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3241642 No.3241642 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had sex with a prostitute, /sci/?

>> No.3241672

They cost more than my 300k

>> No.3241670

Yes. 4 of them now.
Just a lot less effort than picking up girls and you're guaranteed to get what you want.
It's also great to do on drugs. I recently fulfilled my lifetime goal of snorting coke in a line along a hookers ass.

>> No.3241692


My friend does. He thinks it's cool but everyone else is like wtf? behind his back

>> No.3241706

>I recently fulfilled my lifetime goal of snorting coke in a line along a hookers ass.

You are a scholar and a gentleman, and I too wish to achieve this goal.

I personally rather just use the Feynman approach.

>> No.3241718
File: 32 KB, 250x250, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for sex when you can get the same gratification from your hand.

i seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3241723

paying for sex is like charming someone out of a car.
Cant say why its wrong but it just feels that way.

>> No.3241727

>implying it is the same gratification
>implying it is anywhere near as good as thre real thing.

and some whore wouldnt enjoy it, it would just be a job, she would just be trying to finish you as quickly as possible so she can get payed and kick you the fuck out. it would be nothing compared to someone who actually likes you. why not just try talking to normal girls?

>> No.3241731


except its nothing like that because they are getting tangible money for an act

Paying for sex is like paying for a car.

>> No.3241739

it is the same gratification.

>> No.3241742

More like renting a car.

>> No.3241746

orly? cold and alone with no1 to hold you? no1 to talk to you during? no foreplay?
no it fucking isn't the same and you know it. probably to much of a coward to do some god-damn flirting.

>> No.3241748


fair enough, but its still not like cheating someone out of something

>> No.3241759


foreplay and pointless talk don't add anything. You're just a stupid simpleton to realize this.

>> No.3241760


Once you hit your late 20s though, you begin to realise normal women are perfectly capable of being prostitutes and take the exact same approach to life.

If a woman over the age of 20 tells you she loves you, she's lying. She's simply a cleverer, more resourceful version of your common street prostitute.

>> No.3241770

Chances are you wouldn't get any of that with a prostitute. I'm comparing masturbation and buying sex, not masturbation and having sex.

>> No.3241775


Of course it's not the same
Hooker => 1 hour
Girlfriend => too much money/time wasted.

>> No.3241777

well i presume a hand wouldn't feel the same as proper sex..it'd be all bony and like..irregularly shaped.

maybe fatassed americans have fat pudgy hands...w/e

>> No.3241786
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A hooker is a one time thing. having a girlfriend means you can do it as often as you like. and is this the dark ages? normal girls don't cost money, we arn't whores, we can pay our own way. we don't expect guys to pay for everything.
and what do you mean 'too much time'? you dont want to spend time with a girl? wtf? so they are just good for sex, is that it??

you know what, just stick with your hand, faggot.

>> No.3241789

Nah, physically it's all the same.

>> No.3241792


From all current experiences, yes, thats all they good for.

You've yet to prove otherwise.

>> No.3241794
File: 147 KB, 320x240, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>normal girls don't cost money, we arn't whores, we can pay our own way. we don't expect guys to pay for everything.

>> No.3241793

haha u got mad.

are you surprised no one on /sci/ knows anything about sex?

>> No.3241800

i am not a good representative of ALL females. and I AM good for things other than sex actually, fuck you.

>> No.3241802

wait.... we don't have to pay for everything?

>> No.3241812

of course not! did you think you did? she'd basically just be a whore if that was the way it worked.
"pay for the date, buy me dinner and pay my entrance fee for the film, and i'll fuck you after"
you'd be paying for her company, and to fuck her afterwards as well, so in what way is that NOT prostitution? if anything, its like a prostitution gamble, because you'd pay for your date, but you dont actually have any guarantee of sex at all.

when i go on dates, we split everything 50/50. we just pay for ourselves. i'll buy my film ticket, he can buy his. no problem.

>> No.3241813

>no1 to hold you? no1 to talk to you during? no foreplay?

Those are chores, not the goal.

Either you really are a woman or you're very good at feigning complete ignorance of the male psyche.

>> No.3241815


>normal girls don't cost money, we arn't whores, we can pay our own way. we don't expect guys to pay for everything.


When I was young and a virgin, I went out with a right moose. She was not very good looking at all and she didn't cost me anything. She was quite happy just to have a boyfriend. Now, I go out with a quite attractive woman. I don't spoil her, but I spend good money taking her out because she looks good in a dress.

