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File: 20 KB, 300x225, SummerOfGeorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3276661 No.3276661 [Reply] [Original]

>sign up for Computer Science at uni
>visit forum

>Hey guys, I'm going to university in October, so I'm buying a laptop.
>So, should i take one that runs windows or a macbook that runs mac, which is for sure more expensive..???

>macbook! you can run both mac and windows on it= no viruses :D and longggggg battery life :D

>Definately a Mac! If you have the funds and the choice to pick which one, Macs are far better computers and they're very well built.

>windows is a *** operating system. Mac takes seconds to load up, windows takes like 10 mins altho I think windows 7 takes less time.
>also my computing teacher got so over excited about running windows in a window. :P he also venerates anything apple

>yeah macs are expensive but they are worth it in my opinion. all the stuff you can do on them with logic and PS is unbelievable, plus you can also have microsoft office on a mac anyway so its not like your missing out on anything. i killed 2 PC's in a year because of viruses etc. i've had an imac for 8 month and not had 1 single problem. macs are pricey but they last waaaaay longer then pc's, and i don't suppose you'll really want a pc breaking down half way through the year?? so just spend the extra money and get a mac, it'll be worth it in the long run :)

>if your going to be a heavy user then i suggest the mac buh if its only going to be for basic word publisher etc.. a few movies then i suggest you gow for windows itl be much cheaper ..

>I completely depends on what you want to use it for. Somethings are better on Macs some are better on PC. If you're after a computer you can write essays on, perhaps watch a few dvds, internet etc. you just need a PC. If you want something that is powerful for graphics and photo/image type software and you plan on using it a lot away from power sockets think about a mac. But it depends on you, your budget and how you plan to use it. (I have had many PCs and Macs and currently own one of each)

God help me.

>> No.3276665

fucking raged

>> No.3276668

PEople are mindless drones that believe Apple's crap. They can't see the truth past Steve Jobs' schlong in their mouth.

>> No.3276669

So pretty much a bunch of dumbasses who download random porn and shit on windows get viruses.

>> No.3276671

You should get a Mac. Name ONE thing they got wrong. I fucking dare you.

>> No.3276673

My favorite part was about that computing teacher that venerates anything apple.
I don't think I'll survive.

>> No.3276676

Was this a cs forum on the university website? If so your first year will be fun, with lots of dropouts.

>> No.3276680
File: 56 KB, 400x364, 1305492301347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if your going to be a heavy user then i suggest the mac

>> No.3276681

Macs are for people smart enough to realise prebuilt PCs are shit, but too stupid to make their own custom built PC. Which isnt even that hard goddamn, its like putting together legos.

>> No.3276682

Life-long Windows user here: it's really a testimony to the genius marketing Apple uses. "WINDOWS? YOU CAN'T EDIT FUCKING PHOTOS ON WINDOWS! THERE AREN'T ANY MUSIC SEQUENCERS FOR WINDOWS! ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?"

>> No.3276683

Building an electronic product with an intended life span of 3 years and making a chassis out of a material that could be better put to use.
The price.
Lack of meaningful software.
Company ethics and practices.

>> No.3276684

Well, they've basically just made people believe that by merely owning an Apple product, you're automatically more creative.

>> No.3276685

I agree, but it's rather difficult to find places where you can custom build a laptop.

>> No.3276687

>implying they don't want to troll new guys at uni so they can laugh at all the macusers and their wasted money

>> No.3276688

Pity them instead for their ignorance.

Then go buy something appropriate.

I have a uber-gaming tower, and a $100 used laptop that will let me type, internets, and read books.

>> No.3276691

I know, it's like they made people think fucking Photoshop is "better experienced" on a mac.

>> No.3276692
File: 226 KB, 400x583, Guan-Yu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mac users implying science can be done on macs
>mfw all the cs courses after introductory require a windows or *nix operating environment for development

>> No.3276693

>you're automatically more creative.

Don't worry about it. just do your work, and smile at them when you go to McDonalds.

>> No.3276695

>visit apple.com
>MacBook The notebook for everyone. Just $999.

>> No.3276696

Owning a mac for anything other than humanities courses should be a bar to entry.

Fucking cs on a mac. Obviously have no experience and are only there to learn how to develop apps.

>> No.3276705

No rigjt click

I will say i helped out with a study about various companies product quality. 90% of macs had a serious hardware issue by year 3. Interesting though, if your mac makes it past 3 years it will most lilely last decades. So buy the extended warramty but do not worry about renewing it.

