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3255248 No.3255248 [Reply] [Original]

Can anybody help me convert a reading of 0.3mg/l of nitrate (NO−3 and a molecular mass of 62.0049 g/mol) in water into ppm?
Pic related. I need to know the ppm nitrates in an aquarium but can only get the answer in mg/l

>> No.3255299
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I'm sorry.Is my post not trolly enough?

>> No.3255309

Be useful to know how much water it's in OP.

>> No.3255315

>mg / l

mass fraction or mole fraction?

In short; for mass fraction: 3mg/(mass of 1 l of water); for mole fraction: (# moles of nitrate in 0.3mg)/(# moles of water in mass of 1 l of water)

>> No.3255318
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0.087 ppm, OP.


>> No.3255321


Oops. apologies. That'll teach me to read the damn question.