If you want to marry or go out with anything better looking than a Jeremy Kyle reject you need to fork out money. Women only offer sex to gain financially or socially. That's just a fact of life.

>so they are just good for sex, is that it??

The only reason any male outside of your family is nice to you or does anything for you is because he wants to fuck you. Yes, even you. Someone out there wants to fuck you, and he's currently listening to you bleat endlessly about your degree/job/science/whatever in the hope that he will get to fuck you.

Hell, I'd probably fuck you if you gave me half a chance.

>> No.3241818


>considers herself equal to men
>attempts to use emotional manipulation to shame them

>> No.3241825

Am I the only one on this board using the report button?

>> No.3241828

>and what do you mean 'too much time'? you dont want to spend time with a girl? wtf? so they are just good for sex, is that it??

now you fucking get it

>> No.3241833

>implying guys do not like foreplay.
I'm pretty sure they do, or every single guy ive ever been with is very very good at lying and fake smiling and things like that.

not all women, in fact very few i imagine. i do it for no other reason than i enjoy it. i suspect thats why guys do it as well.

>The only reason any male outside of your family is nice to you or does anything for you is because he wants to fuck you.
thats such bullshit. there are some of my male friends who i have never fucked, and hey don't seem to show much interest. some have girlfriends, and they are still nice to me. also one of my male friends is gay, so he doesnt want to fuck me but he is still nice.

we have equal rights...that doesn't mean we are biologically equal.

>> No.3241834


sex = biological processes
paying for it = economics/math

>> No.3241837


>> No.3241832

I dunno.. maybe if I made that precedent at the start, but the girl I'm seeing now would be like =O and probably feel like I was less interested in her if I suddenly asked her to start paying for things.

>> No.3241840

Sorry I got a bit carried away. We cool?

>> No.3241842


religion = psychology
psychology = neuroscience
neuroscience = biochemistry
biochemistry = physics
physics = math
you = faggot

>> No.3241844


Totally forgettable sexual experience. Do not waste money. Unless this is for your first time so you'll gain a little confidence (or the opposite )

having sex with another human being has NOTHING to do with jerking off.

>> No.3241845


>there are some of my male friends who i have never fucked, and hey don't seem to show much interest.


>> No.3241847

well if you have already got a system like that, and she takes you paying for granted, then i can see why she wouldnt want to lose it. but its silly to have even started a system like that. why should she not pay?
did she ever actually ask you to pay for everything? i would consider that extremely rude if she did.

>> No.3241849


>you = faggot

See your post was valid until here, you need to relate homosexuality to psychology.

>> No.3241850

>it'd be all bony and like..irregularly shaped

The muscles (even small men have those) of the hand prevent it from feeling sharp or bony.

The walls of a vag are already irregularly shaped. That really isn't a problem at all.

>every single guy ive ever been with is very very good at lying and fake smiling and things like that.


>> No.3241854

it induces exactly the same chemical processes. Explain how it's different. it's not like you reach spiritual transcendence in sex but not in fapping. They are the same.

>> No.3241857


but homosexuality is a religion

>> No.3241861

er, yeh i suppose so.

tsch, i don't care how you judge me. i don't see anything wrong with having multiple partners so long as we use contraception and are safe.

>> No.3241869

i don't believe you. they have no reason to lie, if they didn't want foreplay they would just ask me.

it must be different. if i finger myself that doesnt feel the same as proper sex. they are completely different. the same comparison could be made for men, i bet its completely different as well.

>> No.3241872

Even if a guy is friends with a girl and the guy doesnt want sex...

Its only because the guy likes being around girls because of social reasons or he just likes to look at you or something

You offer nothing that a guy cant offer. Only a dumber version.

>> No.3241873

>so they are just good for sex, is that it??

Why are you judging my values?
Yes : girls are still boring as hell, know nothing about nothing, are emotionally unstable and retarded.
Everybody prefers to hang around men, even women.

Maybe in 30 or so years, women will start to be interesting for something else than sex and occasional cuddles.
I hope.
For now, you're still too deep in your own time-old role of women and are still raised in that too much.

I'll respect women when they'll stop wearing skirts and showing their cleavage like it has nothing to do with phallocracy. You dumb cunts :)

>> No.3241878


many people will release different amounts of neurotransmitters and other chemical messengers in real sex than masturbating

>> No.3241880

No she didn't ask. But our first date was a movie and I just thought it would be a nice gesture that would make her feel good for me to just say "2 tickets for ***** please"

instead of, "so you're buying your own ticket right?"

>> No.3241881
File: 9 KB, 248x251, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck you both!

