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File: 30 KB, 391x400, gay_straight_alliance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3265423 No.3265423 [Reply] [Original]

So ... aside from being Satan's spawns...

What's the most accepted stance on homosexuality? Is it something genetic? Upbringing? An hilarious mix of both?

I tried googling for some info, but unsurprisingly enough, most results provded christian-like answers and such...

I don't really care about homosexuals as a demographic, but I'm amuzed at what the hell can cause such a difference. Specially since I feel like lately on tv and other media I've been bombed with so much biased data that I'm starting to worry I might be becoming a retard myself...

>> No.3265441

The most accepted stance would be that we don't know. Aside from that I'm 99% sure it's a complex combination of subjective experiences by the individual and completely psychological.

Note that this would be for the persons sexuality. Personality wise, such as flamboyance, vocalizations etc. it is definitely psychological arising from the person identifying with their demographic.

>> No.3265482

So it's safe to assume it's entirely not something "from birth" and it's most likely a way to develop?

Are there, at least, some tips on what would normally cause this? Like, factors in said development affecting sexual prefferences?

>> No.3265487 [DELETED] 

it doesnt just occur in humans, and it is genetic. obviously not simple genetic like a single 'gay gene' because it would obviously never be passed in. it will be a very complicated mix of several genes and will pronbably include epigenetics as well.

>> No.3265535

>So it's safe to assume it's entirely not something "from birth" and it's most likely a way to develop?

Being that it's physically impossible to experience sexual attraction before the onset of puberty, being "gay from birth" is a rather silly notion.

>> No.3265536
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i know one dude since he was kid. he grew up with mom,two aunts and grandmother. poor guy never had a chance. we all knew he will be fag one day and - he is.

so it can be done by upbringing.

>> No.3265653


>> No.3265670

I... Don't know why you mentioned epigenetics

>> No.3265683

I think he just meant nature rather than nurture

>> No.3265686

Bisexuality is the biological norm. Heterosexuality is nurtured by upbringing.

>> No.3265691

>People say "lol it can't be genetic, it'd never get passed on!"

>recessive genes, combinations of genes

Also: maternal hormone levels and immune reaction to children of opposite/same sex.

Homosexuality in no way makes a person unable to work, to produce and contribute to society, and they're fully capable of reproduction (donors/surrogates), or taking care of unwanted children, so there's no reason other than bullshit tribal rules and outdated agrarian morality designed to make sure all sex is reproductive.

>> No.3265694

gimme ANYTHING that suggests that

>> No.3265707

I don't know what you mean at the
part, but it sounded interesting

>> No.3265712


Animals turn to bumsex when no females are available. Most non-Abrahmic cultures dug the bumsex.

>> No.3265713


PZ Meyers gave his take on the above article, as well.


>> No.3265870

Yeah, the early brain develops gayly for some people. Once the brain forms, it's set for life. It needn't be genetic but maternal chemical balances, perhaps triggered food, drugs, metabolic cycles, or listening to George Michael.

>> No.3265876

a Hilarious mixture!

It's either genetic or early developmental. I knew I was gay before I got to primary school

>> No.3265947
File: 56 KB, 720x480, 1302986288207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>5 or 6 year old
>wants to suck dicks and take it in the ass

>> No.3265962


required watching for this topic

Just ignore Barrowman

>> No.3265964

Many children know their preference early on, not just gays.

>> No.3265980

what about being molested at 5 years old?

i'm sure that has an impact on me now, doesn't it?

i think it does.

>> No.3265982

>not accepting homosexuality as entirely genetic trait that is present from birth

>> No.3265993


Then how do you explain the difference in gay prevalence between cultures?

>> No.3266005


Violent supression

>> No.3266017
File: 39 KB, 294x409, 1258636079011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Islamic countries beating the gay outta people
>get straight or lose head

>> No.3266012


You can't violently suppress being a redhead, which IS an entirely genetic trait. Engineering aptitude is only partially so.

>> No.3266028


You're right but you can violently surpress being gay which isn't readily apparent if you live in a society that does not encourage it

stop spreading this choice bullshit this is supposed to be a science board

>> No.3266035

>aside from being Satan's spawns...

stopped reading right there

>> No.3266075

Its natures response to overpopulation
homos cant reproduce and thus they decrease the population

>> No.3266077

its not in the quran but hey who cares for this garbage book anyway

>> No.3266087


Its in Sharia law

>> No.3266091


o fucking shit i hope no one actually believes this

>> No.3266106

Homexuality is not a choice. No one wants to be gay. Choosing your own sexual orientation is not possible. As a straight male I cannot just decide that guys are hot now. Homosexuality is not wrong because most people are straight. It's not wrong because your filthy religion says it's wrong. The only people that have a problem with gays are other closeted, self-hating homosexuals and rednecks. Since rednecks are near the bottom of the totem pole they need to attack everyone below them on the totem pole to give the appearance that they are not as low on the totem pole as they actually are. It's similar to the tactic ugly girls use at clubs when they surround themselves with even less attractive girls. As long as there are straight people reproducing to continue the existence of humanity homosexuality is not a problem.

