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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 720x480, rapists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3251550 No.3251550 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/,

From the scientific perspective, is it easier to find a mate for women than it is for men? My friend keep saying this. He says it's true because it's most often the case in the animal kingdom ( in nature documentaries male animals always fight for female animals etc..)

I'd say it's bullshit. When I last time checked the mirror I didn't look like a typical animal. And, like almost everyone knows, there is hardly any physiological differences between the men and the women. I think this explanation is just my friend's excuse for being a misogynistic pathetic loser faggot virgin, this way he doesn't have to blaim himself.

>> No.3251557

what if the rapist is drunk?

>> No.3251558

>from the scientific perspective

Go on...

>didn't look like a typical animal

Confirmed for troll

>> No.3251565

well yeah its easier for women to find mates than men

>> No.3251569

prove it

>> No.3251570

It's really a question of mathematics. We actually did an exercise in one of my CS classes in college that proved that the standard type of dating is optimal for women.

Also, you shouldn't be looking at physiology, you should be looking at behaviorism. Although our courting is much more involved than in animals, the general male/female relationship in the matter is the same as most mammals.

>> No.3251572

You say we look like all the other animals? Do you know any other animals who walk bipedally, wear clothes and don't have much body hair?

>> No.3251582

If by mate, you mean a monogamous life long relationship, then no.

Generally, women have it much easier in their teens and early twenties when their looks peak.

As the women age, their value decreases and men gain control because they now hold the majority of money and prestige that they didn't in their youth.

Either way, an intelligent and motivated person who takes care of himself will not have trouble at any age.

Your friend is blaming women for his own faults.

>> No.3251583

>From the scientific perspective

How many single women do you know? How many single men do you know? How many women over 25 who never had a boyfriend do you know? How many men over 25 who never had a girlfriend do you know?

Find the numbers, analyse them, and then it will be a scientific discussion.

>> No.3251586

Well its pretty obvious
Women don't really have to do anything in order to get laid while guys do
Guys have to be social, have some money, maybe a nice car, be cocky and the list goes on...
Women don't

>> No.3251588


>implying looking like an animal has anything to do displaying shared animal behavior

Also, sage.

Fuck your misogynistic pathetic loser faggot virgin thread.

>> No.3251591

>Do you know any other animals who walk bipedally, wear clothes and don't have much body hair?

Chicken! Well, except the clothes thing...

>> No.3251609

Actually, study that is made as you said, would not solve anything. Generally more men are just lazier and bigger pussies, that's why they can't get laid.

>> No.3251624

it still doesn't change the fact that getting laid is hard as fuck

>> No.3251629

>Generally more men are just lazier and bigger pussies, that's why they can't get laid.

Bullshit. Women are way lazier than men, in everything. The fact that they get more partners further proves that they need to make less effort.

>> No.3251636

>Women are way lazier than men, in everything.
Uh, that's a big claim, do you have any studies behind it?

>> No.3251640

You first, bro. I didn't see you supporting your claim that men are lazier.

>> No.3251644

if you asked to show a picture of our dicks we would, whereas i we ask you for a picture of your tits you will not.
Because even when it comes to something as simple as taking a picture of yourselves without a shirt on you're all still stuck up bitches
There's your scientific study right there

>> No.3251647

Women are willing to settle when it comes to a boyfriend, taking the best available at the time, but moving right on when they find a better one. Men are willing to settle when it comes to a one night stand or fuck-buddy, taking the best chance they have that night, but not when it comes to a girlfriend. The interaction of these standards, simultaneously high and low for both genders, causes a lot of problems.

And OP image

Things that are rape:
Drunk sex: FALSE
High sex: FALSE
Sex you regret: FALSE
Rape: TRUE

>> No.3251659

>Sex you regret: FALSE

But in Sweden, it is!

>> No.3251672

How men find a mate:
>take care of your looks
>be social and outgoing
>be rich
>be generous
>court a woman
>shot down
>repeat until you succeed

How women find a mate:
>take care of your looks
>sit around looking pretty until some man courts you

What conclusions can we draw from this?

>> No.3251681


it's easier for pretty women to find a boyfriend/whatever then a handsome man.
it is much much harder for an ugly women to find a boyfriend then an ugly man.

>> No.3251694

I don't think its any harder for men or women. Itsthe same for both genders.
~50% of the population are men, and ~50% of the population are women. Seeing as how they generally pair bond 1 male to one female, you have exactly the same number of potential partners that an opposite gender 'you' would have.

>> No.3251705

nope, looks alone dont cut it for a woman. most guys arnt that shallow. we have to be interesting and intelligent as well. good looks on its own is not a good enough selling point.

>> No.3251711


You would not say that if you were super hot.

>> No.3251728

actually i'd still say that.
but yeh, geeky science chicks arn't usually considered 'super hot'. so, u got me.

>> No.3251729

I would answer you, but you are a troll.

>> No.3251736


Except this actually does not happen. Women look for the best men possible and they practically share them.

>> No.3251739
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>i can't answer you
>i'm gonna make excuses

>> No.3251740


>nope, looks alone dont cut it for a woman.

true, looks play a smaller role for women then they do to man when it comes to attraction.

>most guys arnt that shallow.

false as all fuck. speaking as a guy ask any man (who is honest) and he will tell you that after a certain amount of time with no sex we will be willing to fuck a porcupine.

even when someone doesn't have blue balls a women being hot will usually be enough for a man to at the very least go out with her.

