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3276345 No.3276345 [Reply] [Original]

why do females dislike shy males?

>> No.3276352

They aren't engaging.

>> No.3276360

So If a propose to a Angelina Jolie I'm in?
Fuck yeah, thanks /sci/, brb.

>> No.3276373

You may find these studies on mate selection preferences helpful:

>> No.3276398


Thanks for the abstracts, I sure am glad I don't have to read the results so the question can be answered.

>> No.3276405

All three cost about $50 - barely more than the price of a new videogame. BUY THEM, YOU SCUMBAG!

>> No.3276416


how about you be a bro and share them on /rs/

>> No.3276417

Not what he meant by 'engaging'. MAybe women don't like you because you're stupid, as exemplified here.

>> No.3276419

shy girls like shy guys but they never get a chance to meet. :(

>> No.3276424
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>> No.3276425

Women don't like making decision. They like being told what to do. A strong, dominant man is what they want. Men who are indecisive, or weak, or submissive in social situations, even if they consider themselves "sensitive" or "caring" don't get women.

Alpha males get women because they know exactly what they want and they aren't afraid of taking it. Shy males on the other hand are only shy because they lack confidence and pride, which is something a female absolutely does not want.

I used to be really fucking shy, thought girls might fall for the shy nerdy sensitive guy, but it never happens. Only in movies. I suggest you read "How to dominate women" by Gary Brodsky. It's quite misogynistic but he proves a real point. Now I'm alpha as fuck. No kidding.

Stop being such a lambda male and grow a pair.

>> No.3276429
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>> No.3276432

Yeah, dude. It doesn't even matter if a bitch LIKES you or not. YOU like HER, so she better bend over and take it. If she resists, just rape her - it's not like she'll report it! hahahaha

>> No.3276446

Well that's basically how this guy writes his book.

No use dwelling over a woman and not making any moves. If you want to be shy all your life and wait for pity sex then go for it, but it won't do you any good.

His philosophy is this: Make a woman think that you are worth having. Don't give her any invitation to even think for a second that you're weak. Women like spontaneity and confidence in men. Not saying you have to be some alpha powerlifter who drinks protein shakes all day, in fact, many of the most desirable men in the world are aloof and mysterious. But the key is that they are all confident and proud.

>> No.3276447

Psynet isn't on UK Access Management.

I'll be taking requests for more articles if anyone wants, by the way. Graduating soon. Need to get my money's worth.


>> No.3276453

Fuckin legend

>> No.3276454


>> No.3276462

"Compared to women, men place significantly more emphasis on physical attributes that correlate with youth and health and, therefore, with reproductive value, whereas women tend to emphasize male prowess, socioeconomic status (SES), and dependability "

>> No.3276479

srsly fuck you

>> No.3276496

I have to admit, I got more female attention when I gave up and starting acting like a prick, lying a lot, entertaining myself. Was oddly amusing.

>> No.3276504

Right back at ya, you freeloading piece of shit.

>> No.3276510

Thanks for uploading those articles bro, they're really interesting

>> No.3276511

I'm with the other guy, fucking hate websites which make you pay to see studies. Way to restrict our own advancement. If I ever do pay for one, I always make a point to give it out around here and elsewhere for free.

>> No.3276514

> articles
There is only one, the mate selection criteria one...

>> No.3276517

Knowledge should be free.

>> No.3276522

The whole "alpha male" being a strong dominant type is only a psycological attraction that young people are attracted to because it reminds them of their parents.

Biologically females are attracted to males with high concentration of dopamine and serotonin by route of phermones. Visual stimulation that shows a healthy and viable mate increases testosterone. For example if a man sees a good looking woman his level increases. If a woman sees a man near another woman her level increases.

Keep in mind, there are psycological and biological forms of attraction.

>> No.3276524

> The whole "alpha male" being a strong dominant type is only a psycological attraction that young people are attracted to because it reminds them of their parents.

Where did you get this from, implausible.

>> No.3276526
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So I've just read that article and I believe I can summarize it with one image

>> No.3276528

As soon as thousands of people volunteer to participate in studies for free, and the researchers working with them agree they need no salaries, and the organizations that provide and develop facilities and technology decide they no longer need to profit...

>> No.3276534

Would have been more enlightening if they gave male and female mate preferences separately rather than some overall universal mate ranking.

>> No.3276535

I'd participate in lots of studies if they were more easily accessed. I know that takes away certain controls that makes a good survey, but yeh.

