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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 74 KB, 487x455, short-man-tall-man-workout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3275485 No.3275485 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/. Is it possible for a male in his mid 20s to grow taller?

>> No.3276558

yes, it is possible but abnormal. google STH

>> No.3276575

Break you legs and stretch them 1mm a day

>> No.3276588

Not any by any reasonable amount.

I stopped growing when I was 22.

>> No.3276587


and you spine.

>> No.3276628

Nearly twenty myself, only 5'10" which seriously sucks. Apparently that is average height, but I'm guessing this average was taken a few generations ago because I always see people taller then me. I'd guess the average guy I meet is like 6'.

I got ripped off.

>> No.3276653


You think you're short? I'm 5'8", which is worse. Concerts are terrible.

>> No.3276659

I'm 5'7" maybe 5'8"-5'9" and all my friends are 6'1" or 5'11" Even the girls i know. It drives me insane.

>> No.3276675

Has anything been written on the average height increasing? I agree, just by looking at people I meet I'd guess an average male height of like 6'-6'1"

Also 5'10" here, thinking about it can literally ruin my day.

>> No.3276707

5'3" here, and I'm 19. Pretty much everyone is taller than me, I've learnt to stop worrying about it. I'm slightly taller than my gf, I'm not fat or ugly so whatever.

>> No.3276740
File: 35 KB, 245x228, 1305301925357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.73 m, exact 20. Feel avarage as fuck. Occasionally there are some girls slightly taller than me, but who gives a fuck.

>> No.3276756



>> No.3276763

4'10" female here.
Shut the fuck up. Stop having drama over your height; if you get stuck with short genes, there's not anything you can do about it.
Stop being babies.

>> No.3276768
File: 66 KB, 540x726, 1304877380946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> female
> /sci/

>> No.3276778

6'3" Master race reporting in.

I can confirm however that other than the physical benefits of extra height, like being able to reach high shit and seeing over shorter people, there isn't anything spectacular about being tall. It certainly hasn't helped me with the opposite sex and it hasn't helped me become more confident. Don't worry about your height.

>> No.3276787

The only these fellas CAN do is ensure that they don't reproduce, so they don't accidentally saturate progeny with beta genes. Not that failing to score pussy should be a problem.

1.83m and happy to be contributing my optimal genetics to the future of human evolution

>> No.3276786

>telling someone to stop being a baby

>> No.3276783

It does matter when I play sports.

>> No.3276782

I thought that was his meaty penis sticking out next to his left hand.

>> No.3276784

There is height stacks available from all over the internet,

This is a good place to start if you are looking to add a few inchs

>> No.3276789

There is a special layer of cartilage near the epiphyses of your bones that grows your bones out on their ends in response to growth hormone; this layer literally is gone by your age, and so no, you can't naturally grow taller.

Your bones can at most get bulkier if you have some kind of hormonal disorder, though. And of course you could do some weird shit like get one of those height-increasing surgeries. But, just thinking that you could still grow naturally? Nope, sorry.

>> No.3276790

You are less affected by being shorter than men are.

Definitely people play it up too much, but studies do show benefits to height, including wages.

>> No.3276797


Try hockey. You can be an amazing player regardless of height. See: Martin St. Louis

>> No.3276815


True, but considering the fact that I am about half a foot shorter than the average female, there are always comments, and there have always been comments. And there will always be comments. And there will always be assumptions that I was malnourished as a child. And there will always be questions about why.

But seriously, if you let it bother you, it will. It's not even that big of a deal if you're a guy either. Do you really want to get with stuck up women who give two shits about how tall you are? Something you have no control over? Do you want to give a shit about super-judgemental men who do the same?
I didn't think so.

>> No.3276820

He is talking whether height affects him playing sports in general, not the question of whether someone's height prevents one from excelling in a sport

>> No.3276821
File: 21 KB, 455x364, 1304877338540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> True, but considering the fact that I am about half a foot shorter than the average female
midget chick is my fetish

>> No.3276822
File: 609 KB, 1241x1317, 1293506659602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get Space Race restarted
>live on Luna for 5 years
>TALLER! (and quite sore when you initially return to Earth)

>> No.3276827

> And there will always be assumptions that I was malnourished as a child

You should have eaten your weetabix

>> No.3276832

There is a substantial difference between what the mind and libido wants.

