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3234920 No.3234920 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of teacher-student relationships?
Has anyone ever had one? Pls do share

>> No.3234928

I have no problem with it if it doesn't influence the students marks.

>> No.3234943

How old are the students?

>> No.3234950

any age
just in general

>> No.3234948

if both of consenting age then its fine, as long as they don't use it to cheat grades and stuff. "oral sex if you give me an A?" etc.

never had one, just the odd schoolgirl crush that amounted to nothing.

>> No.3234957


If this thread is no longer about the age of the student, then there's nothing left to discuss except ethics.

And yes, it's unethical. Having a relationship with a current student makes it impossible to remain unbiased while grading assignments and exams.

This is undeniable, but I know someone is going to try to argue with me for absolutely no reason, because that's what 4chan does.

>> No.3234960

If we are talking about high school or below then its wrong for the adult to be taking advantage of their students. Being in authority position over young students and taking advantage of them is just wrong.

>> No.3234961

Ethics don't exist to me.

>> No.3234965
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>people still caring who's sleeping with who

>> No.3234975

if tutoring counts, i've had one
she was 15 and hoooo~t

>> No.3234976

we care if its pedophiles raping kids...

>> No.3234982

I agree that its unethical and shouldn't be allowed, but its not terribly uncommon for them to happen. I've never been in one but the only case I know where it did happen involved a grad student and her mentor/adviser. It makes sense seeing as how they had to spend so much time working together.

>> No.3234985

No you don't, otherwise you'd kill all your politicians.

>> No.3234990

>two of the most widely subjective qualities in the world and history
Cool story EK

>> No.3234994

So it's more ethical to say that two people should absolutely not be allowed to be intimate?

>> No.3234997

you and your professor... i dont know that just doesn;t sound right

>> No.3235000

seems pretty objective to me.
>raping: sex without consent. "no no no please top" *continues* = rape. its pretty straight forward.

>kids: not adults, below the age of 18.

>> No.3235003

>please top
I don't think that it isn't a sign of consent.

>> No.3235005


>> No.3235010


Conflict of interest, bro.

They can wait until the student finishes the class. Of course, that won't happen, because the student is a prostitute for high grades and the professor is a sucker.

>> No.3235011

I'd have to side with EK on this one. Rape is very well defined. Kid is well defined legally at least.

It was one of my peers not me.

>> No.3235012

i dont know, every single hentai i've read have the female saying those words
girls say that even when they really want it right?

>> No.3235018

If its somebody you don't know, then when you say "stop! i don't want this! get the fuck off me!" you clearly mean it literally.
if its with a long term partner and your into some kinky shit, you will have a safety word instead.

>> No.3235027

>who is sleeping with whom

>> No.3235035

I wish. I really wish. Smart girls = major turn-on (handsome professors included). Can't use witty dirty-talk on most people.

I had an attractive Bio teacher I flirted with after classes my freshman year in college. She was married with kids, but I still tried. Don't think I was being inappropriate either, she just seemed flattered.

Hooked up with my SAT tutor when I was 17 :) She was 23, Stanford grad, promiscuous. I didn't feel violated at all. Also, didn't have to waste any time studying for that bullshit test after that, and I ended up doing well. Although, mom wasn't happy when she found out I wasted her money.

>> No.3235039
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But that's fucking wrong.

If we're talking about raping kids consent is irrelevant because 'hurr durr kids'.

Meanwhile kids are only adults after 18 in the past few hundreds years and only in places influenced by Europe. That's not even mentioning that 18 is an arbitrary age to begin with.

>> No.3235051


>> No.3235053

consentual sex with a kid would still be a crime, because they are a kid, but it isnt rape.

>> No.3235057
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hahah! nice. i lol'd

>> No.3235059

Considering the average person isn't able to formulate proper and mature decisions until ages 17-20, when the cerebellum finishes developing, the kid isn't able to consent to it.

>> No.3235063
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Doesn't work.

>> No.3235070

Yes but everybody matures at different rates. I was pretty mature by about 15-16, and i knew what i wanted.
It would still be illegal, but that doesn't mean the law is necessarily 100% right.

>> No.3235071

so basically she's a whore and you paid her for sex

>> No.3235075

>I was pretty mature by about 15-16
1). Anecdotal evidence
2). No you weren't
3). The brain doesn't fully develop until the late teens and early twenties, unlike the rest of the body. It's the most complex organ in the body ffs.

