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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 51 KB, 592x448, Fornever Alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3239855 No.3239855 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you all act act as though all theists are morons, that atheism is the scientific stance, that anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot, and that atheism is not an opinion?

Before you complain this is not related to science and math, I know.

It is related to /sci/'s constant complaining, and that is enough.

>> No.3239859
File: 248 KB, 840x1600, owned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, they arn't ALL morons.
but they are still wrong...

>> No.3239865

>that atheism is the scientific stance, that anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot, and that atheism is not an opinion?
All wrong. Atheism is in no way scientific. Its just a religion full of butthurt teenagers.

>> No.3239875
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its not a religion at all (INB4 irony, considering the last trollpost i just made on the otehr thread)
atheism is as much a religion as 'not collecting stamps' is a hobby.

also, it IS scientific to be sceptical when there is no evidence to believe something is true.
this deserves a qualiasoup video!

>> No.3239888

science is based on assumptions. You just assume some shit and feel your assumed shit is better then someone elses assumed shit.
learn to into philosophy

>> No.3239889

hey, sweetiepie! :)

>> No.3239892
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>> No.3239895

>Dont play in traffic or you could be killed says the parent
>Why not?
>I've never been hit by a car before
>I've never seen anyone hit by a car before
>I've never known anyone who has died.
>I've never seen someone die.
Says the angsty 4 year old atheist.

>> No.3239902

So, who is the original EK?

>> No.3239904
File: 377 KB, 493x348, za1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have evidence that people can be killed in car crashes. you see stories on the news of people who die in car crashes, so you know its possible.
also, even having a limited childs knowledge of the basic physics of motion, you understand that fast moving objects and collisions hurt. you might have miss caught a tennis ball and have it strike you, you can feel the impulse of the collision. maybe accidently bumped into a table as a toddler, you realise collisions hurt, and that the damage caused is proportional to the weight of the object and the speed at which the collision occurs.
cars are very heavy, you have evidence of this (try and lift one for example...) and you know they go fast.
by using logic and evidence, you know it is unwise to try to be run over by one.
it has nothing to do with faith, and your comparison is flawed.

>> No.3239906

me (FnQ)

>> No.3239907

So, basically you're a butthurt teenager that failed science, and you feel you're all awesome because you read a couple pages of that book you bought by Nietzsche.

Once you finish it, keep in mind that he was being VERY sarcastic. People who are not actually philosophers, but think they are, always get that detail wrong. They're like literary critics in that sense.

>> No.3239915

>I've heard stories of how jesus walked on water.
>Videos can be edited.
>Sure getting hit might hurt.
>But that doesnt mean I can die
>Ive never died before
>Show me someone die from getting hit by a car now or i won't believe you
Says the angsty 5 year old atheist

>> No.3239917
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This might be a difficult word for your intellect: EXPERIMENTS. Scientist do experiments to check if their asumptions are right.

Traffic accidents can be studied using statistics. There are no statistics about people ending up in heaven of hell.

>> No.3239921

The fact that we don't know if there is a god or not proves that there is a god.

>> No.3239926
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How does that work?

>> No.3239927

atheism may not be a religion, but every atheist has some sort of belief. And some of them are being very gay about this belief in terms of attempting to ridicule all other beliefs.

Also, religion and science are not antagonistic. If you think that the God has any obligation to carve a face of a bearded face into the moon, for instance, you are a moron. Not to mention that no possible evidence could be sufficient to ultimately prove divine existence beyond any doubt, unless you understand such as an impersonal and predictable force of nature.

When you say 'you are wrong', you also imply that you believe you are right. But that's just like, your opinion, man, which cannot as of now be backed with science, and I'm inclined to believe it never will be, either.

tl;dr: it's not problem of atheism vs theism, it's problem of few faggot atheists who try to force their beliefs on everyone else.

>> No.3239930
File: 256 KB, 406x331, za3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these stories are from the modern day, and broadcasted by the news, which is supposed to be factual. and why would they lie about teh cause of someones death?
you can also see pictures/videos of the news stories, confirming the stories to be true (INB4 the company edits the videos and pictures, no they fucking don't, thats bullshit)
stories of jesus miracles and things like that are from the past, with no supporting evidence for it. we know walking on water is impossible, because we weigh far too much for the water tension to hold us. for some guy 2000 years ago to manage to do it, requires magic, which we know is impossible.

>i never died before
flawed because people obviously die only once.

