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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3231768 No.3231768 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3231769
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so tell me /sci/

do you think we will be the first generation to experience ageing reversal/immortality ?

if yes
>feels good man, we will be the oldest humans alive in the society and will have all the time to reach our goals

if no
>you were born one generation (out of millions) too soon to explore the galaxy, feels bad man

>> No.3231785
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>> No.3231788

An interesting notion, fellow, but seeing limits of our planet, such a process would likely be applied only on select few. Realistically, only the richest of the rich. There's, so to speak, quite enough people and more are on the way.

>> No.3231803

hopefully, prices will go down
if it doesnt, people will riot

>> No.3231859


>> No.3231869

In typical human fashion, we'll just do it at first and hope we think of a way to deal with the consequences later. As I'll likely be part of this first wave, I couldn't care less.

>> No.3231874
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People... don't necessarily need to know

>> No.3231882

Larry Nivin: "A World out of Time"
Explores the idea well.
the possible methods and the social effects.
Basically, it changes everything. Humanity is a whole different critter.

>> No.3231914

The reason we may see it is technology and medical advances are happening at an exponential rate; the average life expectancy is 70ish mostly, right? But that's including people born ~1940ish. For people born today (<30), with modern medical advances being available their entire life, their life span may be higher -- and with increasing medical technology that's only increasing as the years go on. By the time this generation reaches about 80 (~2070), medical advances, ignoring possible world-wide disaster, may be enough that our life spans will easily be in the 130s -- it's not an entirely crazy prospect. Due to exponential increase, people that survive to this level may very well see even further advances that allow them to live longer, or protect their mind with technological backups to computers/androids.

It's certainly possible that we'll reach a way to stop the aging process and even reverse it, and I would strongly recommend moving away from areas that may cause a problem in reaching that goal.

Focus on staying relatively healthy and moderate; move to an area where global warming is less likely to destroy you -- for example, Northern countries will be an excellent place to live if the equator area is destroyed by drought and famine from global warming, and much more moderate.

>> No.3232015


global warming cannot kill a man...
its a long process involving many generations
you are not gonna drown because of the rising of the sea level, you'll just have to move to another place

the problems are political and health related

your country's policy may not allow such a treatment for ethical reasons
i live in France and im pretty sure some shitty politicians will try to ban that for some reason

and obviously the longer you live, the more your chances to experience ageing reversal are
so, as you said, be careful about where you live (pollution, crimes, ...) and how you live (sports, food, ...)

>> No.3232030
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who wants to live forever, anyway?

>> No.3232039

>implying i don't