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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 317 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3277986 No.3277986 [Reply] [Original]

Continuing from the first thread, here's the progress so far. Added everything from the (now auto-saging) original thread. If I missed your addition, let me know and I'll put it in.

Premise refresher: An anonymous billionaire who posts on /sci/ has offered us as much funding as we need to expand our sea base on the continental shelf. So far we've added pot gardens, two bars (one of which is a strip club, lol) a coffee shop, a hospital, apartments, two entertainment rooms, a restaurant, a tree dome, a nuclear sub pen, a drilling rig, a subsea rocket launch platform, a geology lab, a Thorium reactor and more.

What's next, seabros? More than one laboratory, perhaps? Some defense turrets? A fightersub launch tube? A Cthulu containment facility? The sea is our oyster. Let's conquer it. :3

>> No.3277991

a cinema, that's currently playing 2001

>> No.3278006


I should clarify; This isn't a "You suggest it, I draw it" thread. This is a "You draw it, I'll add it to the image" thread.

But yeah, a cinema's a great idea.

>> No.3278024

Stop fucking writing /Sci/, it makes my OCD rage-meter explode.

>> No.3278027

>Stop fucking writing /Sci/, it makes my autism rage-meter explode.

>> No.3278029

Another titty bar.

>> No.3278045


A person can't have autism and OCD?

lol u mad

>> No.3278062

fuck that.. this place is full of right-brained /sci/entists.. not left brain artists..

>> No.3278068


>implying i said they were mutually exclusive
>implying you still arent buttmad because youre autistic

>> No.3278069

I am impress OP, I've put this up:

>> No.3278076

where is the harem of genetically engineered permanent-lolis with cat ears and tails?

>> No.3278083

Extremely impressed by this.
Leave as is.

>> No.3278088


By all means, draw a genetic engineering lab! :3

>> No.3278092
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>Confirmed for pedo

/g/ is that << way. /sci/ is this ^ v > < way.

>> No.3278096
File: 64 KB, 500x436, 1303534331336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3278099


>>Confirmed for furry
>>No room to talk

>> No.3278106
File: 155 KB, 4000x2000, 1308943919187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added an empty conference room, I'm surprised we don't have one yet.

>> No.3278109


Fuck, I messed it up, hold on.

>> No.3278111

needs storage room, I assume in the highest underground cave.
>Smokin weed in the tree chamber, playing videogames, fine dining among brightly colored fish.

sounds like my kind of place.

>> No.3278117

way to large, conference room should be above ground. This could make a nice storage room though. Also, we need a janitors closet, and some sort of sewage handling system.

>> No.3278121
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>> No.3278123

Do we have an energy source?

>> No.3278127

>thermal vent
>cold cave below it

that's not how thermal vents werk

>> No.3278128

by my calculations, this is about a 30 man base, we need more beds

>> No.3278133

heh, sea cups

I like that

>> No.3278139

No high voltage lab? Come on, /sci/.

>> No.3278141

What additions have there been since the rocket?

>> No.3278146

How about some sea burrowing creatures. We should be able to see them since it is a cross section

>> No.3278157


The drilling rig.

Excellent suggestions everyone, definitely draw them!

>> No.3278162

I'm contemplating building a rough model of this in Minecraft...

>> No.3278166

What program do you use to draw?

>> No.3278169

Surely we're going to need a good gym in this place.

>> No.3278172

there are still a few problems:
-not often housing
-no sewage/water treatment
-no storage
-empty room that has no convenient use
-elevator from mining station leads to an extra floor with nothing on it.

>> No.3278173
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>> No.3278174
File: 135 KB, 600x631, MAC_address__by.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an idea that I'm too lazy to draw; in the bedrooms, there floor is curved down. If we add a flat surface acting as a floor at the same level as the bottom of the door, we have storage space underneath the floor in the bedroom. Sort-of like how they do it in those fibreglass caravans.

>> No.3278177

and this; stationary bicycles in a glass dome would be awesome, exercising while surrounded by fishes

>> No.3278179
File: 2 KB, 107x126, iseriouslyhope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Undersea base

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3278182

Well, I think it's Paint. Just that it's a lot of detail.

>> No.3278183

Yeah, it is.
In the alst thread they were talking about it.
Lots of 1 px work.

>> No.3278187

A library? I'm a shit artist btw.

>> No.3278192

I think there is a bookshelf in the conference room

>> No.3278207

Btw, do you have any previous version of this?
Just going to upload it to the sticky site.

>> No.3278234

Oh, btw, steam turbines are a shitty way to generate energy where space and spare parts are limited.
Using the reactor to power a Thermoelectric generator is a way better idea, even a complete reactor is probably total overkill, and a large Pu-238 nuclear battery should be sufficient.

>> No.3278242
File: 19 KB, 2000x768, StartBase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3278255

I have a .ZIP of most of them from the old thread. Where do you want me to stick it?

>> No.3278258
File: 323 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody seems to be drawing anything, so I added a crystal cave.

>> No.3278266

We need a shooting range for developing our coilguns and plasma-throwers.
>a coffee shop
>ONE coffee shop
This is inadequate.