>> No.3235080
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>implying the average person is able to formulate proper and mature decisions after the age of 20
See: America

>> No.3235085

this whole concept that your mind has to be "mature" first before you can have sex is bull shit propagated by anti-pedophile organisations

>> No.3235095

Could you define maturity for me? Is it when you finally lose all happiness in life and become jaded and cynical?

>> No.3235110

So how did EK see it? She must not be from there.

>> No.3235122

No one cares about maturity. No one cares about each other, the kid the adult, who gives a fuck. It's all about limiting culpability . no one wants to takes blame, but every one wants to place blame on others. (for financial benefit or other sadistic reasons)

>> No.3235131

Mostly it comes down to the consistency one is capable of drawing from past experiences and memories to front a future or present decision. Something that requires experience to know whether your decision is worth following or not, and experience is something that's only gain through and time living life; this is why you see a lot of people making stupid mistakes as a kid they end up later regretting.

Also keep in mind that, as clichéd and nonsensical it may seem, a definition and measure of what is "mature" or not is dependent on the current culture and society, so expect the definition/measure to "flex around" a little.

>> No.3235135

lol, i'd like to think it was my charms. i'm only mildly aspie, but i still need mental lists of rules to know when it is socially appropriate to say certain things. thankfully i'm fairly attractive and have a brother who was able to teach me these things, otherwise i'd be faked.

our expectations of gender roles are silly; [insert comment on moral-relativism]

maan, i really wanted to get with that professor...

>> No.3235141

retards are allowed to have sex, people with low intelligence are allowed to have sex, people with little grasp on reality are allowed to have sex.

normally functioning people under a certain regionally variable arbitrary age who are fully aware of what they are doing and the implications aren't allowed to have sex.

people who are over the regionally variable arbitrary age who may have a lesser degree of physical/sexual maturity are allowed to have sex. people who are under the regionally variable arbitrary age who may have a greater degree of phsyical/sexual maturity are not allowed to have sex.

the thing is, everyone knows it's bullshit but short of giving everyone regular mental and phsyical examinations and certifying their readiness for participation in sexual endeavours, there's really no way to make a better system. so you just have to accept whatever that regionally variable arbitrary age limit is wherever you are and get on with your life.

>> No.3235160

We don't let people drive until the are 16 or older, and we don't let them drink until they are 18 or older depending on where you live. Most people accept these rules because we understand that its not harmful for an underage person to not drive or drink and it can and in certain cases probably will be harmful if they do. Sex is the same way.
It should also be noted the laws focus on stopping adults from having sex with people considered underage and when two consenting underage age people have sex the law tends to stay out of it.

Whenever I see an argument like yours I can't help but think you are just angry you can't have sex with adolescents. That's probably because I've lost faith in society after my former best friend from way back in highschool, got his 14 year old cousin drunk and took advantage of her and later tried to justify it by saying "its just sex whats the big deal?" He's in jail now for production of cp cause he filmed it. Fuck him.

>> No.3235169

Very bad.
If they became legal or common place pedophiles would all quickly rush to become teachers

>> No.3235197

>people arent mature till they get experience
>you aren't mature enough to do this
>cant get experience
>wont get mature
>cant get experience
>wont get mature
>cant get experience
>wont get mature >cant get experience
>wont get mature >cant get experience
>wont get mature >cant get experience
>wont get mature >cant get experience
>wont get mature >cant get experience
>wont get mature >cant get experience
>wont get mature >cant get experience
>wont get mature >cant get experience
>wont get mature

>> No.3235215

>and when two consenting underage age people have sex the law tends to stay out of it.

No it doesn't.
People who are underage but can argued to be close enough to the age often get shit in their face.

>> No.3235217

If each person is able to reproduce, and would like to mutually fornicate, there is no problem.

Teachers will fuck students whether you allow it or not. It is senseless to bitch about the unfairness involved with biased grading (note: fucking a student isn't the only thing that makes grading biased, tons of shit does).

It's really silly to vilify any relationship, especially considering the causality involved with life.

>> No.3235221
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>People who are underage but can argued to be close enough to the age often get shit in their face.
>often get shit in their face.

>> No.3235232


>>People who are underage but can argued to be close enough to the age often get shit in their face.

This is an abortion of the English language.