>> No.3276710

>sat at home watching the football and doing some stuff for work
>wife says her friend and her husband are coming round
>they're both guardian reading leftist cunts who drive a prius
>they eventually manage to navigate their way to my house
>they open the door without knocking and come in without taking their shoes off
>i'm sat writing an email for work
>Look mate I'm a bit bu-
>an hour of mind numbing conversation later about how great starbucks is and how I should fork out £2000 for a computer that has half the power of my 5 year old PC ask them to leave
>They protest
>Tell them to leave
>See a giant rant on Facebook (sent from an iPhone, no doubt) about what a Fascist prick I am and how I'm a luddite.
>Inform the other half that if they come round again I'll tow his iPrius round the iGarden with my iLandRover and ruin his iLife.

Everyone who owns an Apple is thick.

>> No.3276711

No offense, but in some instances a mac can actually be useful. I use the supercomputer cluster of my university to run computationally intense analyses on. I have a laptop which runs windows but in the office I have a mac. On my laptop I need to run linux via a virtual machine client and install all the imaging software in order to even be able to log in to the computer cluster. On the Mac I only need to open the terminal and I'm good to go. If the connection is lost for some reason on my laptop, it freezes and I have to reboot it, and do all that shit again to be able to get back to work. No such problems on my mac.

>> No.3276716

>they're both guardian reading leftist cunts who drive a prius

>> No.3276717

you must be a pleasant person to be around

>> No.3276721
File: 762 KB, 1440x3297, 1307565180145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic should explain it all.

>> No.3276722


Yes, I'm an absolute delight.

>> No.3276723

Why not run linux directly?

>> No.3276727

If I had to do some relatively serious work, I'd take a mac. Face it, it was made for idiots, as simple as possible, you have to be a real moron to fuck something up. If you can afford to trade flexibility for continuity, take mac. Otherwise take win or *nix based laptop.

Using win on PC for 15 years, linux on laptop for 2.

>> No.3276729

because my piece of shit laptop will only run windows vista

>> No.3276764
File: 104 KB, 665x598, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3276772

You are going to one of those schools where rich parents send their semi-retarded trust-fund babies, right?
I sure hope you are, for the sake of the human race

>> No.3276794

So it "only" runs vista, but it can't run linux?
Bro, wat?

>> No.3276796

Out of all the quotes in the OP, the only one who sounds like they have half a brain is the last one.

Make friends with them OP and make them realise how fucking stupid everyone else in the class is. At least that way you won't be alone.

>> No.3276816

Not sure what the problem is, but the processor isn't compatible with anything besides windows vista.

>> No.3276824

Nope, just a regular old mid-high level university.

I'm just hoping I won't have to interact with that >>3276673

>> No.3276825

You bought it from a pawn shop, didn't you?

>> No.3276826

um, person in question said:
>If you want something that is powerful for graphics...get a Mac
dude wat

good joke

also, everyone here knows this anyway, but i hate the whole virus thing.
>i killed 2 PC's in a year because of viruses etc.
well you're a fucking retard, aren't you? nice job blaming that on the computer.

>> No.3276838

Lol, no, I bought it new. Supposedly it's 'optimized for a perfect windows vista experience'. That basically means it's a piece of shit.

>> No.3276840

>i killed 2 PC's in a year because of viruses etc.
...Don't tell me there are people that actually go out and buy new computers when their old ones get infected. Wtf. How are people this stupid?

>> No.3276846

this too, ffs. even assuming they're completely fucked things up beyond words and have completely corrupted their hard drive, how they don't realize that they can just buy a new hard drive and reinstall Windows is beyond me.

i guess it's cause they've been taught too well by Apple that once something stops working, it's time to buy a new one.

>> No.3276853

you are my hero! :')

>> No.3276862

Godamn, THESE kids are studying cs?
We have no hope in our future.

>> No.3276865

God help you, OP.

>> No.3276868

It can't run CATIA.

>> No.3276879

They're the same type of people that keep their pcs on the floor, in a corner behind the desk, never open them to dust up. Shit, I knew a guy once that didn't even apply any thermal paste on the processor.

>> No.3276914
File: 55 KB, 455x451, intense stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah macs are expensive but they are worth it in my opinion. all the stuff you can do on them with logic and PS is unbelievable,

i'm crying here, guys. this is so sad.

>> No.3276934

reading this makes me weep for my chosen field of study.....

>> No.3276941

They also >imply that a virus would kill a pc, not just fuck the os and need a fresh install.

>> No.3277011

> i killed 2 PC's in a year because of viruses
> i killed 2 PC's in a year because of viruses
> i killed 2 PC's in a year because of viruses
> i killed 2 PC's in a year because of viruses

so this guy is a retard, and that's why he needs a retard's os

>> No.3277022
File: 146 KB, 449x400, 1270579778985yotsuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm really in /g/!

