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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3234180 No.3234180 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Im stuggling to find information about the god equation theory, I know roughly its the supposed mathmatical formulae proving gods existence, but that seems insubstantial to me.

No i do not want to start a theological debate here, please dont come at me with "lolol gods not real".

Simply put im writing a book, and its been suggested by someone who ive bounced ideas of, that including the god equation into the story would work well.

But to me an equation of god, would be an equation which mathematically stated the nature of god or the forces that govern its existence.

Either way, Im wondering if there is any link or info you guys could give me about the actual theory behind this idea, exactly what the god equation theory is (if it is even defined at all).

help a clueless writer out please :)

>> No.3234188

>Math and Science
>Supernatural deity of any sort
Pick one.

Every attempt at doing something like this has had to use (at minimum) a flawed premise to get anywhere.

>> No.3234192

an equation would be used to define something within natural order, god(s,etc) don't fall under this coverage even if they do exist

>> No.3234194

I understand that, and no I dont believe in god, im a scientist by heart, its just im writing a fiction novel and if this theory could bolster the story a little and make it a little unique then id be a fool not to at least try and research it, wouldnt I?

I dont want the actual equation, thats meaningless to me, I just know this theory exists and Id like to know the specifics of it before deciding to throw around ideas that dont make sense.

>> No.3234202

If you want a general one, you could use the definitions of the God Hypothesis by Dawkins.

>> No.3234212

Doesnt know that god is the greatest scientist and created everything with his infinite wisdom. nothing supernatural about being smarter than you could ever hope to be.

>> No.3234216
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Not even trying.

>> No.3234218

The concept goes like this:

>> X = The probability that the earth, humans, cars, and everything else came into existence by random chance.
>> Y = Probability god exists = 1-X

I'm not going to waste my time explaining the logic fail.

>> No.3234226

Any god equation would use "assumed numbers" like any other equation on anything you cannot gather solid data on, like the drake equation "proving" aliens, the fermi paradox subsequently disproving it, and most of Stephen Hawking's work on anything.

Could you make an equation to prove you, or anyone else, existed?

>> No.3234232

Im sorry guys but this isnt what i thought the god equation theory was at all lmao though.

I honestly thought it was a theory that god could be explained/proved mathematically, or that through a mathematical equation you could find god (the idea that god is somewhere in the universe you just have to find him and the clue is in maths).

Not what im reading, which is perplexing as now i have no idea where this concept came from...

And as for the god equation theory, it seems as petty and retarded as look theres a butterfly therefore god must exist...

Im actually dissapointed this will have no bearing on my work..

I was kind of hoping it would be something like, the whole universe is linked by physical laws, and complex number patterns such as pie, the golden triangle, the perfect spiral etc, where mathematical indicators of the existence of god, or were a part of an equation needed to find/prove god.

I guess this is a waste of your time, very sorry about that.

>> No.3234239

You just have to do what all the other people who use math to prove a deity do, make shit up that sounds right/cool; and stop giving a fuck if it bullocks.

>> No.3234242

There is no good science or math for that matter, in the god equation. It's all silly guess work.

>> No.3234241

The probability of any random thing you think up of being real = 1/infinity

>> No.3234247


like Drake's equation only it's fishing in the dark, there is some sense to Drake's equation

>> No.3234255

aaaand.. reported for illegal content

>> No.3234277

<div class="math">G(x) \iff \forall \varphi [P(\varphi) \to \varphi(x)]</div>

>> No.3234281

not sure what your problem is here, I was asking for something which apparently doesnt exist, (wow that actually is quite a metaphor).

I think for the purposes of my book, im just gona fudge something together along the lines to the idea from the movie pi, as long as i dont make it to rediculous im sure it will be fine.

Its just weird im sure there was some theory of god being mathematically provable, something pretty well known, but apparently google (after a long time and many different parameters) turns up nothing of real note, nothing that jumps out at me as the thing I thought the god equation theory was..

Maybe im just loosing my mind.

>> No.3234291


How simple do I need to say it?

>> No.3234309

oh i don't know maybe it's because you're looking for something religious on a board for actual science, and actual math?

i'll bet your book will be horrible if your powers of reasoning and deduction are this weak.

>> No.3234340

I bet your happy with your life, oh wait thats not right...

Anyway insults aside, we are talking about ACTUAL math here, theists have worked on trying to make math conform with the notion of god, and as such this board covers this topic, if you begin declaring valid discussion on mathematics illegal content simply because you dont like the implication of it, thats your problem, and a narrow minded problem it is.

I state again for your small mind, I do not believe in god, and I do not therefore believe in any validity given to the theory in question.

However discussion of theory is what scientists trumpet right, that your willing to test any subject from a scientific standpoint, if only just to disprove the ignorance of fools.

Its what sets you apart from theists, the willingness to set aside your theorys as theorys, and not idealize your science with spiritual belief.

On another note I find you paticulary dense for a scientist.

>> No.3234349

you are so fucking stupid.

>> No.3234356
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>> No.3234361
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You believe in Santa Clause too?

>> No.3234364
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>> No.3234367

So many people fail at even reading, you actually call yourselves intelligent? Do you even call yourself Scientists?

Anyways glad this unpleasentness is over with, I have what i need to carry on with the book.

Thanks to the people that actually tried to help.

>> No.3234374
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Stupid troll is stupid

>> No.3234375
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Look into Kurt Gödel.

>> No.3234380

We're not too good with fiction.

I recommend you try this thread on /x/, they're much better with that kind of thing.

>> No.3234402
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But his work was.....


>> No.3234419

It's adopted from SETI research

>> No.3234428

I dont know if this is it, am reading with a hope that this is what i vagueley remember from all those years ago.
This is what i kept getting when i first began researching, some actual equation that doesnt seem to state its theory, and is, to be honest baseless as a construct.

Thank you both.

>> No.3234439



>> No.3234453

ITT: angsty teenagers jealous of God's superior knowledge throwing out random ad hominem attacks.

>> No.3234490

That may prove invaluable actually, thank you.

>> No.3234507
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FUCKING summer

>> No.3234523

The concept came from calculating the probability of certain specific conditions existing within our universe that allow matter to form as it did, and various other laws of physicas behaving exactly as they do.
It is a fundamentally flawed equation as we do not know if our universe is unique, the probability has to be recalculated if its not.
And it relies on various other assumptions that are unprovable.

>> No.3234530

OP, why don't you just construct a universe where that is possible? You are writing fiction, make it science-fiction (the god genre).

>> No.3234635

It is allready, I cant go into specifics, but this relies heavily on two influences, bioneuroscience and the idea of god, as well as the duality of man, schizophrenia, the god complex of phycology and more.

The inclusion of this idea that there is an equation which can define or unlock god through pure maths, does actualy fit in quite well to this whole story.

It might be factually accurate, but itll be better than most of what holywood produces.

>> No.3234647

Also, the fact that the god equation is not formally declared as a theorum anywhere means that i have the floor to play with the idea as much as i need to for it to fit the story, which is perfect and exactly why i began this research.

The more technically accurate I can be the better, but where accuracy isnt possible due to the lack of possible comparison, truth writes itself.

Ive gotten pages and pages worth of stuff that can help me along the road to writing this thing, so im just gonna say thanks to the people that helped and get down to the business at hand.