>> No.3251754

so? problem with that? why would we not want the best partners possible. no1 wants the fucking dregs of society.

i know most single guys will probably have a one night stand with a hot girl, even if she is really really stupid and boring. but she would definitely not be girlfriend material, you would just want the sex.

>> No.3251755

Please explain why bimbos have little/no problems finding a partner.

>> No.3251765

the same reason that handsome men have absolutely no problem finding a partner. good lucks is a factor in selecting a partner.

>> No.3251767


Good thread, everybody. See you some other time.

>> No.3251776


No, fat and ugly foreveralone chicks are not considered hot.

>> No.3251777

>we have to be interesting and intelligent as well.
You're already contradicting yourself.

>> No.3251779
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>> No.3251786

Men: Literally out-perform every other potential suitor in whatever field she is currently selecting for; then out-perform every rival from then on in every field she later decides is important.

Women: Be attractive and amiable enough for him to ask you out; don't make him jump through hoops for your affection and don't cheat on him.

It's actually more even than it seems, though. At least men know what to shoot for. Whatever women currently think is important. For women, you have to actually be easy to get on with most of the time.

>> No.3251788


>Seeing as how they generally pair bond 1 male to one female, you have exactly the same number of potential partners that an opposite gender 'you' would have.

>Except this actually does not happen. Women look for the best men possible and they practically share them.

>so? problem with that? why would we not want the best partners possible. no1 wants the fucking dregs of society.
Thanks for proving my point even further retard.

>> No.3251790

being hot on its own is good enough to attract someone (for both genders) , but its not good enough to keep them. they will get tired of you if you have no personality.

>> No.3251793


>. but she would definitely not be girlfriend material, you would just want the sex

yes and if you want more of it you'll call her your girlfriend to give you access until you get tired of it or of her.


>practically share them.

share my ass dude, have you ever fucking talked to a women?
had a (female) roommate once whos "friend" gave her the wrong time to a party they were going to because they were both interested in the same guy (who was attending the party).
this girl was a German and this shit is way less common in my country but in general women are real bitches to each other.

>> No.3251802

we don't literally 'share them', retard. i should probably speak in literal and simple terms for people as dumb as you.

>> No.3251807

EK youre 20 right? You are entirely too inexperienced to be giving your opinion so decidedly.

Also, your point of 50-50 population making it arbitrarily equally difficult for both sexes to find a mate is contradicted by your agreeing that women will share the best males between themselves.

Also, trophy wives? Yeah we all want one. Looks is ALL a girl needs.

>> No.3251809


Women share. Certainly way more than men.

Yes, they all want to be the one he ends up with, but his being with another woman is not the big stop sign such a thing would be for a man.

If you're a guy trying to get with a woman, it's a well known tactic to get off with or at least talk about other attractive women around her. It works. If you're a girl and try that, unless the guy is already obsessed with you, he'll be less interested in you.

>> No.3251814


>Looks is ALL a girl needs

And all a guy needs is everything.

>> No.3251816


>It's actually more even than it seems

it's actually very uneven, an ugly man can get rich/smart/whatever and get a girlfriend that looks way better then him (e.g every stupid fucking nerd that ever got rich).
if a women is ugly she can do jack shit.
she can be rich, nice, easy, she can be anything you fucking want she'll still be an ugly women and will have problems finding dates, sad but true physical attractiveness is a huge factor for males, i think that why women freak out about cosmetics and shit.

>> No.3251817

by 'share' the best males, i didnt mean that literally, i just means that if a hot guy breaks up with his girl, pretty soon another girl is going to try to get with him. no1 wants a shitty boyfriend, so we're willing to wait.

>> No.3251820


I didn't mean it that way I should of worded it different but you share his dick because you want his cum for your babies because he's a "alpha male"

this shit happens in nature and it still happens in our society.

>> No.3251822

The sad thing is, EK isn't even trolling. Some women like to believe it is just as hard for them because of "equality" and that shit. It's simply not true, though.

>> No.3251825

What a stupid picture, OP. FAGGOT.

>> No.3251826

not true AT ALL. Im handsom as fuck but aspie and lack confidense with women....they see right through me and want no part of it. Its pretty well accepted that looks dont really matter in guys.

>> No.3251827
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>> No.3251831


In the end girls give into evolution and he will fuck all of the girls who want his dick if he's not beta which is practically "sharing" his gene pool with all females who want it.

>> No.3251836

its equally hard, but that doesn't mean its actually hard. everybody wants sex, males and females alike. so its easy for guys to get laid, and also easy for girls to get laid. you just have to show that your interested, and unless they have a good reason not to go for it (as in, they are gay or already in a serious relationship) then they will.

lack of confidence is a turn off...but if you are attractive you're bound to get some girls, eventually.

>> No.3251843

its not sharing his gene pool at all unless all those girls actually have his babies.
most girls dont want babies, we just like sex.

>> No.3251844

women have a ridiculously obvious advantage in any culture where they aren't considered chattel,
this has been documented well beyond any sort of reasonable doubt, get over it

>> No.3251846


There is literally nothing in this post that is correct.

>> No.3251850

EK i'm interested in you. wanna fornicate?

>> No.3251855

I can't believe a women is actually posting on a science board.

She's probably doing it for attention,

Oh wait she is. Why else would she have a trip code?

>> No.3251856

an advantage? how.
you mean that men are just easier to get with than women are?

>> No.3251862

i don't know you, so no, sorry.