>> No.3277048
File: 37 KB, 381x500, 1308705498784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3277061
File: 45 KB, 600x617, apple_sold_water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Continued, pic related, and you cannot deny it, deal with it

>> No.3277078

The fact that a $1000 MacBook is worse than my $400 Laptop.
People who fall for Apple's bullshit deserve to have all their money taken away
And with all the money I have left over compared to you from not buying Apple products, I can afford a car and I don't have to buy shitty coffee from starbucks

>> No.3277091

This is technology, not science.
Also, a note to capitalistfags: Apple is an excellent example of a company with a good strategy.

>> No.3277093


>> No.3277094

I think you mean successful or profitable, not good.

>> No.3277099
File: 35 KB, 681x157, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3277110

I'm not sure if you understand fully what pure capitalism entails

>> No.3277113

Yeah computer science is a worthless degree. Not enough jobs to jusify the amount of people taking it

>> No.3277115
File: 4 KB, 190x124, gtop-www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3277131
File: 1.19 MB, 645x481, InstallGentooTF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all seriousness. it's a fantastic OS for laptops.

>> No.3277136


It didn't show this thread either.

>> No.3277142

This thread is under a day old.

>> No.3277148

That means nothing, I've seen new threads show up in searches.

>> No.3277154
File: 22 KB, 400x400, tumblr_kq979vR0Hz1qzma4ho1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you think every word on the fucking internet is indexed by google search?

are you fucking insane?

>> No.3277163

And you've seen this thread not show up. Your argument is irrelevant.

>> No.3277167

Forums are. How would OP/macfags find the forum if it wasn't google-able?

>> No.3277170

You got me, clever girl. I should check for names and trips sooner.

>> No.3277187

One thing it doesn't entail is ethical prescriptions on economic activities (eg calling something that's successful "good").

>> No.3277188

>People assuming I'm a troll because I have a trip

>> No.3277189

Are you fucking kidding me?
Over here more than 90% of us have signed work-contracts before finishing the masters. The demand is absolutely crazy right now

>> No.3277190

Where are you?

>> No.3277191


How did you travel back to 1995?

>> No.3277200

it comes naturally to me.

>> No.3277196

How did you travel ahead of 1995?

>> No.3277215

I live in norway and I study at NTNU aka "Norwegian university of science and technology".

We have companies coming over here pretty much every week, giving us free food just to advertise and try to get us to work for them.

>> No.3277223

I figured you weren't in America.

What's the best place in Scandanavia to move to?

>> No.3277227

university forum? also OP never said he copy pasted those responses , you probably just wrote the shit he could remember. the fact that it's not on google means nothing really

>> No.3277229

Every school has that for a variety of comapnies in many different job markets

The thing is, the companies go to all the schools that are relevant, and when it comes down to it it's just so when the time comes they have a few more resumes to look at and choose from.

>> No.3277230


Nowhere. It's a big cold shit hole where the wages are moderately higher than the rest of Europe but tax on everything is through the roof to pay for their Muslims.

>> No.3277245

Which forum, OP? That sounds an awful lot like The Student Room or YouGo, a bastion of retards. Particularly the latter, which is full of 'rate me' threads and flirting between Media Studies applicants.

>> No.3277253
File: 17 KB, 443x349, 02101..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Back in the day" the Mac's GUI put it in the "toy" category for those who thought a real man's computer had a command line interface. When I was going to school we built and tore apart many flavors of IBM compatible PCs, all running some version of DOS. MS Windows was still the joke nobody talked about. Meanwhile, the first Macs were running a GUI with a floppy drive and 128K of memory.

I use a Mac, but when I buy computers for my kids, I will get them cheap notebooks or netbooks running Windows (or Linux), because that's what the world uses. You can't learn computers by being stuck on one OS.

Apple sucks when it comes to their customers. They just pulled the rug out from under all the Final Cut Pro users, giving them a horrible new "version 1.0" and dropping all support for the current old version. A friend of mine, who makes his living editing, is in panic mode, converting projects to either Avid or Adobe. He doesn't have time to wait the two to three years it will take to iron out all the bugs. Fuck Apple.

>> No.3277257

That depends a lot on what your preferences are.
The danes have a fucked up language though, so I suggest not going there.

Resumes? Do you guys give out your resumes at these company presentations? All I know is that the companies seem really aggressive and that pretty much all the people I know that graduated all ended up working for one of the companies that came to our uni. One guy even said that when he started working for the consulting company, it was like a giant class reunion of sorts.

>> No.3277293
File: 91 KB, 964x514, nude_whales..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG I just found the perfect 4chan/sci/ article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2004042/Naked-female-scientist-tries-tame-beluga-whales-arct

ITT similar research methods, etc.

>> No.3277296
File: 245 KB, 372x372, ijustine-apple-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people buy every new generation of apple product with slightly slimmer cases and features they should have had in the first place

>> No.3277299

Whoops my bad meant to post new thread.