>> No.3278272

I cant find my windows install cd,and microsoft wants to charge me 19 dollars to download mspaint

>> No.3278278


>>Plutonium battery
>>Not using Thorium

>> No.3278279

Paste it in C:\windows\System32

>> No.3278295

>Nobody seems to be drawing anything, so I added a crystal cave.
Nobody is drawing anything because it's fucking retarded.

>> No.3278299
File: 51 KB, 480x600, 480px-Scared_Child_at_Nighttime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nobody realizes that there is a horrible red eyed creature in the lower right part of the base

>> No.3278303

Erm, 2shared, 4shared etc...?
I could add you onto the sci guide & you could upload an attachment to the site

>> No.3278304

I think we've forgotten an important part of the drawing
Sea life

>> No.3278307
File: 285 KB, 4000x2000, 1308947831255TFAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3278310

Glorious, I'll make a google account.

>> No.3278313

>mfw you don't realise it's actually right behind you
Don't turn around, that might startle it.

>> No.3278315


>>Nobody is drawing anything because it's fucking retarded.

Does everyone else agree with this? D:

>> No.3278318
File: 343 KB, 1164x3700, 1307477966065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's mandatory according to /sci/'s official religion.

>Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

>> No.3278320

A Radioisotope battery will be smaller and better than a nuclear reactor.
Since space is the constraint (and money probably isn't) it's superior to a reactor in every possible way

>> No.3278328


A typical nuclear battery puts out a couple hundred watts, maximum.

>> No.3278330

Lies, we already have a LFTR you didn't even see.

>> No.3278333
File: 6 KB, 155x251, 1301959741015s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a troll, I'd like to contribute but my paint drawing skills would just simply rape the image.

>> No.3278335

On my phone, but will totally try when i gwt home. Thanks

>> No.3278341

ok, the account is oddSpace@hotmail.com

>> No.3278344

ok done

>> No.3278354

Thanks :D
this might take a while, I'm downloading A Universe from Nothing at the moment.

>> No.3278363

Oh yeah, that's right, we also need a dark cathedral to give praise to our dread-god.

>> No.3278383

alright, feel free to edit pages yourself if you want to.

>> No.3278390

Awesome, thanks

>> No.3278402

someone more artistic than me should add a hipster venue/cafe/theater to the deepest cave and call it 2deep4u

>> No.3278408

>A typical nuclear battery puts out a couple hundred watts, maximum.
All depending on size, bro
>Each GPHS-RTG has a mass of about 57 kg and generates about 300 Watts of electrical power at the start of mission (from about 4,400 Watts of thermal energy) from about 7.8 kg of Pu-238 based fuel.[2]
And that's for spacecrafts, the weight could probably be reduced as you scale it up.
The original MRSE core weighed something along 150 kg, and that was ONLY the core, without any of the associated, piping, fuel salt tanks, etc, etc, and it produced only about 10 MW thermal

A radioisotope battery, will, at any given size and any given weight always vastly outperform any nuclear reactor, because you produce the fuel off-site and then deliver it there

>> No.3278409
File: 7 KB, 250x251, 1231913464988s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan has a science board?
>mfw its 12 year olds building underwater forts

>> No.3278415

Invent Plasmids, Make Rapture.


>> No.3278419

We're doing a real one later.

>> No.3278429
File: 324 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, some minor modifications that add more places to expand onto.

>> No.3278439
File: 321 KB, 4000x2000, tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3278449


Did you add something? I don't see any difference.

>> No.3278460

on the module above the corridor to the right of the third greenhouse from the centre there is now a tower. Pretty sure that's it.

>> No.3278463

storage room

>> No.3278467

in retrospect, I probably should have said to the left of the submarine dock. :D

>> No.3278478

Well this is much more entertaining than most of the troll threads on /sci/

>> No.3278489


Oh that? Yeah, that's been added.

>> No.3278504

oh, whoops. I had your two posts the wrong way round.

>> No.3278549
File: 328 KB, 4000x2000, meetingroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added conference room...

>> No.3278550

I added a sub dock and little repair station inside it

>> No.3278555
File: 324 KB, 4000x2000, 1308943919187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3278573


Excellent, adding these now.

>> No.3278579

but it already has a sub dock...

>> No.3278580

Actually, the conference room is great. But the sub repair room appears to have a tissue-thin hull and is a bit sloppy in general. Work on that a bit while I put the conference room in and then I can add it.

>> No.3278589
File: 329 KB, 4000x2000, meetingroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


now with elevator

>> No.3278593

there should be more immediate access from the conference room to the main part of the lab.
also what is that red big rig looking thing?

>> No.3278602

I agree, and it's a tanker trailer converted to an ambient pressure underwater habitat. It's down there because at some point I plan on actually building one.

>> No.3278606

is that what those big gray testicles are?

>> No.3278611

no, those are submarines.

>> No.3278615

yeah they need more detail

>> No.3278621
File: 329 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, conference room added with some extra touches of my own design. :3c

>> No.3278629

nice, can you add the elevator too? For higher comfort...

>> No.3278633
File: 330 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A new crystalline element waiting to be discovered. :3

Also, I'e added the elevator to the conference room.

