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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3234284 No.3234284 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3234288
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>> No.3234312
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>Cain supports lowering the corporate tax rates from 35 to 25 percent
>Cain is pro-life and opposes abortion.
>Cain is against legalizing same-sex marriage.
>Cain favors repealing the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).
>Cain stated that he would not appoint any Muslim within his cabinet, on the grounds that they may support Sharia law.

>> No.3234314
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Over 1 million people on Facebook don't know the order of operations.

>> No.3234317

>against socialized medicine

I'm fucking voting for him.

>> No.3234323

>Cain stated that he would not appoint any Muslim within his cabinet
this guy has enough foresight to see what US would become if were to be run by Muslims

>> No.3234322


>>Cain supports lowering the corporate tax rates from 35 to 25 percent

I'd lower it to zero, you realize that corporations are the reason we have jobs right?

>> No.3234327

>Cain is a nigger

Really, do we need any other reason?

>> No.3234329

It's been proven that people are better off when there's socialized health care.
Just look at many countries in Europe, including Sweden and Finland, which are considered the happiest country and the best overall country respectively.

>> No.3234332

Can science explain why Americans are so retarded?

>> No.3234334

>>Cain is against legalizing same-sex marriage.
I'm not gay or anything, but I don't see why wouldn't you want to legalize it unless you were a close-minded christard who cherry picks the laws in the bible.

>> No.3234335


They have a better educated and employed nation, not to mention fewer citizens than many of our states. 300 million citizens and counting, while I think that we will go there one day, today is not the correct day.

>> No.3234341


>> No.3234344

Corporations make enormous amounts of money, why should they get tax breaks? Taking 35% of their income doesn't make as much of a difference when their income is huge, and if the money is cut there, then it'll have to be taken from another source, most likely a source that has less money available to them.

And no, I am not employed by a corporation.

>> No.3234347

let's increase the tax for corporations to 75%.
>yfw quality of life significantly improved

>> No.3234352

bumping for politics

>> No.3234365


Who hires workers? Who produces our goods? Who do we want to keep in America? Corporations. What do you think they do with all of the billions that they make? They spend it on research, expansion, and their employees. Also, taxing a corporation 35% won't make a difference to them? You're right in one respect, it won't make a difference to them because they would only have to deal with it until operations in Taiwan or India are ready.


Until all the corporations leave, then we're a fucking agrarian society again.

>> No.3234368
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...is this for real?

>> No.3234372

>drop corporate tax down to 25%
>Lose millions of tax dollars and GDP drops significantly
>Your country becomes more in debt

>> No.3234373

The answer is 4, not 14. not 0. 4.
Learn to read.

>> No.3234376


Countries go into debt by spending too much, not collecting too little.

>> No.3234387

It's both, you retard.
America's Economy was amazing 50 years ago, but then Reagan became president and got a new head of the Treasury, next year Tax Rates dropped for people earning millions (was very high the more you earned) and Americas Economy began to decay

>> No.3234386

Belts hold up pants.
Yet Pants hold up belts.

>> No.3234384
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best be trolling nigger

>> No.3234382


>Gary Johnson 0%
Man I wish this guy was more well known. As governor of New Mexico, he lowered taxes sixteen times, didn't raise them once, and balanced the budget by vetoing everything that had a bad cost-to-benefit ratio.

Not to mention he fucking climbed mount everest, a shit ton of the world's other highest peaks, and ran 5 triathlons.


>> No.3234383

Addition and subtraction are on the same level of priority, so you just do them from left to right in the equation.

>> No.3234394


The two are inseparable. Deficit = spending more than you collect. If you collect zero, you have to spend zero. Cutting revenue simply undoes whatever the cuts gained you.

>> No.3234395

You realise that the government is the reason you have fucking roads right?

>> No.3234397

Roads are for the poor.

Helipads are enough for me.

Fuck roads.

>> No.3234399


I heard about him on NPR last week, sounds pretty badass to be honest, a definite possibility if I decide to participate in the GOP primaries.