>> No.3239931

Facinating since im a physics major. Only the butthurt claim science is true. Science said the earth was the center of the universe. Its because we assume that we continue and strive for a better answer. Its childish to believe otherwise.
Only math counts.

>> No.3239936

Atheism is a religion just like being bald is a hair color

>> No.3239956

which is supposed to be factual
why would they lie
we know walking on water is impossible
requires magic
>Why should I believe anything anyone says
>People lie their ass off all the time
>Why should I believe them
>Youre worse then all those faggots who believe in god
>I didnt see it
>And magic is possible
>Ive seen it with my own eyes
says the angsty 6 year old atheist
flawed because people obviously die only once.
>Bullshit circular logic
>Ive never seen someone die
>Ive heard how jesus came back from the dead
>Show me someone die or youre just wanking your own made of religion where people die.
says the frustrated 6 year old atheist in a tone filled with angst

>> No.3239963

Imagine you were to create a universe. Would you let humans know of their own existence? The consequences would be huge; if they did know, the world would be boring. Why are there such limitations on our knowledge in certain areas?

>> No.3239964
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>atheist face when
face it faggots

>> No.3239965
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Science isn't at all about proving anything - it's about eliminating incorrect hypotheses through experimentation, and continually testing and improving those which survive experimental testing (until/unless an experiment finds a flaw in them, and then the refining part comes in).

The only article of faith in science is that we get useful (if flawed) information from our senses - and that "flawed" part is one of the many reasons why experimental results have to be repeatable before they're considered useful.

>> No.3239968
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol whatever. i might require a little bit of faith presuming that stories on the news are true, but thats a hell of a lot better than believing some magic man 2000 years ago can defy gravity, turn water into wine, and duplicate food out of nothingness.
you can believe whatever you like, but with no evidence or reason to do so, it seems dumb to me. and basing your life and your prejudices around it seems even more retarded.
read this image >>3239859

>> No.3239969

if it's so awesome, why do bald people want their hair back?

>> No.3239975

>i might require a little bit of faith
Faith is faith. Atheism is a religion. Youre just claiming your religion is better. GTFO

>> No.3239976

trust and confidence in something does not make it a religion.

>> No.3239979


I did. Never in my life did I read such a load of pompous, self-righteous bullshit. Whoever wrote it seems more certain of himself than the catholic pope.

Good for him, I guess. The mention of motivational posters at the end looks extra ironic, considering the form.

>> No.3239981

I think we need to make a distinction between religion and faith. Personally, I am anti religion and think a lot of it is made up and false. This is largely because it has been interpreted badly by stupid people. However I am somewhat faithful and believe in a god/karma of some form.

Captcha - ellysi LORD

>> No.3239983

trusting the validity of news stories has nothing to do with religion, or lack of it.
atheist simply means 'i do not believe in god'
theres nothing else you can add to the meaning, and it doesnt necessarily affect any other part of life.

>> No.3239987

There's a difference between blind faith and trusting in something that deserves your conviction because it's proven to be reliable.

>> No.3239988

You trust the new but you dont trust the word of others who believe in god.
Youre just picking one with faith. its a fucking religion.

>> No.3239991

proven to be reliable
>show me someone fucking die by getting hit by a car or i have no reason to believe you.

>> No.3239993

says the angsty 7yr old

>> No.3239996

>Science said the earth was the center of the universe.

No it didn't. The scientific method has only existed for -less- than 200 years. You're delusional.

>> No.3239995

First of all, we don't always trust the news in everything. news can biased, unreliable or just plain wrong.

>> No.3239997

>The scientific method
Im going to pretend you didnt say that.

>> No.3239998

On proof, I think a lot of religious people find proof in their own lives - their actions leading to a better/worse outcome. Yeah this is correlation, and yeah it's obviously not empirically scientific and adjusted for shit. But at the root of it, it is factual evidence of some form.

>> No.3239999
File: 246 KB, 467x356, 13635649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsch, idiot.
religion is only in matters pertaining to GOD
if i have faith in other things, like i trust my friend to turn up and meet me at the agreed time, this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with religion.

and i don't trust other peoples word about god, because if they are honest, they will admit they have never met him, never spoke to him, have no evidence of him, all they did was trust otehr peoples word about him, and thsoe people didn't know god either, they in turn also trusted the word of another person.
its al just hearsay, with no evidence at all.