>> No.3278640
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 2dfascists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Dat flag design
>>sci confirmed for sea nazis

>> No.3278657

>Rocket has just USA on it

Shouldn't it be more internationally marked? Not only eurobros here but herd there was an Australian here too once

>> No.3278660

no, fuck them

>> No.3278662


Good thinking, I'll put our flag's logo on it. Or "sci" or something.

>> No.3278670


We need a public figure, I suggest Richard Stallman.

>> No.3278671


*Leader, not public figure.

>> No.3278676

Dear leader

Kim Jong Il

>> No.3278678

Stallman is definitely more of a /g/ person. He's also a paranoid paedophile, so not a great representative for us- representative as he may be.

>> No.3278679
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There, the rocket is now appropriately branded.

>> No.3278691
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>> No.3278703
File: 137 KB, 370x394, 1264989304537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do we go to torture and rape christians? Where is the christian disposal (for the bodies)?

>> No.3278725

Back in a bit, keep the additions coming, I'll paste them all in when I return.

>> No.3278728

That will come after we turn the atmosphere into a toxic hellhole and reenact Archimedian dynasty.

>> No.3278732

We'll probably need a lot of storage if we're going to have shit like a spacecraft and everything. I suggest a few rooms for cargo, maybe with a snazzy looking forklife and some place to produce things.

And maybe holding cells.

>> No.3278739
File: 325 KB, 4000x2000, 1308943919187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update in subrepair and "exploration" subroom

>> No.3278740
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>christfag disposal

Just dump the bodies in the ocean....durrr. At least the christfags will have some use in there sad pathetic lives, fishfood.

>> No.3278751

We need algae farms. They require little nutrients and 9 sq. feet of algae can provide food and oxygen enough for one human.

>> No.3278757

Maybe we should add tidal power too? I'm sure upwellings just right of the screen from that trench could provide us with another major power source!

>> No.3278805

Requires additional pylons!

>> No.3278809

I seriously wanna know who was boring enough to go and calculate this.

>> No.3278815

>who was boring enough
Usually I'd phrase this nicely, but kindly fuck off. I doubt you've ever done anything that useful.

>> No.3278822


Maybe this explains it

>> No.3278826
File: 401 KB, 4000x2000, 1308952698485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated map with everything added before and algae farms on top of apartments/living space.

>> No.3278870

>go underwater
>build a dome
>pump air into dome

People, we've developed gills and we've also developed photosynthesis

>> No.3278884

So much more expensive and dangerous than using modules.

>> No.3278886

Needs an large aquarium to observe capture marine life in controlled environment.

>> No.3278898

only if it's at one atmosphere. If it's at ambient pressure, the water pushes in the same amount as the air pushes out.

>> No.3278919
File: 397 KB, 4000x2000, scibase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FIXED nationality on rocket since America cancelled everything and went bankrupt while in Europe only Greece died.

>Inb4 mad jellyfags

>> No.3278928

The ESA will be using the skylon planes.

Put China on that rocket instead.

>> No.3278930
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1305924099275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elevators everywhere
>No stairs in case of emergency

And I thought /sci/ was the smartest board on this goddamn site.

>> No.3278938

Have the base on Europa's oceans. Make things more interesting.

>> No.3278944

We need a swimming pool. Swimming's good for you !

>> No.3278945

Sure is full retard in here.

>> No.3278947

Hey, OP, where's the gym in that place, can't have the scientists getting fat and all that.

>> No.3278959

If you think it needs something, feel free to add on to it. Just don't do it half assed

>> No.3278960

Ah, the Twelve stars of Europe...

But remember:

>Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars represent the peoples of Europe in a circle, a symbol of unity. Their number shall be invariably set at twelve, the symbol of completeness and perfection.

>Just like the twelve signs of the zodiac represent the whole universe, the twelve gold stars stand for all peoples of Europe – including those who cannot as yet take part.
>—Council of Europe. Paris, 7–9 December 1955

So technically its the flag of Americans as well, at least those of European ancestry

>> No.3278965

I don't get why we're affiliating ourselves with any nation, we're all from different nationalities coming together to make a environment purely dedicated to science.

>> No.3278973


Just have /sci/ on there.

>> No.3278975

The underwater swimming pool needs a water slide...
a big one.

>> No.3278976

After I eat dinner, I'll work on a storage locker place

>> No.3278978


Congo/Canadafags detected

>> No.3278980

'tis on the most recently updated full version.

>> No.3278989

good, now add my sub-repair room!

>> No.3278990

Oh my god. I still can't believe we're making a underwater base just for ourselves.

>> No.3278992

im sorry OP, but im gonna blow your cover:

>> No.3279000
File: 331 KB, 4000x2000, 1308956454826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed USA to /sci/

>> No.3279006

Did you put it...
over my trailer?

also, I'll let Mad Scientist handle the most recent edition, I'll mess it up royally. He should be back at some point

>> No.3279009

What is that omnious looking set of red dots(eyes?) in the lower right corner of the picture? Inside of the black cavity (oil reservoir?).

