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File: 41 KB, 679x474, 1307322476268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3232217 No.3232217 [Reply] [Original]

The bible makes no mention of how old the Earth or Universe is.

-This means that Dinosaurs to do not have any effect on the bible's credibility.
-This also means that the 'hurr you're christian you believe the universe is 6000 yrs old' scam is useless also.
-This also disproves Evolution. Remember who is responsible for Evolution and why.

Why do Atheists make up lies in order to compete with the greatest book ever written? Where is the rationality in that?

>> No.3232225
File: 274 KB, 380x500, jesus-dinosaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0/10, unoriginal and obvious

>> No.3232233

According to the bible, the world ended someday in May.

>> No.3232235

you're not even trying

>> No.3232254


> This means that Dinosaurs to do not have any effect on the bible's credibility

Why aren't they mentioned?

> This also means that the 'hurr you're christian you believe the universe is 6000 yrs old' scam is useless also.

No it's not, since there are idiots who believe that shit.

> This also disproves Evolution. Remember who is responsible for Evolution and why.

No it doesn't, why would god not let evolution happen? Think of it like god gave the starting conditions and let evolution "decide" how things would develop.

You don't know anything about god or the bible.

>> No.3232267
File: 185 KB, 400x354, laughing Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cultural marxists social engineers hate traditional values,god,patriotism and morality.


>> No.3232278

Where in the bible does it say that?
I need a source from the bible chap.

Oh wait, you can't

>> No.3232296

The 6,000 year old claim came from Christian scholars, not atheists.

The Genesis account specifies that the Earth was created in six days. And although the word for day could also be translated to "period of time", we know they meant a literal day because:

"1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 ¶ And God said, Let there be light: 2 Cor. 4.6 and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

See that? They first define what a day is, and that its counterpart is night. Then they explain that the evening and morning concluded the first day.

"Periods of time" do not have a single evening and morning, nor is is coherent to define it as the opposite of night. The authors of Genesis meant six literal days, and they were wrong.

This is all secondary to the fact that the Genesis account has the Earth existing before light, light before the sun, the sun before other stars, birds before land animals and so on. Even if it's intended as a metaphorical illustration, the order is still wrong. That shouldn't happen if it was divinely revealed.

Atheists: 9999
Christians -9999

>> No.3232299

>This also means that the 'hurr you're christian you believe the universe is 6000 yrs old' scam is useless also.
Yeah but nobody says that except for the small portion of Christians who actually are stupid enough to believe that the Earth is 6000 years old.

>This also disproves Evolution.
Oh, right, you're just a troll. Carry on then.

>> No.3232305


>Why aren't they mentioned?
Same reason why Asians aren't in the bible

>No it's not, since there are idiots who believe that shit.
You're missing the point. It doesn't matter what people believe. The bible makes no mention of it. The bible is the ultimate authority.

>No it doesn't, why would god not let evolution happen? Think of it like god gave the starting conditions and let evolution "decide" how things would develop.
Microevolution has evidence. Many atheists and evolutionists believe Macroevolution like it's fact when it's far from it. Microevolution doesn't disprove anything only strengthens.

>You don't know anything about god or the bible.
Why don't you read it chap.

>> No.3232314


>>Why don't you read it chap.

I have. Now it's your turn: >>3232296

The Bible is disproven within the first few paragraphs.

>> No.3232316

biblical literalism requires the young earth hypothesis. That is proved wrong with the evidence of dinosaurs.

dinosaurs arent mentioned in the bible because it was written by man alone (nothing to do with god) and men didnt know of dinosaurs at that point.

None of this " disproves Evolution". even if there was found to be a god , evolution is still true. it would be modified to acknowledge that it was sparked by a god.

>> No.3232317


>2nd Peter 3:8
8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

Christian Scholars interpret many things.
The bible needs no interpretation.

2nd your argument didn't prove anything with regards to the earth being 6000 years old. Is that really all you've got?

>> No.3232321

Faggots posting in a faggot thread for faggots.

>> No.3232322

>Yeah but nobody says that except for the small portion of Christians who actually are stupid enough to believe that the Earth is 6000 years old.
Yet Atheists mention it all the time. Who is stupider then?

>Oh, right, you're just a troll. Carry on then.
Butthurt? Truth does that.

>> No.3232329

ITT: angry christfag raging about how rational people don't share his homosexual love for an undead male jew.

>> No.3232332


if you count the number of generations, you'll get to 6000 years approx.


>> No.3232334

>biblical literalism requires the young earth hypothesis. That is proved wrong with the evidence of dinosaurs.
In order for it to be proved wrong you would have to know the bible's position on how old the earth is.

>dinosaurs arent mentioned in the bible because it was written by man alone (nothing to do with god) and men didnt know of dinosaurs at that point.
The bible makes no mention of Asians. Guess that's another flaw xD
Your argument is riddled with holes.

>None of this " disproves Evolution". even if there was found to be a god , evolution is still true. it would be modified to acknowledge that it was sparked by a god.
Evolution is not true. It's the closest thing you can grasp to truth because there is nothing else. There are hundreds of flaws when it comes to the theory of Evolution. But when that's all you have, the best thing to do is ignore it right?

>> No.3232337

That doesn't prove how old the universe is.
Are you actually being serious right now?

>> No.3232341

>There are hundreds of flaws when it comes to the theory of Evolution

Oh boy, this will be good.

>> No.3232352


>>8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day

Six days times a thousand years equals 6,000 years. Still the wrong figure.

>>2nd your argument didn't prove anything with regards to the earth being 6000 years old. Is that really all you've got?

I didn't contest that portion of your argument. However, you have addressed only two portions of mine. Have you no answers for the rest?

>> No.3232355

>Implying this is not troll thread made by a atheist Sage.gif&jpg

>> No.3232373


>> No.3232377
File: 13 KB, 250x310, MitsubishiKaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest book ever written?
Unless it was written by Mitsubishi Kaku, it's not the greatest book ever written.

Pic related, it's Mitsubishi.

>> No.3232384
File: 24 KB, 399x600, Zombie Survival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

This is the greatest book ever written.

Deal with it.

>> No.3232391

You seem to think God is bound to our rules. The quote I posted earlier isn't literal. So it could be a substantial amount of time in our eyes.

All your doing is misinterpreting the bible. You need to read all of it before making such claims based on nothing

>> No.3232400
File: 1.40 MB, 3287x1432, bible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read all of it.

Contradictions everywhere. All you can possibly have is multiple interpretations.

>> No.3232412

>Microevolution has evidence. Many atheists and evolutionists believe Macroevolution like it's fact when it's far from it. Microevolution doesn't disprove anything only strengthens.

The difference between micro- and macroevolution is arbitrary. There is little doubt that, assuming there is no great conspiracy and all of the relevant evidence actually exists/existed, evolutionary theory is supported more strongly than Creationism by the empirical evidence we have.

I am Christian, btw, and I do interpret Genesis literally... I don't think a few theists of slightly-above-average intelligence but of very little professional experience should be attempting to claim that they know whether or not any complex scientific theory is true.

A simple answer lies in philosophy anyway, and with doubt always existing... the theory you believe does not logically have to be the theory that appears, upon first sight, to be supported by more intelligence.

Troll OP or not, this entire thread is worthless.

>> No.3232429

gotquestions.org has answered all of those.
that's smalltime.

As I said, you can't read half of a book and claim it has contradictions. That isn't rational at all

>> No.3232432


>Troll OP or not, this entire thread is worthless.
Hardly, It's a shame you feel that way

>> No.3232437

Stephen, are you on /sci/ again?

Don't you know you'll get brain tumors!

>> No.3232452

>Taking genesis seriously word for word.

>Not understanding that its ancient poetry and wasn't even meant to mean anything except metaphors for people

>Atheists still always use it literally and to defend their own worthless views

>> No.3232456
File: 85 KB, 757x737, informational1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy! a religion thread!

>> No.3232460
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You know, herding two of every single animal ever into a wooden boat and then sustaining the lives of all of them for 40 days devoid of outside resources would be a logistical nightmare.

