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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3265341 No.3265341 [Reply] [Original]

Explain instinct. How when a brain is completely fresh, with no knowledge of what exists or what things do, do we know what to eat/drink or that we need to?

>> No.3265346

INB4 drink piss.

>> No.3265348

its programmed into the older parts of our brain

that isn't to say a baby could slide out of the womb and fend for itself, we aren't completely developed at birth

>> No.3265367


>> No.3265419

>implying you didn't have to have a lactating tit or bottle shoved in your face to know you were suppose to eat

>> No.3265496


The entire scale of human DNA can barely account for the vast quantity of data required for even the workings of a few cells, much less a large living organism such as ourselves, and further less in regards to any animal's brain.

Instinct cannot really be explained as to how we actually acquire it... we just know why it would be advantageous and that its probably part of an older more simple part of the human brain.

>> No.3265534 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 232x217, beargrylls..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are hard wired with instinct right from birth, its in our DNA.

>> No.3265585

So without any prompting you guys are saying a baby would pick up a bottle and/or tit and know whether it was milk or poison and know to drink?

>> No.3265634

So instinct is a form of genetic memory? How was it hard coded? It doesn't make sense to me I'm sorry if it's a dumb question, but were instincts randomly coded through mutations, and then the instincts that worked survived?

What is the mechanism through which "instinct" is established, and could we hardcode instincts through genetic engineering?

>> No.3265649


>It smells good
>It looks good
>My senses in general are telling me it's good

The baby doesn't have to know what it is, his/her brain is just telling him/her it's good.

>> No.3265657


Perhaps instinct is just creating a solution to a problem that has very few solutions, for instance, how many different ways can you think of to solve hunger besides eating or drinking?

>> No.3265660


Evolution, man.

>> No.3265666 [DELETED] 
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yeh genetic memory. play assassins creed lol. (although that takes it further, and its not true to that extent.)

intredasting... i think so. genetic engineering new instincts would be very interesting.
and yeh, some instincts have probably been misfires, but these individuals wont survive to pass on whatever genes cause these failed instincts in a person.

>> No.3265671


so you are saying that it just knows what is good without any prompting or any experience with milk being good and poison being bad?

>> No.3265673
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>spouting nonsense again
>gets trips

Such is life on /sci/

>> No.3265675 [DELETED] 

no it more complex than that. birds migrate due to instinct, bears hibernate, young suckle on their mothers, some of these things are quite complicated, but they still all know what to do, and birds know which direction to go in, etc.

>> No.3265678

>still assuming there's no behavioural programming in genetic code.

>> No.3265685 [DELETED] 
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i got quads as well.

>> No.3265693


He/she doesn't know that, but that's what his/her senses are telling him/her.

Can you control what smells you find attractive? Naturally people find bad smells bad and good smells good.

>> No.3265695

I'd play assassin's creed if I wanted to watch cut scenes that misinterpret science for a few hours in between walking around and not killing innocent people.

>> No.3265699

I know about evolution and I don't dispute it. Answering "evolution" to my question, however, is the same as answering "magic."

I'm asking how the evolutionary process brought it about, so answering with "evolution" is a non sequitor.

>> No.3265709 [DELETED] 

UNSKIPPABLE cutscenes as well.
you'd think a fucking blade in the throat would impede ones ability to soliloquise...

>> No.3265724


You should brag about it and start throwing around the N-word.

>> No.3265730

Same way evolution works on all other cases.
Those animals that knew how to run when they were born didn't get eaten by lions.
Etc. Etc.

>> No.3265731 [DELETED] 

i did just brag about it ;)
lol, 'the n word'?
this is the internet, you can swear on the internet you know.
your dad probably wont even mind because he's too busy being FUCKED by me

>> No.3265734


Well it's not technically a non sequitur because that is the reason.

I'm just being vague, also dubs. You probably want a biologist to explain that to you; I don't want to give you a skewered explanation.

>> No.3265738


That works too.

>> No.3265741

Brain Circuit Imprinting

>> No.3265751


Then do it, what are you afraid of lady, show your true self and let those n-bombs fly.

>> No.3265758 [DELETED] 

>trying to bait me into getting myself banned again.
now that my holiday is over, if i act like an asshat i will actually have to endure my ban.
...best not. :)

>> No.3265782


Your right, sorry that was silly, but you know... you could just make an image that says it and post that because they can't ban you simply for putting up images that reflect your racism... as long as you don't explicitly come out and say it, amirite.

>> No.3265802 [DELETED] 


and wtf? thats still racism, i presume the stormtard who keeps posting the fun nig... oh! i nearly fucking said it! close one.
the "fun 'n-word' facts" gets banned.

also, this.

>> No.3265823

It's empiracle knowledge, correct?

>> No.3265827


the what facts? maybe if you posted a few I would know wtf you are talking about until then I will just have to assume your trolling.

>> No.3265838
File: 33 KB, 544x517, nojustno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying instincts are hard-coded by DNA is like saying the shape of fingerprints and the position of every capillary is hard-coded by DNA.

>> No.3265845

same reason your laptop started already with an internet browser built in.

>> No.3265846 [DELETED] 

they arnt really facts, its just offensive racist propaganda cartoons. ive never posted them and i hate when the board is spammed with them. there is over 30 different images...

>> No.3265852 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 393x349, 126550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'presume i'm trolling'?
don't worry hun, i'll let you know when i'm trolling =p

>> No.3265858

Because I bought my laptop weeks after it was made and after someone installed that shit on it? That doesn't explain anything. Are you implying that neural development occurs long after the neurons have been made?

>> No.3265861

Why is EK so racist? She's like a bigoted sociopathic fascist.

>> No.3265871
File: 50 KB, 537x720, 58922_478587988312_89562268312_6266177_3028718_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct answer is hormones.
Everyone in this thread is dumb.

>> No.3265869 [DELETED] 

i'm not. using 'the n word' doesnt automatically make me racist.

>> No.3265877


She's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. Her parents are probably idiots too.

>> No.3265944
File: 35 KB, 494x293, 1189492723199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may have nothing to do with DNA, and everything to do with inherited memories.

Simpler animals such as planarians (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planarian)) can inherit memories (or perhaps faint impressions of memories) by eating the remains of other planarians.

A human zygote can not develop into a healthy baby outside of a mother's womb.

Crucial hormones and proteins for the developing baby must be provided by the mother's body. Perhaps in time we will be able to replicate this artificially and "tube" pregnancies, but at present we can not.

Animals that lay eggs provide such necessities in the egg...still produced by the mother's body, and not by the developing embryo.

"instinct" could be nothing more than the ghosts of chemical memories passed on from the mother.

Until we reach a technological capability of growing a complex vertebrate from a fertilized egg completely apart from the influence of its mother's body - which may be an impossibility, as these memory factors might even be provided to the egg cell itself and replicated as needed - we won't be able to tell.

>> No.3265954
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Beat me to the punch because I decided to be wordy >>3265944

>> No.3265999

How did this get into a discussion of the word nigger (roody-poo LOL). It's clear the poster only wanted to highlight EK's immaturity (by likening it to /b/). he wasn't actually goading her into saying the word. 4chan people can't be a 'hivemind', there's too much confusion. You never understand each other.

Can we please get back to instinct? So someone mentioned behaviour is genetically encoded. Where can I read more about this?

>> No.3266053

signaling molecules and hormones