>> No.3240000
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>> No.3240002
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>> No.3240007

science doesnt say anything. its PEOPLE who said the earth was he centre of the universe, with no evidence (and these people were almost certainly religious as well btw)
there was absolutely nothing to do with science in making that assumption.

>> No.3240013


>> No.3240014

Has everything in that time been proven correct? The nature of the scientific method is that it asserts things at a given point of time, but then has no problem refuting these if they are proven to be false at a later date. It makes the best possible conclusion with the information at hand. Religion argues that the information is not at hand yet - making this a controversial matter of faith.

>> No.3240015

>I need to see it in person to believe
>Why are you trying so hard to fool me
>Ive seen images of Jesus walking on water
>Doesnt mean shit
Says the skeptical 7 year old brimming with angst.

>> No.3240030

>Has everything in that time been proven correct?


You're doing it wrong. Shame on you.

You want some freedom and justice to go with your other concepts?

"Correct" perpetually exists NOWHERE!

>> No.3240032

walk out onto on coming traffic.

the fact you don't i because you trust you would get run over and seriously injured. This is faith but nothing to do with religious faith. faith because it's reasonable.

>> No.3240035

>Really because ive never seen your mother.
>The hell should I take your word for it that she exist
>The stork probably felt bad for you and dropped you off at some gay faggots house.
>Hows it feel to have two biological fathers
says the angst filled 8 year old atheist as he feeds off your tears

>> No.3240041

Ok sorry, I was using 'correct' to colloquially refer to being commonly accepted as being true and having scientific evidence which seems to back this up. Like smoking damaging your health.

>> No.3240043

The only reason why im not playing hand ball on the interstate right now is because my parent is being a faggot and feeding me some bullshit about how people die when killed.

>> No.3240044

I honestly cannot figure out how anybody who is not a troll could claim atheism is a religion. You would have to be so stupid and so lacking in common sense or any notion of what religion and atheism actually mean.

>> No.3240048


>> No.3240049

>my parent is being a faggot and feeding me some bullshit about how people die when killed

it's reasonable to believe that.

inb4 it's reasonable to believe in god. don't make me hit you with my big book of copypasta.

>> No.3240051

Just go back to /b/ you pathetic little idiot. You made your trolling far too obvious, come back when you actually have something original.

>> No.3240052

Sure only if you insist on using a distorted definition of reason

>> No.3240054
File: 243 KB, 379x311, zp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it wierd how they try to insult atheists by saying it's a religion...i mean THEY are religious...shouldnt they think religion is a good thing? why try to use it as an insult?

>> No.3240055

without any evidence, we cannot conclude that a God exists. In the same vein, we cannot conclude that unicorns, dragons, trolls, elves exist. That is not to say that they couldn't exist, but without the proper evidence it is best to conclude that they don't. thus the conclusion that they don't.

>> No.3240059

>commonly accepted as being true

Oh, you mean "the thing that changes a theory into a law" kind of correct?

>> No.3240064

>Like smoking damaging your health.

That is a theory, and it has more credence than a hypothesis, but it is not a law.

>> No.3240066

Without evidence i cannot conclude that you exist since ive never observed you. Oh wait, i have. I just pulled my dick out your ass. Hows that anal devastation going.

>> No.3240068

God does exist. He is in everything. Trees, humans, animals, it's all connected man.

>> No.3240072

No one says its an insult. You just find it insulting. What happens when you wear butt frustrated goggles.

>> No.3240081
File: 26 KB, 384x439, no-shit-sherlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without evidence i cannot conclude that you exist since ive never observed you

>> No.3240084

I stopped looking at those videos... youtube fundamentalists are just incapable of listening to reason. And they spout stuff that makes my brain hurt like

>lobby groups

I have never even seen a single 'atheist church' or anything that comes close to it. And claiming Darwin is scripture and that Dawkins is a prophet is just stupidity.

>> No.3240085


I have an invisible flying dragon in my garage that breathes cold fire.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.3240086

>Implying theory isn't higher in the scientific food chain than law.

>> No.3240088
File: 419 KB, 1453x1913, wegoastepfurther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, just watch the video.
also, keep in mind you are also an atheist to every otehr god except your own. you just have a blind spot to 1 god out of hundreds that you somehow think is special and different.
when you reaiswe why you discount Zeus's existence for being real, you will realise why i discount your gods existence.

>> No.3240094

Then again this one was not so bad, nice dancing.