I have a thing for short girls. As do many, many other men. Height IS much more of a deciding factor sexually in terms of female preference. Especially in terms of trust; shorter men ARE in general less trusted.

>> No.3276834
File: 63 KB, 470x600, Trollingbackinthedays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3276835

Why do you faggots care too much about your fucking height?
How about penis size or something?

>> No.3276852


If you have been a particular height for a while, I am sure you don't suddenly lose coordination if you think for a second "OH SNAP! I'M SHORT!" Perhaps if you woke up one day and by some sci fi miracle were suddenly a much different height, you would find yourself having problems.

That's probably the most annoying question. "How do you do X if you're short?!" Pretty much the same way anyone else does.
To excel in a sport, all you really need to do is practice, perhaps with some decent guidance. Height is irrelevant. What could be more relevant is the balance of hormones you've got. Keep in mind that performance enhancing steroids aren't going to make you taller; that's not their purpose. If there was a correlation between height and sports playing ability, wouldn't more athletes take other kinds of steroids?

>> No.3276855

Because it is embarrassing having to always look up at people, and because we realize what being short actually costs you.

>> No.3276866


The issue is that anyone in here who has named their height is still a good bit taller than average female height, so they would still be taller in relation to their potential female counterpart.

Captcha: Tallone company

>> No.3276869

It is a fairly big deal for a guy, taller men are universally seen as more attractive, and get more respect from other guys. This is not a niche thing.

To accept it is to be happy with a worse position, which is like being ripped off and in lots of ways dishonest with yourself since you know you have a crap lot in reality.

>> No.3276873

> implying you would mate with some 5' anon ITT

>> No.3276872


How on earth do you notice this? It's only really apparent to me when I stand within 6" of someone. Have you been short your whole life? Maybe that's the issue. Maybe you were the tall kid for a while, but then didn't get another growth spurt.

>> No.3276876

Except that you can't change it, so why bother making yourself depressed about it?

>> No.3276884

Because being depressed about it is not a choice. I cannot pretend to myself that being short is anything other than bad, and I'm not the type to engage in self delusion.

You also get reminded of what you lack all the time.

>> No.3276890

My 5'3" cousin fucked more bitches than I did.

>> No.3276893

Not him, but I'm 5'10" and notice this. Also calling my height average is bullshit, like 80% of the guys I see are six foot or more. Agreed with other anon, the old average is probably for past generations.

>> No.3276894

>ITT: Babies.

Except these three.

Stop being butthurt about things you can't control. You should waste more time on developing your sense of humor or learning how to differentiate between retarded, stuck up people and people with whom it is going to be worth your time to associate with.

>> No.3276911

I'm a 5'8" male and I don't experience anywhere near the level of psychological insecurity that you're expressing. If you're really having so much trouble coping with your height, seek professional help.

>> No.3276915

I can easily get hung up on stuff like height because i have other fairly serious problems (congenitally low testosterone, lack of energy, erectile dysfunction as a young adult) and feel gutted to have no "offset".

>> No.3276921

I am pretty fucked up in other ways, this is just one obsession among several. I have a very deep seated inferiority complex.

>> No.3276924


Everywhere I look.
Goddamn, /sci/ you're whiny today.

If that's how you are going to think about it, of course you are going to be depressed. Being butthurt wont get you laid, man.

For all of the rest of you, why don't you look at the age ranges used to determine average height, and then look at the determinants of height.

if you can't do anything about it, you're needlessly causing yourself some sort of psychoses stressing out about it.

>> No.3276922

I don't have to be butthurt. I'm one of the lucky ones.

>> No.3276925

Fellow 5'8"fag here. Feels like there are as much faggots taller than I am as shorter fags.

>> No.3276929


I get the feeling that if you were 6", you would instead feel that you were too tall.
STFU and get help if this is a problem impacting your daily life.

>> No.3276930

I'm 5'9 and most people (male) are like 5'7-6'. Where the hell do you people live that 5'10 is short?

>> No.3276939

I'm 6'2" and my girlfriend is 5'5". She always bitches about me being too tall. Not ALL girls are whores who want tall guys. Dunno how tall you are OP, but as long as you're taller than the average woman I wouldn't worry.

