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File: 20 KB, 300x291, thatfeelsbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3246930 No.3246930 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when your family tells you to get a job for $9 an hour
>that feel when none of them will teach you how to drive
>that feel when none of them understand the system
>that feel when no one in your family understands you because you're 50 IQ points higher than every one of them

i also hear them on the phone attempting to talk shit about me like i care. they speak louder on purpose so i understand:

>he'll learn one day, he'll understand he has to get a job and work for his entire life
>he has to do it the hard way, we arent teaching him

>> No.3246937

get a job you lazy nigger

>> No.3246940

>that feel when you aren't a jobless, deadbeat faggot who thinks himself superior to others because he scored better than them on a facebook quiz

>> No.3246947

Wow, look how far sitting and whining about it has gotten you! I can't believe no one is handing you shit on a silver platter for pretending you're superior!

>> No.3246942

Welcome to the capitalist world of wage slavery.

You work, or you die.

>> No.3246943

suck it up and join the military..
it's what i'm doing.. not sure if i'm 50 points above them though

also if you're so smart.. you can get a minimum wage job while you learn you lazy nigger

>> No.3246965
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Edgy teen detected. Go to Somalia if you don't like capitalism

Pick related, its the freest market in the world

>> No.3246968

congrats on you 90 IQ

>> No.3246973
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So OP...
>your smarter than them
>you understand the system

>you are dependant on family to teach you to drive - you have no money to pay for lessons yourself
>you don't see an alternate to a shitty job with shitty pay

>> No.3246983

>op understands the system
>refuses to get a low wage first job

Enjoy not getting your dream job in the future due to lack of work experience

>> No.3246985

I like how the post offended you, but you did nothing to actually attack or dismiss the point made.

Truth is, capitalism is GREAT, so long as you're part of the top 1% of the population who's making bank with millions and has control over society.

For the vast majority of people, capitalism sucks shit. But at least technology makes it bearable!

>> No.3247001


But if you work hard you get lots of money. Sure, to an extent, you do need to know the right people to really do well for yourself but there is no reason why a intelligent person who puts a good shift in can't be earning a lot of money by the time they are 35.

>> No.3247005

>that feel when OP is an autistic faggot

>> No.3247008
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Capitalism was amazing my family who migrated here from Europe that had no opportunity. they where free to peruse their interests, and by their work and hardship, they made a better life. Don't tell me its "horrible" for everyone not in the 1%, that's a horrible lie. You're just entitled and feel that you deserve more than you get.

>> No.3247020


Not the guy your arguing with by the way. The truth of it is, if a smart, hardworking person gets a minimum wage job at McDonalds they will move through the ranks rapidly, especially with the competition being so lacklustre.

Area Manager>Store Manager>Supervisor>Burger Flipper

The top of that chain pays very well, and even its possible to go even higher. If you have an internal locus of control you will be halfway up that chain within 10 years max and earning good money.

>> No.3247022
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>his family were rich, white and protestant.
>his family eradicated the buffalo, most native Americans and quite a few other religions.

>> No.3247027


My family came at the turn of the century. Nice try

>> No.3247041


>that feel when you completely misunderstood the meaning of the thread and you resort back to the size of your wallet to hide the fact you're a bitch nigga working for another bitch nigga (insert recursive function here)

>> No.3247047



>> No.3247045


>implying technology isn't developed by people for the purpose of selling it
>implying we would be as technologically advanced as we are now without the free market

>> No.3247044

>that feel when none of them understand the system
>the system

teen angst at its finest

get lost asshole

>> No.3247043

>But if you work hard you get lots of money.

That'd be nice if it were true.

But it isn't true. What really happens is the lucky, the well-connected and those with inheritance get rich. The average person works a hard life for a meager pay. Barely enough to support a family without money troubles. Forget even attempting to get a higher education without going into massive debt.

The entire system is designed to benefit a few and control the rest.

What does your family do?

>> No.3247054

No one is handing me anything. And I don't expect it.

I can only learn so fast and whilst learning I'm making observations of how this reality is. I feel for you, you're brainwashed to think that if someone isn't working, they're useless.

I bet you can just learn everything in one day and do anything you want the next, right?