>> No.3241890

Did I hit a nerve ?

Yah, seems like it.

>> No.3241894

yes its a nice gesture, generosity is a good quality in a person, but it doesn't mean you have to be generous ALL the time. then thats not just being generous, thats being a manipulatable pushover. taking advantage would be very tempting.

>> No.3241899

my point exactly. if fapping was just as good, those things would not exist. why pay for something you can just do yourself if it feels just as good?

>> No.3241897

there's fleshlights and dildos and all that fun stuff

Also only reason men do foreplay is to get the girl aroused and exited , which is not necessary with a prostitute

>> No.3241898

>i don't believe you.

Your belief is not required. Your attitude is common, and it's beneficial for us anyway.

>the same comparison could be made for men

This is a false premise. Your own experience of gratification has absolutely nothing to do with the opposite gender's.

>> No.3241903


It's clear that you're not American. It's entirely expected that if you're on a date the man should be paying. Once you're in a relationship things change, but if you're still dating as a man you're pretty much paying for everything. I guess it's an American thing.

>> No.3241905

how is it beneficial in anyway that I believe that?

if i'm wrong, then why would guys even try to pick girls up in clubs? they would go home and fap if it was just as good. why bother putting in any effort?

>> No.3241907
File: 61 KB, 687x288, Screenshot-Report Post #3241642 - Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every post in this thread

>> No.3241908


Variety. You've only got two hands and they don't change much.

It's the same reason men chase different women.

>> No.3241909

ITT: Bitter nerds project their pathetic, misogynistic beliefs and tendencies onto the entire male population, wonder why women don't respect them.

It's like I'm really on /r9k/.

>> No.3241911


And a large amount actually do just that.

>> No.3241916

no, you're right i'm not american. and that system seems fucking retarded to me, a girl could keep stringing you along, never let it become serious, and have you pay for all sorts of stuff for her, and then ditch you whenever she liked with so repercussions.

and what is the difference between dating someone and being in a relationship? where is the borderline?

>> No.3241917

You could always throw down $6k for a realdoll.

And if your pro. cost less than $500($1k in a big city), you bought barrel-scrapage.

The thing that makes this attractive is the associated costs. Yes, a good number of women will just date you, but there are a lot with baggage, and I honestly hate myself for saying this, but, the worst baggage is a kid. If you want to hear my anecdotes on this, I'll tell you, but I'd rather not talk about what I went through from 19 - 24.

Anyway, the advantages of a whore outweigh the costs of a girlfriend when you're talking in a timescale of five years to a decade.

>> No.3241915

Have fun being a slave to your hormones

>> No.3241921


>he doesn't grovel at the feet of a woman, what a misogynistic manchild!

Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.

>> No.3241923

>how is it beneficial in anyway

It makes you easy.

>why would guys even try to pick girls up in clubs

Social pressure to score and get bitches. That's also a very small proportion of men. The majority don't bother with clubs.

>> No.3241927
File: 3 KB, 125x93, zn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people dont chase different women. they like having a single partner, or so i thought.
i thought i was a bit of a rarity with not valuing monogamy...

but not ALL, so there must be some reason why.

>If you want to hear my anecdotes on this, I'll tell you, but I'd rather not talk about what I went through from 19 - 24.
oh, please do. i'm interested.

>> No.3241929


Indeed she can hence a lot of misogyny.

>and what is the difference between dating someone and being in a relationship? where is the borderline?

It's generally something you would discuss with the person. Once you become a monogamist couple, you're in a relationship, "boyfriend and girlfriend," whatever you want to call it.

>> No.3241933

>never let it become serious, and have you pay for all sorts of stuff for her, and then ditch you whenever she liked with so repercussions.

American women have refined the process much further than that.

They let it become serious because that leads to marriage & children, and then they use archaic US family laws to separate from the man and receive alimony & child support. "Cashing out," they call it.

>> No.3241941

>Cashing out

I lold

Its really the guys fault though
they shouldn't let it become serious

>> No.3241942

i'm not actually easy. a prick like you would have no chance. anyone who is a jerk or at all mysogynistic gets an instant permaban from my bed...

you have to discuss it and make it official? i still dont really see the difference between that and dating. although being 'boyfriend and girlfriend' might imply some sort of monogamy, so i guess if you are just 'dating' there is no such obligation.

>> No.3241945

>cold and alone with no1 to hold you? no1 to talk to you during? no foreplay?

Good prostitutes do all these things if you want them. You sound as though you think all whores are street-walking, withered, 45-year-olds.