If that's not lightly to kill us, I suggest we drill a canal downwards into the cavity and exploit the oil. Maybe with an external drilling platform.

Of what design I'm not sure, but we should be able to figure something out since we're /sci/ and all. Be inspired by: http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Mobile_drilling_platform

>> No.3279013

This! Where else are supposed to have squids and sharks fight? . . . for science of coarse!

>> No.3279029

Can we have something like... a giant room full of weird incubators for all kinds of genetic or Frankenstein-type experiments? I'm thinking of something like in Final Fantasy 7, right before they see Jenova... loads of tanks with mutated humans in them and shit.

>> No.3279031
File: 14 KB, 313x311, 1308092643059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. . for science of coarse!
>of coarse!


>> No.3279032

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

>> No.3279075
File: 18 KB, 683x461, Scary as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest we coat our modules in platinum (the level of unreactiveness is OVER 9000!) and strategically place canisters containing some immensely corrosive agent to take out any attack subs sent for out haven of free thought. Though we could make some agent that solidifies the water into a tough gel of some kind... I'm not sure what would offer the best defensive capabilities, if we had something like that it could be kinda like a shield.

>> No.3279083

bathroom and a fridge?

>> No.3279192
File: 401 KB, 4000x2000, 1308953695347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed the entrance to the rocket room so it doesn't mess with the cave. I also added an elevator into the rocket room so people trying to go there or to the conference room don't have to go through two decompression chambers.

>> No.3279235

we should do this next with a spaceship

>> No.3279271

Added a storage area, with door to outside.
I'm thinking about making it an airlock type door maybe?
Also, y'all need to put stuff in it, I figure everyone can put something different in.

Or I can fill it with boxes...

>> No.3279276
File: 404 KB, 4000x2000, SciLab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might help if I actually post the image

>> No.3279301

I did, but then again your trailer takes up a lot of ground space, but if this were real it'd be above and behind the trailer, so there would still be room for it.

>> No.3279371


>> No.3279374

I was gonna say harpoon cannons, but yours sounds better.

>> No.3279377


That being said, how about we put our Base O' Doom off the coast of Africa, where the Prime Meridian and Equator intersect?

>> No.3279457
File: 342 KB, 4000x2000, underwater base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Samefag here, I've added the oil extraction equip.
I couldn't think of a good way to visually represent the defense mechanisms so I didn't make any, I hope you have better luck =)

Now we've got lots of oil, what to do with it....?

>> No.3279460


And I didn't make any innards in the oil pump, as I've got little to no artistic skill.

>> No.3279468

Is this thread dead? No developments for a while...

>> No.3279479
File: 334 KB, 4000x2000, 1308961962123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this sticks. I removed one Nuclear sub and added two research subs to the bay, because earlier attempts at doing so werent very successful

>> No.3279480

Feed it to Cthulhu and pray he doesn't mind digging in his cave.

We have plenty of energy/resources, what we need to do is expand into the seafloor. More labs in the caves.

>> No.3279482

Don't do it man! You'll anger him.

>> No.3279495
File: 338 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I think this has all the new stuff in it. Double check it and if it's missing yours, let me know. I've also indicated our base location on the conference room's map screen.

>> No.3279497

Plan purpose for the labs before creating them. Lest you just have people struggling to think of uses for empty rooms.

>"And this can be the gerbil room!"

>> No.3279498

the new research subs I added. We have none, and two nuke subs is overkill

>> No.3279505


That's not oil, it's darkness. Also, that's the mouth of a sea cave, it's already full of water.

Some kind of oil extraction station is a good idea but try not to make it too obtrusive, covering up areas where other people might want to add rooms.


>>I hope this sticks. I removed one Nuclear sub and added two research subs to the bay, because earlier attempts at doing so werent very successful

We have two research subs docked to the main hub already. What we could really use is for someone to add more artistic detail to the nuclear subs. Something more futuristic. I might do it myself if nobody else wants to.

>> No.3279506

Swap that vertical "SCI" on the rocket to the one depicted in >>3279479

>> No.3279512

We put >>3279029 in one of the labs.

(And the gerbil room, of course.)

>> No.3279514

Hmm, still no observation tank? This depresses me.

>> No.3279520
File: 229 KB, 4000x1228, 1308965777714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose cutting the map off like so to save from wasted space, and 'excessive' lab adding

>> No.3279525

>Swapped out my storage room for awesomly detailed research sub bay

Also: I thought we we're off Africa, that map has us off South America

>> No.3279531

The /fit/izen inside me demands an exercize room full of squat racks.

>> No.3279536

What way should I make the oil extraction rig, then? It'll be a large venture any way we construct it...

>> No.3279537

Cettle bells are better!

>> No.3279538

add my subrepair room!

>> No.3279541

I expect you can re-purpose the original room now that the place has been expanded.

>> No.3279547

Or at the very least, make the central hub taller. Navigating around these towers will be a bitch.

>> No.3279550

Is this the first of these you've done? Moon/Mars/asteroid versions would be great.

>> No.3279559

>Drilling into Cthulhu's cave
Well, that's it, we're all gonna die horribly.

