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File: 114 KB, 393x326, imperial-metric-butcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3254119 No.3254119 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that USfags are still using imperial system?

>> No.3254133
File: 413 KB, 380x380, dealwithitdog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3254135

Because you look like a faggot when ordering 2 hectograms of ham.

>> No.3254145

they are known as amerifags

>> No.3254144

It's hard to get a large nation to switch, it's been attempted many times. It's also very expensive. And it's easier to divide things in a base 12 system.

That being said, imperial is defined by metric these days.

>> No.3254148

Why is it chinese fags still speak chinese?

>> No.3254149

That's not what your mom said, when I gave the ham to her!

>> No.3254160

No one really uses hect... but if they did, it would just be awesome are you kidding?

I live in US and thank goodness everyone I hang out with is physics/math majors, so we I never have to hear about those stupid units.
I think the fact that we haven't switched is purely laziness, and lack of understanding by the layman about how much more efficient the SI system is.

>> No.3254170

>hamming it up.

>> No.3254171

ounce = 28 grams
pound = 454 grams

Why are you so fearful of mental arithmetic /sci/? It's fun. I love Americans for making the world a more interesting place.

>> No.3254172

No one really uses hecto... but if they did, it would just be awesome are you kidding?

I live in US and thank goodness everyone I hang out with is physics/math majors, so we I never have to hear about those stupid units.
I think the fact that we haven't switched is purely laziness, and lack of understanding by the layman about how much more efficient the SI system is.

>> No.3254175

let's face it, imperial is more suitable for a lot of things. Temperature, a person's height (5'11" is more simple to deal with than 1.8m or 180cm), in a lot of the real world a pound is a more useful measure than a kilogram (or about .5kg), so on and so forth. Gallons are a more suitable size for many things than liters.

SI is amazingly useful when you need precision, easily derived combo units, conversions and such, but outside of that Imperial just makes more sense.

>> No.3254179

We're inching our way into the metric system.

>> No.3254191
File: 46 KB, 451x392, 1295140943278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give her the ham! All night long!

>> No.3254194

How the hell is 5'11" more simple than 1.8m?
try converting the 5'11" to any other units and you require 2 conversions not just 1.

>> No.3254197

do you have any idea the price of replacing every single sign/marker/label/piece of data/record/file in the us?

>> No.3254207

Scientists use metric when doing science.

Everyone else uses imperial because thats what they grew up with and that's what they will teach their children.

Your average person is not that smart. I think they tried switching to metric in the 1970's and everything went to shit really quick so they changed back.

>> No.3254210
File: 301 KB, 628x792, datass goddam B^U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imperial is also more useful in metric in bisection.

That doesn't matter though, because the benefits of metric outweigh those of imperial. People seem to just ignore the thread-answering posts like this one:

So that they can continue arguing like a bunch of xenophobic retards. But then again, anyone who asks "Why doesn't America switch to metric?" has to be a retard because you have to purposely ignore the amount of money, time, and effort required for the change when you ask that question.

tl;dr the op is a retard, stop posting in this thread

>> No.3254212

No. theyre only deemed so because youve been using them this entire time.
had you been using metric, you would have:
a. convenience in almost the entire world
b. the same sense of familiarity with the system as you do with imperial
c. easy conversian and high precsion
d. not being a imperifag

>> No.3254225

why do you need other units?

>> No.3254226

That's the point, what's the use of converting a person's height? There's very little need. Worst you'll have to do is convert to inches for a very, very few reasons, and if you can't multiply 4, 5, or 6 by 12 you suck at life.

But it's also more simple because it's two whole numbers and it's under 100.

It's a lot easier for someone to estimate via inches and feet than mm, cm, and %age of m. I can keep going on...the divisions are more easily visualized and make more sense in normal, everyday application.

>> No.3254230

Celsius makes sense, but Rankine is a much better scale than Kelvin. Heat capacity and power are slightly easier to measure in imperial than SI. Not that it matters, I'm just saying that while Celsius has a reasonable starting point, Fahrenheit is scaled better.

>> No.3254248

Why do you care OP? On a daily basis I work with imperial and SI units without a second thought. They are by definition arbitrary scales. When I design something for the lab often times optical elements are in metric. Our machine shop uses imperial. So any custom parts I make have to use both systems. Because I don't use a slide rule to get my work done, using both systems is really trivial.

>> No.3254253

>call america poor
>ask us to spend trillions of dollars replacing nearly every item in the country

>> No.3254265

That's not actually true because most imperial measures are based off of things like length of your arm, an adult foot is about a foot.