>> No.3232468
File: 536 KB, 440x440, 1292024363620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picking and choosing

Why believe any of the bible if you'll only take some of it seriously? Why can't Jesus's escapades be "metaphorical?"

>> No.3232469

>if evolution is true, no adam and eve
That's a giant bullshit leap you got there, Tim.

Relaize that the first humans don't have to be born WITH all the animals. You do know as long as they were FIRST, it's all that matters.

Actually, the oldest known record of agriculture is *figs* in the area by *Tigris and Euphrates* rivers, so *get the clues*?

>> No.3232472

The entire bible is probably metaphorical

I still believe in god though.

Jesus too. If he really was who he said he was...

>> No.3232475

do the math (if you can), the arc had enough room for almost double the amount of animals that were actually in the ark.

>> No.3232476

>logistical nightmare

>> No.3232478

>one specific situation sets the rules for the other
If actions speak louder than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword?

>> No.3232479

All that proves is that we don't know where original sin comes from or what it is because the analogy used to explain it was insufficient.

Just because we don't know what it is, where it comes from or if it even exists, doesn't mean it's wrong to believe in it..... oh wait, yes it does. Because that would be fucking stupid.

>> No.3232484

Sea animals, invertebrates, germs, insects, and creatures that can survive the weather were also released.

That leaves, what, 30% of life?

>> No.3232488

Christians today don't follow the Law of Moses. Jesus has a new set of rules for us persay.

>> No.3232493
File: 85 KB, 1000x522, MNnqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not the point. if theres no adam and eve there is no original sin, which is the whole point of christianity and why we apparently need zombie jesus to 'save' us. lol.

fucking noahs ark...
i wonder what all teh carnivores ate for those 40 days and 40 nights... cant be eating any animals, we only have 2 of every species and we need to keep them alive for breeding and stuff...

>> No.3232494

>If actions speak louder than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword?

I dont know what that means.

>> No.3232496

Either people are samefagging like the Nipple of the North or /sci/ has finally grown some brain cells.

10/10 I have faith in humanity again

>> No.3232497

Implying the universe isnt 6000 years from gods eyes and he just gave it a past. We do it all the time. Its called omnipotence. NOT THAT HARD A CONCEPT.

>> No.3232499

Jesus clearly states when he's talking in parables.

>> No.3232502

Why don't you ask them, sweetie?

>> No.3232503


It doesn't matter if Gensis was metaphorical. The order is wrong. Getting the order wrong doesn't communicate anything metaphorically. It makes sense only if those who wrote it were just guessing and had no more knowledge than was available at the time.

>> No.3232508

>Sea animals, invertebrates, germs, insects, and creatures that can survive the weather were also released.


>> No.3232509


Still not enough years, and you're multiplying by a thousand years unjustifiably. No matter how you contort the math, Harold Camping style, you can't make it work. The Bible is wrong, period.

>> No.3232511

Clearly, your lack of intellect was a crucial factor for your persistence with belief in God.

>> No.3232512

I can tell you right now that genesis was metaphorical.

They say that the first humans lived for like 500 years. Even back then, they knew that was impossible.

>> No.3232521

You know he was an atheistfag AND an idortfag?

>THE MORE YOU KNOW.gif.tiff.avi.png

>> No.3232523

>he thinks God couldn't make Noah's Ark possible

>> No.3232526

here's a task. Not a trick, honest.

briefly describe what original sin is and explain why I should believe the 'fall of man' from Christian theology?

>> No.3232527

Hurr, but then the great flood came and tarnished all of the Earth, stunting the lives of all humans through their comparably malnourished crops, durr.

>> No.3232529

Do you even know what original sin is?
We don't sin because original sin exists. We sin because we choose to. Get it right or don't speak on the topic

>> No.3232530


>>I can tell you right now that genesis was metaphorical.

It doesn't matter. The order it gives is still wrong. If it was explaining how the universe and life came to be in the form of a parable it would at least get the order right. Nothing is metaphorically explained by getting it wrong. It makes sense only if the authors were guessing and not actually divinely informed.

Earth existing before light, light before the sun, sun before other stars, birds before land animals, etc.

And the fact that it specifies certain parts of the creation process happening on the morning or evening of specific days makes it clear they meant six literal days.

Every culture had a creation myth back then. They weren't metaphors for valid scientific understanding because we didn't know any of that back then. We really were that ignorant. But nobody makes excuses for the other creation myths, only the Christian one. Wonder why.

>> No.3232535

Im not saying that it wasnt a myth.

I still believe in god.
I still think its possible that jesus was really who he said he was.

I haven't even read the bible.

>> No.3232534

>I'm listening to these redundant comments while listening to a Nickelback CD while on pot in a noisy room with the A/C blasted on max and my hair gelled and drinking a coke, all while believing in God and not giving a shit about who says what


>> No.3232537


>>We don't sin because original sin exists. We sin because we choose to. Get it right or don't speak on the topic

That's not what he was saying. You misunderstood. Original sin was the result of the "fall from grace", aka Adam and Eve's ejection from the garden. It's when death came into the world, and it's the specific transgression that causes us to be *born* in sin that we inherited, which needs to be atoned for with Christ's blood.

If that never happened, there's no original sin and we didn't need Christ to die for us.

Six years of theological education. I know my shit. Don't dismiss all of this on the presumption that being an expert in invisible linens means others who aren't are unfit to declare the emperor naked.

>> No.3232538

No, seriously, please tell me why I should believe 'the fall of man' happened.

Of course it requires circular logic as you need to accept existence of god to follow it and you're evidence for god is the fall.

>> No.3232539

>all while believing in God and not giving a shit about who says what


>> No.3232540


>implying jesus died for original sin only
>implying an omnipotent being is unable to do something

>> No.3232543
File: 3 KB, 223x176, 1296970950168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still think its possible that jesus was really who he said he was.

>I haven't even read the bible.

2/10, you almost got an actual reply out of me.

>> No.3232546

>I read that comment all while not giving a shit bout my intended meaning with A/C now blasting on medium and my hair gelled in a quieter room with my cat meowing and my gf bitching and my Nickelback CD ending and holy shit I just turned into a Venetian door


>> No.3232547

so you're going to amend Christian doctrine on your own then just to make it easier to advocate belief and so you don't need to accept that you're ever wrong?

>> No.3232552

Whats wrong with that?

>> No.3232556

>Mom, why should i believe people die when killed.
>Ive never seen a dead body.
>Nobody around me has died.
>I demand to see someone die now if you dont want me to go play in traffic
Says the angsty 4 year atheist.

>> No.3232569


>implying all Christians believe the same

It is my humble opinion that the majority of Christians interpret the Bible in the way which best fits the beliefs that they already hold. People should be interpreting the Bible according to whatever it seems most likely the original authors intended, and then altering their beliefs accordingly - not vice versa. Belief should result from interpretation; not interpretationg from belief.

Is original sin actually specifically mentioned in the Bible? Also, let's assume that Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, most of Paul's letters etc. are the theological discourse of believer's at the time of said books' writing, and not divinely inspired "law".

>> No.3232579

>Using Harold Camping to discredit the Bible

How old are you 12?

>> No.3232586

the beliefs they held are based on previous interpretations of the bible. It's better said that secular society tends to mold the interpretation of the bible.

>> No.3232592
File: 7 KB, 125x125, 1122334456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical atheist face when

>> No.3232596

If you're going to do that then you don't belong to a religion. if everyone did that, there wouldn't be religions. You'd just have gatherings of vaguely likeminded people. Gatherings of vaguely likeminded people are not a religion.

Nice idea you have there, 'original sin is problematic so I'll ignore and still assert that I'm a christian even though I'm ignoring the fundamental base for christianity. '

>> No.3232604

>Implying that every person doesn't do that.

>> No.3232606


Why is it so hard to distinguish literal from metaphorical?

Use your brain guys obviously no one could live to be 500 years old. Even the roman period used different times for their days and months on their calendars.

>> No.3232612

Congratulations, You're a secularist/humanist and for intents and purposes and atheist since you acknowledged the basis for your belief in god is nonsense. . if out of some nostalgia or cherished social networks, you still insist you believe in god, i've got a whole host of arguments explaining why they are bullshit too. You want to know more?