>> No.3251863


you're saying it like the women want to share to dude, it's the opposite.
each women wants the "best" man for herself, and want to keep him, she will fight her fucking friends to death to achieve that shit (like i said, women are bitches to each other), however the good looking dude knows he can fuck a different women and so he usually gets tempted by the entire "neighbors grass is greener" thing and he dumps the current girl and goes to the next one.
the sharing isn't because the girls want to share the man but because the man wants to fuck all the women and each one thinks she will be able to make him stay with her.


>but his being with another woman is not the big stop sign such a thing would be for a man.

because if you go for a women you know is interested in another man you'd be cockblocking him and that would make you a douche bag.
if a women goes for a man she knows is interested in a different women it would make her a women.

>> No.3251864

Remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger was running for Governor of California and a woman came forward and said that she walked into a gym where Arnold and a few other men were working out and offered to have sex with them (years before he was married) and he did.

His response to the media was 'wouldn't you?'.

Tell me, could a man do that?

You know the answer, you ALL know the answer. So stop this bullshit thread. Yes it IS easier for women now shut the fuck up and accept it.

>> No.3251865

Just started reading this board. Been interested in what /sci/ would say regarding this subject.

Turns out it's just the samel ol' shit as all the other boards of 4chan.

>> No.3251870


I want to fornicate with her also.

We shall engage in conflict over her.

>> No.3251871

You can shoot a man.
You can run into a roaring fire to save someone.
You can wrestle a grizzly bear.
...yet you can't muster up the courage to talk to a woman.


>> No.3251875


That's not a good reason. Just give me a price, I know your type.

>> No.3251876

*puts on his robe and wizard hat*

>> No.3251887

That's a stupid question, clearly it's easier for a woman to find someone to have sex with, finding someone to have an actual relationship with might be a different question.

>> No.3251888


It's not uneven in the way you think.

A woman may be lucky and be hot, and have her pick, while a man may be lucky and get rich, and have his pick.

But in the middle, it's men who have to do all the work. They have to out-perform every other guy or get dumped. A woman just needs to not turn out to be a bitch.

At the bottom, women or men may be unlucky and end up ugly or stupid. Now, a man can do more to help himself here, get lucky later, or devote serious effort, while the woman is stuck.

But the very lucky and the very unlucky are such a minority that it's the huge middle ground, in which men are at a serious disadvantage, that is the most important.

>> No.3251880
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>> No.3251885
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sorry but our company policy doesn't allow that.

>> No.3251886

you might know me as "The Terminator" from the 1980's movie "The Terminator"

>> No.3251889

Isnt it funny how women simply do not understand themselves or know what they want. EK is case in point. You have said some doosies in this thread trying to convey how women think and what they wany...most of which is quite inaccurate.

>> No.3251891

a price?
you calling me a whore? dickhead.

>> No.3251893


I don't quite see it as courage. It's almost as if you're putting yourself beneath them so they can accept you.

>> No.3251897


I think he just implied that

>> No.3251909

all i said is that we want hot guys. that isn't innaccurate, i assure you.

>> No.3251915


then define "hot"

>> No.3251923


The dynamics are the same, though, and there is inherent inequity in the standard of dating.

As a woman is approached by a man, she can choose to accept him as a partner or not. This means that she is free to choose the partner she wants, i.e. the best one.

A man has to worry about the risk of rejection, so they are not free to keep looking for the "best" possible mate.

btw, this is an elaboration of what I mentioned >>3251570

>> No.3251924

>>lack of confidence is a turn off...but if you are attractive you're bound to get some girls, eventually.

no girl will ever want a creep

>> No.3251931


yeah because there are no creepy girls who want equally creepy guys. Especially not on 4chan.

>> No.3251934

hot: physically attractive
but, like i said before, if they are boring, stupid, and have no personality, then this still doesnt cut it for a long term relationship even if they are really really hot.

drunk one night stand? he looks hot and you are too drunk to be paying attention to his fucking creepyness?

>> No.3251939

a fat/creepy/retarded girl will

>> No.3251940

>implying the only reason you wouldn't be considered super hot is because you are a geeky science chick

keep those feelings of inadequacy at bay, right EK?

>> No.3251944


Studies have shown that women find men more attractive if they have more money. More specifically a higher paying job.

They took photos of men and asked women to rate them on a scale from 1-10. They also attached fake jobs to them. The same picture would be rated higher with a better, higher paying job. It would even go as far as someone below average (rated 4) going as high as an 8.

>> No.3251953


ah but you forgot something, women do "work hard" simply in a different way.
were a man will try to get a high paying job, work extra hard to look richer then they are and generally try to accomplish something (being in a band, play some kind of sport, etc...).
each male will choose something he like or is good at and will work at it, most of them will find a lot of fulfillment and joy on their path.
now obviously nobody but me and a few other psychopaths actually think like this but this is what's going on under the surface.

a women can't "choose her field", so she puts all of her efforts into looking good.
think about what most women do on a regular basis, body hair removable, hours looking for things they look good in, cosmetics, etc...
they devout a large amount of their times trying to make themselves look better and personally and that's nearly their only option.
personally i prefer doing something i like.
plus theres the psychological price of being in competition with any girl you ever meet until you are married.
i'm fairly certain women don't really know what a friend is from pre teen to their late 30's.

>> No.3251957
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>still typing post references by hand

I seriously hope you guys arn't FUCKING RETARDED enough to do this.

>> No.3251960

hey, >>3251826 here

excuse me while I go hang myself.

