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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3263198 No.3263198 [Reply] [Original]

How does /sci9k/ deal with the inevitable fact that our intellect is going to untimely leave us forever alone in the end? It makes one want to kill themselves, doesn't it?

>> No.3263225


>> No.3263246

>implying a superior genius like me isn't already perfect on its own

>> No.3263247

You're not that smart, just socially inept and abrasive.

>> No.3263252

>how does .. deal with ... herp derp derp derp


>> No.3263258

Personally I'm more terrified of dementia and going senile in my old age.

>> No.3263260

>implying i am like you

>> No.3263266

If that's the one that makes your brain physically waste away then dementia terrifies me. But I will relish being a crazy old guy. can't wait til i can wear my slippers to the supermarket.

>> No.3263275

>implying that, since you go to this board as well, you are not

>> No.3263284

sure i may be a virginfag right now but that doesnt mean i wont get a girlfriend ever

>> No.3263287

If you lurk /sci/ or are posting in this thread, then I'm afraid you and OP share some similarities, even if it's just meager ones like going to and posting on the same web-site. One of the many reasons why I hate the idiots that go to /sci/, because I end up having some similarities between me and them just because of a web-site.

>> No.3263288


Deal with it.

>> No.3263292

Intellect doesn't leave you alone, being a loser leaves you alone

>> No.3263296

If you're still in your teens or early twenties, then virginity is still normal and not an issue of any kind. If you're older and still haven't lost it, it's going to turn women off from you.

>> No.3263314

no, virginity is abnormal in early twenties

>> No.3263322
File: 616 KB, 900x750, psg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.3263325

Stop listening to /b/, fool

>> No.3263327

No, it's completely normal, only media and social suppositions give off the illusion otherwise. The average maximum age to lose your virginity is about 24 in a first world society.

>> No.3263331
File: 3 KB, 184x172, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still haven't graduated high school I see...

>> No.3263335


buttmad virgins

>> No.3263345


only worthwhile post in thread, not samefagging, an ip check will verify this

>> No.3263351

>average maximum

you are clearly trolling or statistically retarded

median age is about 17 and 21 is enough standard deviations away to be into abnormal territory

>> No.3263353


humanity, dumb mother fuck

>> No.3263357

>He thinks it's possible to do any kind of "IP check" without being moot

>> No.3263360


>IP check

sure is l33t hakzor in here

>> No.3263362

what the fuck is an "average maximum".

>> No.3263372
File: 23 KB, 576x432, 1307206881201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3263374

Those are just the MEDIAN age though, it doesn't account for average minimums or average maximums with enough impact.

>> No.3263373


and if on the eve of birthday i havent managed it... hooker tiem!!

>> No.3263384

again, wtf is an average maximum. that term slipped past me when i was studying statistics

>> No.3263388

PROTIP: only virgins think virginity (and loss of it) are important.

>> No.3263394

i'll say it again, slowly

17 is median

21 is far enough away from the median to be considered abnormal. just as 14 would be considered abnormal

>> No.3263403

Theoretically, you could make a script that tracerts all the networks and IP addresses that submitted sent requests to 4chan's submission sub-domain and compare them with the time they were sent with the time a post was made, you can find somebody's IP address that way. But since 4chan merged all it's servers and sub-domans together over the past three years, you're likely going to confuse these posts together with ones made on other boards.

>> No.3263407


i preferred it when i was saying >>3263373

>> No.3263416


Or you can hack every computer on the internet, monitor all of them with self written hacker scripts and log every post someone makes on 4chan.