>> No.3240095
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>> No.3240096

Hmmm. Im going to not believe you on this on. Just faith man. My faith is better than yours apparently

>> No.3240099
File: 41 KB, 498x376, lalalala_ottercanthearyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i close my mind to anything that might be arguing against my faith, because subconsciously i know i'm fucking wrong.

>> No.3240100

You're delusional. Go to a mental-institution.

>> No.3240105

why are you on a science board? never put faith into anything that you cannot empirically prove

>> No.3240107


but I have met him. He's always with me, at all times. And with you too, even if you choose not to see Him. And I see His work every day around me, in this perfect universe He has created (nevermind if it took six days or billions of years... it's beautiful anyway).

But enough already. Gentlemen, I suggest that we talk about something interesting instead of these troll wars. What's your opinion on the dark energy? Do you think we'll find a way to bend space so that we can build working Alcubierre drive?

>> No.3240109

You are an ignorant cunt and the reason why atheist and theist can never get along.
>you are also an atheist to every otehr god except your own
Do you understand the concept of religion and god.
theres different theories about how gravity works. Doesnt mean i dont believe in your gravity. Gravity is a phenomena we have different theories on but we all agree its there. Religion is the theory to explain god in the same sense.

>> No.3240114

I am an atheist you idiot, by 'those videos' I mean the whole atheist/theist debate thing and was referring to the fat guy in her video calling atheist a religion.

>> No.3240116


Dude I have an invisible friend too!

He's a 10th level wizard.

>> No.3240119

Hypothesis-theory-law. I reread my posts, and I distinctly got the order correct.

Go back and read it again until you understand what I was saying.

>> No.3240120
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pick one

its barely a hypothesis.
its barely even a coherent idea...

>> No.3240122

Because its already been established by >>3239968
that its required apparently otherwise children are delusional for believing in their parents.

>> No.3240127

Yeah, was less about getting hung up on 'correct', and about refuting the idea that the scientific method has been around for 200 years, and everything within that time has been perfect. There was a point where a study suggested vaccinations caused Autism. This was proven to be a shit study, and it has been clearly shown that vacinnations have no effect on Autism.

However at the point in time, it was believed they did cause Autism. In the same way, at a future date they might be proven to cause Autism. But that is the scientific method - constantly altering and changing based on now facts and knowledge. To assume that the current period of time is different from other periods, and we have everything right is ludicrous.

>> No.3240128
File: 54 KB, 571x570, coolstorybro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting as anonymous
>expecting me to be able to tell who the fuck you are when there is clearly one anonymous theist ITT.

>> No.3240129

so you have know idea what religion is. I expect no less from a lowly atheist
>Implying an atheist opinion has worth

>> No.3240132

You should have been able to easily realise it due to the fact that the entire last sentence was obviously written by an atheist criticising theists for calling atheism a religion.

>> No.3240134
File: 2 KB, 126x95, youfool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know idea

>> No.3240138

>implying atheist are capable of realizing anything
cool story bro.

>> No.3240140

Occam's razor etc

>> No.3240141

>the scientific method has been around for 200 years,

I said "less than 200 years". 101-199 years. More than 100, less than 200.

Fucking teenagers.

>> No.3240145

So you agree god exist.
Now explain it for the pions who follow the religion of atheism.

>> No.3240154

>I believe in god!
>because incoherent babble about reality
But science explain most of that, and is working on the rest. How can you be sure?
>because book/someone say so
Have you read the book/ask said someone where did they heard it?

These type of people are the worst. They do it just because of social pressure. Mimetism.

>> No.3240162

>science explain most of that
never heard of philosophy have you
incoming ergo cogito sum wall of text

>> No.3240166


Occams razor.
An invisible sky-fairy exists that created the universe and it only talks to you, or you're delusional.

You're delusional.

>> No.3240168

That doesn't change the validity of my point.

>> No.3240170

The best philosophers are whores.

Regular philosophers suck at philosophy.

>> No.3240175

>the scientific method has been around for 200 years

That WAS your point.

>> No.3240178

>reality doesn't exist
>what is truth
>why am I in my physical form
>$20 blowjobs

>> No.3240182

yes because an all powerful being who always existed, and never was created is so much more simple than natural phenomena that have a provable cause.