Let me be more specific. When two 15 year old have consensual sex most of the time the law stays out of it even if it becomes public knowledge. This is from personnel experience though, everyone in my high school was fucking and in fact my senior year 38 of 130 seniors came down with the same strain of gonorrhea. The law didn't get involved. Younger then 14 and its a different story.

>> No.3235237
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>> No.3235245

Does anyone here think its okay for 17 year old to have sex with a 12 year old? I was talking about two people who are the same age.

>> No.3235256

But they both minors, both incapable of proper and mature decisions, age is irrelevant beyond that fact.

Also >can't figure out a sentence with a single word omitted

>> No.3235270

The 17 year old should have known better. Who doesn't know about the 3 year rule? It's taught in sex ed during freshman year of high school.

It was missing a couple words.

Do you have a horse in this race? How old are you?

>> No.3235287

People seem to be confusing logical thinking with maturity. Maturity does take time to achieve, but it has very little to do with brain development and growth. Most people don't ever mature, even past the age of 18. My mother (41), most friends (17-22), and co-workers (30-40) all lack mature qualities such as patience, compromise, and empathy.

Logical thinking, thinking that utilizes experiences and knowledge, is not restricted to ages above 18. It's unreasonable to assume they cannot make a logical decision for themselves. Even though many are so immature their thinking is biased, this doesn't justify applying such assumptions to the whole group.

>> No.3235297

Consensual sex between well informed participants?

Then I don't fucking care. Nor should anyone.

>> No.3235299


>my mom was mad I wasted her money

I wouldn't call that wasted.

I slightly jelly

>> No.3235312

The issue is douche bags taking advantage of adolescents and children not so much adolescents having sex. As I said before when two underage people of about the same age have sex, the law tends to stay out of it. Depending on where you live society might even accept it. They do where I live.

We aren't discriminating against them we are protecting them.

>> No.3235322

There is no such rule, it won't offer anyone any protection to pretend there is.

That said sex ed in the states consists of approximately 50 hours of why you shouldn't have sex before marriage. Which in itself is humorous since there have been adutls who married minors (legally mind you) and then got hit with stat rape for having sex with their wife/husband.

And why would you assume I have a stake in this race? I'm a forever alone virgin, I couldn't personally give two shits past arguing the point.

>> No.3235325
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>> No.3235335
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I don't know about America, but in some jurisdiction is illegal that even if in the age of consent (anyway below 18) one of the two partners is his/her teacher or any role that could involve concussion.

for ex. in Italy the age of consent is 14, but if you are the teacher of that person this becomes invalid until she/he turns 18.

>> No.3235339

My state has a 3 year rule for grand jury. They only press charges when there are two underage "consenting" people if one is more then 3 years older then the other. Sex ed is taught pretty well in my state and they actually handed out condoms to those who wanted them at my HS.

>> No.3235368


>> No.3235370


this is probably not the best thread for your loli reactionimages.

>> No.3235376

Oh look it's EK here again menstruating on everyone.

I don't care if the kid is 15 and the teacher is 50. As long as it's consensual; Have fun.

>> No.3235377
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>she's 14
>me writing from Italy

indeed it is, mister

>> No.3237074


i'm bumping this thread to inform you that you royaly missed the fucking point.

the point is there are plenty of people who aren't either mentally or physically as mature as other people of a different age. and depending on what age they are in relation to an arbitrary boundary it is either ok or not ok for them to engage in a certain behaviour. the fact that it's sex is irrelevant with regard to my argument.

the age limit is completely arbitrary which is why it varies so much around the world. it's easy to see that there is nothing even close to universal agreement as to when it becomes acceptable to engage in this behaviour.

i'm not talking about dickheads taking advantage of kids, i'm talking about adults who are less prepared than a lot of younger people for having sex. but it's still ok for them to do it. so the arguments about physical & mental maturity are nonsense, because we don't test people for physical or mental maturity and then either allow or disallow them to have sex.

and finally i made the point that we know it's bullshit but we know it's the rules so you just have to accept it because it's really the only system that can work, no matter how arbitrary it may be. i don't know where you got the idea that i want to take advantage of kids you sick fuck.

>> No.3237082

>as mature as other people of a different age.


>> No.3237094


samefag. thinking about it, perhaps me saying the rules are bullshit seems like me saying "these rules are bullshit why do i have to follow them?", but i am actually saying "these rules are bullshit because it's a flawed and arbitrary system and i would prefer a more logically implemented system to achieve the same goal but that isn't particularly feasible".