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3238085 No.3238085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fundamentally different world views.

*Atheists do not believe in free will
*Atheists have a liberal victimhood mentality and do not believe in personal responsibility. Everything bad that happens is God's fault, not theirs
*Atheists believe that they're their own god and cannot handle the idea of there being a power in the universe greater than them
*Atheists believe that it's possible to create Heaven on earth, when history has shown that all attempts to do so merely resulted in millions of deaths
*Atheists get uncomfortable when anyone tells them it's wrong to have sex with a horse or the neighbor's son in public
*Atheists believe in the liberal concept of moral relativism, which is that all beliefs and value systems except Christianity are equal

>> No.3238095
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>> No.3238097
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>Atheists do not believe in free will

Stopped reading, 0/10

>> No.3238101

Parsley Rosemary Thyme

>> No.3238099

sure is conservapedia in here

>> No.3238103

They do not. I have had atheists tell me on this very board that free will does not exist.

>> No.3238112
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>Atheists have a liberal victimhood mentality and do not believe in personal responsibility. Everything bad that happens is God's fault, not theirs

>> No.3238115

Isn't that a troll site similar to Landover Baptist?

>> No.3238125

Imagine if Stan from American Dad wrote his own version of wikipedia.

Now imagine that there are a couple hundred (thousand?) people who spend time and effort taking it seriously.

Welcome to conservapedia.com

I encourage you to try to spend more than 5 minutes on it without raging. To say that it is biased is a tremendous understatement.

>> No.3238126

It's true. "Ow, dammit! I cut my tongue licking an envelope. If only God had magically push the envelope out of my hands! How on earth do Christians worship that scumbag!?"

>> No.3238127


>I have had atheists tell me on this very board that free will doesn't exist

Yes, therefore all atheists disagree will free will. Yes.

>> No.3238131

Or "Dammit, an earthquake destroyed Japan and God didn't do anything. That piece of sh..."

Never mind that it might have just been a natural disaster or God had a plan behind it that's not obvious right away or...

>> No.3238139
File: 4 KB, 126x103, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3238136

That's anti-theists. Not all atheists are anti-theists.

>> No.3238142


oh yeah, the 'mysterious ways' excuse.

>> No.3238145
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>> No.3238148

Well, yeah. "How the fuck did God let six million Jews get killed? That asshole!"

And then all the Holocaust victims go to Heaven, anti-Semitism is discredited forever, and the state of Israel comes into existence. Tiddy-boom.

>> No.3238157

Oh yeah, the 'I can't read the Bible properly therefore God is a scumbag' excuse.

>> No.3238162


Because an omnipotent being's actions look exactly the same as the result of natural phenomena

Either he doesn't give a fuck either way or he doesn't exist. And the latter looks far more likely given that we're talking 'chosen people' here.

>> No.3238167

You didn't read all of my post, did you? Here, let me reiterate

>anti-Semitism is discredited forever, and the state of Israel comes into existence. Tiddy-boom.

>> No.3238175
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>> No.3238176


>unconditional love (with conditions)
>sacrifices himself to himself
>creates hunger as punishment for seeking 'knowledge of good and evil' (morality)

>> No.3238179

You didn't read all of my post, did you? Here, let me reiterate:

Because an omnipotent being's actions look exactly the same as the result of natural phenomena

Israel didn't just appear out of nowhere you know.

>> No.3238180

It's pretty well explained that God punishes Adam and Eve because eating from the Fruit of Knowledge would give them god-like powers that they as mere mortals couldn't handle responsibly.

>> No.3238186

>Israel didn't just appear out of nowhere you know.

Didn't claim that. How about the Holocaust having the effect of forever discrediting anti-Semitism among sane people?

>> No.3238188


It's right there man. Literally "knowledge of good and evil"

What do you think that is?

Seems to me like it's exactly the knowledge that would let you use power responsibly.

Too bad it's obviously a myth, we could do with some responsible power use.

>> No.3238192

Exactly. It was more power than mortal humans could deal with.

>> No.3238195


Only after the allied powers defeated the nazis broadcast it over and over for maximum coverage. That wasn't a divine decision, and the war wasn't a divine one.

>> No.3238196
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>*Atheists do not believe in free will
Only so far as they know that your decisions are heavily influenced by your environment. Freewill is not absolute but it is a damn good illusion.

>*Atheists have a liberal victimhood mentality and do not believe in personal responsibility. Everything bad that happens is God's fault, not theirs
If God is the cause of everything (created everything, god's plan, etc) then he is naturally also the cause of all the bad things that happen.

>*Atheists believe that they're their own god and cannot handle the idea of there being a power in the universe greater than them
Now you're going full retard, atheists don't believe that they are god and know that a nuke has power greater than them.

>*Atheists believe that it's possible to create Heaven on earth, when history has shown that all attempts to do so merely resulted in millions of deaths
Heaven, or rather utopia, is an ideal not a goal... people who can't understand that fail. However the alternative of murdering goats and stoning people is hardly a convincing argument.