>> No.3251963

but in reality how the fuck are we supposed to know how rich a guy is when we are deciding if he is worth flirting with?
sure, if he is rich thats a bonus, but it certainly isnt a top priority quality that we go for.

>> No.3251966

>Dating Study: Women Are Choosier Than Men

"Researchers led by Todd report in Tuesday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that their study found humans were similar to most other mammals, "following Darwin's principle of choosy females and competitive males, even if humans say something different." "

OP, you're wrong and your friend is right.


>> No.3251967

sometimes when you submit the post with a post reference it isnt recognised and gets >green texted

This has never happened to you?

>> No.3251971


>A man has to worry about the risk of rejection

no we don't, you ask her out, she says no, you move on.
it's not a traumatic fucking event.

>> No.3251975

thats bullshit
first of all you are generalising. i barely use make up ever, i just dont like it. looking clean is enough. i see no reason to tart myself up.
secondly, some guys are very obsessed over how they look. they shave every day, wear perfume, dress up really smart, wear ties etc.

>> No.3251977

>>drunk one night stand? he looks hot and you are too drunk to be paying attention to his fucking creepyness?

so we just have to find plastered horny sluts and we're good to go (as long as there's no other more assertive males around at the time, of course)

>>hot: physically attractive
...although I then have to disagree with this definition, unless strictly in the aforementionned context

>>yeah because there are no creepy girls who want equally creepy guys. Especially not on 4chan.

I actually do not think there are... why would a creepy girl want a creepy guy? unless we're using very different definitions of creepy

and 4chan girls are... probably not a representative sample

>> No.3251981

you forgot to type the last letter. and no it hasn't fucking happened to me because i just click the post number like a non-retard, which links it with 100% accuracy every time.

>> No.3251987
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>not an accomplished rapist

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3251989


I'm not talking about emotional crippling, I'm talking about optimal strategy. If you dump a girl and get out on the market, there is no guarantee that she will say yes. Women know where they stand and thus can make better choices.

>> No.3251994

>so we just have to find plastered horny sluts and we're good to go
if you are a fucking creep and good looks is your only asset, then yeh, this is probably the way to go.

>> No.3251995

aw no man, don't do it
didn't you hear?

>>drunk one night stand? he looks hot and you are too drunk to be paying attention to his fucking creepyness?

now... doesn't that sound like a golden opportunity

>> No.3251996

nope, accidentally backspaced after clicking the post number like everyone else.

>> No.3251999


lol u ugly?

>> No.3252002

well if you get into the nitty gritty it boils down to this:
while men and women both select for the same traits in a prospective partner
(and looks are as important to either, its just considered improper for women to acknowledge it at least by current standards)
its ultimately women who choose whether to engage in a relationship or not ergo dating or the act of a man trying to impress her.
This might be due in part to culture, if guys got asked out as often as girls this might change, but it is currently an universal trend in the places where women aren't considered to be possessions under the law. Its also true for bonobos and great apes where the pack isn't lead by an alpha male.
There are cases where men have an unusually large dating pool, but these never translate to them getting the final say in nor does the privilege necessary extend beyond the one group.

>> No.3252003

Make-up and things of that sort are just window dressing. And besides, the male equivalent: a guy does not have any kind of consistent success by pretending to drive a merc and have a job.

And for men and women, competition outside the context of a committed relationship is normal, and to be expected. Who gives a fuck, that's just life.

Men have to face competition even within marriage.

Men hold off on relationships for too long, and they hold onto relationships for too long as well. Women jump in too fast, and give up too fast as well.

>> No.3252011

lol, why the hell would you backspace when you havent written anything yet?

in fact, if i were ugly, would that not be even more of a reason to use make-up? the fact that I don't need it means i'm naturally good enough on my own, rite? :)

>> No.3252012

>>if you are a fucking creep and good looks is your only asset, then yeh, this is probably the way to go.

too bad every other asset gets massively overshadowed by awkwardness, inexperience and discomfort trying to flirt

girls see RIGHT through that in an instant and the warning bells go fuckin' ringing "CREEP CREEP CREEP"

>> No.3252013


bullshit my (bulls) ass.

>first of all you are generalising

no i am generalizing, i am talking about two large groups in general and then commenting on features dominant in each group.
would you like me to talk about every single women in existence? when we are talking about male's and females the subject matter is a group of over 7 billion people, generalizing is fucking unavoidable.

i am not saying all women are like that but that women as a group are like that and giving examples of a few people (you or the people on jersey shore) won't discount what i said about a group of billions of people.
in general what i said is accurate for most women, you simply differ from most women.

>> No.3252014

every now and then it still isnt recognised right. Its very rare but it happens. Someone back me up here.

>> No.3252026

well that same awkwardness, inexperience, discomfort, and creepyness would probably translate across to the bedroom as well.
...it wouldn't be good, that would just be so fucking awkward.
confidence is key.

>> No.3252040

only if the post has been deleted. if it links to a real post still in existence it will always link correctly.

>> No.3252051

despite the generalising i think you're wrong anyway. women don't 'put all their effort into looking good'
why do you think women attend university, care about being intelligent and having a career?
we are as complex as men are, we have the same desires and ambitions. tarting ourselves up is not the only goal, its a tiny tiny part of life.

>> No.3252062

This is true, whose even arguing against this?
Women experience dating differently sure, but the argument that the ENTIRETY of the rest of their behaviour is built around that is ludicrous.

