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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3276038 No.3276038 [Reply] [Original]

> type 2 diabetes is now proven curable
> mfw
Thank you science

>> No.3276053

Lets all get together and thank God for bestowing this knowledge upon us.

>> No.3276058

You're welcome anon.<hug>

>> No.3276060
File: 33 KB, 250x249, sad lip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I have type 1 and am still screwed and always will be

>> No.3276059

Amen, brother, praise the Lord for making it possible and praise the scientist for figuring it out.

>> No.3276065


>> No.3276068



>> No.3276069

Praise Allah and his prophet Muhammed for this mighty creation that has been bestown upon us.

>> No.3276073


You must be a terrorist mudslime.

>> No.3276074


>> No.3276079
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>> No.3276082


Religious americunts - STFU
BTW if you had AIDS and didn't take any medication for it... I'm guessing type 1 your type 1 diabetes would just simply vanish as it's your own immune system that's responsible for that disease.

>> No.3276087

Not always, only for now.

>> No.3276088

Doesn't seem like a good tradeoff. Fucked either way except with Diabetes you don't have to disclose you have the disease before you have sex with someone or be charged with attempted murder.

>> No.3276093


Nah, just a little perspective to the diabetes 1 guy up there. He should stop whining. After all which disease would he rather have?

>> No.3276101

that would be the same god that condemned us to earth for daring to acquire knowledge.

>> No.3276102
File: 153 KB, 1465x1125, padme_gives_birth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when my dad had type 2 diabetes and died from the complications.

>> No.3276106
File: 54 KB, 432x288, awnaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw your dad had type 2 diabetes and died from the complications
>also mfw i was going to post a laughing face but realised that was immature /b/ humour

I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.3276110
File: 44 KB, 500x461, 1296038528552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro grab, come 'ere.

>> No.3276116

>"If the people put the weight back on again, their diabetes will come back again, it's as simple as that.

>"It's a remission of the symptoms, which is great and certainly should be encouraged, but because diabetes is a metabolic disease, it's not something you catch, it will come back again if you go back to your old lifestyle habits."

Read the whole story, dumbass. You can't 'cure' it.

>> No.3276126

can i get diabetes if i am not fat?

I eat a lot of sugary and salty food, but i am not actually fat.

Actually, underweight for my height

>> No.3276130


Yes you moron.

>> No.3276128

is type 2 the fat people version?

I fucking hope not

>> No.3276131
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 1288860317028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would greatly recommend you improve your diet.

>> No.3276134

Yes type 2 is the fat people version, the one you get from being a slob.


>> No.3276135

Yes you can if you eat too much sugar. By eating it faster than your body can can process you create issues. Over time you can lose the ability to process sugar. However you are at lower risk since you are skinny.

>> No.3276141

What about salty food and oily food?

I like fried foods

>> No.3276150
File: 86 KB, 1152x788, 1305401303590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you'll get diabetes from foods that are greasy but not very full in sugar, but of course diabetes isn't the only demon lurking under the bead. Cut down if you don't want your arteries to look like they've had moldy butter shoved into them.

>> No.3276238

>>3276093 stop whining, which disease would you rather have?

I can think of several. Type 2 diabetes for starters. Those bastards whine about having diabetes when they can treat it with some pills and improve it with a better lifestyle. Type 1 is twice daily insulin injections, and the constant worry you'll go into a hypoglycaemic seizure from taking slightly too much, or eventually go blind from chronicly not taking enough.

>> No.3276253

>go read story
>a ailment that is caused by eating poorly and not exercising can be less troublesome if the person exercises and eats well

>> No.3276257

>remove patients stomach, forced low carb diet as a result
>most patients die or regain the weight


>> No.3276299

The cure for type 2 diabetes is to stop being a lazy cunt. That's it.

>> No.3276541

There´s also genetical type 2 that has nothing to do with your weight that can turn into type 1 as you age.

>> No.3276672

Sure took god a long time to figure out the cure.

>> No.3276690

That's not how it works. Type 1 is caused by the destruction of beta cells. It is a past event, which has happened. They don't renew, so stopping any further autoimmune attacks won't cure the diabetes.

>> No.3276698

Type 2 was always a disease of lifestyle and culture. It was essentially an uniformed choice based on bad dietary decisions. Much like cancer.

>> No.3276709

They do actually
Type1fag here, apparently fairly new research shows the cells continuously renew then get killed off again

>> No.3276715

So did mine. Acrually it was probably the alcoholism. But he had type 2.

>> No.3276728
File: 394 KB, 864x594, 1306994177703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't be fucking kidding me, man. My dad has type 2.

>> No.3276733

Tell him to only eat raw fruit. Will cure in 2 weeks

>> No.3276742
File: 15 KB, 314x360, art-color.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /sci/ feel about art?

Just curious...

>> No.3276744

It's gutwrenching to see people with type 2 still keep their old lifestyles (because they do still feel fine), then fastforward to the future they're blind and shit.

>> No.3276753

