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3245083 No.3245083 [Reply] [Original]


I came here since there may be psyc students here. I need some advice. I'm afraid to ask for help for a few reasons.

I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. For those who don't know, I get depressive and hypo-manic mood swings, with altered perception and paranoia. I randomly think people hate me or are plotting against me for no reason. I can't trust myself.

This means, when flirting I can go 50 women in a row where I can't tell I'm being creepy since I can't pick up on it unless I randomly ask the girl if she's man/annoyed/bored of me since I get random paranoia I cannot control. It's weird, I've had 30-50 rejections in a row, and then got laid by the next 4 girls in a row I talked to. I don't really find getting laid as a worthwhile endeavor due to this. Added to the fact I am decent looking so I randomly turn girls off and people think I am gay since I act so awkward at times. I never admit my mental illness, so people don't know. When I admit it people try to play me and take advantage of me.

What should I do? I'm starting to get lonely. When I go into denial about something (actually being sick in the head, being lonely, etc..) I act crazy and my psycosis worsens.

IDK what to do besides get hookers. Being rejected 50 times in a row destroys my will to do on. Will anything help with this? I'm afraid to get diagnosed because then I can't get a gun ever legally I believe. Not sure if my university doctor will report me if i admit paranoia or something. I'm weary of trusting anyone about this because some people are anti-gun freaks and don't want me to have a gun and will lie to me about this.

I'm 21. Male. California.

>> No.3245089

Harriet does Psych, if she is still here she can probably help.

4 girls in a row? nice.

>> No.3245103

"unless I randomly ask the girl if she's man/annoyed/bored of me"

lol don't ask that!
she'll think you're a fucking freak. just learn to read emotions better.

>> No.3245105

Uhhh....are you serious? I can't due to the disorder. I have to guess. That's the fucking problem you cunt.

>> No.3245117

Naw, you got it wrong. YOU are the fucking problem.

Though I guess you are right. You really can't tell when you're behaving like a creep.

>> No.3245120
File: 9 KB, 248x251, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuck you OP.
what the hell do you want a gun for anyway you fucking psycho.

>> No.3245127

You were making fun of me. Of course I am going to react badly.
Better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it. I sleep with a knife. A gun would help me sleep even better. I'm not delusional but I do have paranoid thoughts about getting robbed cause I sell/use drugs sometimes.

>> No.3245138

I'm not EK. Read the names. And no "of course" in there. It's not her fault that you're so touchy about the subject. Learn some manners and people might start to like you more.

>> No.3245141

and what self diagnosed disorder is it this time. xD

>> No.3245147

I get spaced out after I smoke weed for a day. Paranoid thoughts distract me.

EK just told me to do something impossible for me ignorantly after I said and explained the disorder. It got me mad. Basically telling me to do something I just said was impossible for me after I said it was impossible for me.

>> No.3245151

There's no chance of you obtaining a weapon if you're mentally ill.

anyway i don't see why a gun is the solution to your problems

>> No.3245155

Not self diagnosed. My best friends mom is a surgeon and she did it on Skype with me. She recommended I saw a psyc. She lives in the UK and I live in the USA however. And she's anti-gun and anti-drug so she could be lying to me to get me on meds fully knowing I will refuse to go to a doctor if I can't buy a gun when offically diagnosed.

So the diagnosis was by an MD, but not official if you get what I'm saying.

>> No.3245157
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wtf? i wasn't making fun of you.
damn...you ARE paranoid.

amd don't call me a cunt again or i'll steal your knife while your sleeping.
...and all of our drugs =p

>> No.3245161


>> No.3245187
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>EK just told me to do something impossible for me ignorantly after I said and explained the disorder
awwww! did big bad EK upset the freak who apparently can't control his own actions? Thats SO mean! Poooooor widd'ul anon!

>> No.3245201

You know, that sounds really difficult.

Sounds like you could use some

>> No.3245202

This is why I fucking hate most people. The last time someone ridiculed me for having this I followed them to the parking lot and pulled a knife on them to scare them out of doing it again.

