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3244358 No.3244358 [Reply] [Original]

Life is accurate perfection; it is composed of harmonization between related materials. All substances operate through natural mechanisms and structures which are managed by external phenomenon, and all individual articles directly interrelate with others. The beginning of the known universe is attached to the end, and the two major points in time are connected; it was animated so that one day it would freeze. During the construction of the cosmos, God opted to implement a divine plan which would support existence flawlessly. Since genesis this framework has carried forth life and continues to in the present era.

Section A.0:
A primary foundation to the following section is the two terms consumption and reproduction. A being can consume or be consumed by another and a being may reproduce. The two systems are in junction with one another, for example, the consumption of some foods will induce the reproduction of energy. Learning occurs through either the expenditure of experience or evidence, and in turn generates greater understanding or wisdom. The law of reproduction and consumption applies to almost any circumstance as this mode of perception is always available.

It is helpful to remember that thinking and knowing are different; knowing is based on consumption whilst thinking is utilizing reproduction. If a person thinks that he knows, he does not know. In a technical sense the action of knowing is through consumption of imagination and the action of thinking is by the reproduction of knowledge. The act of reading this text is the activity of knowing and the sound that appears in mind is the counter-activity of thinking. They function through causality, where the second event is understood as a consequence of the first (i.e. knowing my words created the sound in your mind).

>> No.3244359

tl;dr speak english, philosochristphag

>> No.3244362
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Section A.1:
Infinity is a concept that has been studied by scientists for centuries; it is best explained as an undefined but complete subject. The notion represents ‘all as one.’ Although it can be described it cannot be comprehended, this is because it is above the capabilities of human thought [1]. ‘All’ cannot be fathomed as it would require knowledge of each and every organism in the universe and beyond [2]. Another incomprehensible subject is the prevailing assumption of nothing [3]; it mirrors the attributes of infinity by representing ‘one as all.’ It is easiest to convey as a ‘definitive’ or absoluteness. Assimilating the idea would require a total non-existence [4].

[1] – Infinity cannot be described as anything more than ‘all as one’. It cannot be consumed or learnt; it can only be referred to mathematically. Referring to infinity would be referring to the largest possible value or complete/multiple value. Infinity can be portrayed with a word, but the word would be undefined (ready for numerical injection). For example, the word ‘infinity’ is equal to the number 0; when the number is used, it is referring to 1. Here the numerical value 0 is depicting the undefined or empty properties of the word ‘infinity’. A person would not be extracting any meaning from the word but rather injecting meaning into its undefined vessel.
[1.1] – Infinity = 0; it refers to 1 (it is receiving input).
[1.2] – Further examination of [1] and [1.2] can show us that ‘1’ is referring to a positive external being. Infinity receives input from an external ‘1’. (i.e. “infinity” = 0, but the number 0 is referring to an external 1 or defined/knowledge; a good example would be ‘a word’ referring to ‘a writer’ or the process of ‘a sound’ becoming ‘a word’; 0 as 1).
[2] – Comprehension would require the consumption of existence.

>> No.3244364
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Example [1.2]:
The word (Y) = 0
The writer (B) = 1
Y consumes B (“Y” implies B, or “Y” influences B, or “Y” pulls B).
Y is referring to B.
Y = B
0 = 1
The writer is equal to the word, the writer is the word. The 0 value word becomes the 1 value of the writer. You write “yellow” (1), an external word (0) becomes ‘yellow’ (1).

[3] – Nothing cannot be described as anything less than ‘one as all’. It cannot be consumed or learnt; it can only be represented by language. Representing nothing would be representing the smallest possible value or absolute/solitary value. Nothing can be portrayed with a word, but the word would be defined (ready for linguistic ejection). For example, the word “nothing” is equal to the number 1; when the number is used, it is represented by 0. Here the numerical value 1 is depicting the defined or absolute property of the word ‘nothing’. A person would be not injecting any meaning into the word but rather extracting meaning from its definition.
[3.1] – Nothing = 1, it represents 0 (it is giving output).
[3.2] – Further examination of [3] and [3.1] can show us that ‘0’ is represented by a negative internal being. Nothing gives output to an internal ‘0’. (i.e. “nothing” = 1, but the number 1 is represented by an internal 0 or undefined/imagination; a good example would be ‘a reader’ represented by ‘a word’ or the process of ‘a word’ becoming ‘a sound’; 1 as 0).
[4] – Comprehension would require the reproduction of non-existence.

Example [3.2]:
The reader (A) = 0
The word (X) = 1
A reproduces X (A says “X”, or A instructs “X”, or A pushes “X”).
X is representing A.
X = A
1 = 0
The word is equal to the reader, the word is the reader. The 1 value word becomes the 0 value of the reader. You read ‘blue,’ (1) an internal sound (0) becomes “blue” (1).

>> No.3244371
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Section A.2:
With the two prior concepts evaluated we can proceed to the next level. Without interruption from another being, nothing as the solitary non-existence would be non-existing for an eternity. This truth when applied is the necessary ignition to spawn infinity. With interruption by another being, infinity as a complete existence would be existent for null. This truth when applied is the necessary influence to spawn nothing. Here we must assume that infinity reproduces/knows infinity [5] and nothing knows/consumes nothing [6]. It can also be regarded as self-comprehension or self-understanding.