>> No.3232619


> atheists don't believe you can die when you are killed

Are you implying that dying is a religious action? What in the world are you on about? Of course we die when killed, we just don't go to some "dream world" where everything is better than life is now.

> be good and go to heaven and live happy forever and ever
> Also, this stops mass suicide too, wouldn't want you all killing yourselves so you can just live happier lives now would we?


>> No.3232621


people who dont know the purpose of religion.

no 2 Christians have the exact same opinions...

>> No.3232629
File: 147 KB, 800x700, trollorgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fuck's sake, /sci/.

>> No.3232637

Yes, the point is this is just another internal contradiction in the religious machine.

>> No.3232639
File: 84 KB, 700x427, blastyoureyes gentlemen dinosaurs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bible makes no mention of how old the Earth or Universe is.

>-This means that Dinosaurs to do not have any effect on the bible's credibility.
uh... huh.

>-This also means that the 'hurr you're christian you believe the universe is 6000 yrs old' scam is useless also.
no, because some fucking asshats take a metaphorical work literally

>-This also disproves Evolution.
WHAT. if anything it does the opposite... evolution is just what 'god' used to make us.

i'd call you a bad troll, but you got me to respond... and just now, the page refreshed with 4 more replies.

>> No.3232641

Have you read the bible. I dont think you have. Its intentionally written ambiguously so that you can interpret it differently. Metaphorically and literally. Its to adjust to the current level of thinking you have in relationship to challenges you face.

>> No.3232643


Well what are religions then? Obviously they don't think exactly the same about all doctrine, so at what stage of belief similarity does a group of like-minded people become a religion?

The precise nature of the "fundamental base of Christianity" is itself subjective. Some argue that it is belief in Christ; some that is belief that Christ is actually God in some sense; some that it is the idea that all people are necessarily sinful and fall short of God's glory... Take it back a step though - surely the fundamental base of Christianity is belief of the truth in scripture? All other claims to this "fundamental base" we have created are necessarily reliant upon scripture.

>> No.3232649

because atheists have an opinion ranging from cancerous to intellectual.
christians have opinions sourced through the bible.

>> No.3232650


You're going to rot in hell..

>> No.3232652


>>Use your brain guys obviously no one could live to be 500 years old.

You say this means the Bible is purely metaphor. I say it means the Bible is largely mythical, and that ancient man was more prone to believing stuff like that.

>> No.3232647

>And the fact that it specifies certain parts of the creation process happening on the morning or evening of specific days makes it clear they meant six literal days.

No it doesn't. You're interpreting out of your a#$

>> No.3232655
File: 9 KB, 125x125, 1122334455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesnt understand analogies.
Typical atheist logic

>> No.3232658
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>80 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view

>> No.3232659


>you acknowledged the basis for your belief in god is nonsense

>mfw I didn't mention the basis for my belief

I have read the Bible.

>> No.3232670

Sure is butthurt teenage atheist in here.

Don't you guys have to go fap to some Richard Hawkin videos right now or something?

>> No.3232671

Atheism - Believing what they want to believe is true.
Christianity - Believing what someone else wanted to believe was true.

See the difference here? Independent thought.

Atheists - Capable of thinking for themselves and defending their right of mind.
Christians - Capable of only thinking for someone else and not having the evidence to defend themselves.

>> No.3232679

Doesnt know that the belief in god is the more philosophically sound argument and that its why more believe follow it.
Someone told me 2+2=4. Doesnt change the fact that its right.

>> No.3232681

the thing that marks religion out as distinct from other forms of collectivity is illusory. it's nice and comforting but it doesn't do anything that can't be obtained or accepted elsewhere. Any nontheist can read the bible and decide the good samaritan was story and vow to model his life around it. if religion was just people sitting around reading old books, deciding what we can learn from them and whether they conform with our best understanding of reality and common sense then I'd be Okay with it. But it's not just that. it's also people persisting with opinions that defy rational thought and refuse to acknowledge new understandings.

I wish biblical scripture was as easily amended as a national constitution.

>> No.3232683

>>3232671 and associates - posting largely inaccurate and stereotypical statements
Intelligent Individuals - being intelligent

>> No.3232686

>Atheists - Capable of thinking for themselves


Atheists are the SINGLE laziest and non-thinking view. They get put on this earth and because the earth is right in front of them they believe everything it throws at them. They take the absolute laziest route.

"I cant think on my own so im just gonna believe in these rocks because thats easy"

>> No.3232687
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>butthurt teenager
>mfw everytime a discussion like this happens, theists only response is this

>> No.3232692

oh lordy, troll harder, build more straw men please.

Atheist = skeptic. Thats all.

>> No.3232695
File: 32 KB, 405x412, 1307721919122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you can't read

>> No.3232701

This thread
>implying an atheist opinion on religion has worth.

>> No.3232702

>belief in god is the more philosophically sound argument

I lol'd. Please go on...

>> No.3232703

>Atheist = skeptic

Ya, no.
More like lazy neckbeard.

You sit in your room and you wait for scientists to figure stuff out. Then you automatically believe whatever it is because its right in front of you. The absolute laziest route. Try thinking past the universe for once. You are to stupid to process that far. You just want the scientists to do it all.

>> No.3232700
File: 206 KB, 602x572, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.3232705

I'm atheist, but do you know what? I honestly couldn't give a crap about religion in general. Do whatever the fuck you want, I just couldn't care less.

If I die and "meet my maker" and become condemned for my sins for all eternity, then fair play to you. But the real matter at hand here is that you care about this.

I like to eat meats, my sister is a vegetarian. I don't hate her for it, I don't "force" the food I like to eat upon her. I let her live as she wants, why? Because as a human being, she has the right to do what she's allowed to do by law. Being a vegetarian is not a crime.

Not following a religion is not a crime, therefore does not come remotely close to the large list of shit I care about.

Oh and atheists just like to troll other religions, all'day, erry'day, don't feed us.

>> No.3232706

cogito ergo sum

>> No.3232707

Im lazy.

Thats all I heard from your post.

>> No.3232711

>I'm a middle-class male with internet access and a redundant belief boohoo I'm so oppressed

>> No.3232717

>>mfw I didn't mention the basis for my belief

The original sin thing is but one, of course and this thread has rendered that whole business quite redundant.

I'm fine with you having a belief in god by the way. I just think theists should know it if ever it influences their decision making judgements or whatever, chances are I'm going to have to dispute that. So yeah belief in god is comfort. I knew it myself. But ultimately I found it unnecessary.

>> No.3232719

>implying atheists go to heaven

>> No.3232722

>Then you automatically believe whatever it is because its right in front of you

Nope. Wrong again xD

Ahem, I mean, go on *seriousface*

>> No.3232726

>104 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.3232732


What has religion taught us other than war, death, suffering, pain and sorrow?

I'm sorry, but try harder.

> religion created the internet.
> religion saves people from dying.
> religion creates technology that we all use today to help us do things at an easier rate.
> i don't like science.
> science is bad.

>> No.3232736

Well done, you proved you exist. belief in the self is now acceptable (but we already knew that)

Now do the same for God. (note: you can't)

>> No.3232730

>nothing is more valuable, precious, and reasonable than YOUR OWN beliefs and opinions
copy this quote, sticky it, I don't care what the fuck happens.


>> No.3232738

This is what you have convinced yourself.

You believe everything that is on wikipedia.

Yes you do.

Thats all an atheist is.

Wait for wikipedia to update.

>> No.3232740

>>nothing is more valuable, precious, and reasonable than YOUR OWN beliefs and opinions

what if they are incorrect?

>> No.3232741


>1 Corinthians 6:12
I am free to do all things; but not all things are wise. I am free to do all things; but I will not let myself come under the power of any.

Just because you can kill someone doesn't mean you should.
Just because you can smoke weed doesn't mean you should.
And so on and so forth

>> No.3232745

Ah now your trolling just getting lazy.

it's my fault. I should have insisted on an encore.

>> No.3232747

>What has religion taught us other than war, death, suffering, pain and sorrow?


Someone show this man the genocide statistics for atheists vs christians.

>> No.3232750
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> lazy because he can't be bothered listening to people crying about how their religion is right and everyone else is wrong.

