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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 390x310, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3250175 No.3250175 [Reply] [Original]

HAHAHAHAHA, Silly niggers.

>> No.3250186

Yeah, you're from /new/ and think you're real clever, huh.

Fucking cancer.

Get the fuck off /sci/.

>> No.3250196

>Get the fuck off /sci/.
No. Deal with it.

>> No.3250229
File: 13 KB, 284x305, 1308327917416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those poor people

>> No.3250285

i lol'd

Why don't they make real food?

>> No.3250297

Haiti is an extremely fertile land. I have no idea why don't don't just grow their own food.

They used to be cool when France ruled.

>> No.3250302


It's better to spend $5 on a bag of dirt brought down from a mountain

>> No.3250349
File: 231 KB, 800x600, haiticapitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're talking out of your ass, tim

capitalism and the logging industry clear cut the ecosystem

>> No.3250548


There's nothing stopping them fertilising the land and growing new shit

>> No.3250562

This is almost as funny as watching op's mother being raped with a razor edged dildo

>> No.3250568

Are poor people starving because they're poor or stupid?

>> No.3250579

>>There's nothing stopping them fertilising the land and growing new shit
>>There's nothing stopping them

are you serious

>> No.3250645

theyre all gonna have no teeth in no time at all.

We should stop sending money, start sending tools. If this shit is gonna get fixed its not going to be by their hands. Greater intervention is obviously needed.

Maybe if their population wasnt so batshit-insane.... every one of the bitches over 15 has a kid every 1.5 years. They are fucking machines.

>> No.3250652

whats the HT adn DR mean? Whats going on on the opposing sides of that river?

>> No.3250662
File: 87 KB, 500x414, 1299710341047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a fucking despicable person, OP. I hope your mother gets cancer.

>> No.3250665

You're a fucking idiot. It doesn't rain in Haiti because of a mountain range separating it from the Dominican Republic.

The DR has all of the rain which get caught on the mountains in the center of the island, leaving Haiti a literal wasteland. Even when it was a colonial place, they could hardly grow anything there. You're lucky to find more than a tree every mile.

>> No.3250673


Give an idiot a fish and he'll eat for a day

Teach an idiot to fish and he still won't know how to fish

That has been tried many times before with the same results.

>> No.3250676

The government takes all of the money and spends it on military shit. It's the only country in the area that is actually claiming the islands that the USA claims. They can't do anything about it, but they prop up all the AID they get and use it for third-world military equipment.

It was better off when people only sent food and dug wells for them.

>> No.3250678

Haitit is full of fail...

But I dont care anymore, there is no use...

Keep giving them the aid we give so there is no collapse, then spend all money on science instead.

Also, enjoy your dirt.

>> No.3250682

fuck that video made me angry. How on earth is this possible? What does the aid get spent on? Certainly not rebuilding...they lived in shanties before and they rebuilt the shanties for basically nothing.

Is corruption really that bad?

I wanna see white people on the ground and making sure shit gets done! Irrigation and plumbing first. Agriculture next.

Maybe we could experiment with alternative systems of ecconomics and govt, I dont think capitalism is the right model to help these people.

>> No.3250683

The USA would be better off if we forcibly relocated them all to an actual livable area of land so they'd stop siphoning off money trying to live in a wasteland.

I suggest sneaking them all into Australia and dressing them all as aboriginals. Problem solved.

>> No.3250688
File: 48 KB, 226x247, andyohshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting frosting on your dirt cookies

>> No.3250689

They were actually better off with a dictatorship. A country like they're in now will never be fed with capitalism. They'd be better off with communism but the USA would never allow it.

When only a singular digit of land is arable and nobody can afford the food being grown there, you have a problem. The Haitian government doesn't care about any of that shit and uses all the money and food to support their military. Nobody really cares enough to do anything though.

>> No.3250699


Haiti's problem has nothing to do with the amount of aid they get.

They have a deep cultural problem that no amount of money and time from outside forces can fix.

Did you know that many haitians just shit on the ground whenever they need to go. I'm not even exaggerating that.

They also have a majority population that is very superstitious and religious, and rejects technology.

The entire culture is broken.

The only fix for this would be for a country to forcefully take over it and slowly fix all of the problems over many generations.

>> No.3250711

Yes. Starting from the government down.

>> No.3250712


You know that most of the aid money was never even sent.

There was actually a news report back in November about how the majority of it is still sitting in offshore banks collecting interest for the banks.

I've actually heard that there are still several million dollars of hurricane Katrina aid in banks that just draw interest.

>> No.3250719

It's funny how niggers always claim that "whitey keeping them down" when clearly in in third world black countries it's niggers screwing other niggers out of the iade they should be receiving.

Fucking uncivilised animals. If you leave them to do anything by themselves you just end up with a cesspit of corruption.

>> No.3250724

there are INFINITE goverment models. We shouldnt limit ourselves to just capitalism and communism. Get some heads together and tailor a govt that will work for specifically this area. It is not impossible, the answer is out there we just havent found it for lack of trying.