>> No.3276538

>For the sample as a whole, the 10 characteristics most valued in a mate are good companion, considerate, honest, affectionate, dependable, intelligent, kind, understanding, interesting to talk to, and loyal. Characteristics that are not viewed as highly desirable in a mate are wants a large family, dominant, agnostic in religious matters, night owl, early riser, tall, and wealthy.

I knew those "pickup artists" were morons.

>> No.3276540

Females feel weak. Females needs reassurance. Shy= coward

>> No.3276542
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> mfw I read that part

Clearly those pick up artists are the ones who staged this research, knowing other pick up artists are likely to go looking for this shit. That, or femtrolls.

>> No.3276545

This, this study is pretty useless as is.

>> No.3276547

Finish reading it before bitching. I'm currently reading the bit you faggots are assuring me doesn't exist.

>> No.3276549
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Well, I have intelligence covered I guess. I actually laughed.

>> No.3276551

stay classy /sci/

>> No.3276552
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Men in this sample tended to prefer more than did women the following spouse characteristics: physically attractive, good looking, good cook, and frugal

Damn right

>> No.3276555

>In relation to men, the women in this sample tended to prefer the following spouse characteristics: considerate, honest, dependable, kind, understanding, fond of children, well-liked by others, good earning capacity, ambitious and career-oriented, good family background, and tall

>In contrast, men in this sample tended to prefer more than did women the following spouse characteristics: physically attractive, good looking, good cook, and frugal

>> No.3276556

This clearly explains my virginity then, as does the fact I am amused by how far away from the ideal I am.

>> No.3276561
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Females need some schoolin

>> No.3276563

In other words, the chicks want Mike, not Paulo.

>> No.3276568

bitches want paper
bros want ass

>> No.3276576

Too bad for you /sci/fags, though - agnosticism and liberalism are both huge turnoffs for the average woman.

>> No.3276578

This just about sums up 10 million years of complex human psychology and sexual selection.

Not even kidding.

>> No.3276579

>Implying average women are worthy of our golden plated penises

>> No.3276582

>why do males hate shemales.
Fixed it

>> No.3276583



>> No.3276589


Did you read who the sample were?

Married couples. Of course they want cuddle bitch qualities in a partner. They are not thinking about sexual partners and the whole exercise is riddled with demand characteristics in any case.

Listen, if you want to screw women, you have to be of high SEXUAL status (well built, masculine appearance, socially adept). The characteristics listed earlier are for the BETA males who will be raising the children of other men for the rest of their lives so they can get a sliver of sexual attention while their wives walk all over them under the guise of marriage while being entirely open to affairs from the aforementioned sexually attractive males.

The PUA community exploit the fact that women primarily take their sexual cues from social cues, and that through using a well structured social interaction, you can engineer a higher status for yourself. Of course, being good looking will net you higher quality women.

It's all just a big hierarchy, not hard to understand, and am surprised that /sci/ really can't figure out the fairly simple dynamics of sexual selection.

>> No.3276597

Your understanding of people is so twisted and inaccurate I'd really pity you, were you not trolling.

>> No.3276604
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It is completely feasible to emulate social dominance, usually described as "confidence", though this depends on what individual females have come to psychologically associate with social dominance. It could entail pretending to be a "thug gangsta", a fruity hipster punk or possessing indicators of wealth, unfortunately not everyone can afford a porsche (before your Ph.D in maths) or has been indoctrinated since adolescence into a sub-culture, so either you must either devise a crash course to teach yourself to feign being part of a sub-culture, dedicate yourself utterly to obtaining money in the most innovative and determined way possible or simply express confidence in your own personal way and hope to catch the attention of a minority of females who have also come to reject society in general.

>> No.3276609

I think women are a little more intuitive than that. It depends heavily on how people around the man consider him. If he's just talking the talk, but not walking the walk, they're going to know, and the woman will pick up on this.

>> No.3276613

I don't want to think this is true, but it is.

In what way is he inaccurate?

>> No.3276614

Confidence gained from that study just got gutted, this is the shitty reality.

>> No.3276617

This. Absolutely fucking hate that you have to impress everybody else before getting girls, but this is the truth.

>> No.3276620

> inaccurate


>> No.3276621

You need to just be condifent in yourself, don't try to be someone else. Women hate that as well.