>lazy because he wants to get on with life without problems and just enjoy everything.

> lazy because he doesn't worry about what will happen to him when he dies.

> lazy because he's carefree about death.

> mfw

>> No.3232754

So what? Live life. Make an impact. Just be happy. Whether a dubious atheist or humble Christian or indecisive idort Agnostic;


>> No.3232759

“In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion in the prosperous democracies.

the US was the world’s only prosperous democracy where murder rates were still high, the least devout nations are the least dysfunctional. rates of gonorrhoea in adolescents in the US were up to 300 times higher than in less devout democratic countries. The US also suffered from “ uniquely high” adolescent and adult syphilis infection rates, and adolescent abortion rates, the study suggested.

>> No.3232760

>1 Corinthians 6:12
>missing out speech marks to change the fundamental nature of a quotation

>> No.3232764

>lazy because he can't be bothered listening to people crying about how their religion is right and everyone else is wrong.

But thats what atheists do.

You fucking retard.

>> No.3232768

As I said before, you having a belief is fine, even one that is incorrect. but if it starts to influence your decision making, don't be annoyed or surprised when I call you out on it.

>> No.3232769

You thinking is far too limited.
I proved i exist (to myself). Now prove something else.
Push it a little further and you have god.

>> No.3232772


I should have read no further.

>> No.3232778

troll the board
don't troll the board baby
troll the board
don't make the board /stormfront/!

>> No.3232785

Just a reminder: Everyone in this thread is an atheist, some are just playing devil's advocate or trolling.

Carry on.

>> No.3232786
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love you!
youtubing that song now.

>> No.3232787


I know them, you moron. I simply stated that religion has done NOTHING right for man kind. Science has.

Religion is not abused, it is enforced.
Science is abused, thus being manipulated by us.

Religion is an enforced "belief" that brings no good to the person who believes it, until they die..
Sorry, but that's just stupid.

Science is manipulated by those who do and don't believe. Before you get me wrong here, I mean those who believe in religion and those who don't. The believers and the sceptics.

Science can be good. In both hands.
Science can be bad, when mixed with religion. Which is a great explanation of how this thread came to be. Religion on a Science board, oh wow!

>> No.3232784

>> lazy because he doesn't worry about what will happen to him when he dies.

Were you worried about anything that happened before you were born?

I'm an atheist and Death does scare me (more like dying scares me) its what pushes me to appreciate what I have just now.

>> No.3232793


That include the genocide in the bible ?

>> No.3232794

Nope, that way only proves that your belief in god exists, not that god exists.

>> No.3232797

>Everyone in this thread is an atheist

Im telling you right now that im not.

I dont know if you are trying to convert people by saying that or whats the deal why people say that, but fuck off.

>> No.3232799

How are you sure? Aren't you a little too idort to read minds?

>> No.3232803

>Being afraid of death.
GTFO. I should have expected no less from an atheist.

>> No.3232804

Jesus Christ is God just like God is. Just like the Holy Spirit.

A river is comprised of water.
An ocean is comprised of water.
A lake is comprised of water.

Therefore they are all water.
Conclusion: The Trinity(Father,Son Holy Spirit) = God.

>> No.3232806

You're thinking is far too inclusive. Everything exists because I can think about it. hurr. babys first philosphy

>> No.3232809

This is 4chan, can't fool me guys.

>> No.3232810


But you're not god.. You can't prove that my sister exists.. Why? Because she doesn't.. How do you know though? You can't see her, you never will.. Just like this god you speak of.. You can see yourself, you know you exist..

You can't see god, you don't know he exists..

Quantum physics up in this bitch, back to /sci/!

>> No.3232812

Philosophically sound. Which is exactly my point.

>> No.3232813

No, you misunderstood 'cogito ergo sum '

>> No.3232820

>you believe in god so tinydick idort haha

>> No.3232819

>137 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Fucking sage.

>> No.3232823

>implying fear of dying makes atheism invalid

>> No.3232824


You're scared of death because it's the end of the life you have and you won't be around any longer to see the people you want to see, to do the things you like to do.. Not because you're going to perish in a make-believe fire pit, to be forever tormented by mythological beings..

>> No.3232825

>just because im on 4chan doesnt mean im an atheist
Yes it does.

>> No.3232826

No, its that philosophy which led to solipsism. Which is exactly what you depicted. Solipsism is philosophically irrefutable.

>> No.3232829

I know. I wasn't agreeing with any theists.

>> No.3232838

you think because im not an atheist that I have to be some innocent pure faggot or something


im exactly like you guys except im not ignorant

>> No.3232842

If someone said that in their opinion that 18/3 = 9, then their opinion would be wrong.

Fuck post-modernism, it only works for art.

>> No.3232845

you're not ignorant, you're just incapable of skeptical inquiry if you believe in god

>> No.3232850

>18/3 = 9
That IS correct in Base 12 or some shit, I think.

Speaking of which, does existence =/= morality?

>> No.3232852

okay. The point remains: none of this proves existence of god.

>> No.3232857

Solipsism is self.contradicting.

>> No.3232862

>you're just incapable of skeptical inquiry

Im actually the most skeptical person ive ever met.

I believe in god.

Now im not a skeptic?

Actually I am.

I dont know what form god takes. or if he even exists but i still believe in him.

Why wouldnt I believe in him?
Unless I was an angsty teenager.

I dont care about logic...
Im only going to be using that shit for like 70 years.

>> No.3232863

I could be skeptical to the point where i believe that im in the matrix. Deja vu. The system is flawed. Your just incapable of skeptical inquiry if you believe otherwise

>> No.3232864

>nothing is more valuable, precious, and reasonable than YOUR OWN beliefs and opinions

valuable, precious? maybe. but reasonable? No.

>> No.3232860

The analpain here is delicious.

>> No.3232861

No, the fact that you're using a computer makes you an atheist.

>> No.3232867
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>> No.3232868
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>> No.3232869

I would say he's perfectly capable of it, he just keeps his own supersitions in a blind spot away from his skeptical point of view.

In my personal experiences, most religious people I know are perfectly capable of critically analyzing the beliefs of others and able to point out all the logical fallacies and contradictions of all religions other than their own.

>> No.3232872

Yes, this guy >>3232826 got butt-destroyed.

>> No.3232874

The point wasnt that god exist. Its that its a more philosophically sound argument.
In what manner do you find it self contradicting. And dont say its circular because thats just a way of saying you cant defeat it.

>> No.3232875


Mao: 100,000,000+ killed
Stalin: 20,000,000+ killed
Pol Pot: 2,000,000 killed
Ho Chi Minh: 1,000,000 killed
Castro, Che, Ortega, etc: 1,000,000 killed

The Spanish Inquisition: <4,000 killed in 400 years.
The Salem Witch Trials: 20 people killed

>> No.3232876

that system of belief has no implications for anything. So belief if you want.

>> No.3232878

Got bad news for you son, you're actually an atheist.

>> No.3232879

>I am the most skeptical person I ever met.
>I met myself
>I had discussion with myself
>I had intercourse with myself
>I want to fuck myself
>I am an atheist
>Atheists want to fuck themselves

>> No.3232886

>The point wasnt that god exist. Its that its a more philosophically sound argument.

the point is that this statement is completely meaningless.

>> No.3232887

>In what manner do you find it self contradicting.

>> No.3232888



I dont know whether or not god exists so im an atheist?

Most people would call me a agnostic theist.

Unless you wanted to convert me or something.

>> No.3232889

I take it you just jumped in and missed how we were discussing why people believe in god versus those who dont.

>> No.3232890

Well that's considerably LESS skeptical than an atheist so my point stands.

>> No.3232895
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> 1m+ deaths each
> atheists
> bros to the end

>> No.3232902

>doesnt have an argument.
yfw just rectally wrecked.

>> No.3232905

I'm perfectly aware of why people believe in god. . your point?

>> No.3232909

Idiot number 1
And idiot number 2

Read the reply that was given..

If you're gonna help defend us, then at least show some common sense and look for a reply to the post before making yourselves look like jack asses..

Also, atheist scum.