Even a quasi-imperial model. Whatever gets these bastards fed and lets them keep the toils of their work. They would be less exploited under foreign rule than their own rule, surely.

Im so fucking angry seeing this. We have the means to help and make sure shit gets done but the intervention required would be seen as 'imperialism' so we just let this crap go on.

>> No.3250732

They need to do something about the corruption.
Seriously, they need to have a fucking revolution like the arab spring, and get a better form of government in place.

>> No.3250733


I think it's important to distinguish that no government or economic model is inherently evil or wrong

It may not be PC, but some cultures and societies do actually do better under a dictatorship of some kind.

The Haitians do need that kind of leadership because they are currently not capable of working a whole towards improving their society.

>> No.3250736

You know, that really makes me quite angry if it is true.

>> No.3250739

This, Dictators may not be nice, but they can sort a country out in no time.
They need a Dictator, so they can get the country up and running, then overthrow him for someone who won't try to murder them all.

>> No.3250746

>The only fix for this would be for a country to forcefully take over it and slowly fix all of the problems over many generations.

If we were serious this is what we would do.

Cultural problems like you mentioned would be much harder to fix but certainly could be corrected. I would much rather see a heavy handed solution that works than a pussy-footing token of an attempt that does nothing but respects their sovereignty.

>> No.3250751


>> No.3250756

>going in to debt because they're paying for dirt

>> No.3250759
File: 633 KB, 1062x728, haitiwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's fucking water everywhere.

Instead of eating fucking dirt why don't they figure out desalination and irrigation.

>> No.3250767

the only problem is how do you make sure the person you give all the power to isnt going to abuse it for personal gain like the rest?

He has to be kept under the thumb by an outside force. Let it be known that the first sign of corruption would see SEALs land and Bin Laden his arse. Make the shit public too. Tell the world, get the world to back it as one (as far as thats possible).

Ive never been more motivated to help these fuckers and I wouldnt mind seeing the streets run with blood to do it.

>> No.3250771

this is fake... Mr. Man crossed an 'open sewer' with 'animal parts' in it...... if they were really starving... they would be eating these alleged animal parts.

>> No.3250774

>why don't they figure out desalination and irrigation

thats unrealistic. They arent going to fix their shit any time soon let alone ever.

I want to go over and work. Is there a charity org that actually builds shit? I feel like flying over there with a shovel and starting on some canals.

>> No.3250783

>Eat rotten meat that has been laying in the sewer
>Vomit and have diarrhoea (if you're lucky and don't get properly sick)
>Your stomach is now even emptier than it was to begin with

>> No.3250803

DR: 11% black, 73 % multiracial
HT= 95% black

i see, i see a trend appearing

also wtf is with the captions these days, it is asking me to type hebrew or arabic symbols???

>> No.3250816


If they weren't stupid they would be collecting all of the organic matter they could and making a compost from it.

>> No.3250818
File: 11 KB, 241x198, jewnigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The answer is nigger

>> No.3251146

/sci/ can't think of anything better for these people to eat than dirt

>> No.3251152
File: 40 KB, 374x456, Al Pacino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw when OP is born a 3rd world african in his next life

>> No.3251164

>>3251146 /sci/ can't think of anything better for these people to eat than dirt
>and living on mars is a piece of cake

>> No.3251172

>next life

>> No.3251176


>implying the universe didn't create your consciousness once and can't do it again

>> No.3251188
File: 56 KB, 800x531, namibia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


botswana : hundred percent black

namibia: hundred percent black

fucking /new/faggots on /sci/

>> No.3251196

They could eat some of the kids their women shit out every 9 months. More food for everyone AND less mouths to feed.

Did you know the population of Ethiopia has tripled since the last big famine? That's going to work out great when the next famine hits.

>> No.3251198

>>Enslave African people
>>Take them all to a foreign country, strip them of their culture and treat them horribly
>>Once they revolt, make them indebted for you for hundreds of years, actually making them pay for freeing themselves
>>Convince all other countries not to trade with them
>>No crops or livestock because everything had to be imported originally, and now no countries are allowed to give them anything
>>They burn all of the plantlife on the island just to make enough fuel to boil water so that they have something to go with their dirt cookies
>>Make fun of them for this and talk about how it's their fault

>> No.3251209

Their fault for being weaker.
If this was any time earlier in history they'd have gone extinct.

>> No.3251220


... It's their fault for being the descendants of slaves and now being stuck in the poverty cycle? How, exactly?

>> No.3251217


>> No.3251224

>superior specimen moves in, being more effective the natives either breed with them and disappear or just plain die out
>suddenly, politically correct actions
fuckers are lucky to be alive

>> No.3251225

So if I kill you, it's ok because you were too weak to resist my bullets?

>> No.3251227

and when you get the chair you deserved it because you were too dumb to live

>> No.3251233

God damn, these people are too dumb to even know to shit in the right place. People wonder why I didn't think the Haiti earthquake was a tragedy. Nothing of value was lost.