Seriously, so many people are fucking cunts. Which is why I want hookers. I really can't tell this shit and it's driving me insane.

Do any meds remove the paranoia with out slowing you down too much and changing your personality? I tried seroquel but it gave me a beer gut and didn't work well at all.

>> No.3245203


Not the maladjusted fag you're trying to compensate in front of, but that really was a pretty fucking stupid oversight on your part.

>> No.3245210
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>The last time someone ridiculed me for having this I followed them to the parking lot and pulled a knife on them to scare them out of doing it again.
ahahah! OMFG, you need fucking sectioning.

>so many people are fucking cunts. Which is why I want hookers

>with out
thats one word, not 2, asshat.

>> No.3245213

This is the kind of bitch that's going to end up getting stabbed one day.

>> No.3245220
File: 23 KB, 508x406, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, bring it the fuck on, nutjob.

>> No.3245221

> The last time someone ridiculed me for having this I followed them to the parking lot and pulled a knife on them to scare them out of doing it again.
I really hope that wasn't a veiled threat. Because if you start threatening people on the internet for taunting you, you DO have bigger issues and this is not the place to discuss them.

And EK, stop being an ass for a little while.

>> No.3245222

EK, you really are a rude cunt. And OP is a faggot for posting this here and not asking for proffesional help instead.

>> No.3245225


Why, does she live in Vancouver?

>> No.3245228
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>And EK, stop being an ass for a little while.
lol, just a little while?
fine i'm done. i have stuff to be doing anyway.

EK, you really are a rude cunt
nice trips, btw.

>> No.3245232
File: 42 KB, 615x561, neverfullretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derp, greentext that first line on the second post link...

>> No.3245237

No, I'd only threaten her if I knew where she lived. I don't so it's pointless. I was letting people know what I think/do so they can give me better advice. Cause if I hide shit people won't know what's going through my head.

I want to get prof help, but I won't if I can't buy a gun after I get one. Or If I am banned from jobs.

I am getting a chem degree. If I can't work in a lab mixing shit with this diagnosis my life is going to turn into drug dealing again because I HATE paperwork jobs. I get bored and paranoid thoughts race through my mind and I can't focus for more than 5 minutes and I get fired.

SHITTY situation that I don't know how to handle.

>> No.3245247

why not just get a gun now, put it oin a lockbox or something, then go get professional help.
if the result of this means you can't buy a gun, you already have a gun anyway, no1 else will know about it. no problem, rite?
(not that im in favour of you having a gun anyway...you sound fucking violent, but at least you are no where near me)

>> No.3245250

Why did you start with drugs if you have a paranoia? One thing you need to memorize: "People don't give a shit."

this is the reason no one is going to rob you - for them you are not important, nor worthy for robbery. There are so many better targets. Do you think the robber wants to enter a house where there is a maniac, risk being killed - and on top of it if he survives he can't actually even sue you since you have mental disorder - so it's not going to be your fault even if you kill him.
Who the fuck would risk it? Do you have gold bricks around your house in excessive quantities? I guess not.

>> No.3245253

>have gun
>get blacklisted
>can't buy ammo
>can't buy more awesome guns

This plan sucks.

>> No.3245255

If you buy a gun it's still registered to you and all the paperwork that goes along with that saying you legally own it.

Christ op just ignore this person you may have mental problems but at least you aren't functionally retarded like them.

>> No.3245257

I was gonna after I get a student loan. I don't have the money atm. Forgot to mention that. Need to wait till the financial aid is dispersed. But I wanted help before then.

Do I get free money from the govt. for being schizoaffective if I get diagnosed? Or grants? I don't give a shit about anyone's opinions on using the system, just want like a straight up answer.

>> No.3245259

Because I feel like shit constantly due to my paranoia and the drugs make me feel better.

>> No.3245260

> No, I'd only threaten her if I knew where she lived

>> No.3245261

What about at a gun show? Will they do a background check there?