>> No.3232911

in base 12, 18 = 20 in decimal and 3 in base 12 = 3 in decimal so in base 12, 18/3 = 6 and 2/3 in decimal.

But you're playing a trick with the numerals, not the actual values. You cannot divide the equivelant of 18 base 10 in any base by the equivalent of 3 base 10 and get 9 base 10.

The only differences between the bases is the numeral system, which is nothing more than a format for representing quantities.

>> No.3232914

So you believe in god simply because you've pigeonholed all atheists and because agnostic atheism is too mainstream. That's nice.,

>> No.3232916

Great, but it posted it for the person who said he doesnt.

>> No.3232919

>couldn't refute language
you got pwned son.

>> No.3232920

i believe in god because i figure he would want me to believe in him, maybe not though..

and why not?

i dont want to make my creator mad.
not losing anything.

>> No.3232926

your more 'philosophically sound' argument doesn't mean anything to someone who doesn't believe. it's just a platitude for those who don't want to let go of their belief.

>> No.3232927

Stalin's responsibility is questionable depending on your position. Most of that total is from the Holodomor, which some say was a genocide and others say it was just the grain shortage while the Soviet Union was industrializing. Either way, it was far fewer than that. The numbers fluctuate depending on who you ask. Plus, while socialism does support state atheism, not all socialist nations actually enforced it.

The Spanish Inquisition is hard to use as an example; like with the Holodomor, numbers vary.

Hitler's holocaust was in the name of Christ. There were far theists that committed genocide and murder over religion (see: Bosnian War).

0/10, I hope you're a troll.

>> No.3232934

>implying it was due entire to a lack of a belief and not political ideology

none of these people killed in the name of atheism. They killed in the name of politics.

The real problem is not religion specifically. Its dogmatic belief in something.

>> No.3232938

>Mao: 100,000,000+ killed
>Stalin: 20,000,000+ killed
>Pol Pot: 2,000,000 killed
>Ho Chi Minh: 1,000,000 killed
>Castro, Che, Ortega, etc: 1,000,000 killed
None of those killed that many people by themselves. They had soldiers or people working for them do it, and I'm gonna need a [citation] that every single one of those who pulled the triggers were atheists.

>> No.3232941

So you belief in a vague creator that you can't say anything about, not even whether or not belief is valuable or not. that's nice.

What if there is a god who punishes people who believe in him for no other reason than they have nothing to lose.?

>> No.3232942

>none of these people killed in the name of atheism.

Thats not the point.

The point is that atheists are scum. They kill people.
They just dont understand the significance and at the drop of a hat will start a mass genocide to get their own way.

>> No.3232943

why would god care if you believed in him or not ?

>> No.3232953

>atheists are scum
Nice generalization there.
If you, in fact, believe that theists do not kill people, you should go do some research on Hitler, Osama bin Laden, etc.

>> No.3232956

>Let go of philosophy
I dont think you understand how logic works.
I believe my argument is more logical. Why would i let it go for a logically inferior one. From my perspective you just choose not to take the more logical route. Why would anything you say mean anything to me.

>> No.3232962

>Atheists are the SINGLE laziest and non-thinking view. They get put on this earth and because the earth is right in front of them they believe everything it throws at them.

that is the most anti intellectual horseshit i have ever had the unfortunate chance of witnessing; i am surmising that you feel that because athiests take an informed view, educated by the tests and trials of others, that you are supposing that athiests don't think for themselves. you... idiot. we would have to think even before we reach out for others opinions, because we are taking a contrary stance to the common opinion, and afterwards we would have to think a whole lot more to ponder if any of the information received is in any way useful or makes sense -it would be INFORMED thinking. i think you're just a troll, but on the off chance that you're serious (i know you're not serious; you're far too creative and persistent here to be so lazy thinking) you are displaying an intellectual abandon that is... you know what, fuck you. you're not worth it. we have curious minds. we yearn to learn and to think. all good knowledge is progressive. you are utter trash. you are the filth and the scum that accumulates at the bottom of my toilet. you are too dumb and too much of an ass to deserve to bother us.

you guys... please ignore this troll. he's been told before, he'll get told again and it doesn't matter. a person this dumb is incapable of higher learning. you'll just be shouting into the wind.

this and the following post will be my final posts in such a thread -and the very last time i even read one of these motherfuckers.

>> No.3232963

>What if there is a god who punishes people who believe in him for no other reason than they have nothing to lose.?

Ive thought about that before.
Its a good question.
I just try not piss him off.
If he doesn't want me to believe in him, then I dont believe in him. Whatever he wants.

Default is whatever... I see the christian god and he wants people to believe... so why not.

But if he really doesn't want me to then fine. Ill stop.

>> No.3232965

I believe my argument is more logical. Why would i let it go for a logically inferior one. From my perspective you just choose not to take the more logical route. Why would anything you say mean anything to me.

>> No.3232966

>nothing is more valuable, precious, and reasonable than YOUR OWN beliefs and opinions

your own beliefs and opinions need to be INFORMED. your opinions don't fucking matter if they aren't EDUCATED, according to the demands of reality and logic -things which take a bit of time to process. what constitutes as knowledge is very specific; it's not just any random thing you can imagine. it has to fit with reality, as well as your needs and challenges, and for that it is often good to consult upon the work of others.

such information is a breeding ground for thought. it is not the end of thinking -unless you are an anti-intellectual moron who doesn't like to think- it is the beginning of higher thinking!

you're not fucking original! hell, even if you believe that the earth is only 6k years old (which is ludicrous; my culture is more than twice as old... am i god? are my people angels?) then that means that COUNTLESS people before you have thought about these questions before and deliberated to some conclusion -and rather than starting from square one, you can read their thoughts and see if they make sense.

what utter cunts.

>> No.3232967

what specifically about not believing in a god makes you less moral ? The fact that you do not believe morality is contingent on a divine authority ? There are plenty of good atheist out there, many who believe that morality transcends any sort of authority and that there is intrinsically good that is also inevitable absolute.

>> No.3232969

>anti intellectual horeshit
>forgot hyphen in anti
>forgot horseshit is not sentient

>> No.3232971

wth, you're answering the question as if you know god.

btw, you can't do that yet. it's cheating.

>> No.3232975

>Cannot refute argument
>Attacking his/her writing instead of refuting his/her point

>> No.3232976

Oh look, philosopher circle jerk

>> No.3232980

If you believe gravity doesn't exist, gravity does not exist.

It doesn't mean then that you don't fall, it just means there's ANOTHER force at work, Tim.

>Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind!

>> No.3232982
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> thinks being intellectual means knowing how to use grammar and spellings

>> No.3232983

But that's not true.

>> No.3232984

As long as you understand then we can argue logically. Which will never happen since one is irrefutable.
But i must ask. Why do you choose the other less philosophically sound argument?

>> No.3232985

that's literacy, you dumb fuck. Not pure intellect.

>> No.3232989


>>Thats not the point. The point is that atheists are scum. They kill people.

So do Christians. The Nazis were Christian. Not Hitler specifically, but nearly every rank and file Nazi. The regime positioned itself as Christian and used that to its advantage. Their first act upon attaining power was to ban atheism.

>> No.3232992

Correct writing is the basis of explained logic and reason. lrn2firstgradeenglish
Master Onion reference approves.

>> No.3232996

It seems like you were convinced by some form of pascal's wager.

Might I pose this question to you : What if you are wrong about Mohamed ? What if God wanted you to follow the teachings of Mohamed and the Koran ? What if you are wrong about The Hindu pantheon ? what if you are supposed to reach nirvana in this lifetime or reincarnate as a insect in the next ? What if we're all wrong about the norse pantheon, what if we can't enter valhalla unless we all die gloriously in battle ?

>> No.3232997

Because belief in a specific God isn't scientifically sound.

Belief in an ambiguous God is unnecessary and has no implications for anything.

>> No.3233002

What if you are a huge faggot? What if you cannot fap unless several huge horsedicks and anime pornos are shoved in your mouth?

>> No.3233004

By arguing and using logic you defeat your own point, since they don't exist in solipsism.

>> No.3233006

god damnit people. You all complain about the religion threads sucking so bad and always being on here, WHICH THEY ARE, yet you continue to comment and post on them. I get it, they make you rage, just don't respond!

