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3226797 No.3226797 [Reply] [Original]

Does consciousness exist?

>> No.3226804

Define "consciousness". For all sane and falsifiable definitions, the answer is yes.

>> No.3226814


Do you, as an entity, exist? Or is your consciousness just a by-product of the functioning of the brain?

>> No.3226828

you dont need an "or" in there.

>> No.3226837

How are those two choices mutually exclusive?

>> No.3226853

if you care about ancient eastern philosophy even a rock has conciousness, since it can transmit energy (in the form of heat), metal can in the form of electricity, quartz in a more ethereal form.
Then a plant can sense much more... moisture, sun, it's entire enviroment, they even like when you talk to them...
And all the way up to humans, which is the final stage since you have self-conciousness. Animals don't have it, they have a developed conciousness but they don't think of themselves...
And I just don't think conciousness is a by-product of matter interactions, but the other way around. That's MY opinion though.

>> No.3226858

'cause that would mean conciousness is just an illusion, matter working with itself..

>> No.3226863

Everything exists, honey, but we are living on the limit, on the edge, on an endless fractal of an universe, not the flat and solid universe that our instincts first tell us.

You are not in control of yourself, everything that you are is predicted by your DNA and by the things surrounding you. Once we thought the Earth was the center of the universe, but it was going around the sun, which was far far away from us. Once we thought humans were the pinacle of nature, but we realized how evolution works. Once we thought consciousness were the most of us, but psychology already showed us that is not the case.

Your body is made of tiny atomic balls, that are not balls at all and that are made of smaller and smaller parts. Waves and particles, that are not waves, that are not particles, flowing around in... nothing at all. You are mostly nothing, just like in a cellular level, you are mostly water. H20, it's that simple.

We are slaves of the speed of light, we are slaves of the uncertain, we are just translating things to our terms, to human levels. We make up gods and demons, we think of stuff comparing it to things we know, we believe that light is instant and that matter is solid because we are made to believe this.

Consciousness is nothing but the tip of the iceberg, the thing in the corner of our mind, that if we zoom in close enough, it will show to be made of a whole universe of nothing and it will be there at the corner once again.

And how could it be otherwise when your time here alive is nothing but a tiny dust particle comparing to the unconceivable eternity of death?

>> No.3226904

so if something doesn't have any aspect above matter, its an illusion? why don't you explain what you believe first so that we can correct you and then carry on with the conversation.

>> No.3226905

Your conception of "consciousness" is an illusion. That doesn't make what it is any less real, or less subjectively important.

>> No.3226973

im not op you should talk to him
But what I mean is, matter is the source of conciousness? Then the concious entity would be subject to it's material body and it'd die with it.
I don't get that. Call me superstitious if you may, but I just don't get that
I am aware conciousness in the matter plane needs a machine so to say, to function, that's be the brain.
But then life is no more than matter...