graphs of it, and post it here. The 0 - 100 system would work perfectly. Just saiyan.

>> No.3282564


I'm not denying that, but very few people would dispute that a billiard ball is a sphere unless they were being extremely technical. I'm just pointing out that the Earth isn't that far from being spherical.

>> No.3282586


Which I agree with.

>> No.3282593

1. 95
2. 100
3. 99
4. 30
5. 1
6. 5
7. 1
8. 20
9. 20
10. 0

>> No.3282687

>1. "The universe began with the Big Bang"
0. God is the craetor of everything.

>2. "Earth is round"
0. It has bumps and lows, called mountains and oceans. It appears to be round from a distance, though.

>3. "Natural selection drives all life forms through the generations"
90. I'm almost certain.

>4. "We will soon be able to build computers hundreds of times smarter than us"
?. I have no idea. Anything I or anyone would say would be a complete geuss.

>5. "It's possible to travel faster than light"
0. As far as our understanding of the universe goes, it's not possible

>6. "The universe was created by a superior entity far from our understanding"
?. How the fuck would I know? How the fuck would you know? He doesn't show himself anywhere, so I'd say it's illogical to believe in a diety. I don't rule out the possibility, though. For that I'd need data he doesn't exist. There is a severe lack of data, and thusly I don't believe in a diety.

>7. "We contacted aliens in the past"
20. Would be cool, but I have yet to see indesputable evidence. Ancient art of supposed aliens is not enough. Might be aliens, might not be aliens. Not reliable.

>8. "Psychology is a science"
100. I don't know why people even consider it's not. To refresh your bad memory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science
>Science (from Latin: scientia meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world
Psychology does that. So yeah. 100.

>9. "It's possible to go back in time"
?. Not my area of expertise.

>10. "Race is a social construct"
0. Race is the concept we've come up with to tell people with different origins apart. I.e. it's a concept we've come up with to describe an obvious fact.

>> No.3285041

oh look a fucktard.

>> No.3285110

1. 99
2. 99 (assuming you just mean 'not flat' as opposed to spherical)
3. 99
4. 30
5. 50
6. 51
7. 49
8. 100
9. 08
10. 01

>> No.3285138

1. 90, its the best we know
2. 100
3. 75
4. define soon
5. 1
6. 10
7. 10
8. 75
9. 10
10. 90

>> No.3285170

1. 92
2. 100
3. 94
4. 68
5. 15
6. 01
7. 10
8. 18
9. 30
10. 73

>> No.3285205

Copy paste this to make it easier.

1. 95
2. 0
3. 50
4. 75
5. 75
6. 50
7. 15
8. 100
9. 2
10. 0

>> No.3285238

1. 80->95 - Probable, but the theory still needs to be expanded. xD
2. 99 - Define round without saying circle.
3. 99 - Yes, but you cannot say all...yet.
4. 100 - If by smarter you mean able to do mundane calculations.... 50 if you mean the ability to formulate silly imaginative theories.

5. IDK, (1-(v^2/c^2))^(1/2)
6. IDK, 1.., possible...
7. lol...nope.jpg
8. 50, yes and no, Psychology is based on one person's unscientific understanding/guess of the way life forms interact, Although, science is conducted when proving/disproving a theory... but even that brings mixed results. For the most part, there are things that cause people to do things and it is proven through probability that they might.

9. Nope, 0 What is time?
10. nope, 0.... There are definite natural difference between some "races".. (i like to call them species)

>> No.3285248


>2. 99 - Define round without saying circle.

Having no drastically sharp projections on it's surface.

>> No.3285271

1. 70% (it's a sound theory, but there are still a load of gaps that can't be explained away that easily)
2. 0% (it's roughly spherical, but that's not what you're asking)
3. 0% (social selection is a well documented driving force for evolution as well)
4. 0%-100% (this one depends very much on what you mean with "soon" and "smarter". 0% for social aptitude, which is going to take a looong time. 100% for pure logic, in which they are quickly getting closer. For all other definitions it's somewhere between those two)
5. 10%-100% (100% if you just mean it as written, because slowing down light is trivial. 10% if you mean FTL travel, which may be possible using a warp drive, but that requires exotic mater and the energy equivalent of 2 solar masses, so it's as of yet very theoretical)
6. 30% (We could be living in a matrix-style simulation, but if it'd be fore research purposes we'd never know)
7. 10% (there have been some very strange radiological phenomena observed in the past)
8. 100% (A soft one, but undeniable a useful one if you take care of applying proper statistics)
9. 0%-80% (80% for particles on a quantum mechanical level, there's research that points in that direction when it comes to the decay of quantum states. 0% for anything that adheres to causality because causality would be broken then and that's just not something that could happen)
10. 100% (There are genetic differences between people, but the differences between races are smaller then the differences within a race. Social influences are much more powerful then the small genetic differences anyway)

>> No.3285311

haha so much ignorance and lies in this thread

all you 130+ IQ guys im disappoint.

>> No.3285334

ITT: everyone but me thinks round=perfectly spherical