>> No.3247057
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>thinks his family is any different than millions of years of migration and killing fields of war and bloodshed

>> No.3247069

Pfft, please. Use the system. I wasn't taught how to drive so I biked to work at the closet place that would hire me so that I could pay for lessons. Then I got my license. Great step one complete. Right now I don't NEED any job nessecarily, but I am looking for one like crazy again. I'll get it eventually. Don't be a picky stuck up smart prick. Use the system, advance in whatever hell hole you work, get a scholarship, go to a prestigious college, make the social connections with the right people that will get you to the top. If you are so smart, you should have made a plan by now. For me it ends with a senatorial campaign. Good luck stewing in your own muck.
Also, tldr for my own post. I know.

>> No.3247075


Part of your 'work' is networking and gaining lots of contacts. As I already said, luck and 'who you know' does factor in to this, but you can greatly improve your chances by networking, which isn't hard to do at all if you are not some socially awkward dickhead.

And if you did succeed, would you not want your children to inherit your money?

>> No.3247076

If anything capitalism only hurts science.

What do people want? Marketable technology, immediately. They don't want to pay for things like Space Shuttle launches or Large Hadron Colliders or Very Large Arrays. How does any of that produce marketable goods?

Capitalism promotes the development of inane products like viagra. It does not promote basic vital research that needs to be done to expand humanity's frontiers and knowledge.

Today, we see governments constantly slashing and cutting science budgets and giving breaks to large corporations over and over again. Those large corporations are increasingly shutting down their own research labs due to cost cutting measures and the current trend of "cut everything, make short term profit!".

About the only places that do any serious research anymore are universities, and those are growing increasingly capitalist with paywalls and high tuition fees cutting down on the expansion of knowledge in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

>> No.3247081


We should start a war then. Wartime is the only time any government cares enough to develop the kind of technology you are talking about.

>> No.3247086


You are so wrong it hurts. You're starting at a tree and missing the forest.

>> No.3247088

No, wartime is the only time we can get the government to fund research in how to kill people better. It just happens to turn out that the technologies which allow us to kill people better have indirectly lead to many other benefits, like space exploration, nuclear power and undersea exploration.

>> No.3247089

thats true. more money is put into this like hair loss products because theres money to be made. compare that to, say cancer or other diseases in the third world.

>> No.3247093
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>> No.3247100


>Implying helping third world countries is a good thing

>> No.3247101

I'm so wrong, yet the only counter argument you've been able to make is "NO! YOU'RE WRONG!"

Pull your brainwashed head out of the ground. Capitalism is the best economic system we've got at the moment, but that does not mean it has no faults, and it does not mean there are no other superior economic systems.

In a hundred years, capitalism as we know it will no longer exist, and people like you who blindly defend it at every turn are only roadblocks on humanity's path of self improvement.

>> No.3247103


Inheritance is a flaw of this system. All money should be put back into the system when you die instead of giving your children a 100 million dollar head start

here's an example:
in an exponential world:

impoverished child starts with $0 vs
100 million dollar inheritance child

100 million dollar fag collects more in interest in the first 20 years of his life (around 300 million in interest)
than impoverished child has a chance to make 400 million to be equal.

if they are equally intelligent, the guy at $0 has no fucking hope of being equal ever.

>> No.3247105


You don't think pharmaceutical companies put tons of money into developing cancer drugs? You are fucking retarded.

>> No.3247114


Market is this:
Supply and demand
More demand, higher price

Ok faggot, listening?

SCARCITY breeds money in this world.

Cure cancer? NO DEMAND

They DO NOT want to cure cancer. for fuck sakes do you speak english?

>> No.3247115

Join the military, let them suffer in poverty while you enjoy your full ride education paid for indirectly by them and fucks like em.

>> No.3247120

They put as much money, often more money, into marketing and public relations than they do into actual research.

Despite the massive piles of money pharmaceutical companies have, the greatest breakthroughs in cancer research always end up coming out of public universities anyways.

Curing cancer is not easy, from a cost/benefit analysis it makes far, far more sense to just keep making viagras, hairloss pills and their ilk, than it does to spend the necessary money and research on curing cancer.

No doubt that pharmaceutical companies are doing the research, but it almost certainly lacks the kind of priority and investment that other, more easily marketable and attainable drugs will get.