Degrees F was an attempt to make 100 the temp of the human body, so if you've any clue about how warm a human is supposed to be, that's around 100 degrees F.

So on and so forth.

I don't dispute that where precision is needed, you should use SI.

>> No.3254281

except humanity has moved out of real need for that.
Metric is less convenient when measuring the body, but for all other purposes, theres no convenience difference whatsoever. except with metric, you get the advantages i said in post # >>3254212

>> No.3254290

This, in the future they will wonder why we used a decimal system and didn't base our measurements on quanta.

>> No.3254294

Since it's essentially what you did to me:
No. you're wrong.

>> No.3254302

never said it so. what i said is that imperial good for body, theyre equivalent for everything else, but metric has the advantage of you know, being used throughout world, and being easy to convert, and precise, and all that good stuff

>> No.3254329


the smart one can use both, the smart people of the rest of the world can only use one, who is better?

I say that using two methods to measure is better because it makes you think more, like knowing more than one language enriches your thought.

why are eurofags so dumb and lazy that they cannot learn another system?

>> No.3254341

having one universal system makes for improved overall global relations, easier trade, more efficiency, all that good stuff. because most of the world already uses metric and because of its conveniences, is why we insist that the amerifags switch, along witht he other 3 countries nonmetric.

>> No.3254342

>Degrees F was an attempt to make 100 the temp of the human body
Er, that's not true. 100 was the temperature of a horse's body, which was believed to be more stable. 0 was the temp of his self-stablizing brine mixture, and then freezing and boiling were 180 degrees apart. But his main calibration was to allow 64 degrees between body temp at 96 (it was recalibrated sometime after to make it 98) and the melting point of water, since this let him use bisection to mark his scale.

>> No.3254347


nice one americunts

>> No.3254353

we will switch to metric and nothing else when the rest of the rest of the world speaks only English and nothing else. how about that, do we have a deal?

>> No.3254359


Yeah, Metrics really fucked everything up didn't it?

>> No.3254363


It's cute how Europoors mock us for only speaking one language and then get butthurt when we can use multiple unit systems.

>> No.3254362

countries that use metric: 192
countries that speak English: 53
i think its on a different scale here.

>> No.3254370

Who really has to "think" about it though? Unit conversions are no-brainers.. Sure it's fun to do math without a calculator, but believe me... I have plenty of calculations I can enjoy doing without a calculator that I don't need to add unit conversions into the mix.

I don't see why this is a difficult thing.
The only people who really care about what units we have are the kind of people who realize how much of an advantage the SI system is.. NOT because it is "easier", but just because it is done in a way where the units are sort of out of the picture. They don't get in your way..
the english system gets in your way, and you will get frustrated at the fact that you have to keep doing unit conversions.. not to mention the fact that if we wanted 2 systems like you say then we would have to remember a WHOLE separate set of equivalencies in science, like <span class="math">N=\frac{kg m}{s^{2}}[/spoiler]
what is it for pounds? I have no freaking idea, and I really don't care because the english system sucks ass.

>> No.3254376

>It's cute how Europoors mock us for only speaking one language and then get butthurt when we can use multiple unit systems.
Its cute how amerifags are against metric while the rest of the world uses it, and then gets completely culturally pummeled by the majority of the rest of th world.

>> No.3254380

Because fuck you. No but seriously, I actually love converting back and forth for fun. I do my physics homework, then I convert it into imperial (where applicable) while watching tv.

>> No.3254381

You are a retard and will defend your right to be dumb by saying that knowing more than one way to do things is dumb when all you are doing is demonstrating how retarded you are.

>> No.3254385
File: 8 KB, 225x241, 225px-Neil_deGrasse_Tyson_-_NAC_Nov_2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>culturally pummeled

>> No.3254389

"There are several competing versions of the story of how Fahrenheit came to devise his temperature scale.[3] According to one version, Fahrenheit established the zero (0 °F) and 100 °F points on his scale by recording the lowest outdoor temperatures he could measure, and his own body temperature. He took as his zero point the lowest temperature he measured in the harsh winter of 1708 through 1709 in his hometown of Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland) (−17.8 °C). (He was later able to reach this temperature under laboratory conditions using a mixture of ice, ammonium chloride, and water.) Fahrenheit wanted to avoid the negative temperatures that Ole Rømer's scale had produced in everyday use. He fixed his own body temperature as 100 °F.[4] He then divided his original scale into twelve parts, and later divided each of these into 8 equal subdivisions, produced a scale of 96 degrees. Fahrenheit noted that his scale placed the freezing point of water at 32 °F and the boiling point at 212 °F, a neat 180 degrees apart.