>> No.3252067


>in fact, if i were ugly, would that not be even more of a reason to use make-up?

nope, beacuse the better you look the better makeup makes you look.
to put it in number, a six can say upgrade to a six and a half, a seven to an eight, and eight to a nine plus, ect...
even incredibly hot women will still were makeup even if they don't need it to be the best looking women in the room and stand out even more.
however an ugly women, lets say a four, no matter how much make up she uses, will always be a four.

>the male equivalent: a guy does not have any kind of consistent success by pretending to drive a merc and have a job.

true but nither do women, a women can be good looking, fuck a man, wake up next day and he's gone beacuse he just wanted the sex.
if a man did the same thing we would call it a success but as women are more relationship oriented it will be a failure in their eyes (unless they just wanted to have sex).

>And for men and women, competition outside the context of a committed relationship is normal

true but the intensity of that competition and the type of competition is very different and much harder on the women as i mentioned above.

>> No.3252071

you say generalizing like it's a bad thing

>mfw it's one of the most fundamental elements of human reasoning

but you wouldn't know anything about reasoning would you EK

>> No.3252075
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fucking what?
if it aint broke, don't fix it

>> No.3252081

Women try to look good because its whats expected of them, the same reason men get into sports because its the "manly" thing to do.
Honestly its like people discount the role of socially motivated behaviour entirely.

>> No.3252089
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lol, i dont give a fuck whats expected of me. social pressure does not influence me one bit, i do whatever the fuck i like.

>> No.3252091

Of course it's fucking easier for a girl to get sex.

That's no to say there aren't really pathetic loser faggot virgin girls out there who still struggle.

>> No.3252094

How was Belarus?

>> No.3252096

you realize you are too dumb for /sci/ right

and i'm definitely not implying the bar is set high

>> No.3252098

>social pressure does not influence me one bit

A greater lie has never once been told.

>> No.3252101

whens the last time you threw faeces at someone you didn't like?

>> No.3252105

The woman in OP's pic is not presenting a falsifiable hypothesis without a non-trivial definition of "rapist." If she offered this, the sign might be more meaningful.

>> No.3252108


>why do you think women attend university, care about being intelligent and having a career?

to have self worth, beacuse they were brought up right, etc...
but when a women goes out on a date non of these will help her as much as looking good and nothing will ever help an ugly girl.
speaking on the narrow subjject of getting people to fuck you, womens main focus is their looks.

o and btw if i was a good looking chick I'd just fuck some rich guy and do non of thous things, but i've always been whore at heart.

>we are as complex as men are


>we have the same desires and ambitions.

you want to eat a hotdog while riding a bull riding a mechanical bull to?

>tarting ourselves up is not the only goal, its a tiny tiny part of life.

maybe, but it's a huge part of your sexual behavior and enforced on you by group pressure, something you are more sensitive to then man in the first place.

>> No.3252109

I don't think women are necessarily more relationship oriented. Or at least, nowhere near the way men are.

Men become relationship oriented when they find a woman worthy of it. They get jitters later in life because of earlier failures in their ability to judge which women were worthy of commitment, and which betrayed them in some way.

Women want to be in a relationship with the best guy they can get at the time. They get stress because they soon realise being in a relationship turns off the kind of better men who are worth being in a relationship with, but not being in a relationship at all doesn't feel right.

When it comes to casual sex, women have the upper hand. When it comes to dating, men have the upper hand. When it comes to relationships, women have the upper hand again.

For me, whether a woman is cool being single is a big indicator of how cool she would be in a relationship. If she's dating all the time, going steady and breaking up all the time, especially if it's with the same few guys, that's a big warning sign.

>> No.3252110

heh, good thanks :)

lol, thats not social pressure, i just understand hygiene.
that's fucking disgusting!

>> No.3252112


>implying social pressure is the only thing keeping you from handling your own shit

>> No.3252113

I think you only come on these threads to feel like you are contributing to an intelligent discussion because you find solace in the fact that you were gifted with intellect in spite of your slightly below average physical attractiveness. The reality is though that you are of normal-slightly above average intelligence and incidentally are an ugly cow. Without giving this post a second thought you will continue in your delusion.

>> No.3252122


okay, i believe you.

i have now met one women that's true for, there are around 4 billion more, my generalization stands.
I'll say it again, when speaking on large groups individuals and minority groups mean jack shit, you seem to think saying something is true about women means something is true about you, grow a pair of balls and stop taking everything so personally.

>> No.3252128

then why do men contribute more in their carrier
i'm not saying that all of them do it just to attract better mates
but certainly some of them do it exactly for that purpose

if women are as much into a carrier buildup they why don't they do it
there are just few exceptions that place their work/interests before the family
i think that you may turn to be one of the exceptions EK

>> No.3252129

>but when a women goes out on a date non of these will help her as much as looking good

and the same applies to a man.
some asshole standing in the middle of the dancefloor spouting "HELLO WOMEN! I HAVE A PHD AND EARN 300K A YEAR, I OWN A MANSION AND A BMW, COME HITHER, FUCK ME! I WANT ALL YOU WOMEN!"

...will NOT be attractive at all.

>you want to eat a hotdog while riding a bull riding a mechanical bull to?

wait, what?

what is this 'upper hand' shite. you arn't in competition, its supposed to be the 2 of you on the same side!
and for me personally, relationships just complicate things. fuck it, just be friends.

>> No.3252132


>>implying it's not.