>> No.3247118


Pull your non-capitalistic head out of the ground and understand that people work in their self interests 99% of the time. The wright brothers worked in their self interests and invented man made flight. Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile for his self interests. Eisenstein didn't discover relativity because some bureaucratic office told him that he should, he did so by his own accord. To can't put a value on how many things people have made for their self interests. The minute you destroy the incentives for people to create, you're missing the potential inventions that could have been made if they had that opportunity.

>> No.3247124
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1307421066363s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Firstly, different kinds of cancer are vastly different, so there is no "cure for cancer" that works on all of them.

>mfw no demand for cancer drugs

>> No.3247132
File: 39 KB, 640x427, 1282202910927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the greatest breakthroughs in cancer research always end up coming out of public universities anyways

[citation needed]

>> No.3247133

You are missing the point completely, and have only revealed how utterly deluded you are.

Einstein did not create his theories because he was being PAID to do so. He did it because he LIKED what he was doing.

This holds true time and time again, the greatest motivation for creative thinkers and doers is not money, and has never been money. It is recognition, self improvement, not bags of cash that drive the innovators of our world.

Greed is not the be-all, end-all of human development. The sooner we can cut greed out of the equation, the better off humanity will be.

>> No.3247137


You define self interests in the most narrow window possible. You sound like Ayn Rand atm

>> No.3247141
File: 16 KB, 300x400, 1301010867982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Newton horded his ideas for decades at a time. Yes, the inventor of Calculus was a greedy fucker who wanted recognition.

>> No.3247142

Funny. I could say the same to you, who seems to think the only thing that drives people to do anything is greed.

>> No.3247146
File: 11 KB, 300x393, rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone 'rand?

>> No.3247153
File: 194 KB, 300x412, 300px-Zealot_H2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because it does. You implied by statement that "Einstein created his theory for selfish reasons" as "Einstein created his theory for millions of dollars". I fully acknowledged that he did so because he simply wanted to, his reasons are not important.

>> No.3247158

My entire family is around the 130-mark.
I hate to think about how low the average must be since everyone in my family is somewhere between dumb and fucking retarded. Yes, of course that includes me.

>> No.3247162
File: 59 KB, 360x360, iw-aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3247171


The law of identity is not exclusive to Rand

>> No.3247185

well, gtf away from your family. they keep you down.

>> No.3247190

But it takes one of her acolytes to say it with proper ... INTENSITY.

>> No.3247194
File: 126 KB, 400x400, hulk01hulk1-19765839_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the difference between only red and green and all red and green?

>> No.3247196
File: 71 KB, 699x551, pedobear win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger mods moot 4chan faggot nigger

>> No.3247206


Capitalism brainwashing at its finest.

This poster that I've redtext'd thinks:


>mfw capitalism brainwashing and fox media alongside niggrs in lambos with niggr chains to their waste influenced your existence way too much

>> No.3247224


You may find this animated lecture interesting.

>> No.3247232
File: 66 KB, 460x502, osama-bin-laden-133629721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If money bought everything, then everyone would do things for money.

>Just a theory

>> No.3247253

The thing is, if you do not think that money is the primary motivator for these people, then you agree that capitalism itself sucks as a motivator for these people. Because that is a part of capitalism - more money to motivate people to do a better job, which in practice does not actually work.

You are agreeing with that I am saying without realizing that you are agreeing with what I am saying.

The only reason to defend capitalism here, is if you believe that money really is the only thing that motivates people.

If you believe and agree that Einstein did what he did because he loved it, and not because he was greedy, then the two of us are in agreement that capitalism is not necessary for the advancement of our species.

Capitalism and the free market is an economic system that functions, but it is by far not the best system we could have. As technology marches forward, the necessity for so many people to be employed so that they may survive and make a living is reduced. We do not need 16 year old kids working as burger flippers at McDonald's. We do not need ten million office drones performing data entry into computers all day. Soon we will not need truck drivers and taxi drivers, and we already do not need warehouse workers.

Why should we force people to work in order to survive when it is absolutely unnecessary? Think of the creativity and innovation we would have when people are able to spend their time, not their free time, but all their time, doing things they enjoy, instead of working dull and boring jobs their entire life to benefit a few lucky people at the top, just to make ends meet and feed themselves.

That is what I am fighting for. What I want to make happen.