>> No.3266112

There is some evidence that the same genotype that makes a man gay can in fact increase fertility for women.

It is therefore very possible to imagine that the gay mans lack of children would be compensated by his sisters having more children.

After all, the man can still help his family no matter the sexual preference, not really hard to imagine how a complex trait like this could survive.

>> No.3266121

its preference and taste you aren't born with an appetite for pizza I'm pretty sure a lot of different factors play in to how our preferences manifest but you can't really change your preference for something.

remember how some people aren't attracted to any sex/gender?

>> No.3266125

>Homexuality is not a choice. No one wants to be gay.
Is heterosexuality a choice? do people want to be straight?

>> No.3266147

I fap to lesbian porn but I still choose not to be a lesbian because I'll probably grow up to become straight when I'm ready. Gay/bisexual is a phase, hence why you don't see as many middle aged or old gays as young ones outside of hollywood.

>> No.3266151

what the fuck?
also, since when does a female use the word 'fap'

>> No.3266157

you've never seen a pride parade have you?
since the recursive 4chanspeak meme culture has spread out onto other parts of social media like facebook and tumblr.

>> No.3266160


anyone claiming that sexuality is caused by anything but a complex interaction of several different factors is a retard.

>> No.3266162

for fems i heard the term is 'jilling' or 'schlicking'

>> No.3266170

yeah but that user is probably like fourteen years old and if they aren't fourteen they are probably new to the internet and if they aren't new to the internet entirely they are new to internet culture and regardless of any of that they are probably really dumb and impressionable and like to use that word to refer to masturbating because it's socially responsible.

>> No.3266176

I live in Sydney, where we have the gay and lesbian mardi gras every year. Being a homosexual is really not something I want to be proud of.

>> No.3266184

you shouldn't show pride in anything whatsoever.

>> No.3267165

So.... what other sexual fetishes are people born with?

>> No.3267185

the most accepted fact is that they're fag­gots

>> No.3267189


Everything in the human body, and every organism for that matter is caused by genetics. Anyone saying otherwise is a retard who hasn't taken basic biology. The brain of a gay person is shaped like a women's, In layman's terms it's as though on the outside ''physically'' they've got male genitals but their brain as well as body chemistry is pumping them full of ''girl stuff'', which is why they prefer men to women.


I know I know.. "liberal bias'' OMG OMG OMG OMG, no you fucktard this is science. This would be true regardless of the penis war between conservative faggots and liberals..

>> No.3267194

>>I found one situation in which upbringing appears to be the cause therefore it must be so in 100% of the cases
correlation does not imply causality.

>> No.3267198


He didn't say 100% of cases, or anything near that, idiot.

>>so it can be done by upbringing.

It can be done != Is always done

>> No.3269886

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHDCAllQgS0 Dawkins throws in some possibilities

>> No.3269907
File: 7 KB, 251x171, 1308710238195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The accepted stance is that we chose to be gay.

I mean...you chose to be straight, right?

>> No.3269921



>> No.3269930



No seriously, fucking watch this

>> No.3269957
File: 183 KB, 500x407, bonobo homosex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuality is documented in hundreds of animal species. Anyone who says its not natural just does not know jack shit about ethology or believes that animals are not natural.

Considering the current view is that animal behavior is genetically hard wired, that would mean homosexuality is genetic. That is unless the current view is wrong which is possible.

>> No.3269960

Are those animals homosexuals or bisexuals?

>> No.3269962


>Implying that there is any evidence that that is why he is gay.

That aside though, we all know that people only become gay when they start a thread on 4chan for the first time.

>> No.3269963

No one knows.


>> No.3269972

I love how sexuality has arbitrarily been singled out among the vast collection of other neurological curiosities. Whether homosexuality is genetic or not is so much more important than whether being a sociopath is.

>> No.3269974

It is also possible that there are homosexual genes that are suppressed normally, but become active given certain conditions.

>> No.3269977


And here we go

Not one person said anything about it being, and instead of discussing what makes someone become a homosexual people start throwing out straw men and ad hominems out.

And before someone yells naturalistic fallacy, homosexuality is a psychological disorder by a reproductive definition, but the topic is what causes it, not whether it is "wrong"

>> No.3269980

It matters for ethical reasons. We are fine with make certain behaviors illegal, what is not ok is making the existence of certain people illegal.

>> No.3269984


>Naturalistic fallacy

Just because animals do it, doesn't mean it's not a disorder.

The raping of beta males as a show of dominance is pretty hilarious if that's actually a reason for it in animals.

>> No.3269990

It's okay being a sociopath!

>> No.3270000
File: 11 KB, 350x234, bonobo hetero sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonobos are bisexual. They basically use sex to diffuse conflict situations.


Two bonobos walk into a restaurant and see a banana sitting at the table. Both bonobos want banana. Bonobos then rub crotches together and afterward decide to share banana. Funnily enough when one bonobo is female, after the sex the male will often give her the food, sound familiar??