The reason this shit doesn't get fixed is because the supporting countries (hello, USA) think that democracy is a fundamental must. Fuck that, put somebody there who will MAKE these people do better for them selves. They're too dumb to do it on their own.

But it's not about helping people, it's all about making yourself look better.

>> No.3251234

I agree with you. These poor subhumans shouldn't have to take responsibility because it's the superior humans fault for not helping them

>> No.3251239

>people identify with those of similar culture and appearance
>people get outraged at racism and such
simply make them separate entities, last one standing's will have improved humanity and those issues are now outdated

>> No.3251248

If the goal is to minimize human suffering, the simplest approach is to let an economy develop that can support the local people without foreign intervention. If you prop up a false economy, you're going to let it grow to the point where people are just barely alive. Hence the problem. There's a bit of habitable area on the coasts. Let people live there. Within a generation or two the problem will have largely sorted itself out. Granted, you need to have a governement of some sort that is not there to exploit the people, but that's just the same as a foreign element.

>> No.3251254

How to civilisation in desert?


Hey retard, we're talking about civilisations not colour you fuck.

>> No.3251259

People too dumb to live will suffer. Just get rid of them and make the place inhabited by humans.

>> No.3251270

>>MFW there are 100,000 Haitians living in Montreal, and our second-in-command for many years was a Haitian woman
>>MFW they're all nice people who don't act differently than anyone else
>>MFW when I have no reaction faces on my hard drive

>> No.3251274


*Canada's second-in-command

>> No.3251341

Something tells me she was born, raised, and educated in Canada, not shithol... I mean Haiti.

>> No.3251347


Born and lived in Haiti until she was nine years old, moved to a town in Quebec after that.

>> No.3251351

Quick science question.

How do you make food in Haiti?

Imagine it has no one there and we have to create the infrastructure to support a civilisation, is it possible?

>> No.3251361
File: 53 KB, 750x497, 1305580345833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be poor
>Eat dirt instead of subsistence farming

Fucking hell.

>> No.3251365

Does Haiti have soil?
Does Haiti have access to rainwater?

Settlers could into agriculture. That's all you need to kickstart a civilisation.

>> No.3251372


It's my understanding that without having trees (they were all destroyed, as other countries were forbidden to trade lumber/fuel with Haiti) the soil erodes and blows away. You can't grow produce without soil.

>> No.3251385

>In 1925, Haiti was lush, with 60% of its original forest covering the lands and mountainous regions. Since then, the population has cut down an estimated 98% of its original forest cover for use as fuel for cookstoves, and in the process has destroyed fertile farmland soils, contributing to desertification.

Okay. Assuming the previous owners of the country weren't fucking retards who turned a verdant island into a desolate wasteland, THEN agriculture would be possible.

>> No.3251416


I wouldn't say that's a permanent problem though.

Start building more trees using human/animal waste as fertiliser.

>> No.3251455

Jesus christ, what morons.

>> No.3251475

>White make Haiti a rich country
>Haitians revolt and kill whites
>Haitians cut down all trees
>Destroy all infrastructure
>Literally shit in water system
>Majority still believes in voodoo
>Becomes one of the poorest countries in the world

>Haitian earthquake
>America sends aid
>Haitians attack and rape aid workers
>Steal and kill for food and water
>Kidnap and eat search dogs
>Refuse medicine and food from Whitey
>Tear down hospital because they believe Whitey is out to kill them
>More Haitians die
>Nothing of value was lost

They got what they deserved

>> No.3251482

I say we just nuke 'em.
What would be the consequences if we did, btw?

>> No.3251516


You would be fighting 4 wars instead of just 3.

>> No.3251530

fucking nigger offsprings of slaves forced there. yeah my fellow /sci/'s lets laugh at how stranded they are! Let's take the T out of "omg This shit!" and crucify these under educated niggers! because we are smarter faster and stronger!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanism I'm a humanist are you?

>> No.3253435

They, like all humans, are parasites.

>> No.3253543

The world would be horrified by your actions and most countries would likely issue embargoes.
Russia or China may nuke America pre-emptively, expecting to be attacked themselves.
There would be protests and rebellions in all major cities in America.
Etc etc.
Basically America would become the new Haiti

>> No.3253557

I don't know what the fuck is going in Haiti.

I was there many many years ago. Most of the people seemed solemn but stubborn and bent on sticking to tradition. People would walk many miles from villages carrying crafted goods like chairs into towns to sell them, yet put them in new situation where they had to work hard and they would just slack off. It's like how some work hard to study math, but just don't give a fuck for using the same effort to work out.

It's mostly a lack of foresight. People are delusional and think everyone would turn out okay if they keep doing what they used to be doing. they don't change, they don't adapt, and if they do, it takes a long, long time to do so. strongly rooted in culture, and maybe in genetics (something you white liberals need to take into account). something needs to be done to introduce "new" methods in these places. i think it can be done, but it seems that excessive propaganda and control after a few generations is the only way- a totalitarian state. The stupid thing is you have all these dumb human rights activists who don't see that in the long term, the current generation has to be sacrificed. It's already a brutal world- just make sure it won't be brutal in the future.