>> No.3233007

In mein Kamf (kamph ?) Hitler expresses his roman Catholicism quite often.

>> No.3233010
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>> No.3233012

Where did you read Mein Kampf, Protestant school? *laugh track*

Hitler said HIMSELF that Catholicism, not Christianity in particular, was a "disease".

>> No.3233014

It is, but you still made no attempt to refute his/her point. As such, you just came off as an asshole with nothing to contribute to the conversation but snide remarks on literacy, which has no bearing in a religious conversation but to attack the opponent.

>> No.3233016

please answer the questions

>> No.3233018
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>> No.3233021

My answer to that is fine.

If Mohammed was right then I believe whatever he said.

Its hard for me to say any particular thing is correct but whatever is correct then I pick that.

Im on the fence about everything.
Theres no other possible way to live imo.
Atheists reject 1 particular idea(theism) for no reason.
I just think its stupid.

>> No.3233023

>since they don't exist in solipsism
I dont think you understand what logic is.

>> No.3233027

And just WHY are Nazis bad exactly?!

My great grandpappy died on the guard tower in the Holocaust and he was a Native American feminist Nazi of color!


>> No.3233029

I dont think you understand what logic is.

>> No.3233030


>> No.3233040

The atheistfags are back in their larval stage.


>> No.3233042

>Atheists reject 1 particular idea(theism) for no reason.

No they don't. Antitheists do.

>Im on the fence about everything.
yeah, you're an atheist.

>If Mohammed was right then I believe whatever he said.

Ah but then it would be too late.

>> No.3233044

>Because belief in a specific God isn't scientifically sound.
It could be tomorrow. The next day. Or four million years from now. Since is based on observations which is subject to flaws. In order for me to believe something truly it would have to be mathematical. 2+2 will equal 4 tomorrow.

>> No.3233046

Not the atheist here, but what if 2+2 someday equaled 5 due to some Hawking-esque faggot burning down allwe know about math?

>> No.3233047

YEah and if it ever does become scientifically sound I'll subscribe to it. Your point?

>> No.3233049

Oh, and i didnt even catch the specific God part.
What are you implying.

>> No.3233054

Atheist - the rejection of the existence of deities.

You are rejecting the idea of deities. That is one idea.
I do not do that.
I am on the fence. I do no reject deities.

Even if its too late. I believe in him(if hes correct), who said I cant do that? I just believe in whatever is right. I can do that... inb4 some stupid ass logic burden of proof bullshit. Nope, I can.

>> No.3233057

I'm allergic to sage and oregano.


>> No.3233059
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the old testament is a bunch of sand niggers trying to rationalize some events they could not. i personally believe those events were indeed divine, but probably not as flamboyant as the stories describe.

the new testament is basically a slightly more practical version of buddha trying to get everyone to stop killing and hating eachother, with a few miracles and morality tales thrown in.

it was never meant to be taken literally.

this is why catholicism >>>>>>>>>>> protestantism of any form

>> No.3233064

>Even if its too late. I believe in him(if hes correct), who said I cant do that? I just believe in whatever is right. I can do that... inb4 some stupid ass logic burden of proof bullshit. Nope, I can.

yeah ofc, we all hope we can do that. But this alone doesn't make belief in god now valid.



go and learn the difference.

>> No.3233065

What about the badass rational Orthodox bros who do all crazy shit while being cool about it?

>> No.3233073

No because im telling you right now that I believe in god.

But if the universe created itself then thats fine too.

You force me to join your religion when you say " you are just a weak atheist" or something like that.
I can believe in multiple things and I can also believe in god and not believe in god at the same time.

get on my level

>> No.3233074

Well even math is based on axioms. But 2+2=5 is still mathematical. So it doesnt change the argument.

>> No.3233077

Yes it does you idiot. 1 day to god equals 1,000 human years.

For gods sakes this idiot would fuck up a cup of coffee. You illiterate idiot.

>> No.3233080
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First you don't understand 'weak atheism'


>believe in god and not believe in god at the same time.

You can't do that. if you think you can, you don't understand 'belief'.

There is no religion of weak atheists.

You are new breed in agnostic that can't accept that agnosticism isn't in fact a 3rd position.

>> No.3233085

>You can't do that.

Tell me why.
I can believe in everything.
Whoever wants me to believe that is good and created the universe.

I can declare that and instantly , any god that exists should be pleased.

If there is no god to accept the belief then whatever. Nothing happens.

>> No.3233088


You make the assumption that atheist have no reasons for their atheism. I'll give you mine

Given the fallibility of human conciseness, no one person can ever truly trust their own memories and senses. Eyewitness testimonies and anecdotes are useless on their own. Thus the most logical position to take on any claim is to not believe it without adequate logical reason. Now even if such logical reasoning is not itself infallible it is far more useful and pragmatic than dogmatic thought and blind leaps of faith.

I am willing to believe in things that are reasonable and logically sound. I do not believe in things that are internally contradictory (for example, I do not believe in things that are both colored and invisible since both color and invisibility are mutually exclusive and contradictory). I find the concept of a god of christian tradition to be self contradictory.

>> No.3233092

to continue :

Traditionally, God is all-powerful, all-knowing and morally-perfect.

If god is all powerful, that means he cannot be over powered by anything, neither need nor desire. This contradicts the very Idea that he would create the universe. He has to have no needs to be all powerful so he could not have needed the universe to exist, he could not have wanted the universe to exist since he would have no desires, and if he had no choice but to create the universe then he had no power over resisting it

If god is all-knowing, then where is free will ? Supposedly we do have free will, which would imply that he could not know in advance what we would choose to do before we do it. And if he was all knowing, it would imply that HE doesn't have free will either, which contradicts his all-powerfulness.

If god is morally perfect, then that can imply two things, That there is no absolute morality as god could make any thing morally right, including contradictory things. Or if he can only do good things, it implies he does not have the free will to defy a morality that transcends him, contradicting his all-powerfullness

>> No.3233093

>I can believe in everything.

haha no you can't xD

You can be open to everything. You can be 'not against' everything. That's not belief.

>> No.3233095

>I am willing to believe in things that are reasonable and logically sound. I do not believe in things that are internally contradictory


>> No.3233100

I even believe in things that are proven to NOT exist.

Thats how intellectually far ahead I am than you and all atheists.

>> No.3233101
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Oh fuck. I just reached new levels of solipsism.
Thanks /sci/ - philosophy, math, and science

>> No.3233104

Aw you want the illusion of intellectual superiority. We all want that, sweety.

>> No.3233105

because things that are internally contradictory are not reasonably or logically sound.

>> No.3233107

>Thats how intellectually far ahead I am than you and all atheists.

Hipster detected

>> No.3233108

>because things that are internally contradictory are not reasonably or logically sound.

What makes them contradictory or not logically sound?

>> No.3233109


>I even believe in things that are proven to NOT exist.

You can't prove something to "not" exist.
That is a nullity, a Devil's Proof.

>> No.3233113

>You can't prove something to "not" exist.

Im telling you, that you can.
I dont care about wikipedia.
And when people do prove that something doesnt exist, I believe it does exist just because it doesnt.

>> No.3233117

No one's proved god not to exist.

You're position on the subject is different or special.

>Im telling you, that you can.

Oh, hold the fucking phone. master of the universe reporting.

>> No.3233119

Just to serve as a reminder.
religion is equal to that of a theory.
Take gravity. We all know exist. But theres different theories to explain how it works. People used to believe the earth is the center of the universe. Now we dont. Only an atheist would deny this.

>> No.3233120


No, you simply cannot. It is a flaw of logic we must take as an axiom, or be suspended by the string of solipsism.

There is no way to prove a negative fact. There's frankly no method to.

>> No.3233122

>I even believe in things that are proven to NOT exist.

>> No.3233125

ITT: people who claim there's and correlation between athiesm and intellectualism.

>> No.3233126

theories are falsifiable at least in principle. God is not. It's an important difference

>> No.3233127

>Oh, hold the fucking phone. master of the universe reporting.

