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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3240642 No.3240642 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, how do you plan on passing on your superior genetics if nobody will have sex with you?

>> No.3240647

>implying I want to waste my superior genetics on any retarded slut

>> No.3240682

> implying she incorporates your genetics

>> No.3240684

>implying a retarded slut would let you anywhere near her va-jay-jay

>> No.3240694

>passing on genetics

Tell us OP, what's it like living in the past?

>> No.3240700

I have 3 kids. I will ensure their survival

>> No.3240706

Sperm donations? With the misconception that intelligence is only caused by genetics, I can sell my sperm at $200-2000 a vial.

>> No.3240707

Work in a sperm bank, replace all the samples with my own.

>> No.3240717

>believing in genetics

>> No.3240718
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>> No.3240732

I'm going to kill them with this

>> No.3240754

Enjoy being eligible for child support.

>> No.3240782

Bullshit. There's no way

>> No.3240823

>implying a decent society would allow a forced split between genetic parent and child

How does it feel knowing your child won't be able to tell his doctor about his medical history? How does it feel knowing that he or she may die from a treatable disease?

>> No.3240832

Why should I give a fuck?

>> No.3240853


This guy... is a genius.

>> No.3240871

Until he owes 50 women child support.

>> No.3240922

You don't tell them.

>> No.3240998


If you are donating sperm and the women are accepting it, then you are free and clear of child support.

>> No.3241006

You don't have to tell them, women these days will accuse men at random of being the father of their child.

>> No.3241015

You would think that, as it makes logical sense. However that doesn't mean it's true legally.

>> No.3241076

By raping sluts

>> No.3241097
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In answer to OP's question, well... pic related.

>> No.3241127

Sperm bank.

>> No.3241160
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"But baby, my genetics... (huff, puff)... are... (wheeze) superior!"


>> No.3241172

Define 'superior'.

I have no way of telling if my genes are/will be favorable and neither does anyone else

>> No.3241183

being smarter than most I presume you have superior genes

>> No.3241203

Would be cool if intelligence was mostly genetic instead of mostly environmental.

>> No.3241220

Why would I want to pass on my superior genetics?What's in it for me?

>> No.3241237

...it is. This has been proven, and isn't even in question

>> No.3241251
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>> No.3241259
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"I shall keep my superior genetics all to myself! Ah-hahahahaha!!"

>> No.3241260

Why would anyone want to pass on their genes? You either live forever or die happy, it doesn't matter otherwise. If having a child helps you be happy or helps achieve your goals, go for it, but passing on your genes is stupid in this day and age.

The world doesn't matter beyond yourself. I'm hoping for the live forever option, so I'm not going to waste resources on something that might prevent me from doing so, or that might keep me from enjoying my life as I see fit.

If I want to hang around kids, I'll become a teacher. That way, I don't have to deal with their shit when I go home.

>> No.3241262

ffs there's a strong correlation. Get off my ass.

>> No.3241298


Why do it if it only makes your life harder?I could understand if I where a woman, since they have a biological need to produce offspring.But as a man?Theres no logical reason, so fuck it.Sperm donation sounds good to me, although I have no idea who the fuck would want my jizz.

>> No.3241309

I wouldn't wish my shoddy genes on anyone.

>> No.3241324
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I wouldn't wish being born on this planet on anyone.

>> No.3241358
File: 39 KB, 314x501, SpiderJerusalem1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I remember first learning about death quite vividly.

I'm not sure how old I was, but I remember the conversation like it was yesterday. My grandfather had died, and my mother was trying to explain it to me.

'Sometimes, when someone gets ill, and they're very very old, they don't get better again. They just get iller and iller and then... then their body stops working.'

'I don't understand.'

'What's in them just goes away, and doesn't come back.'

'Grandpa isn't coming back?'

'No,' she said. 'Not ever again.'

'Grandpa said he was going away and not ever coming back after he held Grandma's head in that cotton-dump outside of town and kicked Skeeter seventy-three times.'

'Grandpa was very drunk. That's not the same as being dead. Grandpa's dead, son. He's not there anymore.' "

>> No.3241364


"And I remember saying, 'Hold everything right fucking THERE.

'You went to all the trouble of conceiving me, and giving birth to me, and raising me and feeding me and clothing me and all-- and, YEAH, whipping me from time to time, and making me live in a house that's freezing fucking cold all the goddamn time-- and you make me cry and things hurt so much and disappointments crush my heart every day and I can't do half the things I want to do and sometimes I just want to scream-- and what I've got to look forward to is my body breaking and something flipping off the switch in my head-- I go through all this-- and then there's death?

'What is the motherfucking deal here?"

>> No.3241440
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