>> No.3263421

That doesn't make a lick of sense.
You have no way of knowing "all the networks and IP addresses that submitted sent requests to 4chan's submission sub-domain" without being moot

>> No.3263471

>tracert -d boards.4chan.org

Tracing route to boards.4chan.org []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms
4 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms
5 18 ms 13 ms 16 ms
6 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms
7 12 ms 22 ms 12 ms
8 29 ms 29 ms 29 ms
9 39 ms 35 ms 37 ms
10 34 ms 36 ms 35 ms
11 34 ms 33 ms 36 ms
12 36 ms 35 ms 36 ms
13 193 ms 200 ms 225 ms

>tracert -d sys.4chan.org

Tracing route to sys.4chan.org []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms
4 21 ms 20 ms 66 ms
5 22 ms 23 ms 21 ms
6 30 ms 32 ms 31 ms
7 32 ms 31 ms 31 ms
8 32 ms 31 ms 42 ms
9 31 ms 31 ms 32 ms
10 32 ms 30 ms 31 ms
11 31 ms 32 ms 31 ms
12 31 ms 31 ms 29 ms

>> No.3263539

That tells you the route from YOUR computer to 4chan. It doesn't give you any kind of information about who else is contacting it, or where other posts are coming from.

You'd have to either be moot, or 4chan's ISP to track those things. You should consider learning what the a traceroute command actually tells you. Either you're trolling, or one dumb motherfucker.

>> No.3263545

Uh no, tracert gives you the information of the networks that are currently connected and interacting with the server, not just the person's own network. You don't need special access to any machine to get such information (since they bounce off willy-nilly all the time), only special access for something like submissions and edits.

>> No.3263547

thanks for post my ipa, jackass.

>> No.3263555




>> No.3263569

traceroute tracks the route packets taken from an IP network on their way to a
given host. It utilizes the IP protocol's time to live (TTL) field and attempts
to elicit an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED response from each gateway along the path to
the host.

From the traceroute manual. Nothing like what you're talking about, Mr. Hacker Man.

Here's a description, again from the manual, of how it works, though it'll probably be lost on you:

This program attempts to trace the route an IP packet would follow to some
internet host by launching probe packets with a small ttl (time to live) then
listening for an ICMP "time exceeded" reply from a gateway. We start our
probes with a ttl of one and increase by one until we get an ICMP "port
unreachable" (or TCP reset), which means we got to the "host", or hit a max
(which defaults to 30 hops). Three probes (by default) are sent at each ttl
setting and a line is printed showing the ttl, address of the gateway and round
trip time of each probe. The address can be followed by additional information
when requested. If the probe answers come from different gateways, the address
of each responding system will be printed. If there is no response within a
5.0 seconds (default), an "*" (asterisk) is printed for that probe.

>> No.3263591 [DELETED] 

if you need to find out who or what is connected to a certain network, it's as simple as tracing who is sending and receiving information from/to it, no special privileged are required. if you want further information, then you'll need more access to the network, but simple information like who's connected to it is something even a monkey can do.

thats not what the article means though

>> No.3263607

traceroute doesn't do that sort of 'tracing'. Unless you're taking part in relaying those packets, you can't look at them. What are you, retarded?

>> No.3263626 [DELETED] 

>if you need to find out who or what is connected to a certain network, it's as simple as tracing who is sending and receiving information from/to it, no special privileged are required. if you want further information, then you'll need more access to the network, but simple information like who's connected to it is something even a monkey can do.
Well that's true, but tracerouting is not going to do that for you in such way at all.

>> No.3263628

I don't have the emotional complexity to feel love, therefore it's absence in me goes unnoticed and un-mourned.

>> No.3263632

It's cool how that works, isn't it? Either you have a soul, or you don't need one.

>> No.3263638

If you're so smart, then why are you alone?
Atheists: 0
Christians: 1

>> No.3263666 [DELETED] 

I'm agnostic. :(

>> No.3263684 [DELETED] 

no! that is s owrong. smart guys like smart girls and vice versa. oyou sjuts have tpo get out there and find it.

>> No.3263688 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 600x700, agnosticisntbeliefoption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucing agnsktic poece of sit! i'll fucking kull u niger ggg er fcking nigger!

>> No.3264113

The belief that intelligence and romantic conquest are mutually exclusive is a popular concept but it's not always true.

If you're as smart as you think you are then you should be able to intellectually mold yourself into something social.

After all, basic social interaction is a pretty simple system.

I've had steady girlfriends all my life. I just had to stop being a twitchy, squirrelly mess, relax and have a little fun.