Someone had to come up with this devils proof shit.
>No, you simply cannot. It is a flaw of logic

Flaw of whos logic?
It makes perfect sense to me.
You are under a mass appeal fallacy if you use somebody elses theory.

>> No.3233128

Your argument is pathetic.

>> No.3233129


But we KNOW it's not true and we KNOW gravity occurs.

Gravity is not a fucking theory, gravity is a fucking mechanic.
The concept that gravitic force of an object is in proportion to mass is a theory.

>> No.3233133



Because the Devil's Proof cannot be satisfied.

>Flaw of whos logic?

The concept of "logic".

>It makes perfect sense to me.

Explain to me how to prove the nonexistence of something. In this case, let's say Unicorns.
Prove to me Unicorns do NOT exist.

>You are under a mass appeal fallacy if you use somebody elses theory.

Nope. The method does not exist, it is not a matter of interpretation.

>> No.3233138

>Someone had to come up with this devils proof shit.

>I called it shit
>I don't agree with it.
>I don't believe in it

>that makes me right.

Your thinking is so childish

>> No.3233140

It's self-evident.

>> No.3233142

>Because the Devil's Proof cannot be satisfied.
Why does it need to be satisfied?

>The concept of "logic".
Who made this concept?
Why do you use it?

>Explain to me how to prove the nonexistence of something.
In my brain some things just dont exist and I prove it because I can sense that they dont exist, its just built into my logic.

>> No.3233145

Its seems you misunderstood. Theories are falsifiable in principle. Gravity is not falsifiable. The way we perceive the effect is. God is not falsifiable. But a religion is.

>> No.3233149

Oh Gawd, people on this board just love to argue with obvious trolls out of stupidity or to troll to troll. In reality only thing that happens is that /sci/ gets spammed with threads like these. Hell, someone's probably going to try to argue with me now.

>> No.3233151


>Why does it need to be satisfied?

Otherwise, you can't prove the nonexistence!

>Who made this concept?

Nobody in particular. Let's say I made it myself.

>Why do you use it?

Cogito ergo sum.

>In my brain some things just dont exist and I prove it because I can sense that they dont exist, its just built into my logic.

You have fallen into the void of solipsism.

Good night, sir. To you, I do not exist.


>> No.3233153

So from this you conclude that......?

>> No.3233155

mentioning proof and solipsism in the same post. I dont think you understand what you are saying.

>> No.3233159


I meant suspended ABOVE solipsism, actually. Not by. That came out wrong. Forgive me.

>> No.3233160

I don't think you understood the post

fucking reading comprehension. did you guys get taught it?!

>> No.3233161


something that is internally contradictory is a thing that is defined as having properties that are contradictory and mutually exclusive (both properties cannot be true at the same time). Like I said in my example, color and invisibilities are mutually exclusive because color implies visibility with is contradictory to invisibility. In fact any property that implies a property that contradicts another property is itself contradictory of the other property. invisibility contradicts visibility. Nothing can exist if it is internally contradictory.

as I said in my later post,
the traditional definition of god is full of properties that are internally contradictory.

>> No.3233162

>Otherwise, you can't prove the nonexistence!
Why does devils proof being satisfied, declare nonexistence?

>Cogito ergo sum
Why do you use that?

Im not solipsistic. I just dont know whether you exist or not, im not sure whether anything exists even myself. I dont even know if we are allowed to define existence either. Or if it is even a real medium for declaration.

>> No.3233165

>Gravity is not falsifiable.
Of course gravity is falsifiable.
No attraction proportional to their mass between physical bodies = No gravity.

>> No.3233167

if your answer to everything is 'I don't know' then there is no conversing with you.

>> No.3233168

Disproving a religion does not disprove god.
Youre going to have to work with me otherwise its a semantic debate. Gravity as we use it describes an effect we observe. Whether you disprove forces or not. The effect we observe is still there.

>> No.3233169

Nope. I beat you in an argument.
Keep going, answer my questions or take defeat.

Atheists lose. Every single time.
They suck. The most ignorant people on earth etc.

>> No.3233172


>Why does devils proof being satisfied, declare nonexistence?

Because satisfying a Devil's Proof leaves no room for error in the entirety of all existence, you basically need the word of an omniscient entity as well as absolute proof that the entity is not lying.
Once you satisfy the Devil's Proof (an impossible task), you have "proven" it in every infinite sense.

>Why do you use that?

Because I think, I use logic.

>Im not solipsistic. I just dont know whether you exist or not, im not sure whether anything exists even myself. I dont even know if we are allowed to define existence either. Or if it is even a real medium for declaration.

Well I already said "cogito ergo sum", so unless you think you're not thinking, I'm pretty sure you can accept your own existence.

Doubting everything else is the very definition of solipsism.

>> No.3233179


>> No.3233181

haha you sound just like a creationist. You sound like a child.

>Disproving a religion does not disprove god.

Ofc, god is unfalsifiable. please go on

>> No.3233184
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>Use cogito ergo sum.
>Not sure if you exist
Also, someone just finished successfully arguing that point. Read the thread next time.

>> No.3233178

a theory is an explanation for evidence that is supported through continued testing, that is hypothetically falsifiable. A religion is a set of dogma and doctrines that are believed to have been revealed by a supernatural or divine means.

>> No.3233185

>Youre going to have to work with me otherwise its a semantic debate. Gravity as we use it describes an effect we observe. Whether you disprove forces or not. The effect we observe is still there.
Yes, but if the effect weren't there, it would falsify it.

>> No.3233186

>I use logic.

>Once you satisfy the Devil's Proof (an impossible task), you have "proven" it in every infinite sense.


>so unless you think you're not thinking, I'm pretty sure you can accept your own existence.

No. Im thinking but I still might not exist.
You are stuck in a 1 dimensional mindset like all the atheists.

>> No.3233188

This is obviously a troll post. In any case, I'll just say this: an atheistic world would be a much more peaceful world.

Children are indoctrinated into religions, then grow up and indoctrinate their own children. If you were an adult reading the Bible for the first time, wouldn't it just sound like a faerie tale?

I mean, how ridiculous is it? How gullible must one be? Is everyone really that afraid of dying? Do people really even take the Bible's morals to heart? Look at the history of the christian churches, have they always been ethical? Are they all now?

The Bible is an appealing story for the down-trodden. It gave people hope when the only gods they knew were distant, cold, and unreal - when they were penniless and sick. If there were a God - a moral, all-knowing, all-seeing God: bad things would not happen to good people, and good things wouldn't happen to bad people; there would be no wars or disasters. If God is perfect, then anything he creates must likewise be so. Since we are supposedly not... well, God can't be perfect.

>> No.3233194



Because I think.


Because that is the requirement of a Devil's Proof.

>No. Im thinking but I still might not exist.

If you are thinking, but do not exist, how is this thinking occurring?

>You are stuck in a 1 dimensional mindset like all the atheists.

You have just poked me in the side and asked "why" like a child. You have never countered a single statement of mine. You say I have a one-track mind?

>> No.3233196

>If there were a God - a moral, all-knowing, all-seeing God: bad things would not happen to good people, and good things wouldn't happen to bad people; there would be no wars or disasters.

Because you can contemplate the billions and billions and infinite reasons why god might want us to have free will

>> No.3233199

Why not?
Why not?

>> No.3233202

>Because I think.

You think... So you use devils proof
What about dogs? They think but they dont use devils proof.

>If you are thinking, but do not exist, how is this thinking occurring?

It might not even be happening.
I could exist or could not exist. I dont even know if existence is possible. Or if possibility is even possible etc etc

>> No.3233204

>Disproving a religion does not disprove god.

your point ?

If a man cam up to me and claimed that he was abducted by purple fairy people on the side of a highway and that they left no evidence or indication that it happened, I could not disprove his claim, because absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But why should I believe his claim ?

>> No.3233208

>Why not?
Thats my point.
Every theory you ever say is why and why not at the end of the day.



>> No.3233211


>You think... So you use devils proof


>What about dogs? They think but they dont use devils proof.

Prove they think.

And don't you fucking dare throw a devil's proof at me and tell me to prove they do not think.