>> No.3277302

If you're studying computer science and you support windows you're a traitor

>> No.3277303


didn't read the thread, maybe someone else already said it.

if you're studying computer science, there's no reason at all you shouldn't be using linux. seriously. learn the shit out of linux. every computer science student should know how to use linux.

>> No.3277329

you can just use a distribution of linux like ubuntu if you want to keep a good gui which you probably do
seriously it is better than windows the only reason I have a partition of windows is for visual studio

>> No.3277336


if you're going to stick with fagass GUIs you might as well stay with windows or mac. why would you bother with linux if you're not going to use the command line?

>> No.3277346

why would you bother with a color monitor if you're going to use the command line?

>> No.3277347

because he doesn't want to pay more for a mac but doesn't want to be saddled with windows as his primary operating system
i know it may seem strange but some people do enjoy using guis and are developers as well

>> No.3278144
File: 219 KB, 712x855, notatroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

see pic

It's YouGo all right.

The thread on the forum wasn't posted by me. And I'm slowly learning how to linux, got an Ubuntu cd recently

>> No.3278161

Fun fact.

The iphone 4G costs 179 dollars to make and assemble. It was marketed at 500 dollars. That's 321 dollars of profit or 179% profit.


>> No.3278191

Some people do take resumes to those things. It's mainly for networking purposes, and you know how retard corporations latch on to the newest thing that's all the rage (see corporate twitter accounts!), even if it's just people describing what corporations already do anyways. And of course everyone you know ended up working for them, they went to the presentation and applied saying they went to the presentation and talked to so-and-so about this-and-that (cover letter fodder). But you have to consider that EVERYONE in the faculty likely applied to those jobs (which is why the hold the presentations), and a select few that got brought on are likely top of the class with personal (read: networking) skills. If you go to those presentations, eat their food and watch their powerpoint and leave you won't get anything out of it.

But you have to realize there's a difference between recruiters and companies who publicize their openings and recent grad positions to attract the best and the brightest. A recruiter asks you to work for them, a job opening's publicist tells you how great it is to work there so they can see your resume and if you're eligible for the short list of interviewees. Just because the latter exists doesn't mean you're going to get your dream job at google with all your friends making 300k starting.

>> No.3278199

YouGo is literally the worst thing ever, although I do like the search function as I can look at all females applying to the unis I've applied to, and then work out which are attainable. Mainly fatties, LOLSORANDUMs and weeaboos.

>> No.3278200


I'm CS and I support windows.

I support it because I am also a gamer, though. My server computer has ubuntu.

>> No.3278203

Ahh, the Apple Tax rears it's ugly head again. Apparently replacing the screen on a MBP has something like a 400% mark-up from cost.

>> No.3278458

Well again, when pretty much everyone at my uni are able to get a job with said companies before graduating, I would guess that they don't just consider the top 10% AT MY UNI (I say this because studying CS at my uni is a tad prestigious).

I'm quite aware that getting my dream job won't be easy.
In fact, I don't really find any of the companies that come to our uni interesting at all (it's mostly consulting companies), but it's an easy way of getting a reasonably paid job (starting at around 100.000$) with a policy of annual raises (doesn't take that many years to make more than 200.000$ annually).

What I'm saying is that the demand is crazy and that it's extremely easy to get a job, not just ANY job.
Heck I even went to a video game conference and I pretty much got 2 job offers right then and there, just by telling them what and where I was studying. (one was in developing games and one was working for a company that makes commercials)

>> No.3278481

I'm also mainly using Windows as a CS-student.
It's just easier when it comes to software and I don't really have the need for something more stable at the moment.
I also like being able to play games properly

>> No.3278530

>Computer Science

are you fukkin kidding me?

I work on a mac, but if I would deal with Computer Science (or Programming) I would buy a simple windows netbook

>> No.3278554

I used to sell items for thousands of percents more than cost
Profit doesnt work like that.

>> No.3278998

Only lecturer so far on my CS course who has used apple shit was teaching fucking HTML/CSS.
(Was compulsory. Somehow there were people who didn't even know basic html. CS courses are full of morons.)

>> No.3279072

I learnt HTML at 14, and am one of the top in class for CS. If you are smart and like it, CS is not an issue, but heaps of people have some glorified notion of what it is. They generally drop out.

I am personally a PC fan, like building them, and find that macs are normally used by people who do not understand the course.

I would definitely go PC for this sort of course. But make sure you do research.

>> No.3279093


>> No.3279096

>doesnt understand development costs

>> No.3279097

>I think apple is good because most people think apple is good.
This line of thought probably explains a lot of those people. Apple has reached critical mass.

>> No.3279133

Applpe fanboyism is indistinguishable from religiousity on MRI brain scans.