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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3279090 No.3279090 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you ever noticed the dramatic difference in average eyesight between the intelligent portion of the population and the hurrrrrr portion?

Is it just me or are highly intelligent people far more likely to have glasses or contacts?
I've been at my university for 3 years and it's finally just hit me that many of the smartest kids in my classes have eye correction, not to mention the professors who also exhibit this.

So what do you say /sci/ is there any correlation at all between intelligence and eyesight or is it just dumb luck that intelligent people usually have glasses?

For the record I have glasses. I'm confident in my intelligence, but I'm no genius.

>> No.3279098

The myopia gene increases IQ. Exact reasons unknown. Look it up on Wiki too lazy now.

>> No.3279104

Fuck, I messed up noko.

>> No.3279121


Thanks, I'll check it out.

also, bump for actual /sci/ence instead of religious trolling and EK.

>> No.3279123

math major with a 3.7 gpa at a top 25 school, a 160 iq and perfect eyesight here, enjoy literally being physically inferior to me
ps: perfect teeth and never had braces

>> No.3279124

OP, it's because the intelligent people you're talking about read a whole lot more than the non-intelligent ones. However, that's not necessarily true, because all they have is more data to extrapolate conclusions from -- not necessarily are they better at analyzing data, however.

The "intelligent" people in question may appear intelligent because of their large knowledge-base. (From this point forward, I will refer to your "intellectuals" as "knowledgeable individuals").

These knowledgeable individuals wear glasses because most of them are near-sighted due to reading about things in books and/or on the Internet. This, over long periods of time, causes a contortion in the cornea due to the stress of focusing on objects up-close, and permanently distorts the way your eye refracts light. Afterwards, you can only see things clearly when they are in front of you... Henceforth, in order to see far-away objects clearly, you'll need a pair of glasses.

>> No.3279135


You don't ruin you eyesight at 18 from reading. At that early age it's mostly genetic factors.

>> No.3279136

oh fuck son i better get off 4chan fast and start watching movies when i smoke weed instead

>> No.3279152

when the Khmer rouge wanted to get rid of intellectuals, they killed anyone wearing glasses

>> No.3279156

I'm talking about people whose eyesight deteriorates around the ages of 11-13 or so. Possibly earlier, possibly later.

However, if it's very early -- say, before 9 or 10 -- it's almost all genetic factors, because there's not much that eye strain could do to influence their sight.

>> No.3279162
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2/10 troll harder


I can see this making sense. However, I think >>3279135 is hitting on something more likely. It seems like genetics plays a huge part in this stuff. BUT, I'm no geneticist or optometrist.

>> No.3279168

Check the wiki under the "Epidemiology" section if anybody is interested.


>> No.3279176

In reality, I think it's just an issue of "correlation does not equal causation". You see many people with glasses who are knowledgeable and seem intellectual, and so you assume that their relationship must be causal. However, correlation doesn't equal causation -- they may not influence each other at all, but rather stem from the same cause.

X correlates with Y, and so through their correlation you see what appears to be causal. However, it's actually true that X and Y are BOTH being caused by Z, and that's why they're correlated.

>> No.3279178

bumpan for some science

>> No.3279188 [DELETED] 


What do you propose is the Z causing intelligence and eye correction?

I'm interested. I get what you are saying.

>> No.3279203

As I explained earlier, it's not a correlation between intelligence and nearsightedness, it's a correlation between appearing knowledgeable and nearsightedness. See >>3279124

Regardless, in its most objective form, it's the relationship between reading and myopia. The reading could be caused by our system of education, which requires a lot of study in order to succeed (and yet not necessarily intelligence). Some read for pleasure, and some read for knowledge or greater insight. Perhaps some students are more akin to reading for pleasure and/or insight because they are the more curious and intelligent, and that causes the correlation as well.

>> No.3279209


Yes, I saw I mistake and deleted my retard moment.

>> No.3279213



>> No.3279218

no shit Op you can not have it all you know, if you are smart you going to have shit eye sight and be ugly. if you are dumb you avg smarts you are going to be avge good looking and be in avge good health