>> No.3279560

Needs a research lab studying the rock that you're building on, research what it contains, what you can use it for, and develop those discoveries.

>> No.3279561

If we do this again, we're going to need to start with a good frame so we dont get all the awkward branchings like we do here. There isn't much flow to this lab

>> No.3279571

I like how there doesn't seem to be a kitchen.

>> No.3279572

Anyone thought of laundry?

>> No.3279575

There's no women.

>> No.3279576


>> No.3279577
File: 340 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GENTLEMEN: I give you the future of naval warfare, bio engineered battle subs. Made from the DNA of over 50 sea creatures, and cybernetically combined with a new type of reactor which runs off of the recently discovered red crystals (the organic parts run off of a nturient rich algae solution, as you can see is being pumped into them) these living weapons represent not only our first marketable product but an unbeatable edge against any corporate or national enemies that may emerge.

In order to advance our biotech any further, we'll need a genetics lab and a dedicated holding pen for organisms like these.

>> No.3279578

>implying there are no calories in booze.

>> No.3279585
File: 262 KB, 468x340, Omega-Indoor-Hydroponic-Gardens-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self sufficiency is now priority. We need hydroponics on a huge scale, using omega gardens.


Add a huge tunnel with high percentage CO2 doubled air pressure with omega garden carosels, giving a constant supply of fresh produce for us to eat with all our tasty fish.

>> No.3279589

We shall fight with the power of WWHHHAAALLLLEEESSS!!!

>> No.3279592
File: 170 KB, 467x301, Omega-Indoor-Hydroponic-Gardens-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second. omega gardens are maximally efficient

>> No.3279597


>> No.3279598
File: 61 KB, 600x450, 10011_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add a huge tunnel with high percentage CO2 doubled air pressure with omega garden carosels, giving a constant supply of fresh produce for us to eat with all our tasty fish.

>> No.3279609
File: 128 KB, 594x824, cyborg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a picture for this, surprisingly enough.

>> No.3279611


Why not draw it yourself? You seem to know a great deal about how to design it. I'd gladly add it in when you're finished.

>> No.3279612

OMEGA garden running on AEROPONIS
just pump the room up with nutrient fog and c02

>> No.3279623



>> No.3279635

So the whale weapons.... ram things? Act as living torpedoes? Are pilotable ships?

>> No.3279637

the spinning shit allows you to use more surface area to grow per lightbuilb
the spinning also forces the plant to always straighten itself, making it grow like its on growth hormone.

>> No.3279653

Clever... very clever.

>> No.3279655

>self sufficiency is now priority.

agreed, fuck the surface completely. we have to generate our own oxygen... NASA says it takes ~7 liters of live algae to generate enough oxygen for 1 person. so we need 7 liters algae per person exposed to air in open tanks. Only then can we cut all ties to the surface.


>> No.3279660

My business activities will suffer if we cut all ties to the surface. We need to maintain the ability to act as a financial center.

Maybe we can open up offices in our embassies in land-based nations?

>> No.3279664

Would it be acceptable to turn the strip club into a genetics lab? Or would that be blaspheme?

>> No.3279670

do it

>> No.3279679

guys, i'm surprised no one has mentioned this.

Our main problem is women. we need females. Because everyone on 4chan is caucasian, I humbly propose we bulk mail order brides from Russia, East asia, and North africa/middle east to insure long term genetic variation among our progeny.

note: (i am assuming we plan on destroying the surface based on the missile silo present in the design)

>> No.3279682


>> No.3279689

>destroying the surface
Lordy, no.

We are creating anew world order.

>> No.3279699
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A ratio of say, at least 10 females to each male would be ideal.

We also need the surface for its lucrative banking business and as customers for our high-value goods and raw materials.

I don't know about you, but I demand a luxury underwater villa, not some cramped apartment tube.

>> No.3279704
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>> No.3279715
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There's no need for it. I deny women my essence. are you aware of water fluoridation?

>> No.3279727

things we (you) need to do:
-replace all the doors and tunnels to nowhere with housing
-septic system
-dedicated algae farm
-trash disposal

>> No.3279740
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>>Are pilotable ships?

This. Their primary weapons are concentrated accoustic beams. Ever seen Blue Submarine No. 6?

P.S. Added underwater section to the cavern lab, with an ROV for sampling the stalactites.

>> No.3279747
File: 42 KB, 453x604, strangelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes. I first became aware of the commie plot after the physical act of love.

>pic related, it's actually me
>go ahead, call me a faggot, you're just jelly

>> No.3279750

What about submarines and those things that are like underwater jet skis? Or will we be too deep for diving gear

>> No.3279762

>not using whales for underwater exploration

>> No.3279767

Mad Scientist

If this doesn't work

You're going to have to answer to the coca cola company

>> No.3279773

nice sweaty pits

>> No.3279776

Try visiting the USAF museum in July, you'll see.

>> No.3279788
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There doesn't appear to be any sort of Master Control Terminal or Artificial Intelligence for running the place.

>> No.3279795

What do you think is in the tower next to the infirmary?