>> No.3247261

Capitalism rewards those who work hard, and that's exactly how it should be. I busted my ass to get where I am, and I make a good wage and I have a good life. Only stupid high school children think capitalism is some evil system for "the top 1%" to get richer. Granted, some of those people got very lucky, but as I learned and accepted when I was 5: life isn't fair.

>> No.3247281

It also rewards those who can knock down their opponents.

>> No.3247284

It's not evil, just inefficient.

It also has a bad habit of quashing non-profitable ventures and hurting people who have nothing to do with the failure, hard working or not.

>> No.3247288

I was going to type up a lengthy, pedantic response to OP, but this pretty much sums up what I want to say.

Go join a punk band OP.

>> No.3247290


I quite agree, my good man. That post did indeed make me smile.

>> No.3247301


Confirmed for 12. If you work hard, there is no reason you won't be successful. People will always be able to screw each other no matter the system. as I stated earlier, life isn't fair, and that's not about to change.

>> No.3247303

>there will never be a thread about jobs on 4chan without it turning into a debate about capitalism vs communism
>because Americans


>> No.3247306

And what exactly is it you've worked hard at?

What you've described is a situation in which worker bee's can be happy with their own little lives without attempting to make the whole of society a better place.

>> No.3247341


I started working full time when I turned 16, saved money, bought a car, saved more money, graduated from high school, went straight to college for mechanical engineering, worked all through college, landed a position as an engineer. Trust me, I busted ass to get where I am. And contrary to your statement, workers make society better because they create goods and services that people want to buy, thus stimulating the economy and advancing humankind at the same time. Competition drives innovation. Pretty much everything around you exists because of engineers, scientists, doctors, and other professionals. Working hard makes society a better place. Capitalism rewards just that.

>> No.3247343

Itt: lazy niggers who think having to work to survive is evidence that the man is keeping them down/they are oppressed.

Nevermind that all of human history is predicated on that idea. Until we get to a post scarcity society, shut the fuck up, figure out what you can do well that other people value, and get to work.

I love the retards in here talking about the evil drug companies. It's always the most ignorant about medicine who spout such bullshit.

>> No.3247347

Oh, shit, dog. Did you think successful and good, just or right were the same thing?

I'm sorry I invaded your fairytale land.

>> No.3247364


At no point did I state anything like that.

>> No.3247368



>> No.3247376


>> No.3247386



I like to think that there's a correlation between the kids who think capitalism/the free market is to blame for all of their woes and the liberal ideology of self-sacrifice and anti-profit motives.

>> No.3247395

>fags confusing consumerism with capitalism
>fags thinking the world is and needs to be fair

>> No.3247439


>fags not realizing that the universe is inherently fair.

Also, not that because nature is unfair that we should be that way. Capitalism allows fairness across the board. The money you earn is yours and is a representation of your time and effort. It also recognizes philosophically that you are not entitled to someone else's money. That's why I think most Socialistfags and liberalfags take offense to it.

>> No.3247477

OP is Asian

>> No.3247490

I don't care that there is something to represents your time and effort.
I fundamentally have something against property though. But I guess that'll just never get settled..
It's kind of a paradoxal too, how to share everything, but still be represented for what you do.
Guess if that is solved, the new world order will be knocking on the doors.
But it seems like no one is trying to theorize it.

>> No.3247511

> universe is inherently fair
> inherently unfair


>> No.3247530


> I fundamentally have something against property though. But I guess that'll just never get settled..

Why do you think this? All sarcastic tones aside, please entertain this idea. Why do you not agree with the law of property?

>> No.3247606

This but when I have a medical issue I am getting treatment for + a BS in computer engineering from a top 20 university which I had a full scholarship for + a 170 on my LSAT + am studying for MCAT/GRE.

They don't understand that I don't see money as an issue and thus don't want my job to be about it. They don't see why I don't try to fuck every girl I see 'just because'. My degree is sitting on my living room coffee table in one of those tube shaped containers because I have bigger things planned than jacking off over my "accomplishments". There are higher levels of fulfillment I wish to achieve than being "comfortable". They have this idea of a person who won't leave home and leeches off of their parents due to the media/preconceived notions and can't correctly deduce that the situation I am current in(between college and grad school due to medical issues) is not the same.

>> No.3250024
File: 30 KB, 547x461, me_gusta_that_feel[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Money is my worst enemy, and my purpose in life is ultimately to destroy it.