>> No.3270002

Orientation is likely similar to handedness.

A side-effect of the plasticity of the systems that determine which side, or which sex, we favor. Having some flexibility in these areas is more of an advantage than the odd error is a disadvantage. This is most malleable very early on, forming orientation somewhere in the womb or early childhood, forming fetishes and fixations during childhood and puberty, and forming finer preferences during puberty. I do think people can learn to enjoy any kind of sex, but, like using your off hand, it will never be quite the same.

Besides, historically most homosexuals have reproduced. The link between sex and pregnancy has been long established, and so people know what needs doing if they want an heir.

>> No.3270004


Is bonobo slang for "black people?"

>> No.3270012

Arbitrary, unnecessary distinction. If someone isn't harming someone else in action, there should be no legal repercussion.

>> No.3270014

>doesnt understand that gay pride is antonym for gay shame and there is no corresponding concept of straight shame,
fucking breeders

>> No.3270019


Agreed just because an animal does it does not mean its ok for humans to do so. However it does mean it can not be considered 'unnatural' so long as you are defining nature as that leafy green place full of critters.

Actually funnily enough considering the sex habits of Republican politicians if you defined nature as a male bathroom stall somewhere in Washington DC you probably still could not call homosexuality unnatural.

>> No.3270020

>Not realizing bisexuality is the biological norm with monosexuality being an odd societal design

>> No.3270027


>Closet faggot making unsubstantiated claim.

>> No.3270036

Deluding yourself because something is ideal does not make it true.

>> No.3270043
File: 147 KB, 445x445, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Perpetuating the myth of everyone being a bisexual

>> No.3270052
File: 24 KB, 400x360, 1294775151336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/, can't we just agree on not giving a shit?

Judge people off their merits, not their bloody sexuality.

>> No.3270064

Mental illness or genetic disease.

Either way they cause harm to the genes.

>> No.3270065

>Implying an otherwise useful individual not contributing by providing potentially useful off spring is not a negative

>> No.3270075

>implying morality is based on evolutionary fitness

>> No.3270076
File: 17 KB, 252x252, 1286605916598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because spawning children is the most useful thing one could possibly do, right?

All those fundamentalist christians and muslims spawning all those children, what great accomplishments. Because sticking your love pole into a warm wet sleeve and relieving yourself of the excess of mayonnaise in the sandwich you ate is so difficult.

>> No.3270077

>implying the world desperately needs more humans
Let's account for all the ones already here. Do the world a favor and adopt.

>> No.3270078


>naturalistic fallacy

>> No.3270081

>implying adding to the mass of 7 billion is anything significant

>> No.3270085
File: 27 KB, 231x231, 1308431246421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3270097

in normal life I am ambivalent. On 4chan, however...

There's something odd about the gay community on 4chan, they've got this whacked out crusader mentality where they actually seem to believe everyone should be gay. It's really strange, like they came from some bizarro universe.

>> No.3270098

that is not true. i was masturbating with the shower head when i was 6 while fantasizing about girls from the 1st grade. I also squirted small amounts of what appeared to be semen or something.

>> No.3270104


>Implying that wasn't the point of the thread
>Implying this isn't a straw man argument
>Implying you aren't a massive tripfaggot

>> No.3270106

>in normal life I am ambivalent. On 4chan, however...

>There's something odd about the nazi community on 4chan, they've got this whacked out crusader mentality where they actually seem to believe everyone should be nazi. It's really strange, like they came from some bizarro universe.

>> No.3270112


That's just the super liberal web 2.0 faggots.

They're pretty much the modern day equivalent of the hippies from the 80's.

>> No.3270113

Originally, Nazis were not racist.

>> No.3270119


>Implying the Nazi's weren't the good guys

>> No.3270121
File: 3 KB, 126x125, 1305293110446s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hate and tears fuel me.

>> No.3270125

My aunt knew I was gay when i was like 9 or something just from the way I interacted with some of the other kids at my school (wanted to be friends with girls when most guys my age did not).

I knew I was gay when I went through puberty.. I sort of really admired naked guys bodies / guys in general, but didn't make the connection until a few years later (13 or so).

So, it's probably a mix of genetic, developmental, and psychosocial factors. I wouldn't say I was 'born gay' because I didn't have a concept of sexuality until I was older.. but it's definitely not a choice. It's innate and static in my experience.

>> No.3270131

Maybe the religious are satans spawns? :3

>> No.3270239

So much worthless human testimony on here. I thought this board was dedicated to hard science.

>> No.3270347


so many people mad going IT'S NOT A CHOICE FUCKTARD

he never said it was, he inquired as to how it could have evolved, which is a curiosity.

possibilities included the gay uncle gene, the gene's not being sex-specific (eg. if it's in a woman she'll be more fertile, it gets passed on and the dude kids are gay), it being a gene that only manifests itself given certain environmental conditions, etc.