>> No.3279797
File: 343 KB, 4000x2000, 1308967117227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added solitary confinement chamber in case anyone gets extreme cabin fever

>> No.3279802

What's with all the tape drives? We building this back in 1940?

>> No.3279804
File: 189 KB, 685x414, karensjet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Karen Sjet in there?

>> No.3279806


>> No.3279813
File: 345 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>-replace all the doors and tunnels to nowhere with housing

Those are there specifically to give people places to add onto.

>>-septic system

All human waste is ejected into the water and quickly consumed by bottom feeder fish. This happens irl and it's why very few historical habitats had toilets. They'd just go outside and let the fish eat it up. Not pretty, but very practical.

>>-dedicated algae farm

Got one, it's on top of the apartments.

>>-trash disposal

Done. Look below the weed farm module. Lower left of the rotating restaurant. You'll see the waste disposal chamber, containing a failed genetic experiment. Bad news is, it's horrifying. Good news is, it ravenously east garbage and nobody knows where the waste product goes.

>> No.3279816

they're only steam punk facades.

We are bond villains

>> No.3279818
File: 115 KB, 1388x712, Bondvillains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve of the latter.

>> No.3279819

Are these scientists vegetarians? I demand an In-N-Out

>> No.3279820
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Why are all trans/posthumans in sci-fi women or have womanlishy personalities?

Motoko, SHODAN, GLaDOS, Prime Intellect, Kalima of the Flowers, Kimiko Ross: Sure is religious divine mother imagery in here.

The only exception I can think of is HAL, but some of its behaviour was intended as a reference to Alan Turing who was gay and shit.

>> No.3279821

Why are there no storage rooms?

There should be some kind of storage warehouse. There also should be an armory of some kind.

>> No.3279827

I'll work on a farm tonight and post results tomorrow, whenever I find this thread.

>> No.3279828


Oh, and the Maschinenmensch from Metropolis, who even had, to top it all off, a pentagram on the wall behind its seat.

>> No.3279833

Nah, there are plenty of male voices

>> No.3279840

Dude, we have whales with sound lasers.

I think we're good on the whole defense thing.

>> No.3279842

Most writers are male
Most writers write for author appeal
Most writers who write about artificial intelligences want to have robot girlfriends
Most writers know their target audience and most sci-fi target audiences are male

Take your pick.
Also robot women are hot

>> No.3279844

I made one but it didn't get put in for some reason

>> No.3279848

needs guns

>> No.3279854
File: 16 KB, 350x262, fightersubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>I think we're good on the whole defense thing.

How about supercavitating fighter subs? Pic related.

>> No.3279860

Bacon trees. in the tree dome

>> No.3279861

If you want me to get into the fighter subs argument, we can do this right here and now. This is not a threat, merely a warning.

>I can write for ages on the topic but suffice it to say that they're impractical despite what you might think.
>I've been approached by a captain in the ONI and asked to directly commission, if you need some kind of qualification

>> No.3279866

I love how we barely have any labs. Nice job, /sci/.

>> No.3279871

I think we should stick with a more 'biopunk' theme. How about swarms of pistol shrimp?

>> No.3279875


>> No.3279900

You're hilarious.

>> No.3279907
File: 348 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, added a storage room. Let's have some other people draw sections!

>> No.3279911


How about squadrons of trained cyberdolphins?

And sharks with mind control implants, their bodies surgically stuffed with explosives? Suicide bomber sharks basically.

>> No.3279913

Yeah, it actually IS hilarious to those that might have been unfortunate enough to witness a thread some time back with someone prattling on endlessly about their anime fantasies as though they were military reality.

Granted, we've just built a multi-billion dollar undersea "research base" with engineered whales, a space program, two marijuana farms, a bar, a strip club, a luxury restaurant, and an arboretum for some reason. All this and we still have like two actual labs.

>Yes, maybe I was getting carried away.
>It's the internet argument PTSD getting the better of me, the memories of the stupid are painful.

>> No.3279927


>implying there is shit to research about underwater

Somebody start an orbital space station.

>> No.3279935
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>> No.3279936

The dolphins have utility in harbors, littoral environments, and areas near the surface... we don't have much use for them.

The fastest shark in the sea couldn't keep up with a modern sub moving at max speed. However, subs generally don't move at high speeds for fear of cavitating. Sharks, if controllable, would be very very good weapons for "suicide" attacks.

Why fuck with some innocent sharks though? Why not use some kind of bio-mechanical fish-like robot designed from the ground up to be a weapon?

>> No.3279939
File: 137 KB, 400x521, seamarssmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Implying there's shit to research in orbit
>>Implying Mars and the moon aren't barren, radiation blasted deserts
>>Implying the sea isn't a lot like space in the good ways, except you find lots of new lifeforms instead of none, ever

Pic related, illustrative comparison.

>> No.3279948

It's great OP. The lab is pretty cool. Good job.

>> No.3279956

The space shuttle has one thing that I haven't noticed so far: exercise equipment,. Cardiovascular health may be rather important including servicing the outside or performing tasks not suited for rovers.

Oh, and also a pig farm. What is society without bacon?

>> No.3279960

I am somewhat interested in why fighter subs are not practical. Would you please explain?