>> No.3252144


>some asshole standing in the middle of the dancefloor spouting "HELLO WOMEN! I HAVE A PHD AND EARN 300K A YEAR, I OWN A MANSION AND A BMW, COME HITHER, FUCK ME! I WANT ALL YOU WOMEN!"

This doesn't happen. This type of info, however, comes out very early on when meeting someone. This changes the opinion women have of this man and gets this man more action AND more relationships.

>> No.3252146
File: 31 KB, 289x280, motherofgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow its like 2 trolls in one!

Troll picture and unrelated troll text!

Nice job for the 100's of replies too


You guys are all faggots

>> No.3252149
File: 41 KB, 500x332, carrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, i dont think so, tim.
being, not spotty, not fat, and not hideosly deformed probabably puts me at least average right from the start, without even having to mention anything else.
although thanks for saying you think i'm intelligent, i'll just chalk up another ego-boost =p.


and i am aware that i'm a bit of an exception. most girls arnt tomboyish geeks =p.

>> No.3252150

The difference is simple.

>all guys are desperate for sex
>most girls aren't. Or at least most don't show that need.

Say 5% of both males and females are hot enough that they get loads of "courting" each and every week. The other 95% are split for males and females. Males are desperate for sex, and most girls don't find that attractive. Females aren't desperate (which can be seen as attractive to males. And if they are then again that seems much more attractive.

Females also value the personality a lot more than males.

And, "animal kingdom" shit: if you say we're like mammals then often-times a male will mate with multiple females. If you say we're not then there's all the female whiny shit everyone else has been saying.

Unless you're 4'11, moody and ugly as shit you will probably have at least two chances to get laid before you're 25. The thing is that most of you will not take that chance because you imagine yourself only dating that top 5%.

OP: your friend is a shit.

>> No.3252154


>some asshole standing in the middle of the dancefloor spouting "HELLO WOMEN! I HAVE A PHD AND EARN 300K A YEAR, I OWN A MANSION AND A BMW, COME HITHER, FUCK ME! I WANT ALL YOU WOMEN!"
>...will NOT be attractive at all.

he will be to gold digger.
same man not being an asshole but simply being rich will be much more attractive then a poor man that looks better then him.

fact of the matter is on the physical level man can score way way beyond their league, i mean rock stars are some of the ugliest people on the face of the earth and they are fucking drowning in pussy.

i'm not saying being good looking isn't important, i'm just saying it's more important for a women to look good on a giant factor.

>> No.3252155


A good friend of mine had sex with a man just like this. It happens.

>> No.3252157

what is there to do in belarus?

is it a nice place, or kind of scummy?

Where you going next?

>> No.3252160

it doesnt usually come out in conversation that quickly unless the man is a massive bragger, which btw is NOT attractive. modesty is a good quality. secondly he could be LYING. some guy could be chatting to girls and spout all kinds of crap to try and get laid, why not throw in that he has an 11 inch penis into the convo. by the time she realises he's a fucking liar its probably too late. lol.

>> No.3252162


Males value looks and personality. Females value success and confidence.

>> No.3252169

lol, back in germany. we will probably come home tommorow, or perhaps the next day, not sure. was meant to be a short holiday.
and you seem awfully interested, WYU...

>> No.3252176

also Belarus was nice. i expected it to be a shithole, but its not actually that bad. you should go some time.

>> No.3252178


Don't be naive. It is sad that so many men and women fall for the same old bullshit over and over, but it happens.

If it's known that this guy is rich, he will have success with women despite being an utter cad, not so easy on the eyes, and awful in the sack. Mentioning it is crass, and will turn off some women.

Just like women who are very hot, or seem really easy, have men hitting on them all the time. Even if they are boring, lazy, bitchy, or whatever. With men, these bad traits don't get in the way of a decent fuck, so they will just go for it anyway and avoid having to date her.

>> No.3252181

define 'sucess'
and i think both genders value all of those qualities, and more.

>> No.3252183

I don't get how pic is a troll
rapists are what causes rape to happen
this is pretty much as SCIENCE as it gets

>> No.3252189


also cite studies or GTFO

>> No.3252194

>If it's known that this guy is rich, he will have success with women despite being an utter cad
lol, we arnt stupid, and very few women are whores/gold-diggers
just because a guy is rich isnt any reason to fuck him, and even if you do, he has no obligation to give you one fucking penny.

>> No.3252195

you sure are intelligent which is a plus
but you are an attention whore too which is a minus :|
although i wish there were more women that think like you
as such a young age (my guess ~20)

>> No.3252204

do you have a boyfriend?

>> No.3252207

yes i'm 20. and i'm not actually an attention whore, despite what everyone here seems to think. i'm just posting, the same as you or any other anon here.

>> No.3252212

I'm just trying to gradually pick off enough information to learn who and where you are

I fear I've said too much.

>> No.3252214

>implying society has equal genders

There are much more man virgins then there are women. When guys go well of they go very well of and every girl basicaly gets one night stands whenever she wants.

>> No.3252215

eh, kinda. i wouldnt call them 'boyfriends' exactly, that has a lot of implied connotations which don't exactly apply.
the term 'fuckybuddy' (while being a little crass) is probably more relevant.
not 'boyfriends', just friends, who are boys.

>> No.3252218

then why do you do /b/'s homework??

>> No.3252222

lol, i'm not staying in any one place too long. even if you somehow do track me down, i'll probably be long gone.

>> No.3252224


supply vs demand. the /thread was about 100 posts up.

