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3257932 No.3257932 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3257944


>> No.3257954


>> No.3257963


>> No.3257965


>> No.3257969

As many as I can by my death.

>> No.3257971
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>> No.3257975


>> No.3257980
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>> No.3257983

grow up and it won't be a problem

>> No.3257991

Dementias really are a horrible thing and the rate of them is skyrocketing. I honestly think it has to do with modern processed foods, because before about the 1950s, Alzheimer's Disease was pretty damned rare.

>> No.3258000

Aw, way to ruin a good trollfest with a serious comment. You suck.

>> No.3258011

Are you sure it wasn't just that people didn't live as long so in shorter lifetimes there wasn't as much chance of getting it ?

>> No.3258023

Not really, because I read a study about villages in Eastern Europe where most of the population was 65+ (the younger people had all moved to the cities). People had lots of age-related problems like aches and pains and arthritis, and some were a bit crazy, but none suffered from anything resembling AD.

The conclusion being that they all grew their own food with no pesticides and all their livestock were grass-fed.

>> No.3258043

Noe also that India (where the antioxidant curry is a standard part of diets) has very few dementia cases.

>> No.3258073


This article suggests that numerous dementia cases are not Alzheimer's related at all.

My grandmother was accused by the home once of having AD, but I absolutely know she did not because she had none of the behavioral symptoms associated with it. She would get a little bit confused sometimes and say strange things, but if anything, she probably had cerebral atherosclerosis.

>> No.3258113

When people troll you, you just ignore them and keep going rather than reply.

>> No.3258134

But then you'll just end up samefagging when there's no one else around but trolls.

>> No.3258150

Yeh, but what can you do when you're the only person with an IQ above room temperature?

>> No.3258163


>> No.3258174

Yes, but there are certain specific aging problems I'd want to see resolved, namely bone, muscle, and joint weaknesses, and dementias. The rest doesn't matter that much.

>> No.3258254

cystic fibrosis