>> No.3234403


>> No.3234401 [DELETED] 

Lol from now one you need to have passed the sixth grade to insult someone's intelligence

>> No.3234405
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>> No.3234411

I'm seeing a bit more along the lines of people not understanding how debt leverage works...but there are some of those people too I guess

>> No.3234412
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>Thinks the big companies are helping america

LMFAO. Stop watching faux, it is making you dumb!

>> No.3234414

While Reagan was wrong, the theory he was operating under was more or less correct. The issue was predicting where the US fell on the Laffer Curve, and Reagan (or rather, his economic advisors) were wrong.

>> No.3234415

Lol idiot

>> No.3234418


It's not both, and I'll stand by that. Balancing a budget involves both, but going into debt only requires you to spend too much.


The two are only inseparable now, only because we've got out of control government spending originating from both sides of the aisle. Our entire government needs to realize that we're in a crisis and we can't do everything we/they want to.

>> No.3234424


once more, /sci/ fails at economics

>> No.3234426

Crazy as it sounds, increased government spending is the standard reaction to a repression.
They pump more money into the economy in order to stimulate it.
It's what they did to fix the Great Depression too.

>> No.3234427


Your post lacks content. Why don't you try that again?

>> No.3234431

This thread was supposed to be about Math.

>> No.3234437

Meh. At least in economics they don't have a little thing called proof which demonstrates that people are necessarily wrong.

>> No.3234440


The reason the great depression actually ended was WW2, not our spending. We got the economy going by ramping up war production, which was a good start. What really got us back in the black, was when the soldiers returned home and joined the labor pool. Seeing as how the rest of the industrialized world just got done blowing the hell out of one another, we were in a really good place.

>> No.3234445

>What really got us back in the black, was when the soldiers returned home and joined the labor pool.
lol wut

increases in the amount of available labor don't end depressions

>> No.3234448


They do when you're producing all the goods for Europe as well as America.

>> No.3234447
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>we're in a crisis

Implying we are in a crisis.

LMFAO. The middle class is being eliminated by the upper class, THAT IS ALL THIS IS FUCKING HAPPENING! America is fucking fine, the super rich keep getting richer. The middle class have fallen on hard times because of the upper-class, NOTHING MORE!

The funny shit is that most of the middle class (lower class) are too fuckin stupid to realize this. They are even voting for republicans, who are taking away the safe guards that protected the middle class from upper class greed. Slowly and surely, there will be no middle class in america, YOU ARE FUCKING YOURSELVES OVER.

>> No.3234457

America imports everything.

>> No.3234459


In 1944?

>> No.3234473
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You speak the truth!

>> No.3234478
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>> No.3234484
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Sad and true.

>> No.3234488

The economy of the US tends to be at its peak during wars.
You know, when all those men are off fighting and the labor force is down.
The most recent war is an exception.

>> No.3234492
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>> No.3234494


never have i seen a worse case of samefagging

>> No.3234496

And a country cannot survive without a middle class.

It was nice living here while you were on top America, too bad most of your population is driving you into the ground with their stupidity. Maybe I'll move to Canada now.

>> No.3234499

never have i seen a worse case of samefagging

>> No.3234500

>mad about the truth

>> No.3234503


please, stop bro

>> No.3234504

>extreme asspain over the posting of the truth, surgery to repair the anus may be necessary

>> No.3234506

Dunno about the others, but>>3234496 was OP.

>> No.3234514

sure is summerfag in here

>> No.3234517

>buttdevestation has now spread to other parts of the body, soon it will be unable to be contained. recommend immediate surgery.

>> No.3234538
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>mfw I don't notice the subtraction sign

>> No.3234547

>The reason the great depression actually ended was WW2

Yes, mostly.

>not our spending.

How the hell do you think war is funded? Bombs don't grow on trees.

>We got the economy going by ramping up war production

We being the government.