Be confident in yourself, and be proud of who you are. Let women know this through your body language - the way you enter a room, the way you lift your head when you walk, the way you can turn people's attention to you when you speak.

It takes practice but it's worth it my friend.

>> No.3276626

It's all about the social heirarchy. You need to be impressive for everyone in a social gathering, not just the blokes, not just the women.

One good idea is this: if you're at a party, for example, don't head straight for the girls and try talking to them. Remain aloof, meet some new blokes, and they will most liekly be mutual friends with the other girls. It shows that you're not desperate, and that you actually value people's company, not just wanting to get your end wet.

>> No.3276633


then when you eventually find that diamond in the rough of a girl you realize a relationship eats up a large chunk of your free time -- free time that already suffers from your prior pursuit of money, or what have you -- and so you break it off with her on a whim to regain your precious 'me time'. TLDR: you will always, always, end up back on 4chan: dribbling with the rest of the dribblers.

>> No.3276636
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And what better place to be, eh boys?

>> No.3276639

Just realize how much other shit you have to work at.

Also, I do not value other peoples company and never have done, especially other men. This was also never a problem before, I just have a naturally low social drive.

I'm not one of the typical bitter neckbeards here away from the internet, but I can see why they would get pissed off.

>> No.3276643

This, you lot would be wise to take a hint.

I have to admit though, following this line of reasoning has messed me up a bit in other ways. I now have no respect for anybody I am able to impress.

>> No.3276646

Neither do I value many people's company, but it's important to try to at least be friendly and candid with them. Even if they're complete idiots. If you can't, just fake it. I have a low social drive too, but I've had to reevaluate my ideas about all this stuff recently.

>> No.3276652

I've found it actually makes me value people even less. If they seem to like me, I view them as a naive idiot.

>> No.3276654


they have no respect for you for the exact same reason

prohint: placate the centers of attention

>> No.3276657

The only people I can respect must have four attributes:
1) Must be able to genuinely make me laugh
2) Must be capable of philosophic/ideological discussion and presenting a highly convincing argument entirely devoid of either pretense or dogma
3) Must be spontaneous
4) Must be better than I am at something I enjoy doing

>> No.3276660

protip: become the center of attention

>> No.3276664

You wouldn't respect me then, cannot make anybody else laugh except myself.

>> No.3276666

This thread basically sums up why I am disturbed. I both cannot accept the social hierarchy thing and be content, yet cannot intelligently deny it. Some of this stuff makes me honestly want to use my life causing as much misery to other people as possible.

>> No.3276667

Possibly. My sense of humor is pretty typical of 4chan, though. I love rapier wit as much as raping morality.

>> No.3276670

Quads tell the truth.

Do it.

>> No.3276677

It has gotten to the point where I get a sense of pleasure when people believe lies I have fed them, and enjoy other's misfortune.

>> No.3276686

I actually try to avoid respecting people due to knowing this gives them status, and only ever form "friendships" based on lying as I do not want to give anybody any real value. I also deliberately give advice intended to worsen "friends" problems, including encouraging male friends to pursue girls out of their league, giving depressed people of both genders advice which makes them feel worse "accidentally".

>> No.3276694

I completely understand what you mean. It feels good to be alpha; that is, until the ideals of honesty and fairness you've been fed all your life conflict with actually living it. I'm becoming dangerously egotistical, largely owing to the fact that my success rate with women has grown immensely. I'm exercising often, taking nutritional supplements...overall, I'm much more preferable sexually than I've ever been. I'm beginning to abuse this power. I feel that only something catastrophic has the capacity to bring that to a screeching halt now...

>> No.3276700


This is effectively compensatory behaviour that you have invented for yourself to try and transcend the social hierarchy by a different standard.

Of course, such an effort is doomed to failure, as you are intrinsically a part of the original social hierarchy hence your choosing to subvert it.

You cannot escape it. You're either a winner getting laid or you're a loser here on 4chan.

Take your pick.

>> No.3276702

That to me is a bit twisted. Depressed people don't need you to further inhibit their ability to function independently. If anything, giving advice by definition shows that you exert control over their actions. You don't need to give them damning advice; they're already subservient to your ideas. Also, if they're the least bit skeptical, they'll learn that you're full of shit. Wouldn't you rather be the guy your "friends" talk about as being the one who offers great advice? Consider this from a marketing standpoint.

>> No.3276703

>Implying I can't do both

>> No.3276704

If what I'm doing is incorrect, what is the correct way to respond to ending up as a loser?

