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File: 12 KB, 251x225, 1304882782412s[1].jpg_130488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3247934 No.3247934 [Reply] [Original]

lets give this a go here

I truly believe women are smarter than men, in the classical sense, however no ammount of knowledge can shadow our natural predispositions, while men are predisposed to take a logical approach to life women are predisposed to take an emotional approach to life, this is why I believe that no matter the circumstances; be it a ghetto teenage who is always looking forward to meeting the man that´s gonna take care of her kids, the educated wife that became a widow when her husband died in a plane crash or the independent female who thinks she can handle everything thrown her way and doesnt believe in a traditional family structure, single mothers are doomed to fail relative to their enviroment (ie: a wealthy single mother, while rich and able to prove for her kid(s) is still economically, emotionally and mentally worse off than her married peers)

the hardest hit kids from single mothers (again relative to their enviroment) are the offsprings of the "independent female" kind, since these women are not even able to understand the importance, and in many cases look down upon a father figure for her children.


>> No.3247957
File: 297 KB, 900x1214, 1258668192648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a coincidence. i happen to have a bunch of lulzy women-degrading images.

>> No.3247956


>> No.3247989

I was raised by a single mother who was in and out of prison my entire life, and my grandparents. My grandfather died in my early teens, so it was mostly my alcoholic, drug-addict, emotionally (sometimes phsyically) abusive mother, and my grandmother who I can say nothing bad about other than she was not a disciplinarian.

Long story short, I'm a necrophiliac with almost no ambition who argues with people on the internet in his free time. Damn.

>> No.3248015


my god, dat face!

>> No.3248049


I am mildly curious as to how the installation of a new DVD player turned into violent rape.

>> No.3248060
File: 210 KB, 287x304, 1303004707423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that's not her fetish

>> No.3248061
File: 60 KB, 882x242, SUPERIOR MALE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3248069

>our natural predispositions
>we're have to teach them or else

>> No.3248074

wtf am I reading. saged, hidden, reported etc

>> No.3248078
File: 71 KB, 800x1200, ogneckbeard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3248091

here, nvm i'm out

>> No.3248106

Females mature faster than males. The result of this is females are more mature than males for a period of time. Thus women learn everything they need to know by the time they're 15.

Males mature slower. The result is very few men ever reach the sort of aforementioned "plateau." There is never a point where they have all the skills they'll need for the rest of their life.

>> No.3248135
File: 46 KB, 569x412, slapyourshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women learn everything they need to know by the time they're 15.

>> No.3248152

How to make me a sandwich. What else do they need to learn. Its the pinnacle of female knowledge.

>> No.3248225


Q: how do we know god isn´t a woman
A: cause wer´e not sandwiches

>> No.3248247
File: 29 KB, 378x594, kingpin lost weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my that's wonderful.

>> No.3248257

go on...

>> No.3248283

>mfw rational people use better metrics that sex organs to judge suitability for a course or job

Even if gender was strongly correlated to intelligence or emotional/logical decisions; it would still be foolish to use only that indicator. Just because men are smarter than women doesn't mean this man is smarter than this woman.

>> No.3248308

i don't know about the smarter than men part (you didn't list any supporting evidence for that statement) but I think men and women are equal in intelligence. i agree with the emotional part- a woman's expectations and roles in society work against her because women aren't expected to take a dominant role. no matter how independent a woman is, she will still identify as a woman, and the people around her- feminists, chauvinists, etc- will indirectly bring her down with their gender centered views. she will always keep in her mind that she's a woman, and associates with a 'weaker' sex, which makes her defensive and more self doubtful when doing things like science.

>> No.3248337


>> No.3250619

Something annoying me with female is after having quasi-equality with their male peers, I still don't know a lot of women achieving something in whatever domain (hard and soft sciences, music, movies, comedy, etc.) except literature.
Okay, society still make young girls to play with doll's teasets and things related to housekeeping, but I mean, boys play with G.I. Joe, except the majority of male going to army do that because they are just lost.
So why, why woman still obey and don't say "fuck off this shit, I'll do some computer science/movies/comedies/etc" ?