I think it's funny that people cite WW2 as a counterexample to the idea that government spending got us out of the Great Depression, because it's really the definitive proof. The economic policies and levels of spending for the US during WW2 were far more extreme than the New Deal. The manufacturing sector was completely revamped to suit war production. There was price controlling, wage setting, and rationing (from beef to rubber). Government bonds were heavily advertised to the public to fund the war effort. Massive amounts of debt were accrued. The US economy was nothing short of state capitalism, and unemployment shrunk to almost nothing. It was a war economy, it was unsustainable over the long term, but it worked. It had nearly unanimous public support.

>> No.3234560

>mathematics question
>everyone starts arguing about cain

never change /sci/

>> No.3234572

Well thanks to Hitler and the Nazis, the great depression ended.

>> No.3234602

There is a lively debate whether government spending got the US out of depression or whether the US got out of depression despite government spending.
You know, by people with lots of booklearning and stuff.

Secondly, even if the war economy was humming and everyone had a job, do you really think that people were better off? They produced tanks when people needed a chair.
The wartime spending was a symbol of great sacrifice for a greater good. But we shouldn't forget the sacrifice part.

>> No.3234604

No stimulus, no lowering of tax can now help America. Its too late now. You guys think that Depressions are only economic in nature? Keynesian stupidity!

America is doomed because its people have lost the age old American work ethics. Their youth are drug addled hippies who don't want to sweat to get their days pay. Such people are dead in all senses except their ability to eat and shit.

>> No.3234612
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i dont even give a fuck. i'll be long dead before the facebook generation have any sort of leadership in this country (let alone any country). hahahahaha

>> No.3234621

Corporate tax bases should be lowered in general but the tax base should be broadened.
By this way lucrative investments are attracted and jobs and tax revenue are generated.

>> No.3234630
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>mfw i'm moving to Germany

>> No.3234634

Willkommen, fellow /scientist

>> No.3234633

You are a fool.

Corporation isn't happy with the tax rate and moves out of the country?

Homegrown corporation willing to pay the taxes appears.

If there is still room for a profit to be made, then the vacuum will be filled. This "taxes drive away corporations" is only half-true bullshit.

>> No.3234636

Who would you tax to widen to widen your tax base, out of curiosity?

>> No.3234640

Corporations on a whole won't move that's right but investment opportunities can be shifted elsewhere.

>> No.3234644


You seem to not get the point I was trying to convey with my post, as shown by the red herrings you're throwing out.

The point is that WW2 is a prime example of government spending and control over the economy, far more so than the New Deal. This is a fact. During this period there was low unemployment and strong economic growth. This is also a fact. It's not a stretch to connect cause and effect, and say that government spending under WW2 ended the Great Depression. Quality of life is irrelevant to this argument.

>> No.3234646

Too many widens in your post.

I was talking about corporate tax.
Marginal investments which are not very profitable react very sensitively to accounting rules (e.g. depreciation schedules).
Profitable investment show little reaction to such accounting rules but are very sensitive to the statutory tax rate.

Hence widening the tax base and lowering tax rates can be very beneficial for a country's economic policy.

>> No.3234650

>come to /sci/
>see butthurt and stupid
>think I am still in /g/
>really in /sci/

back to /g/ I go

>> No.3234652

Vielen Dank, fellow Wissenschaftler!

>> No.3235007
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Hi there Alyssa!

>> No.3235041

>>Cain is pro-life and opposes abortion.
>Cain is against legalizing same-sex marriage.
sounds like a pretty cool guy to me
Well except you know that corporate tax thingy but oh well

>> No.3235229

Stop using the phrase 'let alone' wrongly "... in this country (let alone any country)" makes no sense and should read "... in any country (let alone this country)" If the supercase is not met then the subcase not must be met. The converse is NOT true, I've seen a lot of people doing this on the internet over the last decade and I can officially take it no longer.

To put it in mathematical terms what you are saying is X is a subset of Y, therefore if a is not in X a is not in Y (eg {1} is a subset of the integers, 2 is not in {1} therefore 2 is not an integer.) What you should be saying is {1} is a subset of the integers, 2.5 is not in the integers therefore 2.5 is not in {1}.