And it isn't so much a deliberately constructed behavior, I genuinely am starting to shift that way.

>> No.3276706
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If everyone else really is as stupid as you imply they are, then you should be able to use your superior intelligence to manipulate them.

If this means being a conformist for a while then so be it, this doesn't mean you actually valued society's shit, it means you truly don't care to the point where you don't need to prove anything to yourself or anyone else. If you do anything else then you're just another poser, ironically wasting resources on inflicting suffering on others for no return in order to satiate the same emotions that occur in other humans and cause society to be so dysfunctional.

>> No.3276708

I don't necessarily see other people as stupid, I just honestly, truly hate other people.

>> No.3276713

shy -> closed for information -> self absorbed -> high entropy

in summary: low intelligence, mental instability, inability to adapt

good day, sirs.

>> No.3276718

How the hell do you ascend the "original social hierarchy"? It seems tied up with skills and traits you either have or lack.

>> No.3276720

It doesn't make much sense I agree, I have simply noticed my personality shifting that way. I genuinely enjoy it.

>> No.3276724

Well, as long as people continue to be dispensible, you'll enjoy it. Keep it up as long as you can, and when you feel your influence waning, pick someone/something you like and take it for keeps.

>> No.3276738
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Hate is an emotion, an emotion that causes other people to do things which make you hate them.

I'd amend the reply of

It is possible to truly reject mainstream society and "compensate" for your social inferiority, but it is only possible objectively, not to satiate an emotion, in effect an objective rejection of society is the rejection of the notion that society matters, just as there is no point loving society there is no point hating it.

>> No.3276745

Why do males like shy females?

>> No.3276747


males would fuck anything that moves. anything.

>> No.3276760

We'd fuck a couple of garbage bags that looks like tits.

But not you, even if we were paid money.

>> No.3276777
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>> No.3276802

Intelligent, night owl, early riser, tall and wealthy here.

Fuck yeah.

>> No.3276819

>implying shy people are generally of lower intelligence

And on /sci/ no less. Oh dear, I do believe I have been trolled.

>> No.3276892


shyness is nothing but intellectual cowardice, hun

>> No.3276895

EK detected.

>> No.3276938

You're right though, the reactions of other people however are just one factor among many, of far more importance is what the female feels when her eyes are pointing at the male himself not when she is gauging other people's reactions. The failure of a supposed alpha male to "put down" a confident newcomer would certainly change female perceptions.
So? If she can't make way for your work then maybe she's not the one.

>> No.3276944

lawl, your post is nothing but bullshit idiocy.

>> No.3276999


>> No.3277004

>"shy" person is presented with a loud noisy social situation they are unused to

>drunk people who wreak of BO pick up on the fact he does not know exactly what to do 100% perfectly and start howling like apes in a power struggle

>"shy" person loses faith in humanity, concludes there is no point being here and leaves

Who is the intellectual coward again?

>> No.3277062


"Physical as well as electrical and chemical connections in the brain are shaped by interacting with the environment. Point: without these interactions we do not have the mental wherewithal to deal or cope with that environment.

Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, all taken together, show that we cannot determine the character or nature of a system within itself. Moreover, attempts to do so lead to confusion and disorder -- mental as well as physical. Point: We need an external environment, or outside world, to define ourselves and maintain organic integrity, otherwise we experience dissolution/disintegration--i.e., we come unglued.

Living systems are open systems; closed systems are non-living systems. Point: If we don’t communicate with the outside world -- to gain information for knowledge and understanding as well as matter and energy for sustenance -- we die out to become a nondiscerning and uninteresting part of that world."

i wish you the best anon, stop self-sabotaging yourself

>> No.3277112
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>Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

I doubt you have any fucking idea what you are talking about. STOP READING POP-SCIENCE DUMBSHIT. YOU SOUND FUCKING RETARDED!

>> No.3277123

I was already aware of all that and more. I came to the conclusion that what is totally unpredictable will remain totally unpredictable, the brain can only understand what can be quantified and so there is no error in attempting to quantify more, as long as you also quantify probability, margins of error and compound them as you compose theories.

I'm pretty much a machiavellian sociopath right here, manipulating stupid apes when I see fit, it just doesn't make me enjoy "getting wasted" every night and only talking about how wasted I was last night" during the day.

>> No.3277125

>I doubt you have any fucking idea what you are talking about

try me.

>> No.3277139

What are you talking about?