>> No.3245269


>> No.3245279


Of course they will. Nobody's going to risk a quarter of a million in fines and jail time to sell you a $400 glock.

>> No.3245283

Do you know this for a fact or are you trying to dissuade me like a cunt? Because Google just told me occasional sellers are not required by law to do that. At most they'd do a criminal background check. I don't believe gun merchants are given access to medical records are they?

>> No.3245287


That's all a background check is. Where the fuck did you get the idea that they pull up your medical records?

>> No.3245291

It said the mentally defective are banned from it as well. How do they find out if you are mentally defective and ban you from sales? I can hide my disorder 100% if I don't get all mad. I just run the risk of seeming like a pussy if I don't get all mad because I can't tell if someone is using me.

>> No.3245295

If you want a usable ranged gun make a crossbow with hollow arrows with poison. That's silent, powerful, will "pacify" even if you hit someone in the leg (due to the poison).

Clostridium botulinum (bacteria creating the strongest known poison) is easily growable at home - in fact it's so easy that in the past people got accidentally poisoned by it when making sausage related products.

!!! Warning !!!
I am not encouraging you to actually do this! In fact I highly recommend you to not think of any weapons and instead do some arts. With this thing you might - and at some point will eventually get into serious trouble with police. Also your relatives and friends will most likely be discouraged by such weapons. I have never made any of it so all I know is a theoretical stuff - and I am not intending to do any of it (due to mentioned reasons - also because I think it's immoral hence I prefer science).

The choice is yours.

>> No.3245302

No seller is exempt from performing a background check. It's done online, and not even kiosk sellers (gun shows) are exempt anymore. They punch your details into the III database and get the result back instantly.

Mind you the existence of the III database also means that you could swipe someone else's ID and check it yourself to make sure it's not on the list before using it.

>> No.3245309

Would you have to have committed a crime when diagnosed to be on that blacklist?

>> No.3245312

Nope. Most mental illnesses disqualify you immediately. It doesn't even have to be an illness that relates to violence in any way, they'll take any excuse they can deny one more person the right to bear arms.

>> No.3245314

So how does the list know about the illlness? It would be on my medical records. And arent they confidential to all but you?

>> No.3245318

If you have such a mental illness, it is not kept confidential.
Doctor/patient confidentiality has limits.

>> No.3245322

Okay. Who gets to see that record?

>> No.3245324

The FBI. They maintain the database.

>> No.3245326

>Suffers paranoia
>When I admit it people play me and try to take advantage of me

>> No.3245330

I realize the way that sounds, but it is true some of the time. And I have a lot of pride and don't want to get taken advantage of ever.

>> No.3245350

Another quality thread by EK

>> No.3245356

fuck you, nigger. this isn't even my thread.

>> No.3245360

Yes, yes it's

>> No.3245365
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>> No.3245369

I'm willing to bet that troll science is better than this thread.

>> No.3245372

whatever, its still not my thread.

>> No.3245396

Listen up OP and listen well:

You clearly have paranoid delusions, they're so blatant that only an idiot would not be able to find it out. But the medication you're so against is the only thing keeping you from acting upon those delusions (which you already have by pulling a knife on someone). No one will take your guns away until you commit a crime or are institutionalized. No psychologist will institutionalize you until they've tried therapy and medication.


Otherwise, your actions will leave you in hot water, far worse than not being able to use your guns.

>> No.3245399


Is this... Yes, its good advice. Sir I believe you are lost - This is 4chan.

>> No.3246391

So what kind of Medication removes the paranoia? I've been on Seroquel since my old doctor thought I was bipolar, but the dose was only 50mg. Didn't even know I had paranoia. thought it was just anxiety so I didn't tell her. It made me fat though, like skinny guy with a beer gut. That's also a no.

Are there any anti-psyc meds what I can still do narcotics on? I won't get on meds unless it's one that works with the drugs that I do. But if there is one that works with my drugs and doesn't get me fat/skinny/zombie-like I'm more than happy with taking it.