And no, you can't grow taller without surgery.

>> No.3276943

Nope, I would read up on the positives associated with height and feel good for weeks. This has happened with other traits. Unfortunately, most of the correlations I have with my own traits are negative, which eats me the fuck up.

>> No.3276953

UK here. Go out around our streets and clubs and six feet or so is a common height. Where the hell are you where 5'10" is tall? Africa? I'm emigrating.

>> No.3276956

When you realize how vast the world is, your negative traits which make you inferior to other fellas would seem so trivia that it shouldn't matter at all.
tl;dr get the fuck out and do some contributive stuff instead of whining all day.

>> No.3276961

>implying being self aware is a bad thing

>> No.3276958

my wife is 5"11"

our two boys with easily be 6'5" or taller

>> No.3276967


Why don't you read up on the definition of correlation then? And realize that you are potentially an outlier?
Or that the original correlation was crap taken from a too small sample. Or realize that certain aggregations of data have other major factors that play into them.
Like the bull about how women make less than men therefore sexism.
Women tend to choose lower paying jobs, for one thing. And, even when women occupy the same jobs as males, they are less likely to negotiate for higher pay.
And you call yourself a /sci/entist....

>> No.3276965 [DELETED] 

>implying being 6'5" or taller is a good thing
except for basketball. Only if you're both niggers.

>> No.3276970

I'm 6'2" and I do this when I'm feeling kinda shitty. Feels good man

>> No.3276971


I'm from the UK too. I'm 6'8, and when I went to get my back and shoulders operated on I spoke to the doctor. The average height in the UK is around 5'10 or so, the same as everywhere else. It's just that people have a habit of adding a few extra inches onto their height to make themselves feel better.

Believe me, all the guys who are less than 6 foot would be very happy about it if they had to spend a day being over 6'5. That's when people start pointing at you in the street, you can't buy a nice car, you can't have a nice seat on a plane, you block people's view at the cinema and common household tasks become painful.

>> No.3276980


>Implying there is no difference between saying "I am short" and saying "I am short and that sucks because clearly I am inferior waaaaa"

>> No.3276983

Asiafag here, 5'10" would be easily above avarage at my hometown.
I'm just 5'8" - 5'9". Still ~10% taller than most girls regardless of race, so it should be enough.

>> No.3276990

well I think the "ideal" height for most guys is 6'2"-6'4". Tall enough to stand out but not tall enough to be a real pain in the ass.

>> No.3277000


And, among males, the ideal penis length is 10"? 8"? When in reality, women only really care about how it fits?

Men are just as self conscious as women are...

>> No.3277014


My last girlfriend was 5'0 exactly. 1 foot and 8 inches shorter than me.

>> No.3277016

Serrrriiioously now, no optimistic zenfag ITT can explain away the fact that women find taller men more attractive. Fact.

>> No.3277029

I'm basing it on personal experience, not just claimed figures. I am 5'10", and definitely encounter many more people taller than me than shorter. And your case is an extreme, agreed with the other anon that around 6'2" would be the best height for a guy.

>> No.3277033

probably round 7". Any more and you'll likely hit the bitch's cervix. Girth is what matter more anyway

but height matters far more to women than dick size. You don't even know how big some dude's dick is until you're about to fuck him, while you can instantly tell their height and make a judgment based on it.

>> No.3277043

>hurr 6'+ is average why i am so short

The average height for a western male ranges between 5'7" to 5'9". If you're of average height, about half the men you meet are going to be taller than you.

If you're self-conscious about your height you're probably failing to take into account the other half that are shorter than you (confirmation derp) and getting the mistaken impression that everyone's taller than you.

>> No.3277049

Because I do look for things like that, but the correlations still seem valid. Also when several correlations point to the same underlying physical problem, or make sense after viewing a large number of different ones. Others are backed up by personal experience and the behavior of other people.

Cheers for responding though, I'd have given up by now. I am impossible to convince over something unless I can see a decent argument, and have never understood how to maintain positive attitudes in the face of objectively negative situations.

>> No.3277051

Ten thousand kilometers, and a woman who loves it.

Seriously, women want a powerful man, and men want to be that infinite penis.