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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3248146 No.3248146 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming binaural beats are effective (and I know that's assuming a lot, maybe too much, ...but it's still better that usual religion-troll)

Which brainwave range would you choose to study scientific material, alpha or beta?

Thanks, /sci/.

>> No.3248151

oh yeah, let's discuss alpha vs beta

>implying /sci/ isn't full of betas who will never have sex

>> No.3248164

I know you're trying to be funny, but I mean alpha or beta brainwaves ranges, not wolf-pack status

>> No.3248173

Bach ..., so..beta I guess

>> No.3248186

>>people think binaural beats have noticeable effect

pseudoscience goes to >>>/x/

>> No.3248199

I expected this, but, why doesn't /sci/ send all religion questions to /lit/???

>> No.3248203

Beta would be good for concentration, analytical thought, math/logic, etc. Alpha would be helpful for seeing the "big picture", making intuitive leaps, seeing connections between things you might otherwise miss.

But the others are right, brainwave entrainment doesn't work. EEG readings are not location specific they are averaged across the entire brain, so when the auditory centers are doing the binaural beat thing of course they change the average...but that is not leaking over to the rest of the brain.

>> No.3248208

For studying you want probably want to stimulate around 11-12 hz (part of alpha) which is where stongly focused attention would be.

>> No.3248209

Because they're confident in their distinctions between science and pseudoscience.
They have some major issues when it comes to religion. It cannot simply be ignored for some reason. They feel compelled to scream defiance at theism. And trolls can make good use of that kind of sensitivity.

>> No.3248213

>But the others are right, brainwave entrainment doesn't work.
This has been studied since the 40's. It's well established that it works.

>> No.3248239


Thanks, that's the idea I had, and the problem is I can't decide between high alpha (12 Hz) and low beta (15 Hz)

>> No.3248256

15 hz will probably just increase anxiety. But experiment with it, people's brains are unique and will respond differently to different stimulation. The only way to know what works for you is to experiment, preferably in a double-blind matter with lots of data points.

>> No.3248264
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