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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3250306 No.3250306 [Reply] [Original]

Are we really running out of fertile land?

>> No.3250315

We're running out of interesting threads

>> No.3250313
File: 43 KB, 369x383, 23124123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we are running out of phosphorous which is used to make fertile land. So technically yes

>> No.3250318


>> No.3250321

Retarded samefag.

>> No.3250327


Intelligent differentfag.

>> No.3250329
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>Possibly biggest issue for the future
>Not interesting

Let me guess, you guys consider a "god is real, prove me wrong" thread to be interesting

>> No.3250330


CAN you prove him wrong?

>> No.3250335

>Entire thread derailed

>> No.3250338
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>> No.3250356

CAN you prove he exists?

Atheists: 1
Christians: 0

>> No.3250369


Can you prove evolution?
Can you prove any of your "scientific theories"?

Christians 9001
Atheists 0

>> No.3250372


>> No.3250374

Yes. Yes, we have.

>> No.3250375

Oh no, here we go again.

>> No.3250380

>didn't understand science

Science can't prove anything. It makes assumptions that are believed until they're falsified.


>> No.3250388

Then tell me, how many things has the BIBLE proven?

>> No.3250400

>implying I believe in the bible
>implying I didn't only want to correct a common newfag misconception about science

>> No.3250402

One thing. That there are a lot of retards.

>> No.3250418
File: 6 KB, 330x370, bible3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You atheists always say the bible isn't real.
Now what is this?

>> No.3250419

Well this thread went places

>> No.3250422
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>> No.3250424

I laughed so hard I spit the chips I was eating on my computer screen.

>> No.3250446

Sorry, but I feel like I didn't get the joke...The picture of the bible makes it real?

>> No.3250452

If the bible isnt real, then what is this?

It's a bible. It exists.

Christfags: 1 Atheistfags:0

>> No.3250459

Thanks, the content of the Bible and the book itself are not the same obviously. there is the book full of materials, and the shape of the book.

>> No.3250463

... and that is a good example how aspies can't understand jokes

>> No.3250471
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Come on /sci/, come on.

>> No.3250480

Jokes are based on approximations and sophism. These things can only work on inferior minds. recise minds won't accept the kind of approximation that your "jokes" needs in order to work.

>> No.3250485

entiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire thread has been fucked up cause a few tards cant control their posting.

Yay for /sci/ interlectual discussion all around me.

>> No.3250500

>implying this thread could have become an "interlectual discussion"

>> No.3250543
File: 31 KB, 450x339, river runoff great barrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


one of the greatest problems with modern agriculture from this point of view is run off
simply put because there are times when there aren't any plants on the field due to harvest and the rest of the year there is only small vegetation with undeep roots present
if it rains the water will carry the top soil (this is the best and fertile piece of land) away, this will eventually end up in the ocean, fucking this up due to algae bloom because the run off is so rich in plant nutrients the algae will grow and use up all the O2 so everything else suffocates

in short we really can fuck things up

pic related it's a sat images of the great barrier reef, notice all thos brown spots in the ocean that's all top soil washed away

and resist the urge don't post stupid religious threads