>It might not even be happening.
>I could exist or could not exist. I dont even know if existence is possible. Or if possibility is even possible etc etc

Well, then you're just pissing over the semantics of what "existence" classifies.

>> No.3233214

>It might not even be happening.
>I could exist or could not exist. I dont even know if existence is possible. Or if possibility is even possible etc etc
What are you talking about?
If you are thinking it IS happening and you do exist, deal with it.

>> No.3233215

>You say this means the Bible is purely metaphor. I say it means the Bible is largely mythical
the purpose of myth is to serve as metaphor, so that specific, lengthy details can be well remembered in a nonliterate society. all of the ancient cultures did this -even the ones that could write. it's called optical learning -and the more absurd and colorful the depictions are, the easier they are to remember.

an unfortunate thing happens when tired parents fail to tell their children the true meaning of such tales ... the children grow up believing in utter bullshit ... of course, they recognize such beliefs are inherently illogical, but they would rather follow suit and attack others rather than accept that their father is lying, or challenge their father, or know that they have been living a lie... especially in the middle east, where the prevailing culture is all about asserting and defending manhood; you call my father a liar and even if HE IS a liar, i will cave your face in... and of course, sometimes the father isn't 'lying' so much as he just can't remember the truth; festivals, celebrations, customs and stories get passed on as purely mythical entities divided from truth and meaning.

many biblical scholars know this. much of the bible's teachings are derived by questioning and anthropological study; it is 'wisdom,' which is knowledge abstractified. there are even entire judeo-christian sects that practice their faith by questioning the words in the bible and the righteousness of god. they are not atheists and they are certainly more devout than someone who hasn't even read the article of their faith to completion.

>> No.3233216

Well its kind of the point of OP's post.
No it wouldnt. Because the effect was there. The phenomenon we described as gravity did exist. You can apply the same to god.

>> No.3233217

>Every theory you ever say is why and why not at the end of the day.

>> No.3233219

yes very nice. your answer to everything is ' i don't know'. By the way, uncertainty principle - Heisenberg got there before you (yes that comment was facetious).

there is no room in a any debate for you if you are agnostic about everything.

>> No.3233220


>> No.3233221

> reasons why god might want us to have free will
not if they include the existence of evil

>> No.3233225

god = natural law = physics. god specifically states that mortal man cannot judge the sins of other men; therefore, sin is something that is 'self correcting' according to god -eat the spoiled asshole of a pig and you'll die of dysentry. suck the turds off of your male partner's cock and you'll get cholera and intestinal parasites -and when you die from your decadent gay sex, you won't be remembered fondly, if at all; hence, you won't get to 'live forever in heaven.' sin refers to a reaction of god, which is just physics. god is the unpredictability and intractability of the universe ... when it comes to your fellow man, god tells you to forgive and to love.

oh would you look at that, conservative religious fags got told; christ was the ultimate hippy -also, scientists are the ultimate believers of god; they are the most conservative, the most correct and the most devout; they devote their lives to understanding Him. any reading of the bible that does not take real life into account is borne out of fantasy and is BLASPHEMY.

>> No.3233226

so your are saying you don't know or that you can't ?

so why bother putting a god in there at all ? Why not just say "I don't Know" when someone ask "why does shit happen ?"

>> No.3233228
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Time to finish this thread full of pseudo intellectuals and retards

>> No.3233229

>You think... So you use devils proof

That makes no sense.
Why dont you NOT use devils proof because you think?

I also dont know if dogs think and I dont know what thinking categorizes as.

Anyways, you are defaulting to use logic. It makes no sense. Why should you use all these proofs of logic bullshit?
Why should you default them?

Because you are a human and thats what you choose just due to laziness and its right in front of you.

>> No.3233230

Existence of evil is proof of free will. Im just jumping in but i dont understand your point.

>> No.3233231



>> No.3233235
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>> No.3233238

>No it wouldnt. Because the effect was there.
But I said IF it WASN'T there you retard.
Do you not know what falsifiability means?

>The phenomenon we described as gravity did exist.
Yes, which makes it a fact, but still falsifiable in theory.
>You can apply the same to god.
Except god is not a fact, and apparently the world can work with or without god, which makes it unfalsifiable.

>> No.3233239
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>> No.3233241

>Why not just say "I don't Know"





>> No.3233242


>> No.3233243

Why do you believe in Christianity? I mean - really. Why? Not, "because I have faith." Why do you even have faith? I'm curious because I just don't get it.

>> No.3233237

>Because you can contemplate the billions and billions and infinite reasons why god might want us to have free will

Contemplating what god might/might not think is pure nonsense; it's merely projection. Also, an omniscient god -- which tends to be one of the characteristics -- allows no free will; not even for itself.

>> No.3233251
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>> No.3233248
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>> No.3233250

>Anyways, you are defaulting to use logic. It makes no sense. Why should you use all these proofs of logic bullshit?
>Why should you default them?
Same reason you are using them right now in trying to argue your point.

>> No.3233254


>> No.3233255

>Existence of evil is proof of free will.
no it is proof that a benevolent god does not exist

>> No.3233256


hold on a sec while i role on the floor laughing

>> No.3233260

if god = physics, why bother calling it god at all ?

when you call it god you bring with a lot of unnecessary cultural baggage

>> No.3233262


>That makes no sense.
>Why dont you NOT use devils proof because you think?

Hm? There's no reason not to.
It's simply a byproduct of logic, which is a byproduct of thought. We have come to this conclusion together.

>I also dont know if dogs think and I dont know what thinking categorizes as.

So why bring it up? You have no evidence they think, so why ask if they do not use the concept of a devil's proof? Maybe dogs accept the concept that things can't be disproved.

>Anyways, you are defaulting to use logic. It makes no sense. Why should you use all these proofs of logic bullshit?
>Why should you default them?

Because I think.

>Because you are a human and thats what you choose just due to laziness and its right in front of you.


YOU are using the Devil's Proof to doubt everything you can: Solipsism. (No matter what you say, you cannot doubt your own existence: you think, therefore, you are. Unless you're not thinking, and if you aren't, SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCKING FUCK UP.)

Using the Devil's Proof to prove your point is a logical fallacy.


>> No.3233266


>> No.3233261

>Same reason you are using them right now in trying to argue your point.

We are talking about god etc.
We arent going into the logistics of why I use the english language and the reason why I step this low in order to inform peasants.

>> No.3233267
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Pic related

>> No.3233275

>The phenomenon we described as gravity did exist.
Yes, which makes it a fact, but still falsifiable in theory.
>You can apply the same to god.
Except god is not a fact, and apparently the world can work with or without god, which makes it unfalsifiable.

Wait are you trying to say the world could work if god never existed. Because thats a different argument from what im making.

>> No.3233278

>We are talking about god etc.
>We arent going into the logistics of why I use the english language and the reason why I step this low in order to inform peasants.
No, we (or you) are talking about "why use logic".
But you don't seem to realize that by just asking that question, you already are using logic.

>> No.3233283

>Because I think.

You use logic... Because you think.

Makes no sense to me.
"Thinking" can include an infinite number of logic sets. You use boolean logic for existence. I dont.
Evolution made us so thats what makes the most sense. Its pointless to use when you are discussing god.

>> No.3233284

What... Tell me. Does cold exist.
Allowing the existence of evil is what a benevolent god would do.

>> No.3233281

I don't do this to directly change the minds of who Im arguing at specifically

>> No.3233282

to bring the morons back into the fold of rational, thinking people, of course. it only gets easier when they don't even know their own religious texts.

>> No.3233292

Why the blue panties? That's not the way you eat a hash brownie. Anyway I don't see why you are trying to pass it that way when you can just write to your mother.

>> No.3233296


I use logic because I think.
It doesn't matter what kind of logic.

In all forms of logic, "proof" exists. Where proof exists, there is a burden of proof. Where there is, there is reversing the burden to create a Devil's Proof.

Trying to use the Devil's Proof to prove ANYTHING is first-rate stupidity.

>> No.3233301

>Wait are you trying to say the world could work if god never existed. Because thats a different argument from what im making.
No, all I've been saying is that gravity and god or not the same thing (philosophically or scientifically).
I got the impression you wanted to somehow equating gravity or the theory of gravity with god.