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3269884 No.3269884 [Reply] [Original]

LONDON -- The world's oceans are degenerating far faster than predicted and marine life is facing extinction due to a range of human impacts - from over-fishing to climate change - a report compiled by international scientists warned Tuesday.

The cumulative impact of "severe individual stresses," ranging from climate warming and sea-water acidification to widespread chemical pollution and overfishing, would threaten the marine environment with a catastrophe "unprecedented in human history."

The conclusions were published by a panel of international scientists who reviewed recent research at a workshop at Oxford University, in Britain. They will be presented to the United Nations in New York later this week for discussions on reforming governance of the oceans.


What do you think /sci/? If we can't fish, I think this would potentially lead humanity to extinction itself.

>> No.3269888
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This makes baby Mad Scientist cry.

>> No.3269897

totally unrelated but why are they called 'macros'?
where does the 'macro' come into an image? they're not even big images

>> No.3269916
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?Comic Sans and not Courier New.

>> No.3269923
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>Comic Sans and not Courier New.

>> No.3269925

I didn't make it.
Why is anything called anything? Because the label stuck.

>> No.3269944

Most major fish populations have been reduced by 90%. It won't be good if the oceans turn into big bacteria soup puddles. People will starve.

>also it's kinda too late to change this shit. People won't stop any of this until the oceans are sterile.

>> No.3269951
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(._. )

>> No.3269952

>mfw OP and scientists just want to hurt profits with their hippie nonsense

>> No.3269968
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We don't need the ocean, Op. We will have the nerd rapture and FTL space travel to other worlds.

>> No.3269969

can't profit from fishing if there are no fish.

>> No.3269973

as a marine biologist who has done work with dead zones, ive seen firsthand how bad things can get and i pray it doesnt get worse. but as a marine biologist, i kinda hope it does because i could really use a job

>> No.3269983
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I frown at you.

>> No.3269988

we are headed for some dark times

ocean acidification is going to seriously fuck shit up. anything with a calcium carbonate skeleton is fucked, so there go corals and everything that depends on corals for an ecosystem. increased acidity dramatically lowers creature's abilities to extract oxygen from the water, so most will slowly suffocate. overfishing takes care of what's left

on the bright side, jellyfish arent bothered by these things, and will soon inherit the ocean. and jellyfish are cool

>> No.3269992

Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.

>> No.3270017

You'll have a job right up until you starve to death in your fruitless efforts.

>> No.3270041
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If this causes a chain reaction that kills off phytoplankton somehow, we are fucked.

>> No.3270047
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>mfw people don't like to eat jelly fish and will die trying anyway.

>> No.3270055

Aren't the ocean currents slowing?

>> No.3270062


>>If this causes a chain reaction that kills off phytoplankton somehow, we are fucked.

nah, we'll just build machinery to process the atmosphere and keep the insides of buildings breathable, and wear masks for breathing whenever we go outside.

>> No.3270071

So, it'll be like living on Mars without actually going there. Cool!




...wait, wut?

>> No.3270080

I heard someone compare what we're doing to bacteria in a bucket of sugar water. They will grow and grow, and consume until there is no food left and they poison themselves with their waste.

>> No.3270093
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LULz at the people who think destroying biodiversity is profitable. How is taking the results of an organic chemistry research project that has been churning out useful, complex proteins for 4 billion years and torching them for short term gains profitable?

In an ideological space like this its not about profit, some people actually like the idea of destroying it. Freud's death instinct maybe?

>> No.3270095

Areoform Earth, terraform Mars.

...I'm not okay with this.

>> No.3270108

>for short term gains profitable?

Monsanto figured it out.

>> No.3270115

Overcrowding and overpopulation is Cool!

Ask your local creationist!

>> No.3270122


That's the thing. Short term gains are profitable NOW and, historically, people suck at holding out for the future.

>> No.3270132

In America, we sell debt to other countries.

>> No.3270168

Is that why China sold off all the debt and bonds they bought from America?

>> No.3270264


not so fast Morganite!

>> No.3270325
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>> No.3270422

Honestly, why we cant have a worldwide moratorium on commercail fishing for even 6 months to let the ocean regenerate is beyond me.

>> No.3270434
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>> No.3270485


Why can't we impose energy efficiency standards on home construction, which study after study has found to have *negative* cost?