[5] – If infinity was to reproduce itself, it would learn that it wasn’t itself; because as a solitary object it wouldn’t be complete.
[5.1] – Infinity reproduces itself. In the process it understands that it is not a complete object as it is solitary or ‘one’. (Infinity + Infinity = Infinity). This would create the idea of nothing.
[5.2] – (0 + 0 = 0) = 1. (Infinity + Infinity = Infinity) = Nothing
[5.3] – Infinity understands itself and sees “I am not infinity”. When infinity (0) reproduces “I am not infinity” (0 = 0) it consumes 1. It learns that “I am not infinity” because, when 0 reproduces 0 = 0, it realizes that it doesn’t equal 0, because it is solitary or 1. ((0 + (0 = 0)) = 1). Think of “0 = 0” as the knowledge of self, when infinity reproduces the knowledge of self, it sees it is solitary.

>> No.3244375
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[6] – If nothing was to consume itself, it would learn that it was itself; because as a complete object, it would be solitary.
[6.1] – Nothing consumes itself. In the process it learns that it is a solitary object as it is complete or ‘all’. (Nothing – Nothing = Infinity). This would create the implication of infinity.
[6.2] – (1 - 1 = 0) = 0. (Nothing – Nothing = Infinity) = Infinity.
[5.3] – Nothing comprehends itself and learns “I am nothing”. When nothing (1) consumes “I am nothing” (1 = 0) it produces 0. It learns that “I am nothing” because, when 1 consumes 1 = 0, it realizes that it does equal 1, because it is complete or 0. ((1 – (1 = 0)) = 0). Think of ‘1 = 0’ as the knowledge of self, when nothing consumes the knowledge of self, it becomes complete.

Together the two subjects create a paradox. When nothing self-acknowledges it is represented by infinity and when infinity self-understands it refers to nothing. Upon clarifying “I am nothing”, it would be nothing plus “I am nothing” (1 = 0), and when infinity resolves “I am not infinity”, it would be infinity minus “I am not infinity” (0 = 0). We must assume negative/positive existence, that upon consumption/reproduction, the ideas are reproduced/consumed into the past or future; input and then output or vice versa. In this way, “I am nothing” (1 = 0) implies infinity, and “I am not infinity” (0 = 0) states nothing. Therefore, infinity (0) is equal to (1 = 0) and nothing (1) is equal to (0 = 0). Both of them consume or reproduce themselves and in turn reproduce or consume each other. After nothing consumes ‘I am nothing’ it says “1 = 0” or “0”; and after infinity reproduces ‘I am not infinity’ it says “0 = 0” or “1” this occurs simultaneously.

>> No.3244378
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Consumption is considered a negative output to input action, and reproduction a positive input to output action. In themselves, nothing acts as a consumer whilst infinity acts as a reproducer. Nothing can be seen as a negative and infinity as a positive; they would also account for the past and future tenses (i.e. before and after consumption or reproduction). Think of nothing as an output mechanism and infinity as an input mechanism; nothing can output/receive infinity by inputting itself and infinity can input/give nothing by outputting itself [7].

[7] – Nothing inputs nothing then outputs infinity. (Consumption/Reproduction)
[7.1] – Infinity outputs infinity then inputs nothing. (Reproduction/Consumption)
[7.3] – Nothing = Output to Input. Infinity = Input to Output.
[7.4] – ((0 + (0 = 0)) = 1), ((1 – (1 = 0)) = 0).
[7.5] – Infinity reproduces itself because consuming itself is impossible, 0 – 0 = (0 – 0)… (Continued…) If it were to eat itself it would end up back where it started and repeat the process.
[7.6] – Nothing consumes itself because reproducing itself is impossible, 1 + 1 = (1 + 1)... (Continued…) If it were to reproduce itself it would reach the end immediately and stop the process.
[7.7] – The acts of: nothing reproducing itself and infinity consuming itself are impossible. In the case of nothing, without a present ‘0’ there cannot be anything received from another ‘1’. As nothing equals to ‘1’, if it were to produce a duplicate nothing (1), it would be ‘1’ reading ‘1’; there would be no input received (through the lack of ‘0’). In the case of infinity, without a present ‘1’ there cannot be anything given to another ‘0’. As infinity equals to ‘0’, if it were to consume a duplicate infinity (0), it would be ‘0’ writing ‘0’; there would be no output given (through the lack of ‘1’).

>> No.3244380
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Here we do not only have consumption/reproduction, but also past and future, possible and impossible, positive and negative, and more. All through the paradox of infinity and nothing. As noted in [7.5] and [7.6], if either party was to do the opposite of what they’re expected to do, it would result in an impossible self-paradox or no-self-paradox. Infinity consuming itself would create infinity and nothing reproducing itself would create nothing. The paradox would be alike, for infinity, 0 – 0 = 0 – 0 = 0 – 0… ( = 0 ) and for nothing, 1 + 1 = 1 + 1 = 1 + 1…. ( = 1 ). In the case of nothing, there can be no reproduction prior to consumption; no matter how many ‘1’s there are, the totality will always equal to 1 for they are indifferent. In the case of infinity, there can be no consumption prior to reproduction; no matter how small the total amount of ‘0’s, the absoluteness will always equal to 0, for they are indifferent.

>> No.3244382

What's the difference between a mathematician and a philosopher?

A mathematician only needs a pen, some paper, and a trashcan to do work. The philosopher can make do without the trashcan.

>> No.3244391

HAHAHAH So good... 'man'. You are really intelligent please stay in my thread and tell more joaks! Funneh!

>you're fucking retarded

>> No.3244395
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>> No.3244412


>> No.3244439

Hey man, we're not much into the ramblings of pseudo-mathematicians around here.

>> No.3244448

in all fields

>> No.3244490
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