Another story holds that Fahrenheit established the zero of his scale (0 °F) as the temperature at which a mixture of equal parts of ice and salt melts (some say he took that fixed mixture of ice and salt that produced the lowest temperature); and 96 degrees as the temperature of blood (he initially used horse blood to calibrate his scale). Initially, his scale contained only 12 equal divisions, but he later subdivided each division into eight equal degrees, ending up with 96.

>> No.3254391

>You are a retard and will defend your right to be dumb by saying that knowing more than one way to do things is dumb when all you are doing is demonstrating how retarded you are.

>> No.3254392

Measuring human stuff, use human lengths. Mile, foot, inch, yard and (alot) more are made for easier human use.

Doing science? Use metric. No one wants to measure things in exponential form.

>> No.3254393

A third, well-known version of the story, as described in the popular physics television series The Mechanical Universe, maintains that Fahrenheit simply adopted Rømer's scale (in which water freezes at 7.5 degrees) and multiplied each value by four to eliminate the fractions and increase the granularity of the scale (giving 30 and 240 degrees). He then re-calibrated his scale between the melting point of water and normal human body temperature (which he took to be 96 degrees); the melting point of ice was adjusted to 32 degrees, so that 64 intervals would separate the two, allowing him to mark degree lines on his instruments by simply bisecting the interval six times (since 64 is two to the sixth power)."

After reading though about 8 websites on it, here was the first mention of horse blood, and then it was only for initial calibration.

The point still stands that human body temp is around 100 degrees

>> No.3254397

CGS, bitches

>> No.3254399
File: 297 KB, 1024x768, AMERICA FUCK YEAH 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I couldn't hear you over how awesome we are.

>> No.3254407

But what if my foot and my yard are bigger than yours?

>> No.3254408

you couldnt hear me because this is text-based
fucking reatrd amerifag

>> No.3254411
File: 169 KB, 400x320, Summer_Bitch_Festival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sure is summer

>> No.3254417

Why is that a black powder rifle? Shouldn't that be like a tricked out Bushmaster? or a Barrett Light .50?

>> No.3254421
File: 62 KB, 540x405, meanwhile_in_america-14226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, try to bring those commie units in here now.

>> No.3254425


because black powder is cool

>> No.3254430
File: 215 KB, 532x367, 1193836871209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be more retarded.

>> No.3254438
File: 30 KB, 550x375, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I yield to the most retarded retard of them all.
That is you, if you are to retarded to figure that out.

>> No.3254444
File: 378 KB, 1024x768, sam_7416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Barrett gets the chicks.

>> No.3254448
File: 24 KB, 480x360, seeyoucat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3254449

we'll start using metric as soon as you quit adding extra letters to words.

>> No.3254453
File: 45 KB, 1154x807, 1296600457438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a dystopia


>Video of an American (assumed millionaire) beating up a impoverished cabbie and getting a way with it.

>> No.3254493

Culture is slow to change, you fucking moron.


But yes metric is better in every respect. Also, not every European nation uses the metric system for everything, so cut us some slack, y'bastid.

>> No.3254632
File: 381 KB, 1176x1422, jesusfuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMERICAN culture is slow to change.
Religion, healthcare, abortion, education, politics, metric system, etc. People are proud of being ignorant.

Just do it overnight like the Australians:

>> No.3254648

We did that, thought it was stupid, and paid people to pull the signs up.

>> No.3254655

planck units are superior

>> No.3254663

You mean, as soon as America stops dropping letters from words.
Americans speak English. English is from England. English people "add extra letters to words".
Therefore those additions are part of English.
Deal with it

>> No.3254673


Latin. We're done here.

>> No.3254688



>> No.3254692

If you want to be a prick about it, they're actually spelling artifacts from Old French. So yeah, keep polluting your language with Frog bullshit.

>> No.3254705

Yo baby, I got a 1.414560193*10^34 planck cock. You know you want some...

>> No.3255339

8 489 454 234 493 450 203 403 039 * 1.61619997e-35 metres = 0.137206557 nanometres

wow, that supermarket's REALLY close.

>> No.3255427

I'm an Amerifag who works with food, and I can use the imperial system of measurement and grams interchangeably

I don't know what's so hard about it for Europeans. I've never had one accurately order their food in pounds of ounces, in fact one women insisted she wanted 300 lbs of prosciutto

It's really not hard, one pound is approximately half a kilo.

Also, only old people order in ounces for the most part. Your old people come to our country and do nothing but complain about every aspect of our culture to anyone who will listen

I hate you, Europe.