>> No.3279961

Case in point, >>3279609

>> No.3279967

I assume he was referring to the supercavitation aspect of the subs.

>> No.3279971

Dwarf Fortress-fag here.

I demand a room 5 feet high, about half a mile square, and fucking full of stone tables and chairs. Legendary Dining Hall.

>> No.3279975


Ours can be driven using the red crystal reactor technology. Solid state electric underwater propulsion with no moving blades or exhaust. It's an intensely powerful diamagnetic monopole.

(50% bullshit star trek pseudoscience, 50% truefax. Wiki 'diamagnetics'.)

>> No.3279976

Another green plants/mushroom dome.
A lecture theatre. Good for movies and ballots.

>> No.3279988
File: 143 KB, 360x573, 260090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I've been lurking in on this project since the beginning. Wow, /sci/ you guys sure can work together.

Also saw the Costco Project you did earlier, Mad Scientist. Any other future projects in the works?

>> No.3279992


>> No.3279993


>>Also saw the Costco Project you did earlier, Mad Scientist. Any other future projects in the works?


>> No.3279996

So, in addition to the red crystals, have we found something useful towards our more genetic-y experiments? Near the cave with the big red glowing eyes of doom, perhaps?

>> No.3280000
File: 323 KB, 4000x1756, cargo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had worked on a cargo loading/unloading room last night, but someone already beat me to it's location.

Any alternations would be appreciated.

>> No.3280012

Firstly, dem quads.

Secondly, I say we get rid of the strip club and replace it with the conference room.

>> No.3280013

isnt that too big for the new cave research roboter room?

how will the boxes get transported? they are too huge for the corridors.

make the storage room smaller and the boxes.

>> No.3280030

I second both of these.

>> No.3280039

If this turns into a giant argument, let the record show I am doing this grudgingly.

You need to power these things. You either need a nuke reactor (which regardless of miniaturization will still be pretty damn big and heavy) or some kind of AIP system, which would severely limit range.

To get the advantage of speed/maneuverability, you need to supercavitate. This means carrying along a lot of gas to create your bubble, getting gas from the water around you, or carrying your gas as a fluid. Either way you do things, you'll need bulky equipment that adds MORE size/weight to your sub; be it compressors, electrolysis machines, cryogenic storage for liquefied gas, or bulky tanks of compressed gas.

How much range do you expect this thing to have if it's fighter sized? The ocean's a big place. Any pilot spending more than a day or so in there is going to get really uncomfortable really quickly. Modern tanks feature extremely comfortable (design permitting) furnishings to improve crew performance/endurance.

A modern torpedo of any military utility is 6 meters long and weighs 1600 kg. How many do you think a fighter sized vessel is going to carry?

All of this ultimately boils down to the same reasons space fighters are impractical. If you're going to stick enough mass onto something to make it militarily useful, it's not going to really be the fighter you wanted. If you're going to strip it down for the perceived advantages, it's not going to be militarily useful.

Using such hypothetical craft for suicide missions is one thing, as is the utility of a USV... but why go to all that trouble just for a bulked up torpedo that can "MIRV" itself? Ultimately, if your interest is to build a navy that can fight, sub-fighters are not in your best interests.

>> No.3280040


To be honest, those were the only pre-made crate sprites I could find. The *idea* was that they could be maneuvered underwater, through the pressure vault, stacked in the large chamber, and then UNboxed, and the equipment/food could be moved to whichever room needed it.

BUT, like I said, I'm VERY open to alterations.

>> No.3280042

All of you who draw this thing: You rock!

>> No.3280049

But we have red crystals.

>> No.3280107

red crystal = philosopher's stone

>> No.3280115

How about we put a gym in right above the drill?
I'd draw it myself, but I'm on a phone.

>> No.3280122
File: 386 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, okay. Found a place to add that cargo room where the cargo sub wouldn't have to be inside Cthulu's chamber to get at it. Integrated it with the other cargo room, added a sub lock for loading shipments, and some forklifts.

>> No.3280136

What if the ship was remote controlled?

>> No.3280147

I think it'd still be easier to have a torpedo that shoots other torpedoes.

>> No.3280152
File: 14 KB, 191x234, 1270363017974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a Thorium reactor
can i put my bed right on top of it?
shit's probably nice and warm
this is how the nuclear engineer on old nuclear subs slept, right on top of the reactor, and part of his duties was to walk up and down the galleys with his film badge in full view. if there was any kind of leak, the entire crew would know

also where is the reactor in that image

>> No.3280155

Threads like this is why you have to be over 21 to drink.

>> No.3280156

Better. But the boxes are still bigger than the submarines.

>> No.3280158

Good plan. I like your style.

What if we just put an oil reserve under the base? And is this lab eco friendly? I think we need energy star certified appliances.

>> No.3280159
File: 419 KB, 4000x2000, modsoiontostsciunderwater3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used my powers of OCD to improve the conference room map.

>> No.3280166


No its not big enough for a hiijaran mothership

and why did they never put weapons on that thing

>> No.3280168

Needs a large hadron collider.

>> No.3280170

It's a hell of a plan, but guidance becomes an issue.