>*Atheists get uncomfortable when anyone tells them it's wrong to have sex with a horse or the neighbor's son in public
Well technically it's not wrong since we're talking about a subjective matter. Now if they were trying to impregnate said horse they'd be factually wrong.

>*Atheists believe in the liberal concept of moral relativism, which is that all beliefs and value systems except Christianity are equal
Moral Relativism = Morals are subjective. Subjectively speaking Christianity has shit values. Objectively speaking the values of Christianity are detrimental to the whole of humanity.

>> No.3238197


So let me get this straight.

You're saying that people are so inferior that they can't use the knowledge of good and evil responsibly -

when to be responsible means to know what good and evil are?

The logic fail here is of epic proportions.

>> No.3238199

Atheists do not believe in free will: I disagree with this point because it implies that theists do believe in free will. Atheism is the lack of belief in God and without an all-powerful being overlooking their behavior, they technically believe in free will more than theists. That being said, beliefs like fatalism that reject free will, although they are not theistic and are atheistic, do not embody the overall notion of free will on behalf of the atheist community. I would consider free will to not be a factor in why atheists and theists cannot come to a common understanding.

Atheists have a liberal victim hood mentality: Your point of "everything bad that happens is God's fault" is not valid because atheism is a lack of belief in God and they cannot blame a being that they do not believe exists. I think what you mean to say is how they attribute the good things in life and the bad things: Theists attribute the good to God and blame the bad things in life on humanity and themselves. Atheists attribute both the good and the bad to humanity.

Atheists believe that they're their own God: Actually, this point is true. Atheists do believe in self determination. But this point cannot coincide with your original point of "not believe in free will" because that would mean a paradox. You cannot be all powerful and not powerful at the same time.

>> No.3238201

Atheists believe that its possible to create Heaven on earth: Correct but I think its unfair to post afterwards that history has shown that all attempts have merely resulted in millions of deaths. That's a loaded response. Progress undeniably causes deaths because human nature has a tendency to reject change. Both religion and atheists are guilty of this but that is not grounds to say that it "merely" results in deaths.
Religion: 9/11, Inquisition, Crusades, India v. Pakistan, etc.
Atheism: State religions
Progress causes millions of deaths, not religion or the lack thereof.

Atheists get uncomfortable when anyone...: What? Does that mean that Christans are comfortable with sex with a horse? I don't think this is a valid point in determining why they cannot come to an understanding.

Atheists believe in a liberal concept of moral relativism: I would like to eliminate "liberal" concept because moral relativism is the idea that morality should be judged based on the respective society's own morality. Its more correct to say that Atheists believe in moral relativism and Christians believe in moral absolutism. Atheists believe that morality is flexible and good and bad depend on the context. Christians do not believe in a flexible morality. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong and they use the Bible to determine it. Context, to Christians, does not change the nature of the morality.

>> No.3238202

>claiming atheist implies having any other view than a lack of belief in a supernatural entity

confirmed for retard

>> No.3238204

I would like to add one more point as to why atheists and Christians cannot agree:

Different justifications for beliefs.
Atheists tend to believe in logic to determine their world view while Christians believe in revelation. Atheists believe that the world can be logically sorted out, structured, and by doing this, everything can be known. Christians, on the other hand, believe based on emotion and how they feel. What I mean by revelation is a sudden justification of a belief by saying "I believe it." That alone puts the grounds upon which to debate whether or not any kind of theism exists on shaky grounds. Faith requires absolute unwavering belief, hence the definition of faith. A religious person thus cannot look at his own religion with a logical viewpoint or else that would be questioning it. That would violate the definition of faith.

TL:DR, atheists and theists have different justifications for their beliefs, making it impossible to ever have a proper debate between the two.

>> No.3238210

Not sure if India vs Pakistan is really about religion since both are secular states.

>> No.3238211

mfw christians believe that it's possible to breed a population from a genetic bottleneck of two animals

>> No.3238215

So the answer is that you cut the hand off when you have a gash?

Makes perfect and total fucking sense.

Thanks GOD,


>> No.3238216


True but Pakistan was formed out of the muslim diaspora from india.

The two states were created so there wouldn't be oppression in the hindu majority india

>> No.3238218

Some Christians. Not all of course.

>> No.3238222

True, India and Pakistan are secular states. But sometime around 1990's, they were aiming nukes at each other. As far as I know, India's primarily Hindu and Pakistan is primarily Muslim and that was what caused it. Feel free to correct me on that.

>> No.3238225

I'd think if there wasn't a god, Hitler would have won.

>> No.3238226

Gandhi thought it would be a great idea to create a separate Muslim state, but do-gooders often end up doing the most harm.

>> No.3238263

Well, if God had just struck Hitler with lightning or something like that, it wouldn't have proved anything.