>> No.3252228

science and math threads are relevant here. I see no problem with helping people get better at doing science and math. It isn't attention-whoring, its being helpful .i never fucking say "OH LOOK AT ME! I'M EK AND I HAVE HELPED YOU! REMEMBER THAT I HAVE HELPED YOU AND LOVE ME FOR ALL ETERNITY, MMMKAY?"

>> No.3252245

i'm disappoint
but it's my fault i was projecting on to you some qualities that you didn't possess

thought you would like to know why i asked

>> No.3252252

what? disapoint why?
i know its not what people usually do, but like i said here: >>3252089
i make the fucking rules. no1 owns me.

>> No.3252254
File: 6 KB, 457x172, sci-rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looked like that too me
<--- pic related

>> No.3252257

>it's my fault i was projecting on to you some qualities that you didn't possess
what qualities?

>> No.3252267

he probably means not being a slut

>> No.3252269
File: 117 KB, 320x240, Captain_Barbossa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the rules are more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules. welcome aboard the Black Pearl, miss 'Turner'!"

>> No.3252273

i'm not a slut. just because i don't feel the need to commit to one lover does not make me a slut. i'm actually very picky.

>> No.3252274

how many guys you got on the go. (not gonna judge - if anything I'd be impressed)

>> No.3252277


why are you even posting still. men don't have the opportunity to be picky. the fact that you as a below average female can say that, means the balance skews to towards women. delete that post before people can see your stupidity.

>> No.3252282

lol no, fucking a bunch of guys is slut behaviour, no matter how picky you were when selecting them.

>> No.3252284

Once again, quality thread by EK.
>162 posts and 12 image replies omitted

>> No.3252286

If you say a high number, it just means I have a greater chance.

>> No.3252319
File: 246 KB, 467x356, 13635649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'on the go'?
well i dont really count or keep track, i mean theres 3 that im sort of semi serious with, but i wouldnt call any of them 'relationships' (one of which was the guy who went to Belarus with me)
i am fully aware of societys opinion on this kind of thing, and i dont like it to be honest. if a guy has lots of girls, he's a 'stud' or a 'player' or 'alpha'
if a woman does the same things shes a 'slut' or a 'whore'
...fucking double standards.

how is hat any different than if a girl does the same thing but makes them her boyfriend each time? she is monogamous, but the relationship is short lived and she still has many partners. its the same fucking thing and you know it. at least i'm honest about it.

once again, its not my thread.

well you being an anonymous guy on an image board means you have ~0% chance, but yeh, whatever.

>> No.3252350

>i am fully aware of societys opinion on this kind of thing, and i dont like it to be honest. if a guy has lots of girls, he's a 'stud' or a 'player' or 'alpha'

This is what whores like to tell themselves, to justify their whoring.

>> No.3252355

sorry, i didn't mean to offend or judge you
it's just that i thought that you may think more like me
for example i can't be with a woman if i don't feel something towards her
even if it's a beautiful girl it just feels annoying and fake

there's probably something wrong with me..

>> No.3252373


Same for me, bro.

>> No.3252379

tsch, whatever
it it also what 'playa's' call themselves to justify their 'playing'?

feel what? love? lol.
liking their personality and finding them physically attractive not enough?

>> No.3252392

>if a guy has lots of girls, he's a 'stud' or a 'player' or 'alpha'
>if a woman does the same things shes a 'slut' or a 'whore'

A key wich opens many locks is verily an awesome key,
lock lock opened by many keys is, well...

>> No.3252412

yeh, ive heard that analogy before, and it makes no fucking sense and doesnt relate to sexuality at all. the point of a key is to get into something, and a lock is not meant to be breached by anyone other than its owner. how the fuck is this relevant?
the whole 'master key' vs 'shitty lock' argument just does not fit with this.

>> No.3252424

thats because its harder for a man to sleep with a ton of women than it is for a women to sleep with a ton of men

>> No.3252454 [DELETED] 


You are not a "bit of an exception". You claim that you're just like any other anon on this board; and yet you use a tripcode. You not only reply to every question and comment posited to you, you answer even the most asinine and personal questions. Perhaps not truthfully, but you heed them nonetheless. You claim you aren't like the average girl; you are a "tomboyish geek". And yet, your use of a tripcode and poor attempt at keeping a bit of mystery about your identity tells us otherwise. You do this with the belief that you are an anon like anyone else; you're personal life is no business of 4chan's. And yet, even without realizing it, you are so easy to draw attention to yourself with your coy responses to sleazy compliments delivered by shady characters from across the globe; your shoddily constructed "southern belle" facade.

I am not trying to ridicule you. I am merely trying to show you that you are a product of your gender. You are a woman. You are not atypical or different.

>> No.3252479

You are not a "bit of an exception". You claim that you're just like any other anon on this board; and yet you use a tripcode. You not only reply to every question and comment posited to you, you answer even the most asinine and personal questions. Perhaps not truthfully, but you heed them nonetheless. You claim you aren't like the average girl; you are a "tomboyish geek". And yet, your use of a tripcode and poor attempt at keeping a bit of mystery about your identity tells us otherwise. You do this with the belief that you are an anon like anyone else; your personal life is no business of 4chan's. And yet, even without realizing it, you are so easy to draw attention to yourself with your coy responses to sleazy compliments delivered by shady characters from across the globe; your shoddily constructed "southern belle" facade.

I am not trying to ridicule you. I am merely trying to show you that you are a product of your gender. You are a woman. You are not atypical or different. I don't hold it against you though. We all fall victim to this belief at one point or another.

