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File: 19 KB, 450x400, Griffin_iTrip_FM_transmitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3264333 No.3264333 [Reply] [Original]

>itrip fm transmitter plugged into ipod
>listening on radio
>pick up ipod to change station that I'm using
>no interference
>realize touching ipod not only eliminates interference, but noticeably improves quality of sound
>keep one finger on ipod all the way home

What happened?

Is my body acting as an amplifier for the signal somehow?

If so, why is this possible?

>> No.3264386

Self-Bump because curiosity.

>> No.3264399

Pretty sure it's because your body (or rather the salty fluid in your body) is acting as an antenna. Here's one for you: we're constantly bathed in a sea of electromagnetic radiation with which we are physically interacting but are consciously unaware. Also, the game.

>> No.3264438

Your body may have been acting as an "antenna" for the FM signal. It may have been easier for the FM signal to travel through you than through air. Or, the FM transmitter may have a noisy ground level and by touching the device, you may have actually reduced the noise on the device's voltage reference. There are many possibilities.

This type of phonomenon is fairly well known. You'll probably find more information on a diy radio enthusiast page or somesuch.

>> No.3264448

ITT wannabe tech people don't know about magnetic lines of induction and how it interferes or amplifies radio signals

>> No.3264457

i have one of these in my car. it's fucking terrible, and gets overpowered by pretty much any weak signal. this leads me to two questions:
1.) how can i increase signal strength so that it actually overpowers weak signals?
2.) sometimes just having my arm hovering over the transmitter, but not actually touching it, gets rid of interference... what's the deal with that? is my body still acting as an antennae despite not being in physical contact with the transmitter?

>> No.3264469

It's likely that your body is reducing the interference. Try positioning a small container of salt water above it, or perhaps an antenna.

>> No.3264478
File: 97 KB, 418x384, 106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I pick up radio stations just by putting any gain-boosted signal wire hooked to a guitar amp in my mouth cavity, not even touching my mouth or tongue.

Hey guise, magnetic lines of induction. Your body generates them. LEARN ABOUT THEM.

>> No.3264490


You're assuming half of the people on this board even passed basic electronics courses.

>> No.3264508

Why does it always have to be about magnets with you people?

>> No.3264533

>go to wiki about
>oh my god, it's so technical and there's formulas
>I haven't had a science class in 3 years what is this

Can I get a tl;dr version?

>> No.3264545

It's not /always/ magnetic coupling...

>> No.3264558


A good transmitter needs a good ground, and human bodies make pretty good ones.

>> No.3264580

>human body
>good ground

I'm hoping your definition of the word "good" here is relative to the horror that is the majority of commercial radio devices.

>> No.3264581


Someone failed physics. Hi, electromagnetics.

>> No.3264597


please be a troll
please be a troll

>> No.3264621


Guess you don't know how magnetism and electricity are directly linked, eh?

This is basic shit we knew back in the 50s and 60s. Too bad you poor fuckwits don't get a real education, now.

>> No.3264647


This man speaks truth.

Go build some HAM radios and learn, folks.

>> No.3264664

Not as in an earth ground, but as in a ground plane to provide near-field reflection for the antenna.

>> No.3264672

>discovered in the 50's and 60's

>> No.3264693

You mean 1850s and 1860s.

>> No.3264697


The reason most of those transmitters are weak as piss is because of FCC regulations. They don't want the signal to overpower any commercial radio broadcast in the apartment next door or the car sitting next to you in traffic. You can boost the signal strength if you know a little about electronics. Google it; there are instructions up for a lot of popular models of FM transmitters. Again, it's not technically legal, but whatever.

>> No.3264717

don't try to "power up" your transmitter. it's illegal and you'll go to jail for it. they've these special triangulation radio tracking devices to find out where you are.