If you can miniaturize the guidance or only have it separate during terminal phase, beautiful. Remember though that you need enough explosive power to cause overpressure underneath or near the hull of a ship... sufficient overpressure to crack it.

>> No.3280174
File: 344 KB, 632x474, 1270484893136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>building a 12 mile diameter particle accelerator underwater

>> No.3280177

Sure are a lot of small rooms with clocks in them.

>> No.3280179

We're making death whales that eat garbage with Cthulhu DNA.

We're waaaaaay past eco-friendly.

>> No.3280180


I do not know why they did not build it underwater in the first place

no drilling

>> No.3280192

still looking for the LFTR on that image.
dun see no drain tanks, turbines, processing systems, nothin.
don't tell me you slapped the whole thing in a big can and put cation tape on it! that kills half the fun!

>> No.3280193

It's the FUCKING SEA. It's huge.
>Captcha: DONALD stratu

fuck you donald.

>> No.3280198

Still, may be possible in the not-too-distant future.

>> No.3280206
File: 343 KB, 4000x2000, radar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added a long-range SONAR array

>filename reads "radar"

>> No.3280208

>Not building this in the sky and use it as a ISS in the sky.


>> No.3280222
File: 395 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, new world map added along with supply subs bringing crates of food, equipment, etc.

>> No.3280230

Shouldn't we get a mining rig or two for our red-crystallium?

>> No.3280236

The sky comes next.

>> No.3280238


>Wood Crates

I'm really sorry, guys.

>> No.3280243

>finally find LFTR on map
>couple tanks and a turbine
i got some editing work to do

sonar doesn't look like radar panels, it's usually more like a cylinder with very small cells spaced around it

>> No.3280244

Good. Because i hate to say this, but the sea really freaks me the fuck out.

>> No.3280246

It's artificial wood!

>> No.3280249
File: 69 KB, 298x296, 1294126584168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made that LFTR

>> No.3280253

Fair enough. Shit's Lovecraftian, yo.

>> No.3280255

Yup, which is why I didn't rule it out right away.

It would still require advances in non-nuclear explosives and miniaturization of guidance systems, but it's possible.

Note to everyone: a supercavitating torpedo is VERY LOUD, LIKE LOUDER THAN BILLY MAYS WITH CAPS LOCK ON. Their range is also pretty limited. If you get close enough to fire it, everyone knows where you are. Everyone has longer ranged weapons that you. You cannot run that fast without cavitating, and then not only is your immediate prior location known but you can now be tracked.

If you shoot one, you stand a change of killing a target, but the probability is nearly 1 that you will be killed.

>> No.3280258

So where's the lab where we create horrific monstrous fishmen slaves?

>> No.3280261

That will be appearing in the next episode of Dr. Who.

>> No.3280262
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SONAR/RADAR combination bullshit tech then.

>> No.3280265

bioengineering, level 5 pod D i believe.

>> No.3280273

No. Literally, the Sea creeps me out. That depth picture freaked me out that was posted on here really creeped me out.

>> No.3280275

So what you are saying is we need lasers instead of explosives or some magnet technology?

Underwater Sea Lab 2020 would be an awesome game.

>> No.3280299
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Okay, sonar array added. I chose a spot that won't obstruct new modules, but still makes sense (The biosub bay and repair bay are going to be part of a military base I plan to stick right on top of both.)


>>Sure are a lot of small rooms with clocks in them.

Decompression chambers. Necessary any place you're going from the main base (1 atmosphere) to a section that is directly exposed to the outside pressure.

>> No.3280301

You wouldn't happen to know if it was possible to distract a submarine, would you?

>> No.3280303

wtf is artificial wood?

i like the sonar array.

>> No.3280308

Is this thread on autosage?

>> No.3280310


>>If you shoot one, you stand a change of killing a target, but the probability is nearly 1 that you will be killed.

Suppose the fighter subs sneak up on the enemy sub via standard stealth impellers until in firing positions, then they all fire magnetic torpedos simultaneously, then use their supercav drives to rapidly escape? The enemy sub would be struck by at least most of the magnetic charges, which would not explode until the fighters departed, and the enemy sub couldn't fire upon them all. It might get one or two, but in a few seconds the rest would be gone, and the magnetic charges would explode.

>> No.3280317

those cargo boxes suck big time.
they have a really really bad flow cross-section.
remove them completely?

>> No.3280318

I would propose making a new thread, Mad Scientist.

>> No.3280327

You'd need VERY good intelligence and VERY quiet submersibles to catch a full sized sub on its patrol route.

All modern military subs undergo degaussing to prevent being vulnerable to magnetic mines. This isn't to mention the anti-sonar coating that also impairs magnetic fields from interacting with the boat's hull.

>> No.3280338

So about the supercavitating torpedo that shoots miniature versions of itself, why not have it slowly go on out for a couple of minutes while your sub turns around and starts running. You time it so that the torpedo and sub start cavitating at the same time.

Also, I would expect that if you are using the SC torpedoes that all hell has already broken loose and there is no point in hiding any more.

>> No.3280378

Okay, the new thread is active:
