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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3242287 No.3242287 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3242299 [DELETED] 

Define human.

>> No.3242302

butthurt white trash detected


>> No.3242310

word on the >

>> No.3242308
File: 213 KB, 393x349, 126550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can breed with your women. you are the same species. if they are not human then neither are you.

>> No.3242369

>thinks thats the definition of a species

>> No.3242382 [DELETED] 

>studying zoology
>not knowing what a species is

I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.3242380


A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring

>> No.3242383

A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.
"in many cases this definition is adequate"

>> No.3242388
File: 125 KB, 445x445, 1301459309919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thinks EK is one person

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3242391
File: 32 KB, 450x380, zorse[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a fucking zorse

>> No.3242395


Your point?

>> No.3242399
File: 39 KB, 210x168, coolface mindfuck co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what would happen if I started using EK's trip

>> No.3242411

i am the original EK, and am a zoologist.

not fertile, because the parents were not the same species.

just the trip? we would still see you as josef in the name...

>> No.3242415


The Zebra is a member of the horse family

>> No.3242420 [DELETED] 



>> No.3242416

I wonder what would happen if I started using EK's tripcode and EK's name, which is "EK".

>> No.3242417

>implying you could find it

>> No.3242423

> I am the original dark lord

>> No.3242425

That's why I was wondering instead of doing.

>> No.3242432

oh funny, no wait it wasnt

>> No.3242433

you wouldnt get the full nQ tripcode...at least i dont think so.
WYU's tripcode is rather similar, but not FnQ.
you are welcome to try, but you would just be anotehr of the 4 or 5 EK's that already exist, who have similar, but recognisably wrong, tripcodes.

>> No.3242441 [DELETED] 

We would lose the last bit of respect we have for you.
Don't do it.
You are the only good tripfag on this board.

>> No.3242436

*FnQ tripcode

>> No.3242457

>>3242441 You are the only good tripfag on this board.

>> No.3242459

its true, ive never heard anyone say anything bad about you, and you alone. all other tripcodes get a little bit of hate in some form or another.

>> No.3242461

I'm pretty great.

>> No.3242463

Oh I've got my haters. Every month or so there's even somebody hating me personally, other than that it's mainly the normal tripcode hostility.

>> No.3242473
File: 211 KB, 720x540, sciiamdisappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Front page of /sci/:

Holocaust denial thread

Thread calling niggers subhuman

Well, back to studying it is for me.

>> No.3242479


Babby's first day at /sci/.

>> No.3242484

i dont quite get the lying about your age thing...but apart from that yo useem okay to me.

>> No.3242489

I'm not lying. I'm really withing <span class="math">2\sigma[/spoiler] in <span class="math">24\pm2[/spoiler].

>> No.3242498

Humans and apes can produce offspring due to a similar number of chromosomes.

>> No.3242517

27, Princeton. Let's write a fundamentals book for our general examinations.

>> No.3242524

>>3242517 Princeton
So we'll be neighbours by august, going to Rutgers. (No idea what general examinations are though)

>> No.3242532

Josef is okay as he usually knows what he's talking about. EK on the other hand does not know anything beyond basics in any field and is usually wrong whenever she posts. EK has become almost synonymous with ignorance.

>> No.3242537

lol no they cant

>> No.3242539

yeah I remember, we've chatted on IRC or some such thing.

I forgot, you're not actually doing a PhD huh?

>> No.3242542

Email maybe.

>> No.3242545

prove it.

>> No.3242548

take this shit to >>>/b/

fucking cancer

>> No.3242555

Not fertile ones. The key difference is in fertility. That's why Ligers don't make Tigers and Lions the same species.

Honestly though, what's with white-trash coming onto /sci/ without any decent arguments for their cause? I'm starting to think threads like these are created to do the opposite, since their statements are so easy to prove wrong and then a conversation erupts making the people trying to push the issue look uneducated.

It's like reverse psychology.

>> No.3242578

The difference between white people and black people is the same difference between different breeds of guinea pigs and the like. Different traits are more prominent, but if you breed them together they create offspring which tend to share the appearances of one or the other or both.

Last time I checked, mulatto people can easily breed with other people and create offspring. There are more mulattos in Cuba than there are black people.

>> No.3242583

ah yeah that sounds right. i talked to some other sci guy on irc.

>> No.3242596

What I'm trying to say is that OP is either the most borderline retarded faggot on stormfront who can't back up any of his own statements and was hoping to rely on the statements of others or he is just some idiot trying to get attention or make those people look even more stereotypically uneducated as they tend to.(not all of them, but it seems to be enough)