>> No.3252482

you think this isnt hard? you have no fucking idea.
do you have any fucking idea how hard it was to find even 3 open minded enough guys to agree to this kind of setup? i am very fucking aware of how lucky i am.
nearly all guys dont want this kind of shit, they would want to be normal and have a girlfriend, just 1 girlfriend, who is 'faithful' to them'

in fact i think it is even harder for a girl to be doing this than a guy. just be a muslim, or a mormon, they are aloud multiple wives, but women cant have multiple husbands, again, the double standard.

>> No.3252491

different standards because men and women are different. Its a biological thing and makes perfect sense. Guys dont want a girl who fucks a bunch of guys because it increaces the chance she will cuckold him.

Also, this: >>3252424
a girl doesnt deserve a pat on the back for doing something which is incredibly easy.

Mainly the former though. Girls who fuck around are of less value than girls who dont for the aforementioned reason. With guys....its really of no consequence to his partner anyway. A women would be more concerned if her man fell for anothe woman emotionally than if he fucked around.

>> No.3252492

What causes rapists:

The Outfit that slut is wearing
Drinking too much

>> No.3252500


those institutions weren't created out of any belief that men were worthy and women weren't, pretty sure it was because in those days all the men were off warring and dying and suddenly there were so few men to procreate that it was a societal necessity to have multiple wives. at least in the case of islam, and only in those days.

can't say the same for the mormons, i dont know

>> No.3252508

and how is any of that relevant to me? i have been completely honest with all of my male friends. i don't want children with them. in fact i think i dont want to have children ever. or marriage. i just like friendship.

>> No.3252517

>feel what? love? lol.
i suppose it's funny but yes

>liking their personality and finding them physically attractive not enough?
yes, it's not enough for me

i guess it's for the best
either way i didn't really want a family
just someone that i can let close to me
someone that i can trust
someone that shares my interests
someone that will always be next to me
and someone that i can love

i'm not very scientific right now am i
whatever.. stupid human instincts
it would be better if i had none of them

at least you know what i mean

>> No.3252520

dude that really doesn't change anything. A woman doesn't crave sex as much as we do , the sexes are not the same

>> No.3252523

fucking facepalm, that one is unforgivable. i rageposted one anon for that slip-up myself....

ah, i suppose that makes sense. i just thought they were both sexist religions.

>> No.3252557

its not a double standard because men and women are different and have differnet roles. Like it or not but women and men are not equal. Men are men and women are women. Sure, social equality and all that but when it comes down to sex our biology is so hardwired to these standards its almost impossible for us to ignore it and impose a false equality.

Make sense? Please acknowledge this and promptly change your opinion.

You WILL be judged harshly for being a slut. Do it but dont brag or let it become common knowlege. Keep it a secret. Knowing that about you has really affected my opinion of you. Weather or not you care what I think is irrelevant. This will be any males typical reaction.

>> No.3252582

>whatever.. stupid human instincts it would be better if i had none of them

oh man, TESTIFY! Stupid relics from our past just make life hard.

>> No.3252585

its not a false equality. i dont even care, i'm fine with it, my friends are fine with it. nothing else matters. period.
>Do it but dont brag or let it become common knowlege. Keep it a secret.
being deceitful is not in my nature. if people ask, i will be honest.

>Knowing that about you has really affected my opinion of you
oh boo-fucking-hoo.
'some random guy on an image board thinks i'm a slut, whatever shall i do?'


>This will be any males typical reaction.
i suspect so, but i'm more interested in the ones who are a bit more open minded, and don't fucking always choose the default options in life like a fucking zombie automaton.

>> No.3252624

Drunk rapists dressed in woman clothes?

>> No.3252659

>if people ask, i will be honest

honerable and a fine ethos, but please heed my advice, people will think less of you once they know that.

>oh boo-fucking-hoo

yeah, I didnt expect you to care, in fact I specifically said whether you did or not was irrelevent. I only made mention of it as an example of what a typical reaction would be. Please dont think Im just trying to put you down, Im trying to help a 20 yr old prevent big mistakes and social hardship.

Also, asspie detected.

>> No.3252663

In courtship not necessarily woman has all the power. Or any power at all.

Courting is changing woman brain chemistry. It's same case with you, when you see that drop dead hot blond walking right by you. You won't convince yourself from not having a boner at the moment.
Same case is with woman. It's not like she has any more power over her lust.
Thats why chicks bitch about those hot badboys that make them miserable. It's not like she can convince herslef that this hot jerk is bad for her. Good old "but I love him", means no more than, I wan't him. No romantic love, just sex.

My point is, if you press right buttons, at right time, woman has no power. Period. You're as intimidating to her, as this chick from your highschool you always fapped to, to you.

>> No.3252699

not everyone judges the same. some people might not like it, in fact i expect that. but i'm not going to live my life dependent on what other people think is best. everyone is different. the majority of the world would prefer me to be religious, but i'm not doing that either.

and i'm not an aspie, if you check the aspie test thread, i posted my results in there today. i am strongly neurotypical.

>> No.3252719

You're whoring yourself for attention and trolling. Quite effectively I must admit. But it's sci.

>> No.3252730
File: 36 KB, 399x404, 1305143321959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not whoring attention and not trolling.

>> No.3252761



>I'd like to fuck mulitple guys and not come of as a slut
>negate everything
>post pics

It's like bringing new plant to IT office full of aspies.