But as long as it exists, I must master that bitch, show it who is boss, so that it will never be a problem for me.

>> No.3250029


>> No.3250038
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>> No.3250040
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> mfw capitalism


I enjoy staying at my parent's house and not having a job til I turn 30.

>> No.3250263
File: 7 KB, 200x200, comeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when you are just middle class thinking they are upper class.
Watch while you the credit system fuck you in the ass.

>mfw pharmacutical companies had sold atypical antipsychotic to treat menopause, sell amphetamines to misdiagnosed gifted child, among others

You know what, Western countries will be poor in a couple of decades, because their richness is based on technology and slavery with economical theories.
Now, China and India begin to have this technology for more cheap than us, and they will develop technology faster than us. They produce goods and services fast, good, and for no money. It's not good.
So I just wanna take advantage of our last moments of wealth and welfare benefits, learn what I want to learn, no matter if there's no job after my studies, be cynic, and don't be sodomized by some moronic boss as long as I can.

>> No.3250283

>be 19 years old
>Don't have a job
>Live with parents at home
>Parents constantly yelling at me to get a job, get my license, buy a car, etc
>Get $120,000 from my Aunt (she loved me) when she died
>Invest into 6 different companies with $20,000 each
Fast Forward 7 years
>Now live in my own house
>sitting ontop of $560,000 in the bank
>2 of my Investments still sitting there worth around $80,000
>Parents constantly asking for money
>Ignore everyone in my family because they hated me when i was younger
>Visit grandparents from time to time, sometimes see family there
>Pretty awkward for my grandparents since we usually get into arguments
Thanks Aunt, you sorted out my life.

>> No.3250295

this system supposed to motivate smart people - which you are allegedly- to improve on the current system, invent something , create a product that people would buy, or join a company that does that, so you can have a higher quality of life and in turn all mankind gained something. This opportunity for smart people to get ahead drives the system forward.

>> No.3250331

Smartass, I'm jelly. The 19 years old I know having is kind of money from dead relatives just spend 1000€ for a party, and they doing parties for weeks, they are stupid.

>> No.3250357

I used to hate there kind of people, but think of it this way, they are just spreading the money to people who will (hopefully) put it to better use very fast.

>> No.3250378

>people who will put the party money to better use

coke dealers put money to good use?

>> No.3250405

If you were smart you would just get a part time job, thus making your family happy and getting yourself extra cash in your spare time.

But no, instead you decide to whine about being an unproductive piece of shit on an imageboard.

>> No.3250408

Well around the age of about 22 i sold some stocks and rented out a decently sized warehouse, got a deal with a sound/lights rental place to hire their gear every fortnight for a year and hired random students to play music there. They got publicity, and I made some money from them playing.
Earned around $500 a night and lived upstairs so rent was cheap.
It was shitty living for the next year, but i was saving a fuckton of money and got to continue studying.

>> No.3250409
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Sure is teen angst in here...

OP: Quit bitching and take your life into your own hands. Stop being such a whiny cunt and fix shit.

You probably don't get all that fancy shit that other kids get, but who cares. Crying about it like a little girl is not going to get you anything. Take initiative. Go down to your local store and ask for a job, straight up, don't pussy foot around it. Say "I want to work here, how can we make that happen?"

Smart aint worth shit if you don't have the balls to do something.

>> No.3250658

I want to hear more about this.

>> No.3250684
File: 20 KB, 350x259, tumblr_levxkmkXt21qfoa42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>this thread
>that feel
>that feel
>facebook meme in my 4chan

>> No.3250846

what's with the hate against viagra
i understand that just know you are young and get a stiff at just the hint of a side boob
but when you hit 50 or 60 you are gonna be so glad they invented viagra

which was btw originally a heart medicine with good side effects

>> No.3250854


Someone, who is like Professor Charles Xavier, go get a mansion and start a boarding school for the gifted.
That way, smart kids can develop their intelligence and gifts among their ilk, privately, away from the regular people - including dumb parents, who are just as hindering as others.

>> No.3250864


Stop being a lazy nigger and go get a job.
If you weren't such a lazy nigger growing up you would be able to go get a decent job.
Alternatively you could join the military and loot dead corpses for cash.

>> No.3250895

lol i just saw that last night.