>> No.3240183

Point 1
>Who defines delusional
Point 2
im delusional or you are. The bird is clearly in my face. Shit Copernicus must have been delusional for believing the Earth isn't the center of the universe.
Point 2
>God created the universe
>Nothing that was originally nothing spontaneously combusted into something that was still in a state of nothing but then expanded into the universe from a superposition of nothingness and something.
God created the universe

>> No.3240185

No it wasn't. Even if the scientific method had been invented in the 90's, that doesn't mean everything since the 90's was true. True of course being a subjective term blah blah nigger...

>> No.3240186

god is the phenomenon..

>> No.3240193

>$20 blowjobs

THAT'S why I exist!

Whores : 1

Philosophers : 0

>> No.3240195
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>mfw atheist face
Hows that state of being rectally wrecked coming along

>> No.3240196

Right, and I explained:

>I said "less than 200 years". 101-199 years. More than 100, less than 200.

>> No.3240205

And is everything that was believed in that very specific time period still believed today?

>> No.3240209

Do you mean a hypothesis, an examined theory, or a tested law?

Belief does not accurately apply.

>> No.3240216

You are hiding behind scientific words. What makes something a tested law?

>> No.3240221

atheists BELIEVE that logic is the "correct" form of reasoning and that everything should adhere to it. sounds like religions to me. Agnostics are the people with the least faith...but nobody can prove anything really. just chill and live life

>> No.3240223


>> No.3240230

There were experiments which said vaccinations caused Autism. Does being a law just mean a large number of experiments?

>> No.3240231

You sir, are a liar and a fraud.

Atheists believe in gumdrops, because they can make/buy gumdrops to eat.

>> No.3240235

I eat the body of Christ every Sunday

>> No.3240237

Wait. Why aren't you saying the results of those experiments?

Anyway, the whole "vaccinations caused Autism" thing has NEVER made it to the validity law, but it is a well-tested theory.

>> No.3240243



That's a verb. "Christ" is something that happens to you, like "initiation". "Christ" means "anointed", specifically with holy oil.

Maybe you mean "the body of Jesus"?

>> No.3240244

>idiot theist trolls on one side
>atheists who can't argue for shit of see through a troll on the other
Someone end this thread, please

>> No.3240246

Because I'm not a hard out scientist. Haha. But the point is that science makes the best decisions with the information it has at any point of time. Religion asserts that there is a significant amount of information science is missing. But that doesn't mean they are wrong, just have no evidence to back it up at this point of time. The probability that they are right is very small. But they shouldn't be shot down by people who only look at what we know now.

>> No.3240249

Don't pretend to be me...unless u thought he was actually talking to you. I don't believe in Jesus' divinity.

>> No.3240251

Why? The mods started this thread, you expect them to delete it before they get huttburt?

>> No.3240256
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You got me, I don't go to church.

>> No.3240259

Yeah you tell 'em
concors the angsty 8 year old

>> No.3240260
File: 69 KB, 516x550, gah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw this is a board so is open discussion.
yfw you can get a tripcode to stop this from happening

>> No.3240266

Na, not really. Just thought that I should clarify because I didn't want any atheists thinking I was attacking their belief because I was Christian.

>> No.3240273

Haha. I love how people still protect their reputation even when anonymous. Someone should write a paper on it.

>> No.3240279

Atheists are petulant children?

>theists want a sky daddy to take care of them forever

>> No.3240283

Well that would be nice, but thats just the argument a petulant child would come up with

>> No.3240284

It wasn't meant as an act of defense towards my reputation. I just thought my point (however insignificant) might have been clouded if a reader had assumed I was christian and thought I was trolling.

>> No.3240287


Except that it's not my argument. Theists are the ones who say both.

>> No.3240288 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3240290

its clearly your argument since you just made it

>> No.3240292


I did not originate it.

Do you disagree with it?

>> No.3240293

theism is morally bankrupt

proponents and apologists are intellectually dishonest

>> No.3240296
File: 386 KB, 420x240, 1299868008184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ARE trolling. You might not know it, but that was exactly what trolling is.

BRB, 1/4 hour.

>> No.3240381
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1305324036165s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, OP here, finally came back.

WOAH! It's like a bunch of atheists argued for hours while I was away?

By the way, why assume all theists are religious?


>> No.3240402
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>> No.3240438

>look at religion thread
>about to check for religion vs science
>2/the first 4 posts are EK
Why am I no longer annoyed by this

Argue about religion on /b/, talk science